Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 413 Lessons

Chapter 413 Lessons
"Why don't you turn on the mechanism? Or are you afraid?" Qi Feng's voice was full of gloating.

Xu Miao said coldly: "Aggression is useless to me, don't waste your time." A casual sentence suppressed what Qi Feng wanted to say next.

These nine organs, as long as they find the right positions, they will definitely be able to open the organs.But once he finds the wrong one, what awaits Xu Miao will be an overwhelming attack.

Xu Miao backed away until she exited the stone chamber.Standing outside the stone room, he directed a burst of spiritual power at the rightmost mechanism in the second row.It's just that the spiritual power fell on the mechanism, and the mechanism didn't respond at all, and it wasn't moved at all.

Xu Miao suddenly remembered that none of the organs set up by Qi Feng would allow spiritual power to be used.Whether it was the strange wooden box before, or the organ in front of him.

But if the mechanism is broken by hand, if the mechanism goes wrong, Xu Miao doesn't think he can escape.Qi Feng's face didn't change, but his heart couldn't stop laughing—Xu Miao, I'll see what you do.

Xu Miao glanced at the mechanism, and took out nine ropes from the Hunting Stone.Since Qi Feng likes to design traps, he uses traps against traps.On the premise of not touching the organs, Xu Miao tied the ropes to the nine organs in turn.

Before Qi Feng could figure out what Xu Miao was thinking, Xu Miao had already left the stone room.He pulled one of the ropes in his hand, and the mechanism fixed by the rope was pulled down.

The rightmost mechanism in the second row was pulled, and arrows rained from all directions instantly shot towards the front of the mechanism, where the person was standing.Every arrow is covered with poison that sees blood and seals the throat, even monks cannot dissolve it.

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the rain of arrows finally stopped.Xu Miao's face sank like water, and Qi Feng's face was embarrassed.He also didn't expect that Xu Miao could come up with the idea of ​​using a rope instead of a hand to open the mechanism.

If Xu Miao pulls down the mechanism by herself, she will definitely not be able to escape the dense arrow rain attack.Xu Miao will only become a corpse, without the master's magic weapon, naturally he can no longer trap Qi Feng, and he will be free.

Without saying a word, Xu Miao directly removed Qi Feng's clone from the Hunting Stone, and beat Qi Feng severely.Xu Miao punched Qi Feng on the bridge of the nose, and then punched Qi Feng in the abdomen.

Without the slightest pause, Xu Miao landed a burst of old punches, directly hitting Qi Feng dizzyingly.Qi Feng didn't even have a chance to say begging for mercy, Xu Miao snapped Qi Feng's hands extremely quickly.

It wasn't until Qi Feng's whole body was twitching uncontrollably and his face showed pain that Xu Miao finally stopped.He looked down at Qi Feng from a high position, raised his foot to step on Qi Feng's face, and crushed him hard.

Qi Feng only felt a burst of humiliation and unwillingness that he had never felt before. He looked at Xu Miao angrily, and the anger in his eyes could almost spurt out.Seeing such eyes, Xu Miao continued to exert force on her feet: "Do you feel humiliated? Unwilling? Angry?"

"A cultivator in the Tribulation Stage who used to call the wind and call the rain, is being used by such a mortal method as a small Nascent Soul cultivator like me, does he just want to die?"

"I told you not to have bad thoughts. If I am attacked because of you, then I will transfer my anger to you, so that you can't live or die. "Xu Miao said while exerting force on her feet.

Qi Feng's face was deformed and swollen by Xu Miao's step on it.There was no emotion in Xu Miao's voice, and she continued to ask, "Now can you tell me what the correct organization looks like?"

Qi Feng, who had been taught by Xu Miao like this, dared to have other thoughts in his heart.People under the eaves have to bow their heads. Now that the situation is stronger than others, then he will bear it until he can suppress Xu Miao one day.

Xu Miao watched the change of Qi Feng's facial expression coldly, without expressing the slightest sign.He is very clear that Qi Feng's current thoughts are just temporary patience, and he will take revenge in the future.However, Qi Feng will never have the day of revenge.

"Press the first line and the second one first, and then press..." Qi Feng slowly said the correct way to open the mechanism under Xu Miao's gaze.According to what Qi Feng said, Xu Miao put down the traps one by one through the rope.

After a few sounds of gears turning, the three bronze boxes slowly opened.The box on the far left is full of spirit stones of higher quality than the best spirit stones. Xu Miao estimates that there are at least a few million pieces in it.

If Xu Miao guessed correctly, it should be something called a spar.The amount and quality of spiritual power stored in crystal stones are much higher than those of spirit stones. They are common currency in the upper plane, just like spirit stones in the lower plane.

According to the relevant records of spar, it is also divided into top grade, top grade, middle grade, and low grade.Xu Miao looked at the quality of these spars. Millions of years ago, they should all be top-quality spars.

