Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 418 5 spirit fat in hand

Chapter 418 The Five Spirits in Hand

Zhu Zhao's face darkened when he heard Xu Miao's words.The other members of the Zhu family who were watching by the competition stage laughed even more.

"I've seen people who don't count in their hearts, but I've never seen people who don't count in their hearts."

"Zhu Jian offended Zhu Zhao in this way, I am afraid that he will die on the stage directly, and he will not even have the chance to go back and receive a thousand lashes." No monk of the Zhu family would think that "Zhu Jian" on the stage belonged to Zhu Zhao Opponents, including Zhu Jian's original body.

However, now standing on the competition stage is not Zhu Jian's original body, but Xu Miao, the situation is quite different.While searching for the soul, Xu Miao saw Zhu Jian's exercises.

Zhu Jian practiced two kinds of kung fu, one is the basic kung fu of the Zhu family, and the other is the local low-grade kung fu.If you practice these two exercises alone, you can speed up your practice.

But when Zhu Jian was young, he obeyed the words of an elder with malicious intentions, and practiced two kinds of exercises at the same time, so how could he enter the realm so quickly.If it weren't for Zhu Jian's excellent toughness, he wouldn't be able to make it to the late Jindan stage.

But these two exercises are different in Xu Miao's hands.He has two kinds of spiritual roots, so he could practice two exercises at the same time without affecting each other.Only in the hands of Xu Miao can these two exercises exert their most powerful power.

Zhu Zhao looked at Xu Miao, whose face was always calm, and said in a deep voice, "Since you are looking for death, I will not show mercy." As soon as the words fell, spiritual power like a sea wave attacked Xu Miao.

Xu Miao needed to suppress his spiritual power to the same level as Zhu Jian's. Facing Zhu Zhao's majestic spiritual power, he couldn't face to face.Xu Miao took out Zhu Jian's talisman, and flexibly dodged to the right.

Zhu Jian is good at the method of speed, and Xu Miao is also good at it.He said that his kung fu operation simulated Zhu Jian's appearance, and he walked around the competition stage flexibly.

Zhu Zhao was surprised to find that his blow missed. He thought it was just Zhu Jian's luck, so he immediately sent out a more powerful second blow.It's just that this blow also didn't land on Xu Miao's body.

Although Xu Miao suppressed his speed to the same level as Zhu Jian's, his comprehension and application of the two exercises far exceeded Zhu Jian's own.

He used a brand new method to display the exercises.Holding Zhu Jian's talisman in her hand, Xu Miao stabbed at Zhu Zhao from a strange angle that no one had thought of.

Zhu Zhao sensed this attack and quickly blocked it with magic weapons.However, Zhu Zhao's resisting this move really fell into Xu Miao's scheme.

Xu Miao's previous strike seemed strange and could cause huge damage to Zhu Zhao, but in fact, he didn't use much strength at all.Only when Zhu Zhao blocked the attack and exposed the empty door on his chest was the time for Xu Miao to really attack.

Xu Miao punctured forward fiercely, and when Zhu Zhao had no time to block back, the attack hit Zhu Zhao's empty hole in the chest, and Zhu Zhao was beaten so hard that he retreated.

Zhu Zhao should be lucky, what he met was Zhu Jian's strength, if he met Xu Miao, who was also in the late stage of Jindan, Xu Miao would never fail in this move, and would directly beat Zhu Zhao to death.

"Zhu Jian hit Zhu Zhao?"

"How is this possible? Zhu Zhao is the strongest of our Jindan generation."

Zhu Zhao's eyes widened, and he looked down at the place where his chest was hit in disbelief.This empty goal position, he knew that it would be exposed when he blocked back.But at that time, he didn't think that Zhu Jian could pose any threat to his Buddhist place.

"Who taught you this trick?" Zhu Zhao discovered that the strength that "Zhu Jian" showed just now was not at all the strength he had shown in the past.

The last time I saw Zhu Jian fighting with others was only a year ago.How could Zhu Jian grow to this extent in just one year.

"The Zhu family's exercises are taught in this way. If you can't learn them, it doesn't mean I can't learn them." Xu Miao said arrogantly, directly mocking Zhu Zhao's talent and understanding of exercises.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhu Zhao to admit that his direct line is not as good as a collateral line: "The Zhu family's exercises are not what you use!"

Zhu Zhao was completely enraged, and attacked Xu Miao like a storm.Xu Miao looked at Zhu Zhao, with a hint of mockery in her eyes, as if she was saying that this level of attack was not something I took seriously.

Xu Miao's eyes expressed such an attitude, and his next actions also expressed this attitude.Zhu Zhao's attack was indeed very sharp, and any monk who was on the sidelines would not be able to retreat completely.

But in Xu Miao's eyes, these attacks were really too weak.He is so weak that he doesn't need to work hard to deal with it.Zhu Zhao watched helplessly as Xu Miao dodged one attack after another and placed the magic weapon around his neck.

When he felt the icy chill of the magic weapon on his neck, he still couldn't believe that the battle was over, that he had been defeated by a collateral clan.

