Chapter 414
Maybe it was scared by Xu Miao, Qi Feng didn't make any more troubles, and the route gradually matched the route on the parchment.Qi Feng didn't know that Xu Miao got the parchment.

While walking, Xu Miao heard Huo Yu's voice.Turning a fork in the road, Xu Miao saw Huo Yu and the others.

"Xu Miao! I knew that you wouldn't die easily in this ghostly place!" Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at Huo Yu and the others. Everyone was scarred. The magic circle was miserable.

When Huo Yu saw Xu Miao, he immediately turned on the chatterbox mode, chattering a long series of words, which made Xu Miao's head full of black lines.The five people reunited and walked towards the lowest position.

With Qi Feng as the maker, there is no mechanism, the magic circle can affect the five people.Suddenly, there was a crazy vibration from the ground, and Xu Miao was immediately suspended in midair.

"Qi Feng, what happened?" Except for Qi Feng, no one knows the situation here better than him.When the abnormality appeared, Xu Miao directly asked Qi Feng.

"It seems that there is a problem with the underground hub." The underground hub was set up by Qi Feng when he built the entire cave.Whether it is organs, magic circles, various other buildings and structures, they can all be controlled through the underground hub.

The shock just now was a change in the underground hub.In addition to the five of them, there are fifteen monks, and Qi Feng's former Taoist companion - Jin Ting, these 16 people may be the ones who attacked the underground hub.

Qi Feng told Xu Miao that it was only someone who wanted to destroy the underground hub, and the resulting vibration was only the function of the underground hub's own defense mechanism.

Once the defense mechanism can't resist and the underground hub is completely destroyed, the entire cave will collapse.Even if Qi Feng is the owner of this place, he can't leave the collapsed cave.

The amplitude of the vibration was getting bigger and bigger, Xu Miao's expression became very heavy, and his footsteps quickly accelerated, and he must kill the person who did it before the underground hub was completely destroyed.

When Xu Miao arrived, what she saw was Jin Ting dealing with 15 other people.It was said that there were 15 people, but in fact, there were already six people who died under Jin Ting's hands.

Xu Miao saw Jin Ting standing next to the underground hub, and the arm condensed from the bones kept hitting the underground hub, trying to destroy the hub.

"The underground hub is also the key for us to leave this place. She must not let it be destroyed!" Xu Miao told everyone loudly. At the same time, he jumped up, grasped the fog-condensing sword tightly, and slashed at Jin Ting's arm that destroyed the hub.

Jin Ting noticed Xu Miao, and raised her arms to face the Wu Ning Jian, who collided with the bones and made an unusually harsh sound.Xu Miao mobilized all the spiritual energy in her body, pouring all of it into the Mist Sword, putting pressure on Jin Ting's arm.

"You want to stop me? Hahahaha! Don't think about it, I'm already this person, ghost and ghost, I can't live, and you can't live!" Jin Ting left the others and held up another One arm firmly grasped the blade of Ningwu Sword.

Xu Miao's heart shuddered. This Jin Ting was really powerful. With only the strength of two hands, she locked Xu Miao's Fog Condensing Sword.Xu Miao turned her wrist forcefully, and the chaotic gas poured out suddenly.

The sharp chaotic gas cut directly at the bones of Jin Ting's arm.Once the chaotic gas condenses into a blade, it will be indestructible.Even jadeite known for its sturdiness can be split, not to mention Jin Ting's bone arm.

Without encountering any obstacles, Jin Ting's bone arm was cut into several parts by Xu Miao's sword.Jin Ting screamed, and the split bones fell to the ground.

Jin Ting didn't even look at the bone, and threw her whole body towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao moved her body, and before Jin Ting came over, she dodged behind Jin Ting and stabbed Jin Ting's heart with a sword.

However, Jin Ting's own body is indestructible, even with chaotic gas, it cannot cause damage to her body.Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Xu Miao immediately drew back without stopping.

Jin Ting was completely enraged by Xu Miao: "You are just like Qi Feng, you both annoy me!" Jin Ting opened her mouth, and powerful spiritual power gushed out from her mouth.

Before the spiritual power reached Xu Miao's body, Xu Miao felt the strength of this spiritual power.With his current strength, he absolutely cannot compete with this spiritual power.

"Qi Feng, what is Jin Ting's weakness?" Xu Miao kept using her body skills, changing her position to avoid Jin Ting's attack.In a head-to-head fate, he will definitely die first.

Qi Feng pondered for a moment, and said: "Jiuwei acupoint, that is her fatal acupoint, as long as it is stabbed at Jiuwei acupoint, it will kill her." Xu Miao turned around and walked forward to Jin Ting's back. .

Xu Miao put away the fog condensing sword and gathered the chaotic gas directly into the blade in her hand.Before Jin Ting turned around, Xu Miao raised her hand and struck out the blade of the sword, hitting Jin Ting's Jiuwei acupoint directly.