But with the passage of time, the spiritual power stored in the spar gradually dissipated, and the grade of the spar couldn't match what it used to be, falling to the top grade.

Although it is only a few million high-grade crystals, it is probably not a small number in the upper plane, let alone the low-altitude lower plane with scarce cultivation resources.

The box in the middle is full of talismans, pills, array flags, and array disks. With the talismans in this box alone, Xu Miao can use these talismans to kill an incarnation monk.

In the box on the far right, several magic weapons are placed in a mess.Although there are not many in number, judging from the rank, there are Primordial Spiritual Treasures and Chaos Spiritual Treasures, which are all magic weapons used by Mahayana monks and monks who have crossed the catastrophe.

If the contents of these three boxes are put outside, countless monks will frantically snatch them, and it will definitely set off a bloodbath in the cultivation world.

Facing the three boxes so tempting, Xu Miao's eyes lit up, and she didn't rush to the boxes at all.With Qi Feng's personality, Xu Miao would not let Xu Miao take away the contents of the box so easily.

Xu Miao took out the stones that were equivalent to his weight from the Hunting Stones, and dropped stones on the way forward to check whether there were any organs left in front of him.

Even though Qi Feng hated Xu Miao to the bone, seeing Xu Miao's actions, he couldn't help but admire Xu Miao.Even if he saw the contents of the three boxes suddenly, he would just want to rush over and collect all the contents of the boxes.

But Xu Miao could endure the strong temptation of these things, and even took out a stone that weighed as much as him, and checked whether it was safe bit by bit.After one of the stones fell, the mechanism was activated again, and countless silver needles were shot out.

When Qi Feng saw the silver needle appearing, his heart skipped a beat.He didn't tell Xu Miao that there would be silver needles, which also meant that Xu Miao would probably beat him up again.

When Xu Miao beat people, he would not use the means of a monk, but the means of a mortal.However, it was this kind of method that made it hard for Qi Feng to accept the most. Whether it was physically or psychologically, it would make him feel that in Xu Miao's eyes, he was just a weak person.

"I'll give you a chance to tell me if there are any agencies. If you're right, I'll let you go this time. If you continue to hide it, we'll settle the two accounts together. You know my methods. .”

Xu Miao's voice was very calm, and others could not hear other emotions from it, but Qi Feng knew very well that if he kept hiding something, what was waiting for him would be Xu Miao's anger.Xu Miao's anger, he has experienced it once, it was too terrible.

No matter what, Qi Feng didn't want to experience it again.Without hesitation, Qi Feng explained all the traps like beans in a bamboo tube.In order to gain Xu Miao's trust, Qi Feng could only promise again and again.

Xu Miao squinted at Qi Feng, and started to activate the mechanism.After all the organs were activated, Xu Miao still didn't do it himself.He took out a puppet from the Hunting Stone, and this puppet was still obtained in the branch hall of Tiandingmen.

He controlled the puppet, walked towards the bronze box, and moved out the contents of the bronze box little by little.Xu Miao was not in a hurry at all, he took a little from the puppet, and he checked a little, and only after making sure there was no problem, he put it into the Hunting Stone.

After finishing things, it's time to discuss the exercises: "Write down all the exercises you have." Xu Miao said, and dropped a bunch of paper and pens in the small space where Qi Feng was.

The spiritual power and consciousness of Qi Feng's avatar were imprisoned by Xu Miao and could not be used.Xu Miao will not undo the restraint on Qi Feng because of the exercises.Pen and paper is the easiest way.

Xu Miao was not in a hurry at all, he sat at the door of the stone room, waiting for Qi Feng to write it down.Taking advantage of Qi Feng's current psychological defense line is almost collapsed, he needs to squeeze out more things.

When he goes out and needs to deal with other people, Qi Feng's thoughts may change again.At that time, he will need to spend time again to teach Qi Feng a lesson.

Under Xu Miao's gaze, Qi Feng continued to write all the exercises in his mind on paper.When the last stroke was finished, a month had passed.Xu Miao didn't look at the contents of these papers, but put them away directly.

Xu Miao didn't think that Qi Fengfeng told him all the correct exercises. When Qi Feng wrote down the exercises, Xu Miao had been observing Qi Feng's facial expressions.

Qi Feng is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for so many years. No matter what he is writing, his eyes and facial expressions have not changed at all, and Xu Miao has no chance to change his skills.

Therefore, Xu Miao had no choice but to find a way to verify the correctness of the exercises.Now he is still trapped in this place, it is not suitable for studying exercises, and he doesn't have so much time.

Having obtained what he wanted, the most important thing right now is to leave this place: "Qi Feng, you should be very clear about the way to leave this place, tell me."

"It's very simple, you can go as I say." This time, Xu Miao controlled the puppet and let the puppet walk in front, while he followed ten steps behind the puppet.If there is any problem with the road indicated by Qi Feng, he will be able to find it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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