Chapter 425

When Xiaotian heard Xu Miao's question, his facial features were all wrinkled together, recalling the situation at that time.However, the time was too long, and Xiaotian didn't care where the director went, so it was really hard to recall.

"Xiaotian, or you can tell me that the name of that plane is only one word." If Xu Miao can know one of the words, at least Xu Miao can narrow the scope to several planes.

At that time, he can go to the cultivator of Huashen and ask about the types of restrictions.Under the guidance of Xu Miao, Xiaotian recalled little by little, and suddenly said happily: "I remembered, there seems to be a rare word in the name of that plane!"

The word "secluded" does not exist in the 36 upper planes, but among the 72 lower planes, there is a plane that contains the word "secluded", which is the lower plane of the earth.

The lower plane of earth and the lower plane of earth and space belong to the upper plane of sky, and are jointly governed by the upper plane of sky.The two god-transformation monks from the lower plane ascended, and they all went to the upper plane of the sky.

The facts are obvious. It is not the other planes that covet the lower plane of Earth and Space, but the lower plane of Earth and Space.It's just that Xu Miao still doesn't know whether it's the whole lower world that came up with the idea of ​​facing the lower plane of the earth and space, or a certain force in it.

Or maybe the secluded lower plane is not the real mastermind, and there is another upper plane manipulating behind him.Xu Miao cautiously followed the three of them, two men and one woman, and the middle-aged man was obviously the leader.

Two men and one woman, except for the middle-aged man who is at the late Yuanying stage, the remaining two young men and women are both at the middle stage of Yuanying.As long as Xu Miao is willing, she has the strength to kill him.

But these three people came from the lower plane after all, Xu Miao didn't know whether they came here as real bodies, or if there were higher-level monks who were always watching them.In case he appeared rashly, he would kill the three of them and attract the attention of their masters.By then, Xu Miao will be in danger.

"Where is the mummy king? We haven't found it after searching for so long." The young woman complained.

The middle-aged man looked at the compass in his hand and frowned: "According to the compass, it should be on our right hand side. But there is obviously no road here, and it has been completely blocked."

"It's not easy to blast a road when there is no road." The young woman used her spiritual power to bombard the soil next to her.However, Chishui greatly eased the impact of the spiritual power, and very little spiritual power finally fell on the soil.

Seeing the woman's frustration, the young man reminded her aloud: "Ignorance, this is golden soil, and it's not something your spiritual power can blow away."

These people also know Jinhuatu, perhaps the way to take away the sumu must be found in these three people.Xu Miao looked at the three of them for a moment, and found that the young man took out a huge golden hammer magic weapon.

He swam to the side of Jinhuatu, raised his hammer, and aimed at Jinhuatu hard.The originally indestructible Jinhua soil actually cracked under the impact of the hammer.

Xu Miao's eyes lit up, he was about to accept the hammer.When the three of them smashed the road open, it was time for him to snatch the hammer.

The young man held up a hammer and kept hitting it down.As his speed became faster and faster, more and more Jin Huatu was smashed open.After several hours of bombardment, he opened up a path.

When the three of them were about to enter from this path, Xu Miao released a burst of spiritual power at the young man's hand holding the golden hammer.The target of this spiritual force was not the hammer, but the man's wrist.

The hammer is too huge. If you want to avoid Xu Miao's spiritual attack, the best way is to let go of the hammer in your hand.When the young man noticed this spiritual power attack, he immediately let go of his hand, and at the same time launched an attack in the direction where the spiritual power appeared.

The sudden appearance of spiritual power was really strange, and the three of them looked at Xu Miao's position at the same time.Xu Miao was not in a hurry, he had already arranged Huoyan Lingyao in a place completely opposite to him.

Seeing this, the Huoyan spirit demon directly attacked the three middle-aged men.The strength of a ninth-level monster is not something that a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator can easily resist, not to mention there are two mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators beside him.

The complexions of the three of them changed drastically. They hadn't noticed that there were level nine monsters here before. It was really a mistake.The Huoyan Spirit Demon's attacks were violent and frequent, leaving the young man with no time to grab the golden hammer back.

"How come there are ninth-level monsters here? Doesn't it mean that neither monks nor monsters exist here!" The young woman was furious.

The young man's tone was also bad: "You also know it's a legend, this ninth-level monster likes to live here, and you can't let him move out!"

When Xu Miao listened to the two of them dealing with Huoyan Spirit Demon, they still didn't forget to taunt each other, a mocking smile curled up on the corner of their mouths.He didn't take away the magic weapon of the hammer by himself, but asked Qing Jiao to fetch it.

In the water, no matter how flexible his figure is, he can't compare to Qingjiao.With lightning speed, Qingjiao took the magic weapon of the hammer into his hands when the three of them didn't notice it at all.

