Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 420 One Battle with the Great Cultivator

Chapter 420 A Battle with the Great Cultivator

The spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body has been running to the limit, in order to relieve the oppressive feeling caused by the difference in monk level.No wonder others say that the distance between the late great cultivator and the middle Nascent Soul, and the early stage cultivator far exceeds the gap between the two realms of Jindan and Foundation Establishment.

Whether it was the early stage of Jindan or the early stage of foundation establishment, Xu Miao had faced the late monks directly.Although the difficulty is not small, but it will not be like today, the pressure to bear is so huge.

The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body surged for a while, and the Nascent Soul in the dantian couldn't help frowning.The golden dragon that belongs to Yuan Ying suddenly appeared and circled around Yuan Ying, which greatly relieved the pressure Zhu Changpan brought to Xu Miao.

Zhu Changpan was keenly aware that the pressure on Xu Miao began to decrease.He can be sure that the pressure he exerted has not decreased in the slightest. The only possibility is that Xu Miao used extraordinary means to weaken the pressure he exerted on him.

This son's method is really unpredictable.Even when he was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he was not as capable as Xu Miao, who was able to fight against the late master monks.

"Xu Miao actually received the mighty attack from the Patriarch of the Zhu family just now, her strength is truly terrifying!"

"It's rare and strange. You didn't see Xu Miao's shocking battle in the monk ranking competition. At that time, Zhang Ya even used an attack comparable to a half-step incarnation, but in the end, Xu Miao directly blasted an attack comparable to that of a god. .”

"I was there at the time, and seeing that competition was unforgettable for the rest of my life. Whether it was Xu Miao or Zhang Ya, the strength shown by the two of them far surpassed that of monks of the same level."

"If it wasn't for Xu Miao's presence, Zhang Ya would definitely be able to suppress Xie Xiu and become No.1 in the ranking competition. It's a pity for Zhang Ya, he is so good and bright!"

The onlookers were still sighing, but when Zhu Changpan heard the words of these monks, his face became more and more ugly.Facing herself, a late Nascent Soul cultivator, Xu Miao didn't even use the methods she used to deal with Zhang Ya back then.

The phantom of the phoenix, the attack comparable to an avatar, did not appear.What made Zhu Changpan even more uneasy was the attack that was by no means inferior to that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

Zhu Changpan speculated that the attack should be a gift from the predecessors that Xu Miao got lucky.It's just that he wasn't sure if Xu Miao still had the attack of the cultivator Huashen still in his hand.

Xu Miao noticed Zhu Changpan's flickering eyes, and smiled secretly: "Did your excellency think of the means I showed in the ranking competition, and the attack of the Taoist cultivator? Have you been thinking about whether I still have the magic weapon?" God attack?"

Zhu Changpan's thoughts were revealed by Xu Miao's words, and his face became more cloudy and uncertain.On the Zhu family's territory, he would never allow himself to be defeated by Xu Miao.

Xu Miao has all kinds of means, so he has no way to do it today?The reason why Zhang Ya couldn't withstand Xu Miao's blow was because the opponent was only a cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul.But Zhu Changpan is a great monk in the late Yuanying period. Even if Xu Miao used the blow of Huashen, he was confident that he could block it.

The number of such attacks, Xu Miao will certainly not exceed three.As long as Xu Miao uses up the remaining money in her hand, the fish and meat on the case will be slaughtered next.

"I might as well tell you, I don't have much left, but there are not many left for the attack of the transformation god. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try!" A monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul directly threatened the big monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul. The onlookers were so surprised that they couldn't even close their mouths.

Xu Miao's words made Zhu Changpan even more uneasy.His eyes turned hard, and he raised the Lion's Roar Knife in his hand again.The Lion's Roar Knife shone brightly, making a breathtaking roar as it swung it.

These roars alone had an impact on Xu Miao's spiritual power.A glint of complacency flashed in Zhu Changpan's eyes, unconsciously, he had put Xu Miao on the same level as himself.

Zhu Changpan didn't realize at all that if he defeated Xu Miao, no one would think how powerful and great he was.Others would only think that it was Zhu Changpan who used the big to bully the small, and used his strength in the late Yuanying period to suppress Xu Miao in the early Yuanying period.

If Zhu Changpan lost to Xu Miao, he would not receive good comments.He can't even beat a monk in the early Yuanying stage, so what face is there to hang around in the realm of comprehension.

The swords collided in the air, and due to the influence of the lion's roar, Xu Miao's aura was gradually suppressed by Zhu Changpan.Zhu Changpan said loudly: "Xu Miao, I will give you one more chance at last. As long as you are willing to submit to my Zhu family, I will spare you."

The onlookers all thought that Xu Miao would definitely agree.Now Xu Miao, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is at a disadvantage and is suppressed by Zhu Changpan to the point where he has no way to fight back.

However, what Xu Miao said next greatly exceeded their expectations: "You've started dreaming before it's dark." Before the words finished, a golden dragon whizzed out.

No matter how strong the lion is, it is no match for the golden dragon.The golden dragon suddenly appeared from behind Xu Miao, directly resisting Zhu Changpan's lion's roar.

