Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 432 Pretending to be a mummy

Chapter 432 Pretending to be a mummy
"I suspect that there are mummies in Anyang City." Xu Miao stood in front of Yangzhuang, surrounded by a specially placed barrier.If other monks know that there is a mummy entering the city, it will definitely cause the monks to panic, thus affecting the battle against the mummy.

Yang Zhuang was amazed, and said: "The formation of Anyang City covers the entire town. I can know any living beings entering and leaving Anyang City at any time. There will never be a situation where a mummified corpse enters the city without me knowing."

It's not that Yang Zhuang doesn't believe Xu Miao's words, but that he has sufficient trust in the defensive circle.Xu Miao didn't rush to refute: "What if it entered from underground? Or entered the city from an underground water source, is it possible for City Lord Yang to notice?"

Xu Miao has dealt with mummies before, they can move freely in Chishui, and naturally they can also move in other water sources.It is entirely possible to enter from the ground.

Yang Zhuang couldn't answer Xu Miao's question. His defensive circle could indeed defend against all creatures on the ground, but the situation underground really couldn't be monitored.

"If the mummy really entered from the ground, we must immediately find that passage, seal it, and re-arrange the defensive formation."

This matter is too important, Yang Zhuang did not confess to any of his subordinates, but searched for it with Xu Miao himself.Two majestic divine senses continuously scanned the entire town, not letting go of any corner.

Yang Zhuang and Xu Miao scanned at the same time, but were surprised to find that Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was stronger than his own.He couldn't believe that Xu Miao, a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, could possess such unfathomable spiritual strength.

What surprised him even more was Xu Miao's degree of control and precise control over his spiritual consciousness.For the consciousness scan of the same area, he needs a consciousness scan, but Xu Miao only needs three quarters of the consciousness.

Through precise manipulation, the use of divine consciousness is reduced.Xu Miao's use of divine consciousness has reached an astonishing level.Under the scanning of the two people's consciousness, they found that there was something abnormal in one of the areas.

This is a dead corner in Anyang City, and usually no monks will come here, nor will they pay attention to this location.But it was in this location that the dead breath of a mummy appeared.

Xu Miao and Yang Zhuang rushed here quickly, and found that the place was a little dead, obviously the traces left by the presence of mummified corpses.It's just that the next search encountered a problem. There was indeed a dead breath of the mummy here, but they didn't find out where the mummy appeared from.

Neither Xu Miao nor Yangzhuang found a way for the mummy to enter and exit.Xu Miao frowned, scanning the area with her mind, but found nothing.

"Xiaotian, what kind of channel can shield the consciousness of two people at the same time?"

"If this channel is integrated with the entire town, it can shield the monk's spiritual consciousness. In fact, it's not a shield, but the monk is affected by the atmosphere of the town, thus ignoring the existence of the channel."

"It's commonly known as a blinding leaf. Only by jumping out of it can you find the trace of the passage." Listening to Xiaotian's explanation, Xu Miao became more vigilant about the mummy in her heart.

Being able to create a passage that integrates with the town further demonstrates the strength of the mummy.Xu Miao would not have noticed this if there hadn't been a problem with the formation nodes at the same time.

According to Xiaotian's method, he jumped out and looked for the passage.Sure enough, Xu Miao found the passage, which was in an abandoned dry well.

Near this dry well, there is no dead air left, and it will not attract their attention.Xu Miao turned over and jumped into the dry well, and asked Yangzhuang who was following him, "Where does this dry well lead to?"

"A river that has dried up. This river began to dry up gradually thousands of years ago, and now it has completely become a piece of mud. No one pays attention to this dry well and that river."

The dry well was extremely deep, and the moment the two of them landed on the ground, they could smell the faint breath of death.The more he walked toward the river, the more deadly the air around him became.

"Xu Miao, is it possible that this dry well will become a passage for us to escape?" Unknowingly, Yangzhuang has regarded Xu Miao as a monk of the same level and treats him as an equal.

Neither Xu Miao's strength nor wisdom can be underestimated by Yang Zhuang.Xu Miao shook her head: "Impossible. Since this passage can be discovered by the mummy, it means that in the group of mummy, besides the mummy king, there are other mummy who have developed wisdom."

"Among the group of mummies besieging Anyang City this time, there must be the leading mummies. They discovered this passage and ordered their mummies to enter Anyang City along this passage."

Hearing the words, Yang Zhuang was puzzled and said: "Since this is the case, there is no need for us to go down and seal the road directly on top, won't we be able to prevent the mummy from continuing to enter the city?"

"That's treating the symptoms but not the root cause. If the mummy can find such a passage, it will definitely find a second similar passage. What we have to do now is to first investigate the situation on the mummy's side, and then try to change this passage."