Zhu Zhen, who was in charge of judging the competition, stood up at the right time, his throat astringent: "The victory and defeat have been divided, and Zhu Jian won." The scene was deadly quiet, and all the monks with eyes could see Zhu Zhao's rage .

As if Xu Miao didn't see it, Shi Shiran stepped off the competition platform: "Now that the competition is over, can I continue to search for Wulingzhi?"

Zhu Zhen nodded dumbly, and everyone once again turned their attention to Xu Miao, watching him walk out of the competition venue.This time there was too much commotion. He needed to consider changing his identity and act in a low-key manner. This kind of thing must never happen again.

As for Zhu Jian, after he finds Wulingzhi, as a reward, he will give him some advice on his cultivation and persuade him to leave Zhu's house as soon as possible.Such a family, Xu Miao really can't find any meaning to stay.

Xu Miao found a monk who was alone, and continued to knock him unconscious. Just like what he did to Zhu Jian before, Xu Miao changed her attire, imitated the monk, and mixed in with the crowd.

The other monks talked a lot about this battle, and what surprised them most was that Zhu Jian had disappeared since then.No matter how hard they searched, they could never find him again.

This time Xu Miao's dress was very cautious, not causing trouble, not getting into trouble, just like a good student.Until news came that a monk had discovered Wulingzhi.

All monks sent out were notified to be recalled.Xu Miao found a monk with a good relationship and pretended not to ask, "I don't know who is so lucky. If he can find Wulingzhi, he will definitely be rewarded by the Patriarch."

"It's not that fat guy Zhu Biao. I heard that I found out by accident when I went to be lazy. Why don't I have such good luck." Xu Miao also pretended to be envious and jealous when she heard this.

Zhu Biao, this is a very familiar name.If Zhu Biao hadn't provoked him that day, he didn't need to bother to change his identity.

According to news from other monks, Zhu Biao is about to hand over Wulingzhi to Zhu Wang, a mid-Yuanying monk who came here.Xu Miao wanted to grab Wulingzhi before they handed over.

Xu Miao took advantage of the fact that they were not paying attention, and left the team, and rushed towards Zhu Biao's position.Zhu Biao found Wulingzhi, and now he is so swollen that he doesn't know his last name.

He hummed a little tune and leaned against a tree.Xu Miao cautiously approached Zhu Biao, and when she was about to make a move, she suddenly felt a ray of light approaching rapidly in front of her.

If he guessed correctly, it should be Zhu Wang, the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.Xu Miao rolled her eyes, and quickly knocked Zhu Biao unconscious, sent him into the Hunting Stone, and at the same time quickly retreated to other places.

Zhu Wang rushed to this place in a hurry, but he didn't find Zhu Biao. He couldn't help being furious, and quickly ordered to send monks to find Zhu Biao's trace.At this time, Xu Miao leisurely returned to the team she was in before, without showing any abnormalities.

At this time, Zhu Wang should have discovered that Zhu Biao had disappeared.No matter how Zhu Wang guessed the reason for Zhu Biao's disappearance in his heart, his first step must be to find Zhu Biao.

These monks will also be sent out to look for them.Xu Miao can take this opportunity to torture Zhu Biao, get Wulingzhi, and leave from the Changling Mountains.

Sure enough, as Xu Miao expected, the new order had been issued, and all the monks had joined the team looking for Zhu Biao.While pretending to search for Zhu Biao, Xu Miao penetrated his consciousness into Zhu Biao's mind.

Zhu Biao deliberately hid Wulingzhi in a certain place in the Changling Mountains in order to prevent others from staring at him.Xu Miao pretended to go there to search for Zhu Biao, and took this opportunity to finally get Wulingzhi into her hands.

Xu Miao looked at the Wulingzhi in her hand and sighed secretly.For this piece of Wulingzhi, he has worked hard.With Wulingzhi in hand, Xu Miao sent Zhu Biao back to the place where he was taken away.

He did not continue to stay, but returned to the team position he was in before.The entrance is still guarded by monks from the Changling Mountains. If he appears rashly, he will definitely be regarded as a suspect.

From the beginning to the end, Zhu Biao never met Xu Miao, and he didn't know that he was knocked out and his soul was searched.When he was found by other monks, what awaited him was not the Zhu family's admiration, but the Zhu family's anger.

Only at this time, Xu Miao had already left the Changling Mountains with other Zhu family monks.After Zhu Changpan heard the report from the subordinates, he knew that there must be a third party who intervened in the Changling Mountains and took Wulingzhi away.

Zhu Changpan appeared outside the Changling Mountains for the first time, and conducted a spiritual examination on all the monks.When Zhu Changpan appeared, Xu Miao hadn't had time to leave the place.

In order not to attract Zhu Changpan's attention, Xu Miao simply restored the strength of Yuan Ying's initial stage.Zhu Changpan's spiritual sense swept across his body many times, but he didn't find anything unusual.

Wu Lingzhi, who had been searching for so long, disappeared under his nose, and Zhu Changpan's anger almost burst out.In a fit of anger, he directly ordered to surround all the monks.

(End of this chapter)

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