Chapter 426

Xu Miao watched the attack power of the two monks getting weaker and weaker, and the expressions on their faces became more and more desperate. Only then did she understand why there was no force in the cultivation world that could compete with the mummy change at that time.

Ignoring the physical defense of damage, as long as it causes damage to the monk, it can infect the monk into a mummy. If this continues, there is no possibility of the monk surviving.

After the two young monks were swallowed by the mummy king one by one, they were thrown aside.He turned his head 360 degrees and walked towards the path.

Xu Miao watched the mummy king getting closer and closer to her, and his heart beat faster and faster, Xu Miao could almost hear the beating sound of the heart.Such an obvious voice will definitely attract the attention of the Mummy King.

Once attacked by the mummy king, Xu Miao didn't think she could escape from the opponent.Xu Miao gave up using deep breathing, just closed her eyes and adjusted her inner state.

The mummy king was no different from the opponents he had encountered before.Failure is just death.When the mummy king walked out of the path, Xu Miao's heartbeat finally dropped to the lowest point.

No breathing, no heartbeat, no fluctuations in spiritual power, nothing, Xu Miao's current condition is almost the same as that of a dead person.The mummy king is interested in all living things, except for dead creatures.

Xu Miao did what he did and used the trick of pretending to be dead.The mummy king quickly approached where Xu Miao was. Xu Miao kept her eyes closed and her mind was completely empty.

At this time, Xu Miao was extremely calm.As if he had entered an extremely mysterious state, no matter how close the Mummy King was to him, he did not show any abnormalities.

The mummy king bent down, and Xu Miao could even feel the dead breath from the mummy king.He remained motionless, and the Mummy King finally determined that Xu Miao was a dead person, so he straightened up and swam away.

Xu Miao still didn't move, he knew how powerful the Mummy King's perception was.As long as he shows anything wrong, the mummy king will return here immediately.

Even Xu Miao didn't know how long it took. After he felt the breath of mummy around him disappear, he slowly opened his eyes and resumed his breathing, heartbeat, and spiritual power.

"Mummy King, how strong is he?" Xu Miao felt the real unfathomable for the first time. When the mummy king approached Xu Miao, he even had the feeling that my life was over.

Xiaotian shook his head: "I don't know, and the master didn't say it either. After all, at that time, the master was only a monk in the Qi refining period. But since he can lead the mummy to occupy the cultivation world, his strength probably won't be too bad."

The lower plane of earth and space has its own special laws of heaven and earth, and anyone who exceeds the strength of Huashen will be actively drawn to the upper plane.Therefore, Xu Miao speculated that the current strength of the mummy king has not exceeded the stage of transformation.

However, even if he has not surpassed the stage of transformation, he can still exert a restraint effect on the late stage monks with a wave of his hand. I am afraid that even facing the monks of transformation, the mummy king will not feel too much trouble.

The monks in the remote and lower planes are really very sinister.Release the mummy king, and almost no monks in the lower plane of the earth can resist it.

Xu Miao went to the secret room where the mummy king was imprisoned before, and put the coffin and bronze mirror into the hunting stone.If the monks in the remote lower plane have considered using these two magic weapons to control the mummy king, maybe these two magic weapons are really useful.

It was only because the middle-aged monk did not control well that the Mummy King lost control and directly killed the three of them.After the mummy king left, Xu Miao found that the color of the Chishui where he was located gradually faded, turning into the color of a normal river.

So the existence of this Chishui is fundamentally because of the mummy king, not because of other reasons.Xu Miao couldn't care less about continuing to search for these truths. After smashing all the golden soil with a golden hammer, he moved the whole hematoxylin tree into the Huntian Stone, and left the Chishui dense forest.

All kinds of restrictions in the Chishui dense forest disappeared without a trace because of the disappearance of the Mummy King.Before he could not fly above the height of Sumu, but now he can easily fly out of the Chishui dense forest.

In other words, the entire Chishui dense forest exists to trap the Mummy King.Now that the mummy king has escaped, the Chishui dense forest has lost its function, and there are no restrictions of any kind.

Xu Miao didn't know which direction the Mummy King was going, so he found the nearest teleportation array and teleported towards Jingyangzong.Although the Jingyang Sect is not the number one sect in Central China, it is at least the second sect.

And if it was replaced by the real combat power of the monks, I am afraid that even Qianyangmen would not be the opponent of Jingyangzong.The most important point is that although his relationship with Jing Yangzong is not good, it is not very bad either.

Compared with Qianyangmen, Xu Miao is still more inclined to inform Jingyangzong of this matter.Xu Miao quickly traveled among the various teleportation arrays. In order to reach Jingyangzong as soon as possible, Xu Miao spared no expense to take the extremely fast channel.

When they arrived at the Jingyang Zong Mountain Gate, seven days had passed since the Mummy King was born.The dense forest of Chishui is too far away from Jingyang Sect, it is unbelievable for Xu Miao to arrive at Jingyang Sect within seven days.

