Chapter 436
Due to Xu Miao's special status, no monk dared to really order him.Apart from observing the formations all the time, Xu Miao used her spiritual sense to search for the mummy with high IQ.

Where the hell is he hiding!Xu Miao slammed his fists against the city wall in frustration, and suddenly asked, "Xiaotian, did your previous master mention how to find the mummy?"

Xiaotian shook his head: "No, the master just mentioned the matter of the mummy, and didn't say anything else."

Xu Miao felt that he had stepped into a predicament, and he needed Xiaotian to help him get out of this predicament from different angles: "Xiaotian, if I want to find someone in the crowd, what method should I use? Can we find him as quickly as possible?"

"Get out of the crowd! If you are in the crowd, you need to push through the crowd one by one and look for them one by one. But if you are at the top of the crowd, you can look out of thin air and look for them directly."

Xiaotian knew that the question Xu Miao asked her was definitely not just to find someone in the crowd.She could only tell Xu Miao the most suitable method from the most objective angle possible.

That's right, he used his spiritual sense to search just now, it's no different from being in the depths of the crowd, looking for a certain person among them.He should jump out from the crowd and look for him with the vision of a high-ranking person.

Xu Miao reactivated her consciousness, quickly skipped over the mummy around the city wall, and scanned for the distance.He found it. This mummy is like a general, directing the mummy under his command how to attack.

The mummy suddenly raised its head and looked straight in the direction where Xu Miao was.Xu Miao suddenly had a strange idea, he felt that this mummy had found him and was observing him.

The mummy's eyes blinked, showing a provocative smile like a real person.Xu Miao can now confirm that his IQ is not just high for a mummy, but is the same as that of a human monk, and even due to the evolution speed of the mummy, his intelligence may have surpassed that of an ordinary human monk.

Xu Miao told Master Feiqi about this at the first time. Master Feiqi is a great monk who believes in him the most, and only through Master Feiqi can he gain the trust of other monks.

"Higher IQ than ordinary monks?" Real person Feiqi knew that Xu Miao would not joke about this matter, but he had to ask Xu Miao again for confirmation.

Xu Miao nodded solemnly: "I used the most common search method to find him through my spiritual sense, but I couldn't find him at all. I didn't find his trace until I changed a method."

"Just being able to hide it under the search of my spiritual sense is beyond the reach of ordinary monks. In addition, judging from the current attack situation of the mummy, it is obviously a complete improvement compared to before."

"Although we sent some monks to destroy their formation, they were able to re-establish the formation and regain their combat power in the fastest time."

...Xu Miao described all the details of what he observed one by one, and every point proved that the high-intelligence mummy behind the mummy group was an existence that surpassed the IQ of human monks.

Daoist Feiqi's face was also serious, and what Xu Miao said was what they were worried about.Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu led the team of monks before, and the interference effect was also greatly reduced.

The opponent always seems to be able to predict their actions ahead of them.In addition, the mummy is not afraid of attack, so Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu's attack team can't even affect it.

When Xu Miao followed Master Feiqi to the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion, the other monks were also frowning.After Master Feiqi told everyone what Xu Miao knew, Sword Master Xuanzhen was the first to react.

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Since that's the case, let's kill this high-intelligence mummy first." Sword Master Xuanzhen's proposal was approved by all the monks.

It's just that no one of them knows what the strength of this highly intelligent mummy is now.Although Xu Miao's spiritual sense found him, the strength of the mummy is different from that of human monks, so it cannot be guessed simply by relying on his spiritual sense.

If you want to know the true strength of the opponent, someone must go there and fight the mummy in person.Facing a mummy with an IQ higher than their own, all the big monks frowned, with hesitation on their faces.

It was just a test, and the disciples under the sect were definitely needed to go, but they were unwilling to let the disciples under their sect go, and the scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

Gao Jian suddenly broke the silence and said: "Since Xu Miao is No.1 in the monk ranking competition, no one present can compare with you in terms of strength or understanding of mummy."

"This time to investigate the strength of the mummy, it is none other than you." Xu Miao heard Gao Jian's words, but did not express anything, Zhang Ya's face suddenly sank.

No matter who is assigned by the teacher to assert that he is not as good as the other party, it is not a happy thing.Although Zhang Ya knew that Gao Jian was just putting a high hat on Xu Miao, making him have to accept this dangerous thing, but he was still bored.

Xie Xiu took a step forward and said to Sword Master Xuanzhen: "Master, as a disciple of Jingyang Sect, I am duty-bound to do this." Xu Miao looked at the different expressions on everyone's faces, some flinched, some excited, it was wonderful .

Xu Miao suddenly said: "Since senior Gao Jian thinks highly of me so much, and also agrees that my strength surpasses the disciples of your sect, this junior is very honored, and naturally wants to go and have a look."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Zhang Ya's face was already sinking like water, it was almost overflowing with water.

Originally, Xu Miao planned to go to check in person, but he chose to go, and others pushed him, two completely different concepts.Gao Jian thought that if he said that, he would go obediently, he really underestimated him.

If Gao Jian is not allowed to bleed a little, if he can't get off the stage, Xu Miao is not Xu Miao.Xu Miao rolled her eyes and looked at Gao Jian with a smile on her face.When Gao Jian saw Xu Miao's smile, he subconsciously thumped.

The last time I saw Xu Miao's smile, he was cheated by Xu Miao for 50 high-grade spirit stones.When this smile appeared again this time, Gao Jian had an ominous premonition.

"Although my strength ranks first among the monks of my generation, I don't know what it will be like to face a mummy. I knew that Senior Gao Jian, as the elder of Qianyangmen, must have a lot of magic weapons and pills in his hands."

"If Senior Gao Jian is not stingy with the magic weapon in his hand, it must be able to greatly help me to detect the real strength of the mummy. After all, the junior's cultivation base is low and his strength is weak, and he cannot be compared with Senior Gao Jian."

"For the future of the cultivation world, please senior Gao Jian lend me some magic weapons." Hearing Xu Miao's words, Gao Jian's mouth twitched for a while.Now he feels like shooting himself in the foot with a rock, Xu Miao is just an old fox!
He still wanted to bully Xu Miao, but he didn't expect that the other party would follow his words and continue to bully him back.Xu Miao talked about this, how could he still refuse!

Gao Jian stiffened his facial muscles, showed a smile uglier than