Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 427 The Transformation of the Mummy Begins

Chapter 427 The Transformation of the Mummy Begins

"Whether it's the mummy king or the so-called remote lower plane, it's all Xu Miao's one-sided opinion. If it turns out that all of this is just fabricated by that monk Xilu, what should I do with myself, monk Zhonglu?"

"That's right. Xu Miao is just a monk from Xilu. Maybe he lost his sight under nervousness. It's not impossible. Such an important matter will affect the whole body. How can we mess up because of the words of a monk from Xilu?" The city is full of wind and rain."

"If it spreads out, wouldn't it make me and other Zhonglu monks the laughing stock of the whole world!" Qianyangmen, An's family, Zhou's family, Song family's later great monks all objected to Xu Miao's words.

Except for Fufenggu, the later monks of Jingyang Sect who believed in Xu Miao's words, the monks of other sects and families were all neutral.Not explicitly believed, nor outright denied.

Sword Master Xuanzhen saw this and said: "In this case, I will let Xu Miao come directly. If you have any questions, you can ask him at any time." Sword Master Xuanzhen took out a sound transmission talisman, ignited it and threw it outside the hall.

This sound transmission talisman was passed on to Xie Xiu. Xie Xiu received a notification from Sword Master Xuanzhen and took Xu Miao to Jingyangzong's Zhenwu Hall.In Zhenwu Hall, except for Sword Master Xuanzhen who was present in real form, the other monks all came here in the state of images.

Facing a group of great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, Xu Miao didn't panic, walked in front of Xuanzhen Sword Master calmly, and saluted respectfully.Xuan Zhen Jianzun nodded: "Xu Miao, you will tell me what you have to tell the seniors in detail."

Xu Miao cleared her throat, and once again narrated what happened in the dense forest of Chishui.It is the same as what Xuanzhen Jianzun said, and there is no discrepancy.

Gao Jian, a monk from Qianyangmen, first asked: "The Chishui dense forest is not a secret in the entire Central Continent. Everyone knows that the Chishui dense forest is a place of death and life, and no one wants to go there.

"As far as I know, there is no news of the imminent birth of a magic weapon in the Chishui dense forest, nor the appearance of the Guxiu cave. Why do you insist on going?"

Xu Miao told Gao Jian about Su Mu, and added: "If you don't believe me, you can go to Duobao Pavilion and ask if I asked about Su Mu a few years ago."

"Presumably with the strength of Duobao Pavilion, I don't bother to collude with me to deceive you. If anyone still doesn't believe it, you can go to the Zhu family near the Changling Mountains. In order to obtain Wulingzhi, I also talked with Zhu Changpan, the head of the Zhu family. Tried it once."

"Everything I said, there are witnesses and physical evidence." After Xu Miao finished speaking, he took out Wulingzhi and the complete sumac.Based on the cultivation level of the monks present, they could tell at a glance that this hematode really came from the Chishui dense forest.

As for Wu Lingzhi, Xu Miao defeated the Zhu family and Zhu Changpan on the Zhu family's territory. Although the Zhu family had issued a silence order, they had a wide range of sources of information, and it was very easy to know something.

Xu Miao indeed snatched Wu Lingzhi from Zhu Changpan's men, and defeated Zhu Changpan in front of everyone.This kind of record is also difficult to hide.

"Since you saw the monks from the lower plane appear, why didn't you go and stop them immediately?" Brother An continued to ask.

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at him, revealing that the other party was an idiot: "I am a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and when I suddenly see a strange monk, would I rush to the front without hesitation? If your Excellency changes places with me place, will it be the same?"

"If I do what your Excellency said, I'm afraid I won't survive, let alone come to Jingyang Sect to inform everyone about it." Xu Miao turned her head and glanced at the images in front of her one by one.

"I know, you doubt me, but because I am not a monk from the Central Continent, but from the Western Continent. You subconsciously think that what I said is false and untrue."

"If it was Zhang Ya today, and Xie Xiu stood here and told you these things, would you still question it?" Xu Miao smiled contemptuously, "I'm afraid not, you will use the fastest speed to send people to investigate this matter." thing."

Xu Miao straightened her back and looked at the cultivators who were two levels higher than him in front of her: "As a late-stage great cultivator, but because of the family background, I don't believe the words of ordinary monks. I feel really sad for the plane below the ground and space!"

Xu Miao's words echoed in Zhenwu Hall, no monk asked Xu Miao any more questions, and Zhenwu Hall was silent.The real person Feiqi from Fufeng Valley was the first to express his opinion: "Good boy, you are indeed the junior that I, Feiqi, likes, and I have a share of my youthful appearance!"

In front of Xu Miao and all the late master monks, Master Feiqi recruited a young disciple and ordered him to convey the order.Let Fufeng Valley's contact points in various towns allocate half of their forces to investigate the Mummy King.

Sword Master Xuanzhen also reacted immediately, summoned Xie Xiu, ordered him to do similar things, and asked Xu Miao to retreat first.Xu Miao glanced at Gao Jian and Brother An's family, then turned and left.