The Jiuwei acupoint was hit, and after Jin Ting uttered a scream, she collapsed on the ground. The spiritual power in her body instantly became chaotic, and she could no longer pose a threat to Xu Miao and others.

She was lying on the ground in pain, because she had no limbs, she couldn't even struggle, she could only despair: "Jiuwei point, why do you know Jiuwei point, who told you!"

Xu Miao didn't answer Jin Ting's question, and Jin Ting didn't intend to listen to Xu Miao's answer.Knowing that her weakness is from Jiuwei Point, there will be no other person except Qi Feng.

She did go to Shengxian City without telling Qi Feng back then, and she was sorry for Qi Feng, but Qi Feng trapped her in the dark underground for a million years, so could he be worthy of her!
"Qi Feng! Qi Feng! Qi Feng!" Jin Ting kept repeating Qi Feng's name, weeping blood every word, and punishing each sentence.As a bystander, Xu Miao could feel the anger and despair in Jin Ting's heart.

Jin Ting let out a desperate laugh from her throat, and the sound became louder and louder, forming a surround sound in this place.Xu Miao's eyes were fixed, and she secretly thought it was not good.

Her laughter will have an impact on a person's spiritual consciousness.Several of them had begun to bleed from their seven orifices because their spiritual consciousness was not strong enough.Xu Miao immediately shut down her five senses, raised the fog-condensing sword, and pierced Jin Ting's Jiuwei acupoint again.

Jin Ting's laughter stopped abruptly, her body twitched twice, and then there was no more movement.Xu Miao watched Jin Ting's body decompose quickly with cold eyes, and a soul gradually appeared in front of Xu Miao clearly.

Jin Ting in the soul state is no longer hideous and ugly like Jin Ting in the human pig state, but a graceful and beautiful woman.She seems to understand the structure of the underground hub very well. Using the power of her soul, she transformed the hub, and a teleportation array suddenly appeared.

"Don't you really want to leave here? Don't you want to leave?" Jin Ting's voice fell, but no one took the initiative to walk over.Xu Miao asked Qi Feng inside the Huntian Stone: "Is this formation the correct formation to leave?"

Qi Feng nodded, Xu Miao got an affirmative answer, and prepared to leave first.Before Xu Miao took any action, Jin Ting looked at the monks standing still, and simply sent them into the teleportation formation, leaving Xu Miao alone.

Then, Jin Ting struck again, and the formation disappeared without a trace in an instant.Xu Miao frowned and looked at Jin Ting.Jin Ting didn't seem to see Xu Miao's expression, but said: "You have his breath on your body."

Xu Miao looked up at Jin Ting's soul floating above, and remained silent.Jin Ting looked at Xu Miao, and suddenly smiled: "You must have gotten a lot of good things from him, but I want to tell you, no matter what he tells you, you can't believe it."

Xu Miao hadn't reacted to Jin Ting's words, but Qi Feng changed color first.Xu Miao noticed Qi Feng's expression, but there was no change in the expression on his face.She sent all the others away, but left him alone.

"Do I have to believe everything you tell me?" Xu Miao asked back.

Jin Ting was taken aback when she heard this, and smiled: "Did he tell you about Shengxian City and Shengxian Pagoda?" Xu Miao listened to Jin Ting's eloquence very calmly.

Jin Ting overturned all the things Qi Feng had told him. When it came to Ascension to Immortal City, the Ascension to Immortal Pagoda could indeed enable monks to ascend in the daytime, but it was only because of a problem in the Immortal Realm that she ended up like this.

Xu Miao remained silent the entire time, without saying a word.He was too far away from that era, and he couldn't judge who was true and who was false in what the two said.

He originally wanted to use Jin Ting's mouth to solve the puzzle, but he didn't expect that he got another puzzle.All the puzzles are intertwined, and Xu Miao can't find the correct answer at all.

Xu Miao paid attention to the expressions of Qi Feng and Jin Ting. He found that when Qi Feng heard Jin Ting say these words, there was a hint of surprise in Qi Feng's eyes.This shows that Qi Feng never believed that Ascending Immortal City could really make monks soar in daylight.

But Jin Ting said it firmly, and in the end, Qi Feng also had a confused look on his face.Xu Miao looked at Jin Ting and asked, "You tell me this, what do you want to express, and what is your purpose?"

When Jin Ting heard this, her smile became even brighter: "It's simple and easy to talk to a smart person. I need you to take me out of here and help me find the real City of Immortals and Tower of Immortals."

"If it wasn't for Qi Feng's meddling back then, I would have already achieved a fairy body. How could I have ended up like this?"

"Your body has been destroyed, how can you become a fairy with only your soul?" Even a monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period needs a body and a soul to have a chance to become a fairy. , she couldn't make it through.

"That's not something you need to worry about. As long as you agree to this matter, I can not only let you leave this place, but also tell you various exercises to help you practice." Jin Ting's conditions are enough for ordinary monks generate great allure.

Unfortunately, the person she faced was Xu Miao, not an ordinary monk.Xu Miao is not an ordinary monk. What he thinks about is much farther and deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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