With the hammer in hand, Xu Miao didn't want to continue entanglement, gave Huoyan Spirit Demon a signal, and then hid in another place.

Xu Miao didn't leave immediately, but just changed a place.The most dangerous place is the safest place. When the three of them suddenly saw a ninth-level monster appear, they would definitely choose to leave this place immediately.

Under Huoyan Lingyao's deliberate action, the three of them quickly entered the path opened just now.The young man thought about the golden hammer that was dropped temporarily: "My golden hammer!"

"What time is it? I'm still thinking about the hammer. It's important to run for your life!" The young woman dragged the man directly into the path.The Huoyan Spirit Demon displayed a huge body at this time, unable to enter the alley, and could only constantly slam into the intersection of the alley with its body.

The three people in the intersection felt the tyrannical impact of the Huoyan Spirit Monster, they didn't dare to stop, and hurriedly swam towards the depths.

"It's alright." Xu Miao's words made the Huoyan Spirit Demon stop the collision.From the man's words just now, Xu Miao knew the name of this hammer - Huajin Hammer.

All things generate and restrain each other, gold turns soil, turns gold hammer, and uses the gold hammer to break the hard gold turned soil.The monks in the remote and lower planes really have some wonderful ideas.

The road opened up by the young man just now was too narrow, and he couldn't continue to follow it in, so he could only use his spiritual sense to quietly fall behind.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a cultivator who transforms spirits, so naturally he will not attract the attention of the three people inside.

Through her spiritual sense, Xu Miao discovered that after the three of them crossed the path, there was a confined space with four directions.It's more like a prison cell than a space.

A huge mummy that was more than twice the size of the mummy outside was trapped inside, but this mummy was trapped by various restraints and chains and could not escape.

"The mummy king! We finally found the mummy king!" The middle-aged man looked at the mummy king in front of him, so excited that he couldn't help shouting for the first time.The other two were also very excited when they saw the Mummy King.

The middle-aged man took out a huge coffin, which happened to be the same size as the mummy king.As he progressed, he took out another bronze mirror. He pinched the formula with both hands, and aimed at the bronze mirror and punched out several spells.

The bronze mirror burst into dazzling light in an instant, and the middle-aged man waved his hands, and the bronze mirror turned to shine on the body of the mummy king.Under the radiance of the bronze mirror, the restraint slowly loses its effect.

Xu Miao saw that the mummy king's fingers moved almost invisible, but the three people in front of the mummy king didn't notice it, and they were still excited.

The light of the bronze mirror continued to shine, and the ban on the mummy king disappeared more and more, until the mummy king suddenly opened his eyes.As the mummy king's eyes opened, Xu Miao's consciousness sensed a strong sense of death and evil.

The Mummy King used both hands at the same time to break free from the rest of the restraint.His eyes were made up of mixed yellow whites, and he looked straight at the excited three people in front of him.

The middle-aged man controlled the bronze mirror, slowly backed away, and walked towards the place where the coffin was.The young man and the young woman opened the coffin lid together, waiting for the Mummy King to enter the coffin.

It was at this time that the mutation happened. The Mummy King, who had followed the guidance of the bronze mirror, suddenly raised his hand and left five marks on the middle-aged man's hand.

The middle-aged man's complexion changed drastically, and he kept struggling to get his hand out of the Mummy King's.However, the strength of the mummy king is so great that the middle-aged man can't get rid of the constraints of the mummy king.

Seeing this, the two young monks also changed their colors.Rarely, they did not quarrel, but scrambled to escape towards the path.The mummy king took a step forward, and extended his other hand forward, completely breaking through the limits of his body.

He grabbed the two of them back one after the other, and threw them on the ground fiercely.The monks in the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul, under the hands of the Mummy King, are like children, completely powerless to fight back.

The mummy king stepped on the bodies of the two young monks, buried his head in the middle-aged man's neck and gnawed it.The sound of teeth chewing bones and flesh appeared, making the faces of the two young monks turn pale instantly.

Xu Miao's consciousness has been observing the situation of the mummy king all the time. The mummy king has just lifted the restriction and has such a powerful strength. He doesn't think he will be the opponent of the mummy king.

It's just that it is easier to attract the attention of the Mummy King if he withdraws his consciousness rashly at this time.Xu Miao suppressed the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness to a minimum, reducing her sense of existence as much as possible.

At the same time, he also set up a formation around his body to hide his breath.He estimated that the mummy king should leave Chishui after eating the three monks.He also needs to take Su Mu away, and must leave after the Mummy King.

For the sake of safety, he needs various formations to block the attraction of his own breath to the mummy king.After the mummy king gnawed half of the middle-aged monk's neck, he left the monk aside and turned to the other two monks.

The two monks kept attacking the mummy king, but none of them were effective.

(End of this chapter)

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