Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 423 Chishui Dense Forest

Chapter 423 Chishui Dense Forest
The whole plant of Sappan must be pulled out in order to exert the maximum medicinal effect of Sappan.If it is cut off from it, most of the efficacy of the medicine will be lost, and it will not be able to exert its true effect.

Since it is impossible to pull it up directly from the air, it can only fall to the ground, first remove all the soil next to the root system of the hematode, and then pull up the hematode.

In desperation, Xu Miao could only enter the dense forest of Chishui.As soon as he entered the dense forest of Chishui, Xu Miao felt the strangeness here.The sumac that Xu Miao needs is less than [-] meters away from Chishui.

The width of Chishui is more than [-] meters, and the current is turbulent.If it were other rivers, Xu Miao would definitely be able to hear the sound of water flowing by standing at the current position.

But he is standing here now, and the surrounding area is completely silent.There was no sound of running water, nor any sound of insects or birds.Not only that, but the trees are flourishing here, but the sound of the leaves blown by the wind cannot be felt.

It was too quiet, so quiet that it didn't feel like a dense forest should be quiet.This place is too weird, and Xu Miao didn't dare to spread his consciousness too far away, but kept it within ten feet.

Xu Miao, Shui San, Qing Jiao, and Huo Yan Lingyao started at the same time, intending to get rid of the soil next to the root system of this hemp tree.However, it wasn't until Xu Miao started to realize that these soils were not the ordinary soil outside at all.

The soil was so hard that even the Mist Sword could not leave marks on it, not to mention that they used spiritual power to remove the soil.The Huoyan Spirit Demon sprayed out flames, trying to soften the soil under the high temperature.

As a result, he exhausted himself half to death, and the dirt remained unmoved.Qingjiao spat out the water dragon, trying to soften the soil with water.All the water fell on the ground, showing no signs of being absorbed by the ground at all, and all flowed in the direction of Chishui.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, Xu Miao had to say that he was at the end of his rope.The two strongest fighters around him couldn't affect the soil of Su Mu, let alone him.

"Xiaotian, what kind of soil is this kind of soil? How can it not be afraid of fire, water, or chopping?" Xiaotian is Xu Miao's last hope. Take the wood out of here.

Since there are no outsiders here, Xiaotian simply came out of the Hunting Stone.She bent down and carefully observed the condition of the soil: "If I'm not mistaken, this kind of soil should be called Jinhua soil."

"Golden soil is a kind of soil that has almost disappeared from the cultivation world. The hardness of golden soil is stronger than that of jadeite. Even the indestructible chaotic gas cannot affect golden soil."

"According to my memory, if you want to soften the golden soil, you can only use high-heat, high-quality flames to burn continuously. However, this method has a disadvantage, that is, the golden soil has not yet softened, and the golden soil grows The vegetation will be burned to death."

What Xiaotian said was exactly what Xu Miao was worried about. Sumu is not a high-temperature-resistant spiritual wood. If it is continuously burned with flames, it will definitely burn the sumu directly.

In addition, there is another problem. Just now, the Huoyan spirit demon burned the golden soil with flames.He burned continuously, but the golden soil did not show any signs of softening, which showed that the quality of the flame produced by the Huoyan Spirit Demon was not enough.

Xu Miao still has a spirit fire on her body, but he estimates that the level of this spirit fire is not as high as that of the Huoyan spirit demon.The remaining flame attribute is only the little phoenix.

However, the little phoenix has not yet grown up, so it is impossible for him to continuously breathe fire at the golden transformation soil.All of a sudden, Xu Miao found that he was completely helpless with this hematode.

He sat under the somat wood, with his legs crossed, thinking about countermeasures.The inexhaustible flow of water, the inability to be burned by fire, the soft and hard golden soil, which has clearly disappeared in the cultivation world, how can it reappear?
Xu Miao suddenly thought, since this place is called Chishui dense forest, could the source of everything be related to Chishui.There is a terrible legend about Chishui, monks will take the initiative to jump into Chishui and become a sacrifice of Chishui.

As the saying goes, there are no groundless rumors, there are no established facts, and such weird things will not be spread.Perhaps by solving Chishui's riddle, he can find a way to soften the golden soil and pull out the sumac.

Xu Miao did not go directly to Chishui, but took out a puppet and controlled the puppet to go to Chishui.He separated a ray of consciousness and put it on the puppet.

Puppets do not have the complex thoughts and emotions of monks. Even if this Chishui can really attract monks, it will not attract puppets without any thoughts.

The huge puppet approached Chishui step by step under Xu Miao's control.Through the spiritual consciousness left on the puppet, Xu Miao discovered that although the red water was red, it was crystal clear.

In Chishui, there are no fish, insects or aquatic plants.Seeing the strange scene in the Chishui, Xu Miao wanted to control the puppet to jump down to see if the Chishui was really so shallow.

