Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 429 Mummy Explosion

Chapter 429 Mummy Explosion
Xu Miao searched the storage treasures of the two monks with ease, but unexpectedly found a material in it - raw deer grass.After the Deer Grass was extinct due to the deer associated with it, no one in the cultivation world has seen the trace of the Deer Grass.

Xu Miao never imagined that these two monks would have such unnatural luck to get raw deer grass.Xu Miao would not have killed them if it hadn't been for these two people's killing intent towards Xu Miao.

It can only be said that this raw deer grass was destined to be in Xu Miao's hands. Xu Miao took out the raw deer grass separately and put it into the various ingredients of the elixir needed by Shuimei.

From this point of view, Xu Miao has gathered all sixteen materials, and as long as they are refined, they can be consumed by Shui Mei at any time.Xu Miao simply did not leave this place in a hurry, but found a hidden place nearby.

He took out the fog condensing sword and dug a temporary cave on the mountain wall.Take the time to refine the elixir, once you leave this place, you don't know what the situation in the cultivation world outside will be like.

Now that the mummy king has been born, he will never find another place to live in seclusion.If Xu Miao's guess is correct, this mummy king should have developed sanity, and the mummy king with sanity is the most terrifying.

Among the human monks, there is almost no opponent, and it will soon set off a bloody storm in the cultivation world.Xu Miao temporarily suppressed these thoughts and began to refine the elixir.

As long as high-quality materials can be found for this elixir, the refining method is actually not difficult, there are no particularly difficult steps, and there is no place where it is easy to fail.

Of course, these are all for Xu Miao.If it is an ordinary alchemist, it is also impossible to refine this elixir with only one portion.

However, Xu Miao was different. His monstrous talent on the road to alchemy allowed him to successfully refine the elixir with only one material.

Both Qingjiao and Huoyan spirit demon were summoned to guard the cave.This elixir is very important. In addition, it is very difficult to find the materials. Xu Miao tried his best to get together only one part of the materials. Therefore, during the refining process, external factors must not cause the refining to fail.

On the outermost layer of the cave, there is a protective magic circle layered on top of each other, and inside the magic circle are two monsters.After Xu Miao confirmed that all the protections were arranged, he took out all the materials and prepared to start refining.

Xu Miao adjusted her consciousness and spiritual power to the best state, slowly raised her right hand, and activated the infant fire.Due to Xu Miao's spiritual root attribute, the temperature of the baby fire is not high, so he needs to pay special attention during the refining process.

All the steps are being done in an orderly manner.Xu Miao has never devoted himself to alchemy so seriously before.All of his mind was completely concentrated in alchemy.

Not a single cent was allocated for vigilance. Xu Miao believed in Qingjiao, Huoyan Lingyao, and the formation he had arranged.Under this kind of defense, even if the mummy king came in person, Xu Miao was confident that he could stop him.

After all the materials were fused, they were sent into the Heaven Refining Cauldron.Xu Miao closed her eyes tightly, using her spiritual sense to feel the alchemy inside the Liantian Cauldron.Since it was the first and only refining time, Xu Miao directly chose to observe the internal conditions of the alchemy furnace with his spiritual sense.

Whether it is relying on the scent of the pill or estimating the time, it is not as good as direct observation with the divine sense.If it weren't for Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness as strong as Huashen, and the ability to withstand high-intensity pain, he would not be able to observe with his spiritual consciousness.

Even though the temperature of the baby fire cannot be compared with the temperature of other spiritual root monks, it is not an ordinary temperature.Confronting the ever-burning baby fire with the consciousness, it was quite a torment for the monks.

But Xu Miao was so happy, this elixir was made for his beloved woman.It's nothing at all to let the consciousness suffer the torture of the infant fire.

When the pill was formed, Xu Miao could find it instantly.In the next steps, Xu Miao did a smooth job. When he opened the refining celestial cauldron, three complete pills exuding a strong medicinal fragrance appeared at the bottom of the refining celestial cauldron.

Until then, Xu Miao showed a smile.He took out the jade bottle and put three elixirs into it, and when he was about to leave, he received a message from Qing Jiao who had been guarding outside.

"Xu Miao, mummified corpses have already started appearing in this area. Although the number is small, the level is not low. If we want to leave here, we must use the fastest speed."

"Otherwise, once we are entangled by them, it will be extremely difficult for us to escape!" Qing Jiao's voice was serious, Xu Miao put away the needle flag, walked outside the cave, and saw scattered mummies dangling outside.

This place is relatively remote, with few monsters and no human monks.According to common sense, the mummy would not come here on its own initiative.

Unless the nearby human towns have fallen, it will cause some stupid mummy to break away from the main force and come here.Xu Miao, who was immersed in the alchemy process, had no idea how long had passed.

