Chapter 415
Seeing that Xu Miao didn't directly agree, Jin Ting continued to seduce: "You have to know that in your era, you have lost too many inheritances and exercises, and your level of cultivation is not up to the level of my era."

"Now I will tell you the exercises, and I can also help you to solve your doubts when you encounter doubts. What else is there to hesitate?" Jin Ting tried to persuade, and showed various benefits bit by bit.

Xu Miao lowered her eyes, amused in her heart.This Jin Ting and Qi Feng are indeed Taoist couples, they are really not a family, if they don't enter a family, even the conditions of temptation are almost the same.

"Since that's the case, you should write down the various exercises now. I've read them before considering whether to agree with your proposal. After all, I'm not very lacking in exercises."

No matter what Jin Ting's real purpose is, at least the other party has something to ask of him now.Since there is a request for Xu Miao, then Xu Miao will naturally not let go of this great opportunity and directly raise the price on the ground.

Jin Ting took a deep look at Xu Miao, never expecting that Xu Miao would turn her into an army.The reason why she sent others out and chose Xu Miao was because she discovered Xu Miao's spiritual root.

Feng Shui single different double spiritual root, this is the spiritual root of "that person", she can't let go of this opportunity.As long as Xu Miao can listen to her, it will definitely bring her the greatest benefits.

Xu Miao specially opened the visual channel for Qi Feng, so that Qi Feng could clearly see Jin Ting's performance.Xu Miao has been observing the expressions of the two of them. Expressions and words can be deceiving, but certain expressions cannot be deceiving.

According to the investigation content of Xiaotian's former owner, combined with the analysis of Qi Feng's book on where is the immortal way left on the bamboo house, both the City of Immortal Ascension and the Pagoda of Immortal Ascension should be a hoax.

Qi Feng didn't tell Xu Miao what happened when he rescued Jin Ting, and Jin Ting didn't talk about it.Therefore, Xu Miao was sure that the experience was the key to the whole thing.

Jin Ting, perhaps reached some kind of agreement with the "mysterious man", or became the subordinate of the "mysterious man".She has lived to this day, with her strength and scheming, why is she using Qi Feng to make tricks for Qi Feng to imprison her soul.

"How about it, write it or not, if you don't want to, I won't force it, I can find a way to go out by myself." Xu Miao's expression of indifference made Jin Ting unpredictable, and Jin Ting couldn't see through it at all. Xu Miao's true thoughts.

Jin Ting gritted her teeth, it was just a kung fu method, and she had the final say on how to practice the kung fu method.Jin Ting condensed a book of exercises into a soul ball for Xu Miao to consult.

Xu Miao unceremoniously took the soul ball and looked at it.This exercise seems to be very reasonable, but in fact none of it is correct.But Xu Miao didn't say anything, just glanced at Jin Ting with a half-smile: "Let's go."

Seeing Xu Miao's expression, Jin Ting didn't know whether he believed it or not.She found that this Xu Miao was not easy to deal with.But now she is in trouble, so she can only continue to cooperate with Xu Miao.

"My soul can't be directly exposed to the sun, I need to borrow your body." Jin Ting gave up for a long time before finally revealing her purpose.

Xu Miao didn't have any objections: "Of course, you gave me such a unique exercise book, so I will naturally repay you and offer my sincerity."

Jin Ting didn't doubt that he was there, without the slightest defense, she turned into a silver light and penetrated into Xu Miao's body. When she was about to enter Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness, Xu Miao swiftly sent her into the special space of Hunting Stone.

"Xu Miao, you lied to me!" Jin Ting suddenly realized that she did not enter Xu Miao's body at all, but entered a magic weapon enclosed space.

Xu Miao looked calm: "Your Excellency just needs a container. My body is not as spacious as the space you are in now. You'd better stay there quietly and honestly, and don't think about what you shouldn't do."

"Otherwise, although I don't like beating women, I will have to do it." After hearing Xu Miao's words, Jin Ting knew that Xu Miao was not tempted by her offer from the beginning to the end.

She naively thought that Xu Miao was under her control, but in fact, all her actions were controlled by Xu Miao.Step by step, he walked into the trap set by Xu Miao.

Jin Ting still did not give up and said: "Xu Miao, you can't get out without me. I am the only one in the world who knows how to open the teleportation array!"

"Who told you that only you know in this world. Don't forget who the real owner of this cave is." After Xu Miao said this, she didn't talk to Jin Ting again.According to the method Qi Feng said, he turned the hub and opened the teleportation array.

Xu Miao stepped onto the teleportation array, and her figure gradually disappeared into the teleportation array.This ancient monk's cave was finally completely closed, and no one will ever open it again.

When he appeared at the gate of the bronze gate, many people had dispersed, but there were still some monks who did not give up staying here.Xu Miao's sudden appearance made their eyes shine.

