Chapter 417
Xu Miao put Zhu Jian's body into the Hunting Stone, turned around from behind a tree, and walked in other directions.On his waist was a storage bag that was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary. As a late Jindan monk, he could only carry this kind of storage bag.

This Zhu Jian is really not doing well.Xu Miao took the map out of the storage bag. The map in his hand was exactly the situation of the entire Changling Mountains.

The places marked with a cross are all places that have been searched and no Wulingzhi has been found.All the monks of the Zhu family must search in accordance with the rules established above, and it is absolutely forbidden for monks to search casually according to their own wishes.

If all the monks have no discipline and rules, then the efficiency of searching for Wulingzhi will be greatly reduced.Xu Miao recorded the map in her mind, and searched for places without crosses.

Wulingzhi is only the size of an adult monk's fist, and it is immune to the monk's spiritual consciousness scan. In other words, even if Wulingzhi is in front of the monk, it cannot be detected with the spiritual consciousness.

Only by searching with eyes can we really find the existence of Wulingzhi.Xu Miao had walked through many areas, but she didn't see the whereabouts of Wulingzhi.

Xu Miao was also psychologically prepared for the current situation.The monks of the Zhu family dispatched thousands of people, but they couldn't find it within half a year, let alone he only searched for it for seven days.

Xu Miao was picking up a bunch of young spirit herbs, and when he was checking the situation inside, he suddenly found three monks approaching behind him.

According to Zhu Jian's own memory, the three monks were all collateral members of the Zhu family.Due to Zhu Jian's good luck, he obtained a low-level kung fu technique.

Although Zhu Jian obtained the low-grade earth-level exercises, Zhu Jian practiced very slowly, and his progress was even worse.But no one would care about his cultivation status, they would only think that he was lucky, which made other collateral clansmen jealous.

Among them, these three people are the most extreme, as long as they meet Zhu Jian, they will be ridiculed.Although they are all collateral clansmen, the lineage of those three people is closer to the direct lineage than Zhu Jian's lineage.

In the Zhu family whose blood relationship is beyond the sky, unless the strength is so outstanding that the blood relationship is ignored, the members of the off-line clansman must be patient and not offend the direct lineage, or the closer lineage.

"Yo! I thought someone was poking around here. It turned out to be Zhu Jian, a waste!" According to Zhu Jian's memory, the fat man who spoke was Zhu Biao.

According to Zhu Jian's usual appearance, Xu Miao ignored the fat man who was talking, turned around and walked to other places.If Zhu Jian left like this in the past, Zhu Biao would not continue to mock Zhu Jian.

But today is different from the past, Zhu Biao is in a very bad mood.He messed up one thing and was scolded severely by a direct descendant of the family.Zhu Biao had long held back his anger, seeing Zhu Jian as a perfect punching bag, how could he give up easily.

"Master, I'm talking to you! You're deaf, didn't you hear me?" Zhu Biao took a few steps and blocked Xu Miao's way.Xu Miao raised her eyes and gave Zhu Biao a cold look, but just this one glance gave Zhu Biao an endless chill.

Zhu Biao had never realized that this Zhu Jian's eyes made his heart palpitate so much.It's just Zhu Jian whose bloodline doesn't know how far away, can he turn the sky upside down in front of him?

"Humph——Zhu Jian, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are getting more and more courageous, you dare to look at me like that!" Zhu Biao's loud voice shook Xu Miao's ears.

Xu Miao frowned, and said in a cold voice: "A good dog doesn't get in the way, get out." Xu Miao could tolerate Zhu Biao's first provocation, but it didn't mean he could tolerate Zhu Biao's provocation again and again. .

Since he borrowed Zhu Jian's appearance, he helped Zhu Jian and taught these ignorant people a lesson.When Zhu Biao heard what Xu Miao said, he was not angry at the first time, but surprised.

Zhu Jian was about the same age as him, and he knew Zhu Jian's temperament very well.No matter how others bully him, he will never fight back, nor will he fight back.

"It's really the sun coming out from the west today. I won't get lost, my lord. What can you do to me?" Zhu Biao's fat body stood there, blocking Xu Miao tightly.

Without any expression on Xu Miao's face, she slowly raised her head: "Then I'll help you get out." The tone was flat, without ups and downs.

But at the moment when the voice fell, Zhu Biao didn't see clearly how Xu Miao shot. His whole body was rolled into a ball and rolled to the side.

The two people who appeared with Zhu Biao looked at what happened in front of them, dumbfounded.No one would have thought that a person who usually can't beat a fart with three sticks would make a move today.

Zhu Biao was still in a dazed state, and Xu Miao's foot fell down at this moment.Xu Miao treated Zhu Biao as a ball, and kicked hard at a big tree next to him, kicking Zhu Biao so hard that he couldn't get up for a long time, and could only groan on the ground.

"Isn't it very proficient in rolling? If you have the opportunity to practice more in the future, you will be able to roll more perfectly." After Xu Miao said this, she turned her head and left, ignoring Zhu Biao who was lying on the ground. The two people who reacted.

