Chapter 422

Xu Miao's attack had already been sent out, and he didn't have the strength to take it back, nor did he plan to take it back.Since the Zhu family intends to target him, they must prepare for the consequences of angering him.

Qingjiao's attack went straight to Zhu Changpan along the Ningwu Sword. Although Zhu Changpan was a great monk in the late Yuanying period, he was first injured by Xu Miao's reincarnation Nirvana Jue. In addition, Qingjiao's strength did not suffer any loss, Zhu Changpan was not at all. The opponent of this sword.

Zhu Changpan took the blow instead of Zhu Changshui, but at the cost of breaking three ribs.Xu Miao did not continue to chase after the sword strike, but just looked at Zhu Changpan coldly: "Patriarch Zhu, do you want to continue fighting?"

Zhu Changpan smiled wryly, and shook his head heavily: "My Zhu family was defeated. Fellow Daoist Xu is outstanding in strength, beyond our reach. My Zhu family was too reckless before, and I hope fellow Daoist Xu can forgive me."

These words were not insincere, but Xu Miao knew very well that what Zhu Changpan said was just to protect the Zhu family.If the situation of the two sides were reversed and Xu Miao lost, how could they apologize to Xu Miao and seek a chance to forgive?
The members of the Zhu family will only take action to restrain Xu Miao, even abolish his cultivation, and search for all his magic weapons.Xu Miao took one last look at Zhu Changpan and Zhu Changshui, then turned and left without saying a word.

In the direction Xu Miao was walking, the monks stepped aside one after another to make room for Xu Miao.Xu Miao defeated Zhu Changshui after first defeating Zhu Changpan, a great cultivator in the later stage. No one dared to have any doubts about this kind of record.

All that was left for everyone was Xu Miao's back.Even though the back was the color of blood coagulation, no one had the courage to step forward and stop Xu Miao.That attack, which was comparable to the power of half-step transformation of gods, left a strong mark in the hearts of all the monks.

No one knows where Xu Miao's limit is, and no one knows where Xu Miao's bottom line is.It seemed that as long as Xu Miao survived, he would have a chance to turn the tables and turn defeat into victory.

Xu Miao straightened her back and walked out of everyone's sight.Due to the severity of the injury, Xu Miao's bones and meridians were screaming all over her body, and patches of her eyes were blackened.

He breathed a sigh of relief, turned into a ray of light and flew into the distance.Xu Miao felt that there were several figures following him at the rear.

These people were not monks from the Changling Mountains, but the monks Xu Miao had recruited due to the chaotic spiritual power fluctuations after he left the Changling Mountains.

Xu Miao's state is too bad, even ordinary control of spiritual power is more than enough.In the world of comprehension, although there is a lack of people who give charcoal in the face of need, there is the least lack of people who add insult to injury and take advantage of the fire to rob.

Some monks are not outstanding in their own abilities, but they will specifically look for single and injured monks and attack them, so as to obtain spirit stones, medicine pills, magic weapons, and even exercises.

Now, Xu Miao has become the target of this kind of monk.If ordinary monks were injured like Xu Miao, they would not be able to detect the following monks at all, let alone form an effective counterattack.

But Xu Miao is not an ordinary person, and what he does is not ordinary.Xu Miao flew behind a big tree, and moved Shui San out of the Hunting Stone when the people behind him couldn't see the place.

The strength of Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao is too strong, it is easy to attract the attention of others.But Shui San and Xu Miao are both in the early stage of Nascent Soul, so they won't attract the attention of outsiders.After Xu Miao summoned Shui San, her body couldn't support anymore, and she leaned against the big tree and gasped for breath.

When the three people following Xu Miao saw Xu Miao stop, they knew that Xu Miao's state had reached its limit.The more such a monk, the easier it is to succeed.

"Fellow Taoist, the three of us brothers have been in a bit of trouble recently. I wonder if we can borrow some spirit stones for us?" A bearded monk approached Xu Miao with a sinister smile. While discussing, the movements of his subordinates were not slow.

Xu Miao just lowered her head to adjust her physical condition, without even giving a glance.Just when this person's hand was about to touch Xu Miao, Shui San suddenly appeared and slashed at this person with a sword.

Although Shui San's strength cannot be compared with Xu Miao's, it is far superior to ordinary monks, let alone these weak people who want to rob injured monks.

This sword cut off the opponent's hand directly.With a scream from the monk, Shui San's attack was launched.There were only three people on the opposite side, and under the fierce attack, they were no match for Shui San at all.

After a while, the three monks knelt down in front of Xu Miao with their heads in their hands.The bearded monk realized at this moment that he kicked the iron plate, weeping and begging for mercy.

"Fellow Daoist, your lord has a lot of people. We have blind eyes and offended you. Please forgive our sins. I beg you!" The monk kept kowtow while begging for mercy.