Except for Xu Miao, all the monks who entered the monk's cave had already left, and only Xu Miao was left behind.A few casual cultivators in the middle Nascent Soul stage watched Xu Miao appear, and approached Xu Miao with malicious intentions.

"Xu Miao, who has admired his name for a long time, has achieved the No.1 result in the monk ranking competition, which is really admirable." A casual cultivator in the mid-stage Nascent Soul complimented Xu Miao uncharacteristically.

Xu Miao glanced coldly at the five people in front of her, and said impatiently, "If you have something to say, you have to fart!"

When the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who spoke before heard this, his face immediately changed: "Xu Miao, don't be ignorant of good and evil. Our brothers, seeing that you are alone and lonely, are going to come to help you. Since you have such an attitude, let us help you." Otherwise, we will have to teach you a lesson!"

"Why, you have to make excuses for robbing now. Does this make you look more upright?" Xu Miao sneered again and again.

Seeing that Xu Miao didn't take them seriously at all, the five couldn't help being furious.The five of them are monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and they can crush Xu Miao no matter in terms of strength level or number of people.

"Xu Miao, you are a junior who hasn't grown up yet. It seems that we are going to replace your teacher and teach you well." Xu Miao's face darkened when he heard this.

His biggest taboo is that someone wants to replace his teacher to teach him.The murderous intent on Xu Miao's body was not hidden at all, it was fully released.

Such a terrifying murderous aura caused the five of them to hesitate for a moment.But they quickly realized that no matter how powerful Xu Miao was, he was only one person.What's more, he is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

He just came out of the ancient monk's cave, and his various conditions are definitely not in the best condition.As long as they can make good use of this opportunity, they will definitely be able to kill Xu Miao under the sword.

Before the five of them were mentally and mentally prepared, the Fog Condensing Sword had already appeared in Xu Miao's hands.In the ancient monk's cave, Xu Miao could not use teleportation, but here, Xu Miao could use teleportation recklessly.

His figure suddenly disappeared from the sight of the five people, and when the five people were panicked, he suddenly appeared behind one of the monks.The Ningwu Sword pierced the cultivator's dantian with lightning speed.

Wind blades and ice blades poured into the dantian along the blade of the fog-condensing sword, smashing the opponent's Nascent Soul to pieces.The monk didn't make any effective resistance at all, and was taken away by Xu Miao.

The remaining four monks saw Xu Miao in a flash, and killed one of them, not even the Nascent Soul was left behind.They had only heard of Xu Miao's prestige before, and they didn't know the truly terrifying place of Xu Miao until they saw it with their own eyes today.

The early stage of the Nascent Soul faced the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul, and the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul had no power to resist, so the Nascent Soul was destroyed, and there was no chance of self-destruct.This kind of terrifying strength is something few of them can provoke.

At this time, the four of them already had the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts. They looked at each other and were about to leave from here.Xu Miao's voice without any warmth sounded at this moment: "Want to leave? Do I agree?"

Before the words fell, Xu Miao continued to use teleportation to shuttle between the four of them.Every time the Ningwu Sword strikes, it will take away a person's life.When the last sword fell, the corpses of five Nascent Soul mid-stage monks fell beside Xu Miao.

In addition to Xu Miao and these five people, there are other monks onlookers.When they saw Xu Miao deal with the five people so neatly, their minds were torn apart.

Originally, there were still people who held the idea of ​​snipe and clam competing for the fisherman's profit, but now they have disappeared without a trace.There is only one thought in their minds, and that is to run, run, run.

In case Xu Miao, the God of Death, notices them, they will never escape.Without the late Yuanying monks here, no one would be Xu Miao's opponent.But for a moment, several silver lights flashed past.

No matter what thoughts these monks had, at least they didn't do anything to Xu Miao.Xu Miao has always been a person who will not offend me and I will not offend others. As long as they don't do it, Xu Miao will never do it.

But as long as someone moved their hands for the first time, Xu Miao would not give them a second chance to move their hands.In the blink of an eye, there is no other monk here except Xu Miao.

Xu Miao found a secret place and opened up a temporary cave.The Ningwu Sword only has the grade of the best Houtian spiritual tool, which is really low for Xu Miao's current cultivation level.

Facing some fighting techniques, Ningwujian couldn't even display his true strength.It is imperative to advance the Ningwu Sword, and it cannot be delayed any longer.

Xu Miao set up a bunch of defenses outside the temporary cave, attacking the formation, and let Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao guard it.After ordering everything to be fine, he began to refine the Mist Condensing Sword.

Originally, a lot of precious materials were needed to advance the Fog Condensation Sword.But when he was at Soul Martial Gate last time, Xu Miao directly collected all kinds of materials completely with the help of several eighth-level monsters, and there was no need to do it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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