Chapter 433
Xu Miao reckoned that these mummies who kept giving instructions were mummies that hadn't yet given birth to sanity, and those mummies who could hear orders had initially formed sanity, but they had not yet evolved to a certain level and could only obey the lowest order.

After all, when Xu Miao just said that his consciousness had penetrated into the mummy's mind, the mummy didn't respond at all, nor did he have any thoughts of resistance, allowing Xu Miao to do whatever he wanted.

According to the number of mummies, Xu Miao roughly speculates that one of the [-] mummies has become sane.This number looks very small, but in fact, it is a huge number.

The total number of mummy corpses is too large, even if only one percent of the mummy corpses are sane, it is still a number that cannot be ignored.And these sane corpses are not immutable, they will continue to evolve, and even evolve to the level of human monks.

They were mummy transformed from human monks, and it is not impossible for them to return to the IQ level of human monks.At least to be able to find such a passage, and command other mummy to enter it, is definitely not something that ordinary IQ can do.

Facing such a mummy with high IQ, Xu Miao didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, for fear of revealing any flaws and being found abnormal by this mummy.

Xu Miao stood outside the group of mummies, listening to the mummies give orders: "Enter the city through the underground passage, no need to hide your body, use the fastest speed to infect the human monks in the city!"

Taking this opportunity, Xu Miao looked up at the mummy who issued the order, and he found that the eyes of this mummy were exactly the same as those of a human monk.

Ordinary mummy, their eyes are mixed with yellow, not like human monks, black and white are distinct.But the eyes of the mummy who gave the order became like that of a monk.

This also gave Xu Miao a way to observe the mummy, and judge the IQ of the mummy from the eyes.Xu Miao calmly walked towards the underground passage together with the other mummy.

Xu Miao and Yangzhuang had already agreed on a secret sign, and the sound transmission Yupei lighted up a few times, which meant that everything had been discussed.Just now Xiaotian told him that if the sound transmission jade pendant lights up three times, it means that all the underground passages in Yangzhuang have been remodeled.

In such a short period of time, the transformation of the underground passage was completed. This person in Yangzhuang is worthy of being a great monk in the late Yuanying period.Xu Miao praised Yang Zhuang here, but she didn't know that Yang Zhuang admired him even more.

From the discovery of dead air, to tracing the source of dead air, and then discovering the abandoned underground passage.In a series of actions, Xu Miao was able to use the fastest speed to design the most suitable strategy to deal with the mummy.

With this formation alone, Yangzhuang was able to trap a group of mummy corpses, and by studying the mummy corpses, they could find the possible weaknesses of the mummy corpses.

Yangzhuang received news from Xu Miao that the mummy had already begun to enter Anyang City to infect humans along the underground passage.When an impenetrable fortress cannot be destroyed from the outside, normal people know to destroy it from the inside.

This high-intelligence mummy was no exception. If it hadn't happened that Xu Miao discovered the deadly anger and followed the clues to find them, it would be impossible to know the method that the mummy came up with.

Once countless mummies appeared in Anyang City, the entire Anyang City would no longer need to be defended. The morale of all the monks would collapse instantly, and the mummies would be like entering a land of no one.

Just as Xu Miao and a group of mummies were slowly wandering into the underground passage, the first batch of monks from various sects and families who came to reinforce them had arrived.

All sects and families in Zhonglu regard this mummified corpse change as the most serious matter at present.Therefore, the first batch of monks they sent already included the best disciples of the various sects and families.

Zhang Ya from Qianyang Sect, Xie Xiu from Jingyang Sect, etc., all rushed here with the elders in the sect.After the monks arrived in Anyang City, they unexpectedly found that the whole town was in order, and all the monks were calm, as if they were not worried about the mummy besieging the city at all.

What surprised them the most was that the city lord of Anyang City was not in the city lord's mansion, and no one knew the whereabouts of Yangzhuang.At that time, for the sake of insurance, the actions of Xu Miao and Yangzhuang were completely kept secret, and no one was notified.

Later, when Yangzhuang needed to change the underground passage and arrange the formation, he ordered his subordinates to come.Even so, he didn't make sense of telling his subordinates what he was doing, only letting them do it.

Several late-stage monks used their spiritual sense to scan the entire Anyang City, and found that Yangzhuang was located in a very remote place in the city. Beside Yangzhuang, a group of formation masters were quickly arranging formations.

All the monks were at a loss, and they had no idea what the owner of Anyang City sold in the gourd.When they came to Yangzhuang and asked him, they still didn't get a response.

Gao Jian, the late master monk of Qianyangmen, was very dissatisfied, but he was just a city lord of Anyang City. It was too arrogant to receive them with such an attitude: "City lord Yang, we came all the way to help you, and you greeted us with this attitude. ?”

