Chapter 412
How could it be possible to produce such a huge and mighty golden dragon like Xu Miao.The golden dragon of law kept circling up and down around Xu Miao, resisting the attack outside, and Xu Miao finally had a chance to breathe.

Although Qi Feng was very surprised, he was very confident in the killing formation he set up. The golden dragon formed by the eighteen laws of heaven and earth cannot resist the attack of the killing formation.

Seeing Qi Feng's expression from the corner of his eye, Xu Miao knew what he was thinking.Qi Feng thought he couldn't make it through, so he didn't hide the expression on his face at all.

"Think I'm going to die? Qi Feng, you're so naive. I'm not completely sure, and I won't release the Law Golden Dragon." Xu Miao's voice faintly appeared next to Qi Feng's ear, causing Qi Feng's body to tremble.

Xu Miao snorted coldly, raised her right hand, and another Law Golden Dragon roared out.The two law golden dragons are flying around Xu Miao's body, protecting Xu Miao inside tightly.

how is this possible!Qi Feng's pupils shrank instantly, and he was extremely surprised. The 36 laws of heaven and earth, the cultivation base of Yuanying's early stage, even in ancient times, no monk can do this.

Qi Feng also tried to refine as many laws of heaven and earth as possible when he was conceiving a baby.But monks have a limited ability to bear the laws of heaven and earth, and monks in different periods have different tolerance limits.

At that time, Qi Feng's limit was 32.Even though he only has 32 Taos, Qi Feng has already been hailed by his master as an unworldly genius, a cultivation genius that is hard to come by in tens of thousands of years.

But Qi Feng looked at Xu Miao's law golden dragon again, there were a total of 36 points, four points more than his own law golden dragon.Don't underestimate these four paths, each of which is an insurmountable moat for monks.

He tried too many refinements, but as a result of his attempts, his body was almost burst by the law, collapsed and died.If it wasn't for the guarding master who took action in time, I'm afraid there would be no such person as Qi Feng.

Seeing Qi Feng's unbelievable expression, Xu Miao dismissed it and said, "You never thought of it, the 36 laws of heaven and earth, which transcended the boundaries of the times, directly crushed you!"

"I will crush you not only in the number of laws, but also in other aspects, so that you will never be able to surpass me!"

Facing a monk who was once a powerful monk during the tribulation period, Xu Miao did not have the slightest fear or timidity.In his eyes, Qi Feng is just a despicable monk who has lost his strength and can only rely on intrigue to survive.

Such a monk is not worthy of a direct confrontation with Xu Miao, nor will he be respected by Xu Miao.The golden light emitted by the two law golden dragons illuminated this place and dispelled the darkness here.

With a sound of "click", the center of the killing formation was finally attacked continuously by the formation, and an entrance was broken.Xu Miao left Qi Feng's avatar behind and entered the central position alone.

Qi Feng's soul still has its eyes closed, as long as it doesn't get the order from Qi Feng's avatar, this soul will not wake up.Even just a few steps closer, Xu Miao could feel the strong will emanating from Qi Feng's soul.

Without this will, Qi Feng's soul would not be able to persist until now.Facing the mighty soul of the Transcending Tribulation Period, Xu Miao started to worry.

He really wanted to search for Qi Feng's soul, but Qi Feng's soul realm was much higher than Xu Miao's. If he searched for his soul by force, neither Xu Miao nor Qi Feng would end well.

"Xiaotian, can you seal Qi Feng's soul and move it into the Huntian Stone? Qi Feng's soul must have hidden many secrets from the ancient times, including the secrets of the fairy world. It is important for me to know this secret. medium."

Xiaotian said without hesitation: "No problem, Qi Feng's soul can be directly moved into the Huntian Stone. You are the owner of the Huntian Stone, and any living beings that enter the Huntian Stone will be attached to your consciousness."

"No matter how powerful Qi Feng's soul used to be, as long as you don't agree, Qi Feng's soul cannot rebel early." After receiving Xiaotian's answer, Xu Miao decisively moved Qi Feng's soul into the Hunting Stone, waiting for the future His strength is strong, and then search for the soul.

Without Qi Feng's soul, the killing array's attack also stopped.Xu Miao walked in front of Qi Feng's avatar, and the aura formed by the law golden dragon overwhelmed Qi Feng's avatar.

Xu Miao raised her hand to release the restraint of the avatar, and then heard Qi Feng's desperate roar: "You can't take my soul away! Do you know what the consequences of doing this are! I must kill you!"

"Kill me? What qualifications do you have to kill me? With your powerless avatar? Or with your soul that has been sleeping?" Xu Miao said Qi Feng's suppression, and quickly changed the topic, "But , I am not unable to give you a chance to be resurrected."