Gao Jian noticed the way Xu Miao looked at him, obviously disdainful and mocking.How could Gao Jian endure being looked at by a monk in the early Yuanying period with such eyes.

He frowned and was about to get angry, but he was stopped by Master Feiqi: "Gao Jian, it's absurd for you, a late-stage cultivator, to be in trouble with the juniors in the early Yuanying stage."

Gao Jian was suffocating with anger in his stomach, feeling very uncomfortable.But due to various reasons, he couldn't attack on the spot, so he couldn't help remembering Xu Miao in his heart, and planned to teach him a good lesson when he met Xu Miao in the future.

Xie Xiu and Sword Master Xuanzhen had to complete the tasks he had ordered him to do. After sending Xu Miao to the guest room, he left alone.Now that Xu Miao has informed the sect family about the Mummy King, his responsibility has been fulfilled.

As for whether they believe it or not, it is not something he can change.Xu Miao has done her best, and everything will depend on fate.Xu Miao found the disciple in charge of this place, told him that she still had something to do and needed to leave, and asked him to tell Xie Xiu.

This disciple was only a monk in the golden core stage, unable to stop Xu Miao, he could only watch Xu Miao leave helplessly.And on the fifth day after Xu Miao left, the news of the mummy reached the ears of Sword Master Xuan Zhen.

Sword Master Xuan Zhen held the jade slip that Xie Xiu handed him, with a gloomy expression on his face.The mummy spread extremely fast, among which there were four or five remote towns, and the whole town became a mummy, not even a monk escaped.

After hearing the news, Sword Master Xuanzhen immediately went to Zhenwu Hall to inform the other late stage monks.Each sect and family has its own news source network, and the news that Sword Master Xuan Zhen can get, they also got the corresponding news not long after.

Except for Sword Master Xuan Zhen and Master Fei Qi, they were not really sure until now that Xu Miao really came to tell them kindly.

If they had prepared in advance, at least they could have made all the monks vigilant, instead of being completely unaware, and such a tragic disaster would never have happened.

The expressions on the faces of every major cultivator in the late period are very ugly. Judging from the speed at which the mummy destroys the town and expands, it won't be long before it will spread to their sphere of influence.

According to what Xu Miao said, within one move, the mummy king captured the late Nascent Soul cultivator in the secluded lower plane.The comprehension level of the lower planes of the secluded earth will definitely not be weaker than that of the lower planes of the earth and space, let alone those who are sent out to perform tasks.

But such monks were all restrained by the Mummy King's move. I am afraid that with the strength of all of them, they would also be unable to pose a threat to the Mummy King.

"For the current plan, we need to notify the ancestor of Huashen as soon as possible. Only the ancestor of Huashen can deal with the mummy king!"

"That's right, I'm going to inform the ancestors right away." The influence of the monks disappeared instantly, and they went to look for the monks who transformed the spirit.


At this time, Xu Miao had already left Jingyangzong's sphere of influence, but took advantage of the fact that the mummy change had not yet fully erupted, and got Achyranthes knee.

Xu Miao's current location is exactly where the Shuiqingniu clan often haunts.In addition to the water green ox, there is another kind of monster in this area, the water rhinoceros.

The two monsters look the same, but their personalities are very different.Shuiqingniu's temperament is kind, and he does not reject the approach of human monks.Water rhinos are violent and will attack immediately if a human approaches them.

Xu Miao hid her breath behind a boulder.Now the water rhinoceros, the monster that haunts this area, Xu Miao needs to wait quietly until the water rhinoceros disappears and the water blue bull appears.

This area is far away from crowds and towns, so Xu Miao has no idea that the Cultivation Realm in Central China has fallen into chaos, and the number of mummified corpses is increasing rapidly.

The friend from the previous day turned into a murderous mummy when they met again the next day.Countless towns were completely occupied by mummies overnight, and there was no trace of human monks.

In mortal towns, a large number of people died.Even monks can't resist mummy, let alone ordinary mortals.The rate of infection was faster than that of monk towns, and mummy towns broke out one after another in mortal towns.

Some mortals can only flee to the town where the monks are located, in order to seek the protection of the monks.Xu Miao didn't know anything about it, and all his attention was on the Shui Qingniu in front of him.

This Shuiqing ox is a level eight monster, just in line with the level of Achyranthes that Xu Miao needs.Xu Miao appeared in front of Shuiqingniu in a flash. He didn't intend to fight head-on, but planned to persuade Shuiqingniu to donate its achyranthes knee in a gentle way.

He will use other methods to help the water green bull grow back its knees.However, Xu Miao was not the only one who stood up to the water blue ox, but also two monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

These two monks seem to be a Taoist couple.Seeing Xu Miao's appearance, the male monk immediately took out the magic weapon: "My wife and I need to capture this buffalo, please get out of the way!"

The male cultivator's words were blunt and full of orders.Xu Miao turned a deaf ear and still approached Shuiqingniu step by step.Seeing that Xu Miao didn't respond, the male cultivator raised his right hand and attacked Xu Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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