Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 430 Arguing with the City Lord

Chapter 430 Arguing with the City Lord
All the monks who escaped from the mummy's sphere of influence need to go through a rigorous inspection to check whether there are any scars on the monk's body that the mummy attacked.

Because the monks now know that whenever they are attacked by a mummy and have scars on their bodies, the monk will gradually be infected by the rotten breath of the mummy, and eventually become a mummy.

The Anyang City inspection was not strict before, causing a lot of injured monks to enter the Anyang City, which almost made Anyang City the sphere of influence of the mummy.

It was the great monks in the late Yuanying period of Anyang City who discovered in time and expelled all these monks, so that Anyang City was safely saved.There are lessons learned from the past, and no inspection dares to neglect.

Only one gate of Anyang City was opened, and the monks in the mid-Yuanying period personally sat at the gate of the city to check the status of the monks entering the city.Some cultivators who concealed their injuries and did not report them would be thrown out of the city immediately upon discovery.

They will not kill this cultivator with their own hands, they will just let it fend for itself.Although it sounds cruel, this is currently the only way to ensure the safety of other monks.

Everyone does not want the people around them to hide the aura of mummy and explode into zombies at any time.Now there are countless monks who want to enter Anyang City, and there is a long queue at the gate of Anyang City.

Xu Miao randomly picked a line and stood behind.Unlike Xu Miao, the Anjia people are used to green passages for all kinds of things.Their surnames are the most convenient pass.

An Xitong said softly: "Xu Miao, I'll go find the Nascent Soul cultivator at the gate of the city later, clarify the identity of the An family, and save the time of queuing. You can go with us."

Xu Miao glanced at An Xitong, shook her head and refused: "Go on your own, but I'm not interested in getting a ride with An's family when I go to the city one day sooner or later."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, An Xitong could only leave with An Xilian and others.An Xilian looked at Xu Miao's appearance, and was furious: "We kindly let him go with us, what is he playing there!"

Although An Xilian's voice was not loud, it was enough for Xu Miao to hear.Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at her. Xu Miao showed a very impatient emotion in this look. An Xilian even felt that Xu Miao had murderous intentions towards her, so she quickly shut her mouth and dared not speak nonsense.

An Xitong looked at An Xilian like this, which really reflected the ignorance and fearlessness that Xu Miao said just now.If Xu Miao wanted to enter the city quickly, she could reveal her identity.

With Xu Miao's current strength as the No. [-] cultivator in Zhonglu, wherever he goes, he is very popular.But if he didn't do this, it means that he has other goals, but An Xilian next to him is not clear about his mind.

After Xu Miao watched An Xitong and his party identify themselves, they took the lead in checking.The other monks are also used to the recent monks with strong backgrounds jumping in line, and no one said a word.

As time went on, the atmosphere here became more and more tense.The mummy's expansion pace continued to move forward.Xu Miao's consciousness spread out all the time, and found that the first batch of mummies were getting closer and closer to Anyang City.

According to the walking speed of the mummy, it will not exceed ten days at most before the mummy arrives here.At that time, Anyang City does not know whether it can be held.

Five days later, the monks lining up at the gate of the city all found traces of the mummy.So even the monks who lined up had panic on their faces.They haven't passed the test yet, and once the mummies arrive here, there's nowhere for them to escape.

The panic accumulated by the cultivator for many days reached its limit and began to erupt.They shouted loudly to enter Anyang city.Outside Anyang City, there is a clear view, and the mummy can reach here without hindrance.

In addition to Nascent Soul monks like Xu Miao, the monks here also have Qi Refining Stage, Foundation Establishment Stage, and Golden Core Stage monks.Even An Xitong's five Nascent Soul monks could not escape from among the fifty mummified corpses, let alone these monks with lower cultivation levels.

They are powerless against the mummies, they can only run, and when there is no escape, they will riot.The city lord of Anyang City also found that the mummy was approaching Anyang City, and he was also very anxious.

He has not forgotten the scene of countless towns being occupied by mummy before, most of his forces are in Anyang City, and Anyang City must not be allowed to fall into the hands of mummy.

Time was running out, so the city lord of Anyang City simply ordered to give up accepting the monks who were still outside the city, and let them fend for themselves.In order to survive, this group of monks will fight against the mummy for a while.

With this period of buffer, he can quickly transfer his forces out of Anyang City.Even if Anyang City is destroyed in the end, his power can be preserved to the greatest extent.

The monks outside the city watched helplessly as the city gate closed in front of them, but they couldn't stop it.The monks cursed one after another: "I'm going to fuck you, if Anyang City abandons fellow monks like this, you will be scolded by the entire cultivation world!"

"It's so shameless! The mummy hasn't come over yet, yet you actually closed the city gate now. Have your consciences been eaten by dogs!"

