Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 431 Mummy enters the city?

Chapter 431 Mummy enters the city?

When seeing the mummy was about to arrive, Yangzhuang's first reaction was to close the city gate and use the monks outside the city to stop the mummy.But this method will indeed cause his reputation to plummet from now on.

But Xu Miao also used the power of the monks outside the city to defend against the mummy. It was just a different method, but it made things completely different.Through reasonable scheduling methods, the power of these monks can be maximized.

Not only that, but also gain the approval of the monks, and spread the reputation of Anyang City.These two different methods, which one is higher and lower, can be judged at a glance.

Even though he has lived so many years longer than Xu Miao, his cultivation level is two small realms higher than Xu Miao's.However, in terms of strategy, Yang Zhuang himself has to admit that he is not as good as Xu Miao.

After the monks entered the city, they did not arrange houses or caves for them to live in. Instead, they were taken directly to an open space in Anyang City, where countless tents had been built.

This is the method decided by Xu Miao, Yangzhuang and the think tanks of the City Lord's Mansion after discussions.In order to facilitate the management of Anyang City, all monks who later entered Anyang City were registered and managed in a unified manner.

It is also very convenient when you need to find them now.All the monks were summoned to this place to practice the formation combined strikes against the mummy.As for the monks who were originally residents of Anyang City, they were also mobilized to participate in the defense of Anyang City.

The entire Anyang City, like a huge gear, started to turn with the efforts of Xu Miao and Yangzhuang.All the monks are all engaged in the battle. Anyang City is not Yangzhuang's Anyang City, nor Xu Miao's Anyang City, but everyone's Anyang City.

If Anyang City can be successfully defended, it will be encouraging news for the entire Central Continent cultivation world.A monk with a humble cultivation base is responsible for the supply of supplies.

According to the different fields that each monk is good at, they are divided into formation masters, alchemists, and weapon refiners.Then according to the different cultivation methods of monks, they are divided into fighters, sneak attackers, and healers.

The orders were delivered one after another in an orderly manner.Human monks are actually a very strange creature. When there is no foreign invasion, they will fight in various ways, and the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

But once encountering alien invasion, all human beings will unite and deal with aliens together.To them, the mummy is a foreigner.Resisting the mummy is their most important thing right now.

Xu Miao walked to the city wall and saw the expressions of each monk.Most people's faces were blank.The mummy is too terrifying. They have fled all the way, and what they saw and heard is how the mummy defeated the human monks.

In their hearts, the mummy left a deep and terrifying mark.Many monks didn't think they could really protect Anyang City, and some even had other thoughts.In case Anyang City is destroyed, how should they escape to save this life.

The mummy is getting closer and closer, ready to attack Anyang City.When Yangzhuang was about to order the monks to attack, Xu Miao stopped him.

Xu Miao flew high into the sky and poured her spiritual power into her voice: "The mummified corpse is a more terrifying disaster than the beast tide. Everyone will have fear in their hearts, and they will worry about whether they can survive this incident."

"I also know that some of you don't plan to go all out, but secretly save your spiritual power, and prepare to flee once the city is broken."

"But I want to solemnly tell all of you, one step at a time, the entire cultivation world will eventually fall under the control of the mummy. If there is no skin, no hair will be attached, and there will be no eggs under the cover of the nest?"

"If the world of self-cultivation is occupied by mummified corpses, all the kings present will become like stray dogs. There is not even a place where they can retreat and practice safely. Human monks who were once at the top of the world of self-cultivation were trampled overnight. Underfoot, trampling on your dignity."

"Are you willing?" Xu Miao looked around everyone solemnly.The monk was silent for a moment, and then there were scattered "unwilling" voices.

"It's too low, I can't hear it!"

Xu Miao's response was a deafening, unanimous "unwilling"!
Xu Miao nodded when she heard the words: "The life of a monk is to go against the sky, fight against the sky, fight against the earth, and fight against people. Today we will fight with these damn corpses, everyone, let's fight!"

At the same time as Xu Miao's words fell, all the magic weapons of the monks shone with an unusually dazzling light.Their faces are no longer full of confusion, no longer full of timidity.

Fight for the comprehension world, fight for yourself, and fight for the future.There is no way for them to escape, there is only one battle!
While the morale of the monks was at its peak, Xu Miao gave an order: "Let's fight!"

Countless magic weapons and countless spiritual powers all bombarded the mummy outside the city, and everyone's face was determined and calm.Xu Miao's words let them know the importance of this battle and their importance to the cultivation world.