"How long did it take me to refine the elixir?"

Qing Jiao stood beside Xu Miao: "About a month." In one month, the mummy has grown to such a scale. It seems that the mummy king has a deep plan.

"Let's go to the human town to have a look first!" Xu Miao sent Qing Jiao and Huo Yan Ling Yao back to the Hunting Stone, soaring into the sky.These mummies can't fly for the time being, as long as Xu Miao can stay in the sky, the mummies can't pose a threat to him.

Xu Miao's flying speed is not fast, he always pays attention to the situation on the ground.Sure enough, as he expected, the nearby human towns have been completely occupied by mummies, and there is no trace of a normal human monk.

He changed direction and flew towards the hinterland of Zhonglu.In that area, several large sects and aristocratic families gathered.If there is any area on the Central Continent that is safe enough, then it is this area.

Xu Miao's speed of driving the light was extremely fast, and it flashed over the towns without stopping at all.

"Fellow Daoist above, please help us!" Xu Miao suddenly stopped when he heard a cry for help.The voice was very familiar. He was suspended in mid-air and found that it was An Xitong and several monks who settled down.

An Xitong and his party consisted of five people, but they were surrounded by more than fifty mummified corpses, unable to escape.Xu Miao frowned and looked at the situation under her feet, and asked through sound transmission: "Can't you fly?"

Mummy can't fly, but monks can fly, even if they can't beat them, they should be able to fly away, and they shouldn't be so trapped that they can only call for help.

An Xitong saw that Xu Miao appeared, and immediately showed a rescued expression on his face: "This mummy is very strange. As long as we are surrounded, we will not be able to fly in the air, as if there is an invisible restriction."

When Xu Miao heard this, the Wu Ningjian appeared instantly and swept towards the mummy next to him.Although the mummy is not sensitive and cannot evade Xu Miao's attack in time, their tough body can completely withstand the attack of the Mist Sword.

The Ningwu sword only drew a few flames on these corpses, leaving no sword marks.With such a terrifying defense, ordinary monks can't break through their defense at all.

Seeing that the Wu Ning Jian's attack was ineffective, Xu Miao decisively recalled the Wu Ning Sword.He remembered the special restriction used by the three people in the remote lower plane at that time. He had studied it specially, and it should be effective now.

He quickly pinched the magic formula in his hand, how the three people in the lower plane of the secluded world set up the magic circle, he didn't know.But he can rely on his own method to arrange formations.

The golden light fell quickly, controlling all the mummy next to An Xitong.The mummy felt the restriction, and struggled frantically.These mummies looked skinny, but in reality they struggled with immense strength.

Xu Miao saw An Xitong and five people who were frozen in place, and shouted: "Hurry up!" Without the restriction of mummies, An Xitong and five people could fly.They quickly rose from the ground and joined Xu Miao.

"Let's go!" Xu Miao turned around and wanted to leave, but a monk beside An Xitong expressed a different opinion at this time: "Since we can trap them, why should we rush to kill them directly?" How nice."

Xu Miao frowned when she heard this, and An Xitong quickly pulled the monk beside her and interrupted her: "An Xilian! What nonsense are you talking about? It's good that we can escape, what are you thinking!"

"Since you want to kill them so much, you can do it yourself. I'm not interested." After Xu Miao finished speaking, she ignored An Xitong and the other five, turned and left.

If it weren't for his friendship with An Xitong before, Xu Miao would never have stopped at this critical juncture to rescue the five of An Xitong.He, Xu Miao, is a monk, not a philanthropist, and he will not give charity to monks for no reason.

Seeing Xu Miao leave, An Xilian curled her lips: "It's still No. 1 in the Zhonglu cultivator ranking competition, so timid." Xu Miao heard this, but he had no intention of going back to refute at all.

Bravery without any meaning is called recklessness.These mummies, if he went all out, he might indeed be able to kill them.But the big noise beheading will definitely attract the attention of other mummy.

Once surrounded by mummy, the difficulty of escaping will be greatly increased.Xu Miao would not do such a stupid and useless thing to risk her own life for the so-called bravery of a man.

"Ignorant and fearless!" Xu Miao's voice came from afar, and An Xilian's face was blushing directly.An Xitong didn't bother to say anything more to An Xilian, so she forcibly took An Xilian and left with the three of them.

Xu Miao's light escape was so fast that An Xitong and the others couldn't catch up at all.Xu Miao could only slow down, and flew towards the hinterland of Zhonglu at a leisurely pace.

Along the way, Xu Miao gradually flew out of the sphere of influence of the mummy and saw the town where the monks were active.The monks in these towns, everyone's face is full of panic.

Anyang City in front of him is a large town closest to the sphere of influence of the mummy.

(End of this chapter)

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