Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 434 Extortion

Chapter 434 Extortion
Without Xu Miao's presence, even the monks in Fufeng Valley could not understand Xu Miao's formation in a short time.A group of monks gathered at the formation node that was almost damaged due to the fierce attack.

"Spiritual Feiqi, is it possible to repair this formation node within an hour?" Xuanzhen Sword Master asked.

Master Feiqi stroked his beard in embarrassment, and said, "This old man thinks too much of himself. This guy Xu Miao's thinking about the formation is completely out of line with common sense."

"This formation node seems to be just one of the formation nodes, but in fact it is interlocking, and it affects the whole body. If I change this formation node rashly, other nodes will also be affected."

"If there is no modification method by Xu Miao, let me repair it alone, it will take at least three days." Xuanzhen Jianzun knows that Feiqi is a person, and he will not exaggerate in terms of formations, saying one is one, saying two is two.

Since he said it would take at least three days, it must have taken three days.However, they don't have three days to waste. After Feiqi repairs this node, the other nodes will probably be completely scrapped.

Gao Jian didn't believe that Xu Miao, a layman, could surpass the real person Feiqi who was born in Fufeng Valley: "Real person Feiqi, don't you just say that because you don't want to take responsibility?"

Immortal Feiqi stared at Gao Jian's words: "It's just Anyang City, I'm afraid that I won't be able to bear the responsibility! Fellow Daoist Gao Jian, don't underestimate this formation, and don't underestimate the arrangement of this formation." man of law."

"Converting the defensive formation into an offensive formation, and setting up various links in the formation, is to prevent other people from acting rashly. Xu Miao's attainments in the formation have long been admired by the old man. Several monks from Yangmen have also seen it."

Faced with Gao Jian's suspicion, real Feiqi choked back, making Gao Jian's face turn blue and turn red.Master Feiqi ordered the disciples around him to invite Xu Miao to come, saying that no one else could restore this formation except Xu Miao.

Several late stage monks stood in place, waiting for Xu Miao to come, but they only waited for the disciple who sent the message: "I want to tell you seniors, Xu Miao said that he has been too tired recently and forgot how to arrange the formation. I would like to invite all sects and families The talented monks in this group will discuss and resolve it by themselves."

Gao Jian and the others were furious when they heard this, and they wanted to go to teach Xu Miao a lesson: "This Xu Miao really doesn't know what to do!"

"People from the Xiaomen faction have no sense of the overall situation. When it comes to the survival of Anyang City, it is really abominable to evade it!"


At this time, Xu Miao was lying in the yard specially prepared for him in Yangzhuang, basking in the sun leisurely.Xu Miao set up a defensive formation in this courtyard. Without his permission, even the late stage monks could not enter at will.

Sitting next to Xu Miao, Xiaotian was pouring tea for Xu Miao, while worrying: "Xu Miao, will you offend that disciple by directly rejecting them?"

Xu Miao took the teacup handed over by Xiaotian, took a sip, and said slowly, "Of course it will provoke anger, it's just some people's temperament, it's no wonder if they don't get angry."

"I just want to irritate them and make them furious, but I still have to lower my head and beg me in a good voice. I have set up a lot of special joints in this formation, which is the late stage monks of Fufeng Valley. It takes a certain amount of time to crack."

"And what they lack most now is time. The mummy has already developed sanity, and soon the smartest mummy will discover the abnormality of the formation and command the mummy to attack. Without the blessing of the formation, it is difficult for them to effectively deal with the mummy. long attack."

Listening to Xu Miao's explanation, Xiaotian continued to ask: "What if they simply overthrow the formation you arranged and arrange a new one?"

"Hehe - when this formation was set up, it was designed to prevent anyone from destroying it. If someone has this idea, they will definitely be counterattacked by the formation and end up in a very miserable end."

As soon as Xu Miao's voice fell, a violent roar was heard.Xu Miao inadvertently raised her head and slashed at the place where the voice came from, with a meaningful smile on her lips.

Unable to hold back, wanting to destroy the formation is too underestimating his Xu Miao's attainments in the formation.Even if real Feiqi came in person, it would take at least a month to decipher the formation unscathed, let alone those who don't know the formation.


Gao Jian was disgraced by the formation's counterattack, coughing continuously, and couldn't help but brought up Xu Miao and cursed: "Damn Xu Miao, how did you arrange the formation? Why can't even our attack be able to deal with this The array does not cause a single bit of damage."

"It even caused the formation to counterattack us, it's really hateful!"

Master Feiqi has always watched Gao Jian and others suffer from the perspective of a bystander. He said earlier that this formation, except for Xu Miao himself, does not need to be expected to be successfully repaired in a short period of time.