Yangzhuang has been the city lord for many years. Hearing Gao Jian's tone, he knew that his attitude just now probably angered this Qianyangmen monk.He could only stop what he was doing, and briefly explained the purpose of what he did.

"Xu Miao?" Zhang Ya accurately heard a very familiar name from Yang Zhuang's description.

Yang Zhuang nodded and said, "That's right, Xu Miao came up with this strategy. Through this method, capturing some of the sane mummy alive is a big loss for the mummy."

Zhang Ya scoffed at this: "Let's not talk about whether these mummies really gave birth to sanity, even if they did, how can they be compared with us human monks."

Since Xu Miao was not pleasing to the eye, Zhang Ya would be sneering at all Xu Miao's plans.Zhang Ya should be glad that Xu Miao is not here, if he were here, he would definitely go back on the spot, making Zhang Ya unable to even get off the stage.

The jade pendant in Yangzhuang's hand lights up again. This is Xu Miao's second message, informing Yangzhuang that the mummy is about to reach the end of the tunnel and is ready to collect the net at any time.

Xu Miao was at the back of all the mummies, and he watched all the mummies methodically pass through the dry well stairs to the top.

This dry well was specially ordered by Xu Miao to arrange in Yangzhuang. Only the same road can convince the group of mummies with low IQs and make them go up one by one without any doubt.

The moment Yang Zhuang felt a trace of death, he ordered the formation master beside him to activate the formation.This formation is very simple. It is an improved formation by Xu Miao based on the restraint method of monks in the lower plane, and it is specially used to capture mummies alive.

All the mummies that came out of the dry well were trapped by the magic circle the moment they emerged, unable to move.None of the mummies returned from above, indicating that all the mummies were successfully captured.

It wasn't until the last mummy went up that Xu Miao walked up slowly.Yang Zhuang didn't know how Xu Miao got the news. When he saw Xu Miao appear, he didn't recognize Xu Miao immediately.

The formation trapped Xu Miao tightly, and Xu Miao couldn't help smiling wryly when she saw that Yangzhuang had trapped him as well.Unlike all the mummies, Xu Miao walked out of the formation by raising her hand.

This action startled Yang Zhuang and other monks, and they were about to use their means to capture Xu Miao.Because Xu Miao's disguise was too realistic, no matter the eyes, muscles, or dead breath, they were all exactly the same as the mummy, so Yang Zhuang and others couldn't tell the difference.

Xu Miao quickly dissipated the dead air, and restored the original muscles, revealing the real face, so that Yang Zhuang put down the magic weapon in his hand.Yang Zhuang couldn't help asking curiously: "Xu Miao, how did you manage to imitate so well?"

"It's very simple. The most important thing for a mummy is death energy. As long as it can imitate the death energy, it will naturally fool the mummy's eyes. I have practiced a book of exercises by chance before, and it happens to be able to generate death energy."

Xu Miao explained in a few words, and asked Yang Zhuang to study these mummies carefully. If he could find the weakness of the mummies, it would be a life-saving medicine for the cultivation world.

A monk who was very close to Zhang Ya said in a strange way: "You can still imitate the breath of death. Who knows if you are a mummy in disguise."

When Xu Miao heard this, her steps stopped suddenly: "Just because you don't know, doesn't mean you don't know. Don't use your stupid IQ to judge others."

Xu Miao refuted the monk's words, completely blocking what Zhang Ya wanted to say next.He has already said bluntly that this monk couldn't tell the difference because he was stupid, and if other people couldn't tell the difference, it would only prove that they were equally stupid.

Sword Master Xuan Zhen gave Xu Miao a meaningful look, and he really didn't suffer at all.Xu Miao glanced at the monks present, and knew that the entire Anyang City would soon be taken over by them.

Even Yangzhuang, the lord of Anyang City, may not be able to give orders again, so Xu Miao, an outsider, is not mentioned.He would try his best to help Yangzhuang defend the city before, and he also wanted to use everyone's strength to protect himself.

Now that a taller person has come over, he is also happy to be at leisure.Who wouldn't like to enjoy leisure, Xu Miao turned and left without paying attention.

As Xu Miao expected, when the first batch of reinforcement monks from the various sects and families arrived, they set up a joint headquarters.Xu Miao's rights to Yangzhuang, the lord of Anyang City, were emptied immediately.

As the lord of the city, Yangzhuang was unable to express the slightest suggestion for his own town.Xu Miao lay down and went to sleep in a courtyard in Yangzhuang.

Prior to this, in order to ensure the normal operation of the defensive circle and control all matters, Xu Miao's nerves had been highly tense, for fear of making a wrong decision and causing any problems.

Xu Miao is happy to see these sects and families take the initiative to take over this matter.It's just that the formation with the best attack effect in Anyang City was improved by Xu Miao's command.

(End of this chapter)

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