Xu Miao leaned against the big tree, and looked coldly at the monk who was kowtowing vigorously in front of him: "You should have looted a lot of monks' things, take them all out."

The robbery failed but was robbed, and the three monks were ruined until their intestines were green.But their movements did not dare to be slow at all, because Shui San's sword was placed on their necks.

Several storage bags were taken out and piled up in front of Xu Miao.Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, but she snatched a lot of things.He picked up one of the storage bags, which contained quite a lot.

There are 10,000+ top-grade spirit stones alone, as well as some pills and magic weapons.Xu Miao randomly picked out a few more storage bags, and her face sank: "Do you know the consequences of playing tricks in front of me?"

Shui San was instructed by Xu Miao to raise his sword and cut off the arm of one of the monks.Because Shui San sealed the spiritual power of the three of them, one arm was severed without the spiritual power added to his body. The pain was unbearable for ordinary people.

"Ahhh——" The monk rolled on the ground in pain, trying to relieve the pain of the severed hand.

Xu Miao looked at the other two monks whose faces turned pale: "This is your lesson from the past. If you continue to play tricks, your ending will be worse than this person. I will definitely make you regret coming to this world .”

Xu Miao's words were like a hammer hammering heavily on the hearts of the two of them.They didn't dare to hide any more, and took out the remaining storage bags.

"The things the three of us robbed are all here, and there is absolutely no concealment this time!" One of the monks trembled uncontrollably, revealing his inner fear.

After Shui San sorted out all the items in the storage bag, he told Xu Miao that there are a total of 200 million high-grade spirit stones, as well as a lot of pills and magic weapons.

Xu Miao nodded in satisfaction, and looked up at the three of them again.Seeing Xu Miao's expression, the three of them thought they could escape from birth, but suddenly Shui San pierced the Nascent Soul of the three at a very fast speed.

Xu Miao didn't care about the robbery of these three people.Such things in the world of comprehension are not uncommon.He is not an envoy of justice, nor will he meddle in other people's affairs.

But the three of them hit him with the idea of ​​robbery, which was not something he could bear.It was Xu Miao's greatest kindness that the three of them were destroyed by a sword and did not suffer too much pain.

A year has passed since Xu Miao recovered from all her injuries.The strength of the great monk in the late Yuanying period should not be underestimated.If he hadn't been protected by dragon blood, he would definitely not be able to survive under Zhu Changpan's hands.

When he advances to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he will definitely kill Zhu Changpan himself in order to relieve the hatred in his heart.Xu Miao suppressed these messy thoughts and flew towards Chishui dense forest.

Chishui dense forest is the place where sumac grows.Chishui dense forest is named because of a red river.According to the news of Duobao Pavilion, there is no family entrenched near Chishui dense forest, but there is a mysterious legend.

The red water in the dense forest is actually a monster.Whoever enters the dense forest of Chishui will be attracted by Chishui, so he voluntarily jumps into Chishui and becomes a sacrifice of Chishui.

This legend was originally only spread among mortals, and monks did not believe it.To the monk, it is just a monster, just kill it.But no matter who entered the Chishui dense forest, they did not come out alive.

Even a very famous casual cultivator in the late stage of Nascent Soul disappeared after entering the dense forest of Chishui, and no one saw him again.So far, the Chishui dense forest has become a famous ghost forest in Central China.

No monk is willing to approach the Chishui dense forest, and no monk is willing to take the initiative to go to the Chishui dense forest.Xu Miao was able to get information about sumac from Duobao Pavilion, or when a monk flew over the dense forest of Chishui, he saw sumu growing in it.

The blame is here, the monk can fly over the sky smoothly, but cannot pass the dense forest from the ground.Therefore, the steward of Duobao Pavilion at that time also persuaded Xu Miao to use other materials instead.

However, as an alchemist, Xu Miao understood the characteristics of Su Mu very well.At least on the low-altitude lower plane, there is no other suitable material that can replace hematoxylin.

Xu Miao flew to the sky above the Chishui dense forest with the escape light, looking for the location of Su Mu. More than 1 years and less than 1000 years, this year is not easy to find.

The majestic spiritual consciousness spread out, and after searching for a long time, Xu Miao finally found the sora tree.Xu Miao's body was hanging above the somat tree. He stretched out his hand and was about to uproot the somat tree directly, but found that he couldn't shake the somat tree with his spiritual power.

Xu Miao thought about it, and called out Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao: "You two, help me pull up this somat wood." Since his strength is not enough, then find someone with stronger strength.

One half-step to transform into a god, one to transform into a god, Xu Miao didn't believe that he couldn't pull out this hematode.To Xu Miao's surprise, Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao exerted all their strength, but the somat tree remained unmoved.

"This sap tree is like being nailed to the ground, it can't be pulled out at all." Huoyan Lingyao complained.Xu Miao frowned, thinking about countermeasures to solve the current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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