However, when the puppet jumped down with a "plop", Xu Miao's back broke out in cold sweat.The puppet jumped down just now, and he completely followed his own wishes and let the puppet go down.

The moment the puppet entered the water, Xu Miao found that he had lost control of the puppet.No matter how he controlled it, the puppet did not follow his instructions and came up from the red water.

Xu Miao thought about flying into the air to observe the situation, but was surprised to find that he could not fly higher than the height of Su Mu.In other words, he has been trapped in the dense forest of Chishui and cannot leave.

As soon as this idea came out, Xu Miao's hairs immediately stood up.From the beginning to the end, it was he who uprooted the hematodes, softened the soil, and observed Chishui according to his own will.

He thought that there was no problem, but now he suddenly woke up, all these things were luring him into the dense forest of Chishui, approaching Chishui.If he hadn't used the puppet at the beginning, he might have fallen into the water, not the puppet, but himself.

"Xiaotian, have you noticed that there is something like a phantom formation here?" Xu Miao looked around, but he didn't find any trace of a phantom formation.However, he no longer believes his eyes and his way of thinking.

He felt that from the moment he entered the Chishui dense forest, he had already entered a certain puzzle, and he didn't know it. This was the most terrifying part of the whole puzzle.

After observing for a long time, Xiaotian made sure that there were no phantom formations or traces of other formations.There is no sound here, and there is no special smell. It can be said that there is nothing as long as it can affect people.

It is precisely because there are no unusual things in the phantom array that Xu Miao feels weird.If he was outside the Chishui dense forest, such a situation would never happen to him.

Xu Miao looked at all the things nearby, and locked her target on the golden soil under her feet.As soon as he landed, he stepped on this piece of land. If this piece of land had an impact on people, it would be absolutely difficult for anyone to notice.

"Xiaotian, if it were you, what method would you use to take away the sumu next?" Xu Miao had doubted himself now. He couldn't believe any of his thoughts, so he could only ask others.

Xu Miao not only asked Xiaotian, but also Shui San, Qing Jiao, and Huo Yanling Yao, and asked them to tell her the answer through sound transmission.Coincidentally, all the answers are the same, go to Chishui to find out.

The entire dense forest depends on Chishui for survival, and only Chishui can solve all the mysteries.Although there are hidden threats in Chishui that he doesn't know about, it is also the fastest way to know what he really wants.

When Xu Miao heard the unanimous answer, she suddenly laughed out loud.It was he who was confused and confused by the legend of Chishui.As a monk, is there less danger to encounter?Are there still few life and death crises encountered?
If he is always so timid, then he doesn't have to do anything, just find a place where mortals gather and spend the rest of his life.Having figured this out, Xu Miao went straight to Chishui.

It was the same as what I saw when I manipulated the puppet just now, it was crystal clear, and as for the puppet that entered the red water, it didn't know where to go.Xu Miao took out the scales that Qingjiao had given him. He had not specially practiced water avoidance skills, and had to rely on the scales to enter the bottom of the water.

Xu Miao jumped into the red water.As soon as he entered the water, Xu Miao felt the scorching heat.Standing next to Chishui, Xu Miao didn't notice the high temperature at all.

He immediately activated the Bihaiqingtian Jue, using water-attribute exercises to lower the temperature around his body.The Chishui is crystal clear from above, but when Xu Miao is in the Chishui, he finds that there are many fishes in the Chishui.

When a fish about the size of Xu Miao saw Xu Miao, it immediately opened its mouth wide and swam towards Xu Miao quickly.Xu Miao couldn't sense the opponent's level, so she could only temporarily summon the Fog Condensing Sword to resist.

The Ningwu sword moved along the fish's wide open mouth, and cut the fish in two.When the fish swimming around saw the fish killed by Xu Miao, they immediately rushed up and ate the fish cleanly.

Xu Miao frowned, looking at the fish beside her.These fish obviously wanted to eat him, but because Xu Miao's attack just now made them feel threatened, they didn't dare to confront Xu Miao directly.

But they were unwilling to leave easily, and they always surrounded Xu Miao, waiting for the moment when Xu Miao showed his flaws.Xu Miao released her consciousness, always observing the situation of the fish around her, and at the same time swimming forward.

Xu Miao found that the temperature of this red water was not always high, but high fever for a while, and freezing cold for a while.If Xu Miao hadn't practiced the Bihai Qingtian Jue, the change in the temperature of Chishui would have caused him quite a lot of trouble.

The deeper you swim, the fewer and fewer fish are around you, until you swim between two boulders, and there is no fish around.What appeared in front of Xu Miao was a "water ghost" who was more troublesome than fish.

In fact, Xu Miao didn't know the real names of these monsters, so he could only use "water ghost" to define them.They all have the appearance of human bodies, but their flesh and blood are dry and wrinkled, no different from mummies.

(End of this chapter)

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