Chapter 424
Immersed in Chishui, but there will be a state of mummy, which is completely contrary to common sense.These mummy sensed that outsiders had entered this place, and moved towards Xu Miao one after another.

The mummy moves crookedly, but the speed is not slow.Some of the mummies even spit out a yellow liquid at Xu Miao. Xu Miao accidentally got a little bit of it on, and found that the clothes were instantly corroded.

A mummy grabbed Xu Miao's hand and opened its mouth to bite.Xu Miao's right hand exploded with spiritual power, and dispersed the mummy.At the same time, he summoned the fog-condensing sword and attacked all the corpses in front of him.

The mummy was attacked by the Ningwu Sword, but it just shook its body and continued to rush towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao frowned, and swam out from the gap between the two mummies.

These mummies are almost invulnerable, the only shortcoming is that they are not flexible enough.Although they are fast, they cannot change direction in time.Xu Miao can only escape from the siege by taking advantage of the weakness of the mummy.

"These mummies remind me of a major event that happened in the realm of comprehension." Xiaotian suddenly appeared beside Xu Miao. The mummies couldn't distinguish the breath of Qi Ling. She could help Xu Miao get rid of the mummies around him.

Xu Miao kept moving, swimming past the mummy quickly, and asking what happened.

"Before I was born, the world of comprehension experienced a catastrophe. Countless monks turned into mummified corpses overnight. You may have been discussing Taoism with him yesterday, but today the other party may have become mummy."

"These mummies have lost their minds, they don't recognize their relatives, and they will attack any creature close to them. Moreover, the defense of the mummies is extremely strong, and ordinary magic weapons can't break the defense of their bodies at all."

A mummy approached Xu Miao from diagonally behind, Xu Miao did not look back, raised his sword and stabbed back, repelling the mummy.

Seeing that Xu Miao was fine, Xiaotian continued, "What makes the monks even more terrified is that as long as a normal monk is injured by a mummy, he will turn into a mummy the next day, without exception."

"At that time, people in the cultivation world were in chaos. No matter what level of monks they were, they couldn't do real harm to the mummy. The number of mummy was increasing, and the number of monks was decreasing. People were panicking everywhere."

"How did you solve it later?" Xu Miao looked at the mummies in front of him. If these mummies were of the same species as Xiao Tiankou's mummies, then once he was accidentally injured by these mummies, he would probably be infected and become a Mummy.

A look of doubt appeared on Xiaotian's face: "I don't know how to solve this matter later. Just like their appearance, they disappeared overnight without a trace."

"I don't know who did it, and what method was used to deal with the mummy. This matter has also become an unsolved mystery in the cultivation world."

Xu Miao has read many jade slips, and the history of the cultivation world is even more numerous.However, no jade slips have ever mentioned this matter, and it seems that it was deliberately erased from history by someone with a heart.

If the mummified corpse is really a catastrophe in the cultivation world, there is absolutely no reason not to record it in the jade slips that record history, so that future generations of monks can understand and be vigilant.

But now, the scourge of mummified corpses seems to have never happened before. There is no record, no data, no legends.If he hadn't come to the bottom of Chishui by chance and saw these weird mummies, Xiaotian wouldn't have talked about it specifically.

"Xiaotian, how did you know?" Since Xiaotian said that it happened before he was born, then there should be a way to know about such things, and how did her former director know about it.

"When the mummy change happened, it happened to be the time when my former master had just stepped into the cultivation world. At that time, he only had a cultivation level of the Qi refining stage, and he saw with his own eyes that his senior brothers and elders became mummy one by one. "

Xiaotian blinked, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "After I was born, the master mentioned this matter during the chat. And the master also said something specially - everyone seems to have forgotten this matter."

Xu Miao's hunch was indeed correct, and someone was indeed playing tricks behind the scenes to make everyone forget about it as much as possible.It's just that he didn't know how the former owner of Xiaotiandi managed to keep this matter in his mind.

To make people in the entire comprehension world forget, perhaps only non-human "immortals" can do it.Xu Miao explored along this line of thinking, and the mummy might have been caused by "immortals" accidentally.

In order to make up for the mistake, the "immortal" used another method to move the mummy here from the cultivation world, and made the monks gradually forget about it, and even the relevant jade slips were not left behind.

Xu Miao had a bold guess in her heart, whether the "immortal" who caused the transformation of the mummy was the same person who built the "Ascension to Immortal Pagoda".

It's a pity that all of this is just Xu Miao's guess based on some illusory clues. The truth is still an unsolved mystery.

