Chapter 428
Xu Miao didn't even turn her head back. She used a sword in her backhand and counterattacked in the direction of the opponent's spiritual attack.Xu Miao's attacking spiritual power directly shattered the opponent's spiritual power and reached the male cultivator.

The male cultivator never expected that this cultivator at the early stage of the Nascent Soul would be able to decipher his attack and counterattack him in such a short period of time with the strength of the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

When the female cultivator saw that the male cultivator was hit, she quickly opened her hands, and a long blade emerged out of thin air. She jumped up and slashed at Xu Miao's head from behind.

This sword was full of strong killing intent, Xu Miao raised her right hand backwards, blocked the sword endlessly, and at the same time turned her body to face the female cultivator.Seeing Xu Miao turn around, the female cultivator felt an inexplicable sense of fear in her heart for some reason.

Xu Miao didn't give the female cultivator too much time to think, and the spiritual power of her right hand was suddenly poured into the Ningwu Sword, strengthening the sword's momentum, and directly used a sword to force the opponent back.

The female cultivator let out a low cry, unable to withstand Xu Miao's spiritual attack, she quickly backed away to ease the attack.The female cultivator and the male cultivator looked at each other, and they attacked Xu Miao on the left and the right respectively.

Xu Miao snorted coldly, and the Nirvana Sword appeared at the same time.The two swords hung in the air. Xu Miao stretched out his long arms and raised his hands. With the power of breaking the air, the two swords stabbed straight at the two of them.

The two swords are like Xu Miao's hands, the sword moves with the heart, Xu Miao's mind moves, and the sword moves are sent out in a flowing manner without any obscurity.When the two saw Xu Miao's attack becoming more and more fierce, they became more and more afraid.

After another move, Xu Miao gradually gained the upper hand.If it weren't for these two being a Taoist couple with the same mind and able to exert their strength as much as possible, Xu Miao would definitely be able to solve it in a shorter time.

The two monks looked at each other and stepped back at the same time.Both of them saw fear in each other's eyes.This person's strength is too strong, they can't easily deal with it.

The male cultivator pondered for a moment, and said, "My fellow daoist, our husband and wife need this buffalo, and we hope that you will part with it." Xu Miao sneered, seeing that the male cultivator did not speak.

Before Xu Miao showed his strength, the male cultivator's attitude was not like this.Bossing around, so arrogant, the words are full of orders to him, as if he is used to being superior.

If Xu Miao hadn't suppressed the two of them in a short period of time, Xu Miao didn't think that the male cultivator's attitude would become so kind.Seeing that Xu Miao didn't speak, the male cultivator showed a trace of embarrassment on his face: "I don't know how the friendship will go?"

"If you can't beat it, you know you're going to let me give up. Why didn't you have this attitude before, and who is this attitude for now." Xu Miao's voice was cold, without any warmth.

The two monks looked at each other, and the obvious anger was suppressed in their eyes.Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, waiting for the time when the two could not suppress their anger.

"What do you want to do?" the nun stepped forward and asked.

When Xu Miao heard this, she laughed angrily: "I've waited here for many days, and you stepped in and let me go when you came up. When you found out that you couldn't beat me, you asked me what I wanted. Shameless three words reached the limit."

The female cultivator was ridiculed by Xu Miao, her face flushed immediately, and she said stiffly, "It's just a buffalo, why do you have to snatch it from us, I can give you some spirit stones."

"Spiritual stone?" Xu Miao plucked out her ears, tilted her head and asked, "How many spiritual stones are you going to give me?" Xu Miao just asked casually, just to humiliate the other party, and had no intention of really asking for it.

"One hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones is enough. You are a casual cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and you have never seen so many spirit stones." The female cultivator's words were not without complacency.

When Xu Miao heard this, she looked at the female cultivator no longer looking at a shameless person, but at the expression of a mentally handicapped person: "Master, I am short of the 10 yuan high-grade spirit stone?"

"Hurry up, I'll count to three, and if I don't leave after three, don't blame me for being rude!" Xu Miao's eyes turned cold, and she didn't want to continue talking nonsense with them.

This eighth-level water blue ox seems to have stayed here enough and wants to go to other places.How could Xu Miao let the achyranthes knee in her hand slip away from her hand again.

"You—" The female cultivator wanted to say something more, but the male cultivator was keenly aware of a strong killing intent.Xu Miao made a murderous move. If the second daughter continued to mess around, he wouldn't mind making this man a widower.

"One, two—" Before the three words were spoken, the male cultivator pulled the female cultivator away.The female cultivator glared at the male cultivator, very unhappy.The male cultivator smiled sinisterly, and comforted the female cultivator: "No matter how strong he is in the early stages of a Nascent Soul, how can he compare with Shui Qingniu?"

"We can use his power to consume some of the strength of the Shuiqingniu. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and we are the oriole. Not only can we get the Shuiqingniu, but we can also kill that kid who doesn't know what to do!"

As the male cultivator spoke, he made a movement of wiping his neck, which directly persuaded the female cultivator.The two found a place not far away and hid.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has been observing them all the time, and when she finds that the two of them are hiding nearby, she knows what they are thinking.Xu Miao has used this strategy many times.

