Chapter 411

"Aren't you going to ask me where the mechanism and formation are?" Qi Feng couldn't help asking.

Xu Miao looked at Qi Feng mockingly, and said mockingly: "You are stupid, I am not stupid, will you tell me the location kindly? If I follow the location you told me, I am afraid that I will die without knowing how to die."

It's not that Xu Miao has never thought about soul searching, but Xu Miao dare not bet on how much spiritual power Qi Feng's avatar has.If Qi Feng seized the opportunity to eat back his spiritual consciousness, then he would have no place to regret it.

Now that the situation is not at an end, Xu Miao can use her own means and methods to find out and crack the formation mechanism one by one.

Xu Miao studied bit by bit, cracked bit by bit, he was not in a hurry, he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.In terms of formation, he has patience that ordinary people can't match.

Even Qi Feng watched in disbelief as Xu Miao advanced steadily, breaking the formation step by step.In the previous fight with Xu Miao, Qi Feng was sure that Xu Miao was a sword repairman.

But seeing how Xu Miao cracked the formation now, he is obviously a formation mage who is well versed in the way of formation.Qi Feng couldn't figure it out, could it be that Xu Miao's is not a sword repairer, but a formation master?
It shouldn't be, Qi Feng immediately denied his idea.To be able to display such a terrifying sword intent while being seriously injured, this person's comprehension of the way of the sword has already surpassed that of ordinary monks.

After ruling out all the possibilities, there is only one possibility left - that Xu Miao is not only a sword repairer, but also a formation master.

Qi Feng was shocked by the point of view he came up with, but he had to admit that if Xu Miao, a monk, was born in ancient times, he would definitely be able to surpass him.

If Qi Feng knew that Xu Miao was not only good at swordsmanship and formation, but also good at alchemy and talisman, he would be even more surprised.While Qi Feng admired Xu Miao secretly, Xu Miao also admired Qi Feng's strength.

From Qi Feng's few words, Xu Miao could also guess that Qi Feng was not an array mage.But Qi Feng's attainments in formations have far surpassed that of ordinary formation masters.

Although it has something to do with Qi Feng staying here for a million years, it is also inseparable from Qi Feng's talent in formation.The various avenues of cultivation have extremely strict requirements on the talents of monks.

If there is no full talent, even if it takes tens of millions of years, it will not be possible to reach this level.Xu Miao mirrored Qi Feng's magic circle, cracking it while enriching her own knowledge of the magic circle.

Even after Xu Miao successfully cracked a formation, she began to change the formation and tried more formation arrangements.This is an exchange of formation knowledge that spans time and space, and it came about when neither party was willing.

When the last formation appeared in front of Xu Miao, Xu Miao let out a long breath.He could already see where Qi Feng's soul was. Qi Feng's soul had his eyes closed, and he looked like he was meditating.

Xu Miao guessed that Qi Feng should have done it on purpose.Once the power of the soul leaves the body, it will gradually weaken with the passage of time.Qi Feng used a special method to retain as much soul power as possible.

Qi Feng's soul will not easily change from this state unless there is a formula for the avatar.Xu Miao refocused on the formation, which was the closest to Qi Feng's soul, and the most difficult and complex.

Xu Miao felt an unprecedented challenge. He closed his eyes and devoted himself to cracking the formation. Since Qi Feng was cast with a silencing spell by Xu Miao, he could only watch Xu Miao crack it.

Although Xu Miao cracked the formation before, the speed of the mechanism was not fast, but every step was very stable and would not cause danger.But the last formation is not so easy to break.

There was a sly look in Qi Feng's eyes, and a barely visible arc was raised at the corner of his mouth.This formation, he firmly believed, could kill Xu Miao under the formation.

Xu Miao cracked it step by step, and the progress was slow, but at least it was safe.However, a sudden change occurred, and the originally calm formation suddenly revealed a strong killing intent.

Countless attacks fell on Xu Miao, and Fu Yu's armor instantly appeared in front of Xu Miao, resisting these sharp attacks.But these attacks were carefully designed and produced by Qi Feng, so no Fu Yu's armor could resist them.

The moment Fu Yu's helmet appeared, it was hit by countless attacks, creating cracks, and the next moment Fu Yu's helmet would shatter in the air.

At this time, Xu Miao was extremely calm. She pushed her free left hand to the ground, and her body retreated flexibly.Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao also rushed to Xu Miao's side, and each used their own methods to block the attack for Xu Miao.

Qi Feng's formation is a killing formation among killing formations.It looks like it can be cracked, but in fact it can't be cracked at all.This formation is a must-kill formation, and the only way to break it is to kill the souls in the formation to walk out on their own.

