Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 419 Exposure

Chapter 419 Exposure
The monks of the Zhu family responded and besieged all the monks near the Changling Mountains.All the monks gathered here never thought that the Zhu family would dare to openly fight against the monks of various forces.

"The Zhu family is too courageous, they even planned to imprison me directly!"

"The Zhu family has Zhu Changpan in the late Yuanying period. He has the final say on this territory. Who dares to object. Look at the monks of the Fan family and the Wei family, are they stopped by the monks of the Zhu family? "

Standing among a group of monks, Xu Miao also frowned.At that time, in order not to attract the attention of the Zhu family, Xu Miao did not leave immediately after coming out of the Changling Mountains.

Now that Zhu Changpan has made such a move, it is really a bit tricky.Although these materials have a specific location, who knows if Su Mu and Achyranthes Knuckle will be taken away by other monks at [-]:[-] in the evening.

When a group of monks were arguing and daring to speak out, the monks from the Fan family and the Wei family stood up and confronted the monks from the Zhu family.

If the members of the Fan family and the Wei family can join forces to put pressure on Zhu Changpan, he will have a chance to fish in troubled waters and get away with the oil on his feet.But the people of these two families struggled for a while, and the people of the Zhu family simply ignored them.

With the existence of Zhu Changpan's absolute strength, no matter how unwilling the Fan family and Wei family are, they are helpless.Xu Miao could only find a place to sit down and wait for the Zhu family to give up the siege, or someone could not hold back and left first.

However, nothing happened as Xu Miao expected. Zhu Changpan suddenly appeared in the sky, took out a jade bottle, and threw it into the crowd.The jade bottle floated in the air for a while, then flew straight towards Xu Miao, always surrounded Xu Miao and never left.

At this time, Xu Miao also guessed the function of this jade bottle - it was used to find Wulingzhi.Some magic weapons in the realm of comprehension are created to find certain spiritual objects.

Wulingzhi has five different but balanced spiritual powers, and it belongs to a kind of spiritual creature with good judgment.But as soon as Xu Miao got Wulingzhi, she put Wulingzhi in the Huntian Stone.

With the grade of the Huntian Stone, a jade bottle that is only an acquired spirit tool must not be able to detect the jade bottle inside the Huntian Stone.Then why this jade bottle flew towards her, Xu Miao didn't want to understand for the time being.

Zhu Changpan saw the jade bottle flying in front of Xu Miao, and immediately ordered the monks of the Zhu family to take Xu Miao away.The four early Yuanying monks surrounded Xu Miao, not giving Xu Miao a chance to escape.

Xu Miao stood up calmly, looked at the angry Zhu family monks, and said calmly, "Is this how the Zhu family treats casual cultivators?"

An early-stage monk who surrounded Xu Miao said: "Ordinary casual cultivators, of course we would not treat them like this, but you are different. Since the fat-seeking bottle will stay by your side, it means that you are extremely suspicious. Steal Wulingzhi."

"Based on a broken bottle, you arbitrarily determined that Wulingzhi was taken away by me. I have seen the Zhu family's extraordinary today."

Zhu Changpan also fell across from Xu Miao at this time: "It won't help if you are eloquent. The fat-seeking bottle is different from the ordinary magic weapon for finding spiritual things. As long as someone has touched Wulingzhi, five spirits will be left on his body. The breath of spirit fat."

"This breath will not dissipate within a month. Even if you have a magic weapon that can hide the breath of Wulingzhi, it can't hide the breath left on you when you touch Wulingzhi."

Xu Miao understood after hearing Zhu Changpan's explanation.Huntian Stone did not reveal the aura of Wulingzhi, but when he first took away Wulingzhi, he put Wulingzhi on his hands with both hands and checked it.

"The fat-seeking bottle is really unusual." Xu Miao looked at the fat-seeking bottle that was still around her, "But fellow Daoist Zhu, is it too much to describe it as stealing this?"

"The Changling Mountains belong to the low-altitude lower plane, and any monk in the lower plane is eligible to enter it and obtain the spiritual objects in it. I haven't accused you of sealing the Changling Mountains for your own selfishness, but you beat it back, yes What makes sense."

Facing a late Nascent Soul cultivator, Xu Miao did not show the slightest panic or fear.Even though she was blatantly exposed by the other party, there was no fear or guilty conscience, and everything was so righteous.

"Who is this person? You are really brave enough. On the Zhu family's territory, you dare to talk to the head of the Zhu family like this."

"But I can see that his clothes don't look like a monk from a large sect, aristocratic family."

The nearby monks, hearing the conversation between Xu Miao and Zhu Changpan, whispered and talked a lot.Zhu Changpan frowned, and said impatiently: "What a good tongue, boy, let me tell you, here, the Zhu family is the truth, and the Zhu family is the rules."

"I have the final say on this piece of land, and you have to obey if you don't accept it. If you hand over Wulingzhi and serve in my Zhu family for 50 years, I can let it go." Zhu Changpan said proudly with his hands behind his back.