"Who is coming?" The disciple of Jingyang Sect guarding the mountain gate stopped Xu Miao outside.Xu Miao was dressed in dust and dust, and it really didn't look like what a visit should be.

When another gatekeeper saw Xu Miao, he suddenly thought: "Xu Miao? Xu Miao, No.1 in the monk ranking competition?" Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that someone knew him.

Usually, he was afraid that others would recognize him, but now he was afraid that others would not recognize him. Xu Miao laughed to herself because of the difference in this situation.

"Xu Miao, I have urgent matters to see senior Ma Dezhong, please let me know." Xu Miao only knew Ma Dezhong from Jingyang Sect and Xuanfeng Sword Master.But Xuanfeng Jianzun guards the reward building, so he can only look for Ma Dezhong now.

The guard disciple said that Ma Dezhong was in retreat recently and could not see guests.Xu Miao had no choice but to ask the other party to notify Xie Xiu.

Xie Xiu and Xu Miao are both early Yuanying monks, and Xie Xiu is the most outstanding disciple of the generation of Jingyangzong disciples. He should be able to gain trust if he tells the elders in the sect.

When Xie Xiu was informed by his disciples, he was surprised for a while. He didn't think Xu Miao could do anything good by looking for him.Sure enough, as soon as Xu Miao told the story, Xie Xiu felt that something was wrong.

Cultivators have instinctive premonitions about all kinds of natural disasters. Xie Xiu's master, Sword Master Xuan Zhen, has a premonition that there will be major events in the cultivation world recently, but he asked all his friends carefully, and found nothing unusual.

Now Xu Miao's arrival has verified Sword Master Xuan Zhen's premonition.Xie Xiu also knew that this matter should not be delayed, so he directly brought Xu Miao to Sword Master Xuanzhen.

Xu Miao omitted some matters related to herself, and told Sword Master Xuanzhen exactly about the three monks in the remote lower plane and the mummy king.

"Are you sure they are monks from the lower plane?" Xuan Zhen Jianzun asked.

Xu Miao nodded: "That's right, I once saw in a jade slip about the prohibition methods and laws of the remote lower plane." Xu Miao said while roughly restoring the restrictions they put in place at that time.

Sword Master Xuanzhen is not Xu Miao, he is backed by the Jingyang Sect and has various sources of information.Xu Miao can only rely on Xiaotian's memory and what she knows to speculate.However, Sword Master Xuanzhen can directly judge based on the existing information.

Although the Jingyang Sect is a sword cultivator sect, there are also monks who study formations, and there are also materials in the sect that record various prohibitions.There is a volume of materials that records the restrictions on other planes, including the lower plane of the earth.

The prohibition method law mentioned in the information is almost the same as what Xu Miao showed.Sword Master Xuan Zhen originally suspected that something big would happen in the near future, but now he believed even more what Xu Miao said.

Even though Xu Miao was born in Westland, Sword Master Xuanzhen is still willing to believe in Xu Miao.A monk who ranked first in the monks' ranking competition, he didn't think Xu Miao would be idle to tell him a lie.

"What happened to the three monks from the lower plane?"

"After they became mummified corpses, they also lost their traces. Otherwise, I would bring them back. Whether it is soul searching or other methods, at least I can know the map of the monks in the lower plane."

Xu Miao did not hide it. When he recovered from the state of suspended animation, the three of them had indeed disappeared.He didn't know whether they left with the mummy after they became mummy, or were taken away by monks from the lower plane of the earth.

Xuanzhen Jianzun told Xu Miaoxian to live in Jingyangzong temporarily, and he needed to inform other big monks and incarnation monks about this.After a while, other monks will continue to ask, so don't leave in a hurry.

Naturally, Xu Miao has no objection. Although he is not from Central China, he is still a member of the lower plane, protecting his homeland. Xu Miao has no hesitation.


"Mummy King? How is that possible? I'm afraid that kid surnamed Xu made up nonsense, trying to sensationalize the public." The late monks of the An family were the first to question.

Master Feiqi from Fufeng Valley stroked his long beard and said: "This formation is indeed a formation only used in the lower planes of the earth. I have seen Xu Miao use the formation before, and there is no shadow of the lower planes at all. .”

"He can imitate it now, which means that he has indeed seen it. Even if there is no such thing as the Mummy King, it is not good news for the monks in the lower plane to notice our lower plane."

"Once the plane war starts, it will not be able to stop within a few years, decades, at least a few hundred years. Such a long war is not good news for any plane."

"Especially the home field of the battle, in the plane below our ground, that would be a fatal damage to our plane." After Fei Qi's words, the faces of the monks present became heavy.

Gao Jian, a late monk of Qianyangmen, said: "What if Xu Miao's words are a lie at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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