Zhu Changpan's expression changed drastically. He never expected that Xu Miao could use the laws of heaven and earth like this.Use the golden dragon formed by the law of heaven and earth as a means of attack.

Before Zhu Changpan could reflect it, Xu Miao's sword intent strengthened again, and she unleashed the fierce Star Breaking Sword Technique.Xu Miao has never used a sword before, and has always maintained a state of passive defense.

Because Zhu Changpan's strength is too strong, it is very easy to be unable to suppress the opponent if he hastily confronted Zhu Changpan in his initial state, and it will also make the opponent's momentum stronger.

It was through defense that Xu Miao accumulated sword power.Just like the bow and arrow are pulled more bent, the more powerful the arrow will be issued.Can't help it, Xu Miao's behavior is still weakening Zhu Changpan's vigilance.

His reputation was great, and Zhu Changpan didn't know the number of Huashen's attacks, so Zhu Changpan remained cautious from the beginning.

Xu Miao has been in a difficult defense, which gave Zhu Changpan a wrong perception, thinking that Xu Miao no longer has the Huashen attack in his hands, and the previous words are nothing more than real threats.

With a multi-pronged approach, when Zhu Changpan thought he was about to win, Xu Miao attacked again.First, use the law golden dragon to suppress Zhu Changpan's Lion's Roar Saber, and then hit it with the Broken Star Sword. Even Zhu Changpan had to retreat again and again.

"Boy, you've been plotting against this old man!" Zhu Changpan is not stupid, on the contrary he is extremely smart, otherwise he wouldn't be able to lead the Zhu family to stand out when the three families are full of strength.

When he saw Xu Miao's attack, he immediately reacted. The seemingly various disadvantages before were all intentional by Xu Miao.In the face of monks whose realm was much higher than his own, he was able to stay calm in the face of danger and fight with tactics.

Whether it is intelligence, courage, or strength, he really has to secretly admire him.Xu Miao didn't know what Zhu Changpan was thinking, and he didn't answer Zhu Changpan's words. His subordinates became more aggressive.

In the hands of Xu Miao, the broken star sword technique displayed the most powerful attack and power.Xu Miao used teleportation in the battle, nimbly shuttling around Zhu Changpan's side, and the attacks made the opponent hard to defend against.

At the same time, Xu Miao has been running the reincarnation Nirvana formula.Although the broken star swordsmanship was fierce, it could not completely defeat Zhu Changpan.Only the Reincarnation Nirvana Jue is Xu Miao's biggest hole card.

When Zhu Changpan and Xu Miao were fighting with swords, the reincarnation nirvana formula was finally displayed.All of a sudden, the temperature in the vicinity rose rapidly, and even monks a hundred miles away could not bear it.

The onlookers retreated quickly to avoid being accidentally injured by the attack.Zhu Changpan's expression was extremely serious, and the monk's instinct told him that Xu Miao's move should not be underestimated.

The reincarnation Nirvana Jue worked to the extreme, and a golden image gradually appeared behind Xu Miao.This is the first time Zhu Changpan has felt suppressed since he advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

And this kind of suppression was brought by a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.Zhu Changpan swung his knife again, trying to smash the golden figure behind Xu Miao.

Instead of retreating, Xu Miao advanced, proudly and fearlessly raising her sword to meet the Lion Roaring Knife.Under Zhu Changpan's full blow, the tiger's mouth of Xu Miao's sword-holding hand burst instantly, and blood flowed out.

As for his body, because the Mist Condensing Sword did not completely block the blow, deep and visible bone wounds appeared on all parts of his body.At this time, Xu Miao couldn't retreat.

The frantic blade light fell on Xu Miao's body like a gust of wind.Xu Miao's whole body was shrouded in the light of the saber, but only the golden dharma figure behind him became brighter and stronger, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

Reincarnation Nirvana Jue, how can you be reborn in reincarnation without experiencing Nirvana.Only by putting it to death can we get a new life.Zhu Changpan thought that the sharper the attack, the more he could defeat Xu Miao, but he didn't know that he still fell into Xu Miao's scheme.

With Xu Miao's strength, even if he can't compare with Zhu Changpan's attack, it is not difficult to avoid the attack of the lion's roar knife.But he didn't dodge, but kept approaching Zhu Changpan.

Although the injuries on her body were getting heavier, Xu Miao's eyes were getting brighter and her aura was getting stronger and stronger.Zhu Changpan looked at Xu Miao, and finally felt a palpitation in his heart.

He doesn't know what Xu Miao is going to do, but he can be sure that what Xu Miao will do next must be related to him.No matter what, he couldn't let Xu Miao succeed.

All the spiritual power in his body poured into the Lion's Roar Knife. Zhu Changpan held the handle of the Lion's Roar Knife with both hands, and aimed at Xu Miao, sending out the most powerful blow since his advanced stage.

The blow was so powerful that it fell directly on Xu Miao's body, completely enveloping Xu Miao.No one thinks that Xu Miao can escape from such an attack, and no one thinks that Xu Miao can survive this blow.

When Zhu Changpan's attack reached its apex, the golden face on Xu Miao's back suddenly brightened, emitting a dazzling golden light, and several golden lights shone from the saber, illuminating the earth.

Zhu Changpan even felt the threat of death, he saw Xu Miao covered in golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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