"Let the mummy who wants to enter the city through this passage in the future fail to enter, but can only enter the cage we prepared for them."

Once Xu Miao discovered the opponent's scheme, she would never kill the opponent's scheme directly.Instead, he will use his tricks and let the other party step into the trap that Xu Miao designed for him while using tricks.

Only in this way can we know the true strength of the opponent to the greatest extent.The strength of the mummy was too great for the two of them to solve, and Xu Miao was not so arrogant that he could kill the mummy by himself.

Only by getting a general understanding of the mummy's situation can we know ourselves and the enemy, and formulate a suitable combat strategy.Yang Zhuang felt that compared with Xu Miao's scheme, he was like a three-year-old child, not only naive but also very ridiculous.

The number of people investigating the mummy was not too many, and Xu Miao did not trust Yangzhuang in hiding his breath.It is better for Xu Miao to act alone than to act together with the two of them and finally lead to the discovery of his whereabouts.

Xu Miao informed Yangzhuang of the method of transforming the underground road, and instructed: "Open up a new road first, and then block the old road. Remember to block it completely, at least it must be able to resist the mummy whose strength is lower than the incarnation."

It is also the most appropriate arrangement to leave these matters to Yangzhuang.As the lord of Anyang City, Yangzhuang would certainly not be willing to let outsiders be responsible for these matters.

After Xu Miao broke up with Yangzhuang, she walked cautiously along the underground passage.As the death aura became stronger, Xu Miao felt that if she continued to go on like this, she would definitely be noticed by the mummy.

"Xiaotian, is there any way to fill me with death energy?"

Xiaotian casually said: "The westerly wind withered green tree you practiced before can generate a bunch of dead energy?" Xu Miao's eyes lit up, how could he forget this.

"West Wind Withered Green Tree" is a wind-attribute cultivation method, the essence of which is to improve one's cultivation by living towards death.In the process of cultivation, it will be the first to go to death, exuding a strong death energy.

Xu Miao immediately turned the westerly wind to wither the green trees, and the thick dead air instantly radiated.Xu Miao enveloped herself tightly with dead air, and continued to walk forward after making sure that there was no trace of vitality leaking from her whole body.

To be on the safe side, Xu Miao also changed the muscles of her body to look like a mummy.If a monk came here at this time, he would definitely attack him as a mummy.

Xu Miao imitated the mummy and walked slowly. When passing by a mummy, the mummy did not show the slightest abnormality.The mummy is the most sensitive to anger, as long as Xu Miao leaks any anger, it will attract the mummy's attention.

But under his special disguise, none of the mummy found anything unusual.Xu Miao wandered around for a long time, and found that the mummies next to him were only the lowest level mummies, and they had no consciousness at all.

This is completely inconsistent with his guess. Xu Miao's guess is absolutely correct, so the only possibility is that the sane mummy is not here, but somewhere else.

Going forward, Xu Miao will completely go out of the scope of Anyang City.If Xu Miao was besieged by mummies while exploring outside, Xu Miao would have nowhere to escape.

This is a gamble, but Xu Miao is a daring gambler by nature.How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den, the more dangerous it is, the more interested he is to find out.

With the body protected by death energy, Xu Miao was able to concentrate on observing the specific situation of the mummy.He approached a mummy, cautiously released his consciousness, and penetrated into the head of the mummy.

The moment a monk dies, the sea of ​​consciousness will also die.However, after some monks die, their sea of ​​consciousness will not die immediately, but will gradually die after a period of time.

If this happens to be the case with the mummy, it is very possible to use this opportunity to re-cultivate the mind.The brain of the mummy that Xu Miao checked just now did not appear sane.

However, the brain position of the fifth mummy that Xu Miao examined showed the embryonic form of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.Xu Miao could even feel the mummy's true thoughts through his spiritual sense - to occupy the world of human cultivation!

Xu Miao's expression froze, and she planned to use her spiritual consciousness to destroy the sea of ​​consciousness of this mummy.Just when he was about to do it, Xu Miao found that the mummy's Sea of ​​Consciousness had received a message.

"Gather here quickly!" Xu Miao noticed the mummy, and quickly turned around and walked to another location.Xu Miao paused her thoughts just now, but followed the mummy and walked towards the assembly point.

The mummies all like to tilt their heads. I don't know how to get this problem, so Xu Miao can only tilt her head.If she pretended to be a mummy for a long time, Xu Miao guessed that she would suffer from cervical spondylosis.

He tilted his head to look at the mummies around him. Some of the mummies were walking towards here, but some of them still went their own way, as if they hadn't heard the previous instructions at all.

(End of this chapter)

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