...The monks shouted and cursed one after another, and the eighteen generations of ancestors of the Anyang City Lord were all brought out and scolded.Xu Miao looked at the situation of the monks, and then understood the thoughts of the Lord of Anyang City.

Xu Miao flew to the top of the city gate, where the monks guarding the city wall of Anyang City gathered, and said loudly: "The Lord of Anyang City, it is extremely unwise to give up the monks and enter the city at this moment."

"If you give up this group of monks today, there is no guarantee that you will be abandoned by other monks tomorrow. In the end, the entire cultivation world will fall into the hands of the mummy. And you will become the ones who help the evil, and you will be stabbed in the back by the next generation of monks forever!"

Xu Miao's voice contained powerful consciousness and spiritual power, which could be heard by all monks in Anyang City.Every word of Xu Miao hit the place that the Anyang City Lord was most unwilling to face.

He really wanted to block Xu Miao's voice, but Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was stronger than his, so he couldn't block it at all.Unbearable, the Lord of Anyang City appeared on the top of the city.

"Who are you, how dare you accuse me! An army of mummified corpses is about to overwhelm the border, what's wrong with me doing this?" Yang Zhuang, the lord of Anyang City, saw Xu Miao and wanted to kill Xu Miao.Because of Xu Miao's words, his prestige and reputation declined rapidly in Anyang City.

This is the most unbearable thing for Yang Zhuang. These monks in the city enjoy his protection, but criticize his orders. They are not as good as a group of monks who were blocked outside the city.

"The mummies are indeed about to overwhelm, but if you stay behind closed doors, can you withstand the impact of the mummies?" Xu Miao looked straight into Yangzhuang's eyes, "You locked us outside the city just to let us survive. Fight against the mummy."

"But have you ever thought that without a command and without a unified plan for the battle, they are just doing their own thing and can't form an effective fighting force at all. It won't be long before all the monks outside the city will die."

"If you enter Anyang City, you can reach an agreement with these monks. Since Anyang City provides a shelter, they need to do their best for Anyang City."

"As for these monks, they have stayed outside the city for so long. If they were infected by the mummy, they would have been infected a long time ago. How can they persist until now without turning into a dead body?"

Listening to Xu Miao's analysis, Yang Zhuang had to say that he was moved.The idea, clearly ripe for use, could be put to use soon.He looked at Xu Miao's imposing appearance and felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

To be able to come up with such a thorough plan under the pressure of the mummy is definitely not an ordinary monk.If it is those sects, the monks of the family should reveal their identities at the first time, instead of saying it until now.

"Who are you?" Yang Zhuang asked, and Xu Miao knew that Yang Zhuang had agreed to his plan.

Xu Miao smiled: "Junior Xu Miao, thank the city lord for his understanding of righteousness." As he spoke, Xu Miao saluted respectfully.No one doesn't like flattery, let alone the flattery of a powerful monk like Xu Miao.

Yang Zhuang suddenly realized, he wondered why this person looked so familiar, it turned out to be the famous Xu Miao.He had watched the monk ranking competition at that time and had an impression of Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's strength, whether it's formation, combat power, or alchemy, can definitely bring great help to Anyang City.Yang Zhuang gave an order and told his subordinates to open the city gate.

The monks outside the city have been paying attention to the conversation between Xu Miao and Yangzhuang, and also know Xu Miao's true identity from their conversation.With just a few words, Yangzhuang was so moved that the city gate was opened and they were allowed to enter the city, which really made them admire.

The monks were very excited, and when they were about to run into the city, Xu Miao appeared in front of everyone and stopped all the monks: "Everyone just heard that the Lord Yang opened the city gate and let us enter the city with conditions."

"Anyang City provides us with a shelter. In turn, we need to protect Anyang City. Only by doing this can we enter Anyang City. All monks who are unwilling to contribute to the protection of Anyang City cannot enter the city."

At this moment, the mummy was getting closer and closer to Anyang City, and everyone didn't even need divine consciousness to see the mummy when they turned around.In order to enter the city smoothly, they hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Very good, since everyone is willing, let's make the oath of heaven." Xu Miao couldn't tell which of these monks was sincere and which was false, but once the oath of heaven was made, no matter if it was true or false, it had to be fulfilled.

Some monks who just wanted to sneak into the city complained endlessly, but they dared not have the slightest objection.The person who stopped them from entering the city was Xu Miao, who could defeat even the late Nascent Soul cultivators, let alone their group of people.

Just making an oath of heaven and restricting them is better than dying immediately.All the monks outside the city began to swear, for fear that they would be attacked by mummy later.

Seeing Xu Miao standing alone at the gate of the city, Yang Zhuang asked a group of monks to swear obediently, and was amazed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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