Chapter 416
Now, Xu Miao is using these materials to refine the Fog Condensing Sword.As soon as he slapped his head, Yuan Ying appeared in front of him from the dantian.

Xu Miao sat on the ground, and Yuan Ying sat upright out of thin air.Nascent Soul opened its small mouth and spewed out infant fire.The natal magic weapon, only through the monk's own fire refining, can the power of the natal magic weapon be maximized.

Since Xu Miao has Fengshui dual spiritual roots, the temperature of his baby fire is not as high as that of other spiritual root monks, and the refining speed is correspondingly much slower.

As the saying goes, slow work produces meticulous work, and Xu Miao is not in a hurry. He patiently controls the temperature of the baby fire and refines the fog condensing sword.All kinds of materials are removed, melted and fused in batches.

All the steps, none of which can be neglected.There is no time in the mountains, and Xu Miao, who is absorbed in the refining of magic weapons, has no idea how long the outside world has passed.

After all the materials were poured into the Mist Condensation Sword, Yuan Ying made a formula with both hands, and the Mist Condensation Sword continued to shrink.Yuan Ying opened his mouth again, and the Wu Ningjian flew into Yuan Ying's interior actively.

The first stage of refining the Fog Condensing Sword has ended, and the next step is to use the Nascent Soul to improve the level of the Fog Condensing Sword.The light flashed by, Yuanying disappeared outside and returned to the dantian.

Xu Miao still maintained the posture of sitting upright, in sync with Yuan Ying's posture.The spiritual power circulated stably in the body, raising the fog-condensing sword.

Suddenly, Xu Miao opened her eyes suddenly, raised her right hand upwards, and the Mist Condensing Sword appeared on her right hand.The blade of the Ningwu Sword is more crystal clear than before, with a faint blue light shining.

The tentacles are icy cold, and the temperature is even lower than that of the Heavenly Spirit Tool later.After tempering again, the weight of the sword body of Ningwu Sword is also lighter.

Xu Miao held it tightly, and a feeling of blood connection emerged spontaneously.It seems that the Ningwu Sword is no longer just a sword, but a part of Xu Miao's body.

In this refining, the grade of the Condensing Mist Sword has also been advanced to an innate spiritual weapon.Although it is only a top-grade innate spirit weapon and has not yet reached the top-grade innate spirit weapon, it is due to the time of Yuanying's cultivation.

As long as the Ningwu Sword has been stored in the Nascent Soul, it will not take long to advance to the level of the best innate spirit weapon.Xu Miao looked at the Ningwu Sword with great satisfaction, and took it back into the Nascent Soul.

After refining the Mist Condensing Sword, what he needs to do now is to go to the location of the three materials that Duobao Pavilion told him before, and find the raw materials for healing Shuimei's injury.

These three materials are Wulingzhi, Sappan and Achyranthes bidentata.Wulingzhi is a stone that contains five different spiritual powers - metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.Although it is a stone, Wulingzhi is clear and transparent, so it is named after Zhizhi.

Sumac is the name of a tree.Su Mu is fairly common in the cultivation world, but the Su Mu needed by Xu Miao has strict requirements on the age.It needs to be between 1 and 1000 years. One year more or one less is not acceptable, as it will affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Achyranthes knee is the kneecap of the monster Shuiqingniu.The achyranthes that Xu Miao needs must be at least level eight.And it is necessary to capture the Shuiqing cattle alive, and cut off the kneecap from the fresh Shuiqing cattle, in order to maximize the medicinal effect of Achyranthes bidentata.

Xu Miao's current location is the closest to the location where Wulingzhi exists, so he decided to set off to find Wulingzhi first.Wulingzhi was in the Changling Mountains, and it would take about ten days to fly from this place.

When Xu Miao arrived at the entrance of the Changling Mountains, he found that there were many monks gathered at the entrance.The faces of these monks were very impatient, and they were clamoring for the Dharma.

"The Changling Mountains don't belong to your Zhu family, so why don't you let us in!"

"It makes sense. The Changling Mountains are jointly owned by monks from Central China. The Zhu family has no qualifications and no right to seal up the Changling Mountains. We are not allowed to wait for the monks to enter!"


Listening to what the monks said to each other, Xu Miao roughly understood why the monks gathered at the entrance.Within a hundred miles of the Changling Mountains, there are three most powerful families, namely the Zhu family, the Fan family, and the Wei family.

Originally, the strengths of the three families were equal, and the three pillars stood together without disturbing each other.However, recently Zhu Changpan, the head of the Zhu family, successfully advanced to the late Yuanying stage, raising the strength of the Zhu family to a higher level in one fell swoop.

It happened that Zhu Changpan needed Wulingzhi to refine a elixir to strengthen his cultivation.And Wulingzhi happened to be in the Changling Mountains, so the Zhu family simply closed the Changling Mountains, otherwise any non-Zhu family monks would come in and out.

In the Changling Mountains, in addition to Wulingzhi, there are other spiritual herbs, including monsters, which are the sources of cultivation resources for the nearby monks.The Zhu family suddenly closed the Changling Mountains, leaving other monks completely unprepared.