Zhu Changpan did have this capital. As a great monk in the late Yuanying period, in the era when the monks who transformed the gods were hardly born, the late great monks were the ones who stood at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, and no one dared to comment on other monks.

"What if I don't agree?" Xu Miao's fierce eyes swept over more and more Zhu family monks around.

Zhu Changpan laughed loudly: "If you don't agree, then you have to die—" Before he finished speaking, Zhu Changpan raised his hand and grabbed Xu Miao.The strength of the great monks in the late Yuanying period, and the nearby monks had to stay away.

"Let me die? You don't have the ability yet!" Xu Miao took out the Mist Condensing Sword directly and collided with Zhu Changpan's spiritual power.After being sacrificially refined, the Condensing Fog Sword is now the strength of a top-grade innate spiritual weapon, so Xu Miao really doesn't have any fear.

The Ningwu Sword shone with dazzling light, which was not inferior to Zhu Changpan's spiritual power.Just this sword changed the colors of many monks.

"This sword is—"

"Ning! Fog! Sword!"

"The Ningwu Sword is Xu Miao's talisman, so this person is Xu Miao!"

Although Xu Miao's appearance has changed, his talisman cannot deceive anyone.In the monk ranking competition in the middle lane, Xu Miao beat Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu to become the well-deserved champion.

The natal magic weapon Ningwu sword used in the battle has become an extraordinary thing in the hearts of many monks.The fog-condensing sword has almost become another feature of Xu Miao, as long as you see the fog-condensing sword, you will know that Xu Miao has appeared.

Facing the late stage monks, Xu Miao couldn't use other magic weapons to deal with them perfunctorily.Only by using the strongest moves and magic weapons can we fight against Zhu Changpan.

"It turns out that you are Xu Miao. No wonder you have the guts to compete with me." Zhu Changpan withdrew his spiritual energy and looked at Xu Miao, with no emotion in his voice.

Xu Miao withdrew his sword and stepped back at the same time: "It doesn't matter whether I am Xu Miao or not. Would you give up Wulingzhi just because I am Xu Miao? I'm afraid not. Even if other late stage monks come here, Your Excellency will definitely It’s also uncompromising.”

"Hahaha! That's right, the old man will not give up Wulingzhi just because of who you are. But as long as you are willing to become a guest of my Zhu family, as long as Wulingzhi appears again in the future, I can use the entire Zhu family's manpower Material resources, come to find Wulingzhi for you."

"If you agree, you can immediately enjoy the treatment of the highest guest of the Zhu family. In terms of cultivation resources, you will never be treated badly."

"What do you think of this proposal?" Although Zhu Changpan would not give up on Wulingzhi, he also knew Xu Miao's strength.The Zhu family is now suppressing the Fan family and the Wei family by relying on him in the late stage of advancement.

However, these two will never give up.The mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators of their two families also have the opportunity to enter the threshold of the late stage at any time.

Once any one of the two has a late-stage monk, the current advantage of the Zhu family will no longer exist.If Xu Miao joined, the situation would be quite different.

The move that Xu Miao confronted him just now is enough to show Xu Miao's strong strength.If Xu Miao is willing to join the Zhu family at this time, with Xu Miao's strength, he will definitely be able to suppress the other two.

Faced with such conditions, it is hard for ordinary monks not to be moved.Although the Zhu family is not comparable to the four major families in Central China, but in this region, the Zhu family is a well-deserved local leader.

Even if other families, sect monks come here, they still need to act according to the faces of the three families.What's more, Zhu Changpan also promised Xu Miao such generous conditions, Zhu Changpan is also very confident that Xu Miao will agree.

However, Xu Miao shook her head: "I'm not interested in being a guest official of any family. Your Excellency should be very clear that I'm only interested in Wulingzhi."

"I still have a lot of things to do. It is impossible to trap myself in a family. Since Your Excellency does not agree with me taking Wulingzhi, then let me see the real chapter."

After saying that, Xu Miao's aura suddenly increased, the fog condensing sword in his hand emitted more light than before, and the sword intent of the fog condensing sword was growing rapidly at the same time, reaching a level that could not be ignored.

Zhu Changpan's face darkened, very displeased.He had already shown great sincerity, but this Xu Miao rejected him in public, which was tantamount to slapping him hard in the face.

"Since you want to die with all your heart, I will help you!" Zhu Changpan waved his hand, and the monks of the Zhu family who surrounded Xu Miao quickly backed away.Once the great monks in the later period are motivated to kill, monks of other levels will absolutely not be able to bear it.

Just standing within that range may be affected by the aftermath of the attack.Zhu Changpan took out a brown long knife, raised it high, and then dropped it heavily.

This long knife is Zhu Changpan's natal magic weapon, the lion's roar knife, which can produce a sound like a lion's roar when swinging the knife.The pressure in front of her suddenly increased. Under this long knife, Xu Miao even found it difficult to breathe.

In a radius of a hundred miles, apart from Xu Miao and Zhu Changpan, there were no other monks.Even though they were already far away, the surrounding monks still felt oppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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