"These mummies can't be killed at all, what the hell!" A strange monk's voice came from the front, and Xu Miao immediately stopped swimming forward and became vigilant.

According to the news from Duobao Pavilion, no monks have entered the Chishui dense forest for a long time.If he didn't need sumu, he would definitely not go here, let alone enter Chishui.

But besides him, someone else had also arrived in the Chishui dense forest. Listening to the voice, there was definitely more than one person ahead.Xu Miao glanced at Xiaotian, and Xiaotian also knew that it was not good to show up in front of outsiders, so she took the initiative to return to the Huntian Stone.

Xu Miao found that the mummies that attacked him all swam to the place where the sound came from, and only a few mummies were still entangled with him.Xu Miao didn't care about these few mummies at all, and flipped the Mist Sword over in her hand, forcing the approaching mummies back.

He tried his best to hide his breath, and quietly approached the source of the sound.

"If it weren't for your recklessness, we wouldn't be surrounded by mummified corpses. It's a waste of time! If our operation fails because of you, you will be responsible for the consequences!" Another stern voice tinged with anger came.

Xu Miao was stuck behind a boulder. This place was a blind spot, and the mummy couldn't get close to it, and the people in front couldn't see the situation here.

"You still blame me, it's obviously you—" the two were about to quarrel, but were interrupted by a third person: "Okay, okay, what will it look like if you keep arguing!"

"Since the secret of Chishui has been hidden for so many years, it will not be delayed for a while. As long as we take the mummy king out, we can control all the mummy, and it will not be easy to dominate the lower plane of the earth by then. .”

Xu Miao's heart trembled when she heard the flower the person said.If you want to dominate the lower plane of the earth and space, you have a lot of appetite.Judging from the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the other party at this time, it was not a monster, but a real human monk.

Since he is a human monk, who has the strength to dominate the entire plane?Xu Miao quickly went through several major forces in Zhonglu in her mind. The strength of West Lu is too average, and there are already many forces in Donglu, and it is impossible to gather them together.

But the situation in the Central Mainland is the same, it is not as concentrated as the Eastern Continent.Even Zhonglu can't unify, let alone dominate the entire plane.

Another point is that monks who grew up on this plane, generally speaking, would not use the plane below the ground to describe the plane they were in.In other words, the few people in front were not monks from the plane below Earth and Space, but from another plane.

These people are likely to come from other planes.They passed through the plane transmission channel and came to the lower plane of the earth and space.They didn't know where they knew about the mummy, so they wanted to use the power of the mummy to turn the plane below the earth and sky upside down and profit from it.

Xu Miao frowned, and one of the joints didn't make sense.Even the people in the plane below the ground and space don't know about the mummified corpse, and where did these monks learn about it.

Xu Miao also noticed that they mentioned the term "mummy king".As the name suggests, he should be the boss of this group of mummies.As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king, and if you control the mummy king, you will naturally be able to control this group of mummy.

The masters of these people had a lot of schemes, and they actually thought of using the power of the mummy.Reminiscent of the upper plane monks who appeared in the lower plane of the earth and space before, Xu Miao felt that the connections between the various planes might become more frequent.

It is estimated that the struggle between the various planes has already begun.As a plane whose level of comprehension is not prosperous, the lower plane of Earth and Space has attracted the attention of other planes.

Xu Miao doesn't know whether the people behind the scenes are just to occupy more territory, or for the secrets that may be hidden in the plane below the earth and space.When he heard the voice gradually diminishing, he knew that the other party had gone away.

Xu Miao came out from behind the stone and swam forward.These mummy corpses, which cannot be killed, were actually sealed and unable to move.Xu Miao looked at the restriction on the seal on the mummy, which was not the restriction he was familiar with.

This kind of restraint method is completely unfamiliar to him, and it is completely different from the restraint rules in the plane below the ground and space.Whether it is the movement of spiritual power in the restriction, or the type of restriction, it is different.

"Xiaotian, do you know this kind of restriction?" Since there were other people outside, Xiaotian didn't dare to show up rashly.With the help of Xu Miao's sight, she observed the restraint situation.

"I seem to have seen a prohibition similar to this one, but that prohibition is for defense, not for controlling the mummy. The owner at that time had studied this prohibition. I was still young, so I didn't look carefully."

If Xiaotian's master had seen and studied this restriction, then the place where Xiaotian's master was at that time should be the place where these people lived.

"Do you still remember which plane your master was in at that time? The upper plane or the lower plane?" This question is the key. If they are both lower planes, there is still a possibility of counterattack on the lower plane.

If the opponent is on the upper plane, the chance of counterattack will be very small.

(End of this chapter)

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