The pills and materials needed for many monks' cultivation cannot be obtained through the Changling Mountains.In addition to the members of the Zhu family, after half a year, they still haven't found Wulingzhi, and they haven't released the blockade of the Changling Mountains.

This caused many monks to gather at the entrance of the Changling Mountains and ask the Zhu family for an explanation, so as to force the people of the Zhu family to open the entrance and let them enter the Changling Mountains.

However, the monks guarding the entrance of the Zhu family simply ignored the other monks.No matter how nice the monks begged or threatened them harshly, they were unmoved, which eventually aroused public outrage.

Now the situation here, there are already signs of action.The magic weapons of countless monks lit up in the air.There are only ten monks guarding the Zhu family here, including one monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, two monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and seven monks in the late stage of Golden Core.

Compared with the strength of the monks gathered here, their strength is really nothing.However, since the Zhu family had a great monk of the late Yuanying period sitting behind him, the guarding monks of the Zhu family were not afraid at all.

"What are you crazy about the Zhu family? Isn't there a great monk in the late Nascent Soul?" the monk said angrily.

A young Jindan late-stage monk heard this and said proudly: "That's right, our Zhu family has late-stage great monks, and this is the capital of our Zhu family's arrogance."

"If you have the same strength, you can also be arrogant!" Xu Miao looked at the tense situation in the scene, thinking about how to sneak in without anyone noticing.

If the two sides clashed and fought at this time, they would definitely fall into complete chaos.As long as he fished in troubled waters, he would have a way to enter the Changling Mountains.

Xu Miao mingled among the crowd, and said with a different voice, "It's just a late-stage monk. There are so many late-stage monks in Qianyang Gate and Jingyang Sect. I haven't seen them close the mountains to prevent other monks from entering or leaving."

"Your Zhu family is not as strong as other large sects, but you have a lot more power! Fellow Taoists, beat them, no matter how rampant their Zhu family is, they have the ability to kill us!" Xu Miao slammed a shot while talking. mana.

Xu Miao's magic power completely became a fuse, igniting the anger of both parties for half a year.The two sides fought directly, and Xu Miao nimbly shuttled among the monks, approaching the entrance of the Changling Mountains.

This entrance was set up by the people of the Zhu family. Unless there is a special token, it is impossible to enter.Taking advantage of the chaos, Xu Miao came to the side of the formation and began to crack the formation.

The formation is not complicated, and its deterrent power exceeds its defensive power.Xu Miao easily deciphered the formation set up by an ordinary family.

Xu Miao did not completely destroy the formation, but opened a crack for people to enter and exit.He dodged and entered the Changling Mountains from this crack, and then he covered up the crack a little so that the guarding monks would not notice the crack.

The Changling Mountains range is vast. In such a large mountain range, it is indeed not easy to find a Wulingzhi that is only the size of a fist. No wonder the people of the Zhu family have not found it after half a year of searching.

The news that Duobao Pavilion gave him only said that it was in the Changling Mountains, but there was no exact location.Xu Miao relying on her own strength is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

He looked at the light that was constantly flying across the sky, thinking about it.These monks are all monks of the Zhu family, and their information and resources are shared.

If he pretends to be a monk of the Zhu family and acts together with them, he can also use the power of the monks of the Zhu family to get news about Wulingzhi.

As long as someone in the Zhu family finds Wulingzhi, he will know immediately.As long as he knows this, he can snatch Wulingzhi before Zhu Changpan.

In front of the big monks of the late Yuanying stage, he might not be able to succeed, but these are only some golden core stage monks, and Xu Miao can take Wulingzhi away without them noticing.

After making a plan, Xu Miao hid her breath and approached one of the Zhu family monks.This cultivator from the Zhu family was only at the late stage of Jindan, so he couldn't detect Xu Miao's aura at all.

Xu Miao walked behind the monk and knocked him out.He took off the monk's clothes and put it on himself, and changed it with a thousand-change mask according to his appearance.

The level of the Thousand Transformation Mask is already a bit low, and it cannot fool the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and above.If Xu Miao is unlucky and meets a mid-term monk, it means exposure.

But these are things Xu Miao will worry about in the future.Xu Miao put her hand on this person's head and searched for his soul.Since Xu Miao's consciousness is far stronger than this monk, and Xu Miao controls it very carefully, it will not affect this person's mind at all.

This monk is called Zhu Jian, and he is a collateral clan member of the Zhu family.Usually, he was not valued by the direct lineage, and this time it was only because of the lack of manpower that Zhu Jian was called to look for Wu Lingzhi.

Since no one valued him or was familiar with him, it meant that Xu Miao didn't need to imitate Zhu Jian's behavior too much.Zhu Jian belongs to the seventh team, and the captain is Zhu Zhen, who is also the direct descendant of Jindan late stage.

Zhu Zhen's attitude towards Zhu Jian was very silent, and he didn't care about him at all.Xu Miao is very satisfied with Zhu Jian's situation. The lower this sense of presence is, the more conducive it is for him to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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