For Xu Miao, this incident was just an episode, and he didn't take it to heart at all. His attention was always on finding Wulingzhi.

Every ten days, the member monks of each team had to report to the leader of the team, which areas were searched and the results.Today is the tenth day, and Xu Miao needs to report to Zhu Zhen, the captain of the seventh team.

When he arrived, the other members of the team, as well as the number of other teams, had already reported almost the same number.As soon as Xu Miao appeared, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Xu Miao turned a blind eye, went straight to Zhu Zhen, and reported the search situation in the past ten days.Zhu Zhen did not comment after listening.According to Zhu Jian's memory, Xu Miao was about to step back and leave, but Zhu Zhen stayed behind.

"Zhu Jian, did you attack Zhu Biao a few days ago?" Zhu Zhen's tone was serious, and Xu Miao couldn't judge Zhu Zhen's meaning for the time being, so she nodded honestly.

At this time, Zhu Biao also appeared in front of everyone.Xu Miao looked at him and walked in step by step until he reached Xu Miao's side.Zhu Biao glanced at Xu Miao contemptuously, and said, "Zhu Jian disobeyed the family rules and attacked me without authorization. He should be severely punished."

In the Zhu family's regulations, it is stipulated that clansmen with remote bloodlines are not allowed to take action against clansmen whose bloodlines are closer to the direct lineage.No matter what the reason is, it is a violation of the family rules and must be punished with a hundred whips.

At the same time, the family rules also gave the family members who made mistakes a chance. As long as they could defeat the strongest monks of the same rank in the direct line, they could be exempted from punishment and receive high-level treatment from the family.

If he fails, he will be punished with a thousand lashes, his cultivation level will be abolished, and he will be imprisoned in the family dungeon for life until he dies.Since the emergence of this family rule, no monk from the Zhu family has ever dared to use it.

The direct line has always been synonymous with the strong, let alone the strongest direct line.These collateral monks, whether in terms of cultivation resources or cultivation techniques, cannot compare with direct descendants, let alone combat strength.

Therefore, under this general background, monks who violated the clan rules would choose to bear a hundred whips, at least they could continue to practice.Xu Miao looked at Zhu Biao's self-satisfied look, as if he was looking at a clown trying to please the public.

If it was Zhu Jian, he would accept the punishment honestly, but Xu Miao was not Zhu Jian, and it was impossible for him to accept a hundred lashes.No matter where he goes, no matter what his identity is, no one can punish Xu Miao.

"Since it is a family rule, then I choose to challenge Zhu Zhao, the strongest man of the same rank in the direct line." Under everyone's gaze, Xu Miao calmly uttered such a sentence, which shocked all the monks present.

"Is Zhu Jian crazy? Challenge Zhu Zhao, he will die?"

"Zhu Jian wasn't like this before. Could it be that the low-level local kung fu he practiced made his strength soar?"

"So what about the earth-level low-grade kung fu, Zhu Zhao is practicing the heaven-level low-grade kung fu, even ten Zhu Jian are no match for Zhu Zhao!"


Xu Miao calmly listened to the discussions in her ears, waiting for Zhu Zhao to arrive.Zhu Biao was looking at Zhu Jian with a mentally ill expression, but Xu Miao just gave him a sideways glance so that he would not dare to look directly at Xu Miao again.

Zhu Biao was so shocked by Xu Miao that he couldn't speak, and he wanted to challenge Zhu Zhao in a whimsical way.What kind of strength and existence does Zhu Zhao have.In front of these collateral clansmen, they are like gods.

Even if Zhu Zhao killed them on the spot, Zhu Changpan, the head of the Zhu family, would not say anything.However, Xu Miao proposed to challenge Zhu Jian. According to the family rules, Zhu Zhao needs to fight.

When Zhu Zhao learned about this from his attendants, his first reaction was that this collateral clan member was crazy.When he came to the competition stage, he saw Zhu Jian standing on the side of the competition stage with his back bent as usual, and felt that he was wasting his time.

"You are very courageous, but your strength cannot support your courage." Zhu Zhao raised his chin and looked at Xu Miao with a superior attitude.

Xu Miao noticed that Zhu Zhao was coming, and slowly straightened her waist, looking at Zhu Zhao quietly.It was just a straight movement, and Zhu Zhao felt that Zhu Jian was not in the same state as usual.

"It's still too late for you to step down now, and I can pretend that none of this happened." As the strongest of the direct line generation, Zhu Zhao knew very well that if nothing happened, he would succeed the Zhu family's head in the future.

Rather than killing an insignificant collateral clan, he wanted to attract more hearts.Zhu Zhao thought that Zhu Jian was just acting impulsively, and now riding a tiger is hard to get off.With the steps he sent, he would naturally retreat gratefully.

However, the real situation is completely different from what Zhu Zhao imagined.Xu Miao shook her head: "Since I said I want to challenge, I will definitely challenge. The Zhu family's family rules are changed day by day."

(End of this chapter)

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