Qi Feng tried his best and persisted for a million years just to be able to be resurrected. Now hearing Xu Miao's words, how can he not have hope: "How do you resurrect me?"

"It's very simple. First of all, I have to leave here. Secondly, I need all the exercises you know to help me practice. Finally, since you are ready to be resurrected, you must have left a lot of magic weapons, Lingshi, right?" .”

"Hand over these, as long as I ascend to the plane, I will help you find a suitable body, help you resurrect, and even help you find the mysterious person of the empress, and help you take revenge."

Xu Miao set out generous conditions and requirements one sentence after another: "Of course, you can also choose to refuse. For me, there is no loss. I will naturally find a way to leave here."

"When I successfully advance to the Transcending Tribulation Stage, I will directly search your soul. Compared with your soul power, do you think you can withstand it?"

After speaking, Xu Miao didn't continue, he waited for Qi Feng's decision.Qi Feng is a cultivator with great endurance. It can be seen from the fact that he can lay out such a big picture and endure for so many years.

If what Qi Feng meets here is not Xu Miao, but any one of Huo Yu, Xu Miao can be sure that the four of them will never escape from Qi Feng's killer moves every step of the way.

In the end, Qi Feng unknowingly replaced one of the monks and returned to the realm of comprehension.It's just that people are not as good as heaven, and Qi Feng met Xu Miao.

Qi Feng's calculations met Xu Miao's calculations, and Xu Miao missed a move. He was suppressed by Xu Miao, and there was no possibility of turning over. The magic weapon needs Lingshi.

"You are so scheming, how do I know if you really want to help me revive, if it's just to cheat me of my exercises, I have no room to resist." Qi Feng was silent for a long time, thought for a long time, and then slowly said.

When Xu Miao heard this, she knew that Qi Feng had hesitated. As long as Qi Feng had the slightest thought of agreeing, he would have a way to get Qi Feng to agree completely.

"You also know that there is no room for resistance. If you don't accept my conditions, you can only die! For your peace of mind, I can make an oath of heaven. This is my bottom line and my sincerity."

"As for other things, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, because you are too weak in my eyes." Being evaluated as weak by a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, Qi Feng only felt a bad breath in his chest, and he couldn't get up. No more.

He, Qi Feng, was a powerful monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period, and in the ancient times when genius monks came out in large numbers, few people could surpass him in strength.Now, Xu Miao has calculated that there is no room for bargaining.

"Okay, I promise you, I can give you exercises, magic weapons, and spirit stones, so I swear." Qi Feng finally chose to cooperate with Xu Miao. To be precise, it was not a choice, but only cooperation with Xu Miao .

Xu Miao swears according to his words, and a wonderful connection falls between Xu Miao and Qi Feng.Xu Miao waved Qi Feng into a small space in the Hunting Stone. This small space was only three feet square, very narrow.

According to Xu Miao's intention, Xiaotian specially developed this place to house Qi Feng.Without Xu Miao's permission, Qi Feng could only stay in the small space and could not leave, nor could he know what happened outside the small space.

After all, Qi Feng was an ancient monk. Seeing the space he was in, he deduced that Xu Miao was carrying a treasure.A magic weapon that can open up space according to the monk's will is definitely not an ordinary magic weapon.

"It seems that you still have a lot of good things?" Qi Feng teased.

Xu Miao ignored Qi Feng, but asked directly: "You can give me what you promised." Qi Feng clicked his tongue lightly, and told Xu Miao where the magic weapon was stored.

Following Qi Feng's guidance, Xu Miao walked towards the destination.Along the way, Qi Feng reminded Xu Miao of the location of the magic circle and organs in due course.Xu Miao also arrived at a stone room without encountering any obstacles.

Qi Feng was able to tell Xu Miao the magic circles and organs so enthusiastically, which meant that Qi Feng knew about these magic circles and the organs could not pose a threat to Xu Miao.Then the most likely threat to Xu Miao is this seemingly ordinary stone room.

According to Qi Feng's personality, he prefers to build the most dangerous killing array at the position closest to important things.Since Qi Feng is outside the soul, he has established a terrifying attacking formation, he will also establish the same formation here.

"There is a mechanism on the right, press that mechanism, and the box in front of you will open, and inside will be magic weapons and spirit stones." Following Qi Feng's words, Xu Miao moved her eyes up and noticed the mechanism.

The position on the upper right is not just one organ, there are a total of nine organs, arranged in the order of three vertical and three horizontal.The organ that Qi Feng mentioned to open the box is the organ on the far right in the second row.

Xu Miao didn't press the mechanism immediately as Qi Feng said.Qi Feng is a man with a treacherous mind. The mechanism he mentioned may be the mechanism to open the box, or it may be the mechanism to launch the attack.

(End of this chapter)

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