Otherwise, no matter who, no matter what method is used to crack the formation, they will activate the killing formation and kill those who break the formation, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

Qi Feng is now in a very comfortable mood. He has been suppressed by Xu Miao before, and he is finally able to fight back.There was also a smile on his face, the attack power of this killing formation could not be resisted by an incarnate monk.

In just the effort of breathing, Huo Yan Lingyao already had many scars on his body.Qingjiao's body is even more serious, his strength is not as good as that of the Huoyan Spirit Demon, and he can't resist the frequent attacks of the killing array.

Xu Miao's eyes were fixed, she took Qi Feng over, stood in front of him, and said sharply: "Retreat!" Qing Jiao and Huo Yan Lingyao protected Xu Miao, blocking and retreating.

But once this killing formation is activated, the attack range of the formation will spread throughout the entire area, and no place can escape the attack range of the formation.Even though Qi Feng stood in front of him, he couldn't block all the attacks.

"You have a way to stop the formation, don't you! If you don't stop the formation, you will die under the attack of the formation!" Now Xu Miao can only threaten Qi Feng and force him to stop the formation legal attack.

However, Qi Feng just shook his head, closed his eyes, and the formation showed no signs of stopping.Huoyan Lingyao and Qing Jiao's injuries became more and more serious, almost reaching the point where they could not hold on.

Xu Miao simply sent the two back to the Huntian Stone, only saying that Qi Feng stood in front of her.The more critical the situation, the calmer Xu Miao became.He scanned all the nearby places calmly, his eyes lit up.

The attack range of the killing array is indeed very large, and all places are under the attack of the killing array.But there is another place that is not within the attack range of the formation, and that is the core position of the formation, where Qi Feng's soul is located.

Now that the attack of the formation has been triggered, then simply use the power of the formation to rush directly to the most central position.A look of determination flashed across Xu Miao's face, whether it was life or death, it was all in one fell swoop.

He grabbed Qi Feng and kept approaching the center of the formation.When Qi Feng saw that Xu Miao was advancing instead of retreating, he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that Xu Miao was going to enter the center of the formation.

A trace of worry flashed across Qi Feng's eyes, but he quickly lowered his eyes to cover up the worry.Although the look of worry appeared for a very short time, it couldn't escape Xu Miao's eyes.

From Qi Feng's emotions, Xu Miao can be sure that his method is feasible.Borrowing force to fight, using the attacking power of the formation, but breaking the defensive power of the formation.

Use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, no matter how indestructible the shield is, it will be broken under uninterrupted attacks.Xu Miao turned her back to Qi Feng's soul and faced outside the formation, using Qi Feng's avatar to resist part of the attack, and at the same time guide part of the attack into the formation.

Qi Feng never expected that Xu Miao would come up with such a way of breaking the boat at such a critical moment.Ordinary monks would only run away when they were attacked by such a fierce formation, unable to calm down and think of other ways.

However, Xu Miao was completely different from ordinary monks. He was able to find the solution that was most beneficial to him in a dangerous situation, and put it into action with the fastest speed.

What Xu Miao needs to do now is to persevere before the center of the formation is broken.Even with Qi Feng's avatar standing in front of him, Xu Miao still received quite a few attacks.

Every attack would directly penetrate his body, causing serious damage to his body.Xu Miao kept running her spiritual power to repair her injuries, but the attack speed of the array was too fast, and Xu Miao's repair speed was far slower than the injury speed.

Although Qi Feng had to admit Xu Miao's mind and courage, but in the face of absolute power, these were just a fearless struggle. He didn't think Xu Miao could survive such a fierce attack.

Blood dripped from the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, and her body was even drenched in blood.Due to the excessive loss of blood donation, Xu Miao was dizzy in front of her eyes.He shook his head vigorously, trying to dispel the dizziness.

If it weren't for the dragon power to protect the body, Xu Miao would have been seriously injured and died the first time he encountered the formation attack.Xu Miao has already heard the cracking sound of the formation behind him, as long as he persists for a while, he will be able to enter the center of the formation.

Xu Miao clenched her teeth tightly, and the Law Golden Dragon roared out.The way to resist the attack is different at each stage, Xu Miao will not show all the hole cards in the first time.

This is Xu Miao's wisdom, and it is also the experience Xu Miao gained in this cruel cultivation world.The law golden dragon circled Xu Miao's body continuously.

The laws of heaven and earth are unquestionable and cannot be challenged. As long as there are laws of heaven and earth, it is impossible for these attacks to completely kill Xu Miao.

Qi Feng's eyes widened suddenly, he didn't expect that Xu Miao still had the golden dragon of law in his body.According to his understanding of the monks of this era, the number of laws they can refine is very small, and even a complete golden dragon cannot be formed.

(End of this chapter)

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