A person is entrusted with such great responsibilities, he will spontaneously feel responsible.Xu Miao watched the monk attack, and he also raised his sword and joined the battle.

In this battle, since the army of mummies appeared, the mummies, which had been unstoppable, finally hit a hard bone.They did not occupy Anyang City in the first place.

Due to the existence of formations, monks do not need to engage in close combat with mummy.They only need to pour spiritual power into the formation, and the formation can actively attack the mummy that is close to the formation.

This formation was made by Xu Miao based on the existing defensive formation in Anyang City.The original defensive array was injected with monks' spiritual power to enhance the defensive power.

But Xu Miao turned this defensive force into an attacking force.With the power of the formation, the situation that it was impossible to cause damage to the mummy before has finally changed.

The mummy will not feel tired and will continue to attack Anyang City.But monks get tired and need rest.Therefore, all the monks were divided into different batches, and according to the requirement of three shifts, a new batch of monks would attack every four hours.

Let all the monks get as much rest as possible, and at the same time ensure the attack power of the formation.As soon as Anyang City was attacked, Yangzhuang had already sent a signal for help to Jingyangzong, Qianyangmen and other sects and families.

Anyang City, as the nearest mummy town, is located in the best location.Once Anyang City falls, the towns behind Anyang City are all small towns, completely unable to withstand the attack of mummy.

Therefore, Anyang City must not be lost.With only the existing strength of the monks in Anyang City, it is impossible to fight the mummy for a long time. They need reinforcements.

What didn't disappoint Xu Miao was that the sects and families with good strength agreed to immediately send reinforcement monks to ensure the safety of Anyang City.

The number of mummies is increasing, and the follow-up reinforcement monks have not yet arrived.The original three shifts were also changed to two shifts. The monks were constantly being dragged up the city wall to fight, and Xu Miao had been fighting with high intensity for a month.

The formation is not always intact. Under the fierce attack of the mummy, he needs to repair the formation day and night and make appropriate adjustments to the formation.

The formation knowledge involved here is too profound and complicated, and the existing formation masters in Anyang City can't keep up with Xu Miao's realm at all.In desperation, Xu Miao could only order them to focus on guarding a few formation nodes.

Once there is a problem with the formation node, he needs to be notified as quickly as possible, and he will repair it.In the entire Anyang City, there is no second person who puts more energy into it than Xu Miao.

The monks all sighed. From the beginning, they were only in awe of Xu Miao's strength, but now they are completely convinced.

"Xu Miao is just a Xilu cultivator, and he can do his best for Zhonglu. We Zhonglu cultivators have to do our best!"

"Yeah, even if we can't help Xu Miao, we can't hold him back!"


When Xu Miao heard these monks' words by chance, she also felt that her efforts were not in vain.He used to work hard for the beast tide in the Eastern Land, and naturally he would also work hard for the transformation of the mummy in the Central Land.

Although he does these things, it is because he understands the truth that there are no eggs under a nest.As for the others, he really wasn't that great.

"It's not good, there are problems with the three formation nodes at the same time!" A monk quickly informed Xu Miao of the news.Xu Miao looked at the mummy outside the city. It is impossible for the three formation nodes to have problems at the same time.

Unless—Xu Miao's pupils shrank instantly, and she rushed towards one of the formation nodes.When he saw the nodes of the formation, he knew that something was wrong.

This formation node is obviously haunted by the death energy of the mummy.He can be sure that the mummy did not break through the defense of the magic circle, but this node clearly shows the traces of being attacked by the mummy.

The mummy must have entered the city from a place that all the monks didn't notice, or there is another possibility that some monks were infected with the dead breath of the mummy and came to destroy the formation nodes on their own initiative.

But these may not make sense, the protective array in Anyang City operates continuously for twelve hours a day.The protective array covered the entire Anyang City. If a mummy enters, it is impossible for Yangzhuang not to know.

In addition, if a monk is infected with the mummy's death energy, it will definitely erupt early, and it is impossible to delay the eruption until now.Xu Miao couldn't figure it out, except for the three nodes, he didn't find any other dead bodies in the formation.

He temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, repaired the three nodes, and added a small warning formation in addition to the important nodes.

All these formations belong to him, and as soon as a mummy appears, a warning will be issued immediately to notify him.He can also rush to this place in the first time and catch those who do it.

This matter is of great importance. After repairing the nodes, Xu Miao immediately went to the City Lord's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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