Gao Jian still didn't believe in evil, insisted on defying the law, and tried to directly destroy the formation with brute force. Now he deserves to be backlashed by the attack of the formation.

The monks of Anyang City, who were in charge of the formation nodes nearby, saw these sects, and the monks of the family bombarded the formation at will, and felt even more angry.

They all saw with their own eyes how much Xu Miao spent on this formation.Under Xu Miao's arrangement, these monks can still rotate and have time to rest.

But Xu Miao never rested at all from the beginning to the end. In order to ensure the normal operation of the formation, he did not leave from the top of the city.It is almost non-stop to observe the situation of the formation, and constantly improve the formation according to the attack.

As soon as these monks came, they emptied Xu Miao's power, drove them aside, and didn't let them interfere.Now trapped by the formation, it deserves it.

Immortal Feiqi saw Gao Jian's disheveled face, and stood up at the right time: "Let's go find Xu Miao, this formation must be him. Only by gathering everyone's strength can we better resist the mummy."

Sword Master Xuanzhen also nodded in agreement, Fufenggu and Jingyang Sect's two chief monks agreed, and other sects and families could only nod in agreement upon seeing this.

Although Gao Jian was reluctant in his heart, he also knew that Xu Miao had to do it.This cultivator from the Western Continent has far surpassed their group of Central Continent cultivators in terms of skill formation.

The courtyard door was knocked again, and Xiaotian immediately turned to look at Xu Miao.With a wave of Xu Miao's hand, Xiaotian was sent back to the Huntian Stone, and slowly walked to the door to open it.

As soon as the door was opened, Xu Miao saw Gao Jian and the others in a mess, and Fei Qi and the others standing beside them.Xu Miao raised her brows, with a look of surprise on her face: "Senior Gao Jian is going to light a fire, or is he digging coal, why is he in such a mess!"

Xu Miao's expression looked distressed, but his tone was extremely gloating.Hearing this, Gao Jian immediately looked up at Xu Miao angrily, and saw the playfulness in Xu Miao's eyes.

Gao Jian clenched his hands suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, "Xu Miao, your formation is really well arranged!"

Seeing Gao Jian's expression, Xu Miao was in a good mood.He leaned on the door frame: "It's a great honor for me to be praised by senior Gao Jian."

Gao Jian wished to raise his hand to chop Xu Miao to death, but he also knew that Xu Miao had once defeated Zhu Changpan, who was also a late monk.If he made a move now, not to mention Master Feiqi, would Sword Master Xuanzhen step in to intercept it?

Even Xu Miao herself definitely has enough strength to block his attack and launch a counterattack in the shortest possible time.Gao Jian took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in his chest.

Master Feiqi also opened his mouth in time, explaining why he came.Xu Miao can clearly distinguish between goodwill and malice from others.Even when he participated in the monk ranking competition, this real person Feiqi didn't show the slightest contempt or disdain towards him.

Naturally, Xu Miao would not refuse the request of Master Feiqi.However, Xu Miao should do a good job of reckoning that he was directly invited away by other monks.

Xu Miao pretended to be very tired at this time, supported her forehead with her hands, and frowned slightly: "I studied the formation too much before, and my spiritual consciousness was damaged. Now I have more energy than energy."

"How are you doing?" Gao Jian asked while suppressing his anger.

Xu Miao squinted at the other party: "I have a problem, no matter how hard and tired I am, as long as there are enough benefits in front of me, then I can immediately feel like I have been injected with chicken blood, and instantly become full of energy."

Tell you directly, I need a reward, see if you agree.Xu Miao was so straightforward, but it was enough to make Gao Jian and other monks vomit blood.

In the face of these late stage monks, you don't need to play tricks with them, then they will continue to play dumb with you.But if it is directly raised, they cannot avoid it, but because of their cultivation, face, etc., they will agree to the request instead.

Xu Miao thought so, and did the same.The veins on Gao Jian's forehead were throbbing, and he kept taking deep breaths to calm down the anger in his heart.Before seeing Xu Miao, Gao Jian never felt that he was an irritable person.

"The change of mummy involves the survival of all monks. Xu Miao, how can you disregard the survival of other monks for your own self-interest." Gao Jian also reacted at this time. When confronted with Xu Miao, it is easier to fall into Xu Miao's trap. Trap, it is better to follow his words.

What Xu Miao was waiting for was Gao Jian's words. He smiled and said: "Yes, senior Gao Jian is really wise, and I think so too. I said this before in order to hope to get the help of seniors. Obtain spirit stones to operate the formation."

"Senior must know that this formation requires a lot of spirit stones to operate. In order to protect other monks, I spent all my savings, but it was not enough."

"Seeing how many seniors are willing to do this now, the juniors are really impressed. The juniors don't need much, maybe 50 high-grade spirit stones per person."

(End of this chapter)

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