Wanting to gain benefits under his hands, they really saw Xu Miao clearly, and they thought highly of themselves.Xu Miao temporarily forgot the two monks, walked up to Shuiqingniu, and directly summoned the little phoenix to communicate with it.

Little Phoenix is ​​a descendant of the mythical beast Suzaku, and has a natural ability to suppress and command monsters.In addition, Shui Qingniu is docile in nature, and after being persuaded by Xiao Fenghuang, Shui Qingniu also agreed to Xu Miao's request to cut off the kneecap.

This is the magic of monsters like Shuiqingniu. Although they have four legs, they can also walk on only three legs.

Xu Miao took out the Ningwu Sword, carefully avoiding the blood vessels next to the kneecap of Shui Qingniu, and took out the kneecap.Xu Miao poured Lingyuan Water on the kneecap of Shuiqing Niu as if she didn't need money.

Lingyuan water is full of spiritual energy, coupled with Xu Miao pouring so much, the wound began to heal quickly.Seeing that Shui Qingniu was able to walk normally, Xu Miao felt relieved.

The two people who had been hiding in the dark cut off the kneecap of the Shui Qingniu while watching Xu Miao move without moving, their eyes were bigger than the eyes of a bull.

They couldn't imagine how an eighth-level monster listened to the words of Xu Miao, a monk at the beginning of the Nascent Soul.They didn't see the little phoenix summoned by Xu Miao.

In order to conceal the existence of the little phoenix, Xu Miao deliberately stood sideways behind the little phoenix so that the two of them would not see it.Therefore, these two people don't know what method Xu Miao used to persuade Shui Qingniu.

"What should we do now? That guy didn't expend much energy at all. If we go to kill him now, we probably have no chance of winning." The female cultivator whispered. Although she was impulsive, she was not stupid.

She knew very well how powerful Xu Miao was. Even if she and the male cultivator fought together, they were not Xu Miao's opponent.The male cultivator glanced at Xu Miao, and said viciously: "We used the tactic of killing, and took out the magic weapon from home to deal with the water green bull."

"You can even deal with eighth-level monsters, so you're afraid you can't deal with a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul!" The female cultivator nodded when she heard the male cultivator's words, and took out a ball of rope.

This group of ropes is a mountain rope, even a mountain can be tied, let alone a person.Full of confidence, the female cultivator and the male cultivator ambush Xu Miao on the way forward.

Xu Miao knew everything from when the two made a plan to ambush here.This is the powerful effect of spiritual consciousness, even knowing the content of the other party's voice transmission.

One step further, it was the place where the two placed the mountain ropes.The hearts of those two people almost jumped to their throats, and they were waiting for Xu Miao to take another step forward.

However, Xu Miao just stopped here and refused to take a step forward.The two were anxiously scratching their heads, thinking that Xu Miao hadn't found out, they secretly communicated through sound transmission, and thought of other ways.The two were only focused on the sound transmission, and they didn't notice that Xu Miao had disappeared from the spot at all.

"Do you think the rope should be placed a little further?" Xu Miao's cold voice sounded faintly. The female cultivator heard the man's voice and instinctively wanted to nod, but suddenly woke up. The voice was not her husband's voice at all, but Xu Miao's voice. Miao's voice.

The female cultivator's face turned pale in an instant, and she froze on the spot.Xu Miao's expression was calm, and she looked down at the panicked female cultivator.The Ningwu Sword suddenly appeared behind the female cultivator, stabbing at the position of the female cultivator's dantian at a fast speed.

"Ah—" the female cultivator's shrill and sharp scream came, and the male cultivator threw out the mountain rope, trying to tie Xu Miao.However, Xu Miao is not afraid of this so-called mountain rope at all. No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it needs a suitable owner to use it.

The master is useless, the magic weapon is the Primordial Spirit Treasure, and it cannot display the true strength of the magic weapon.Xu Miao raised her hand and easily grasped one end of the mountain rope in her hand.Using force with his right hand, he snatched the mountain rope from Nanxiu's hand.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the male cultivator turned around and wanted to run away.How can Xu Miao let Xu Miao let those who want to kill Xu Miao escape?Xu Miao shook her right hand, and the mountain rope was in Xu Miao's hands, its power soared, binding the male cultivator tightly.

The male cultivator who was tied up with mountain rope was thrown in front of the female cultivator by Xu Miao.At this time, the female cultivator's Nascent Soul had already been attacked by the Ningwu Sword, and her life was not long, and she couldn't even breathe out a full breath.

She watched Nanxiu leave her behind, wanted to escape but was caught by Xu Miao, and before she died, she finally showed an extremely ugly smile.

Seeing his wife's death, Nanxiu knew that Xu Miao would kill him too, so he kept begging Xu Miao for mercy, hoping that Xu Miao would let him go.Xu Miao looked at the shameless male cultivator, a trace of contempt flashed across his face, he locked the mountain rope tightly in his hands, and killed the male cultivator directly.

Xu Miao looked at the two men who fell on the ground with hideous faces, and there was no ups and downs on their faces.If these two people can talk nicely, Xu Miao will also consider sharing Shuiqingniu with them.

In the final analysis, it was the result of their being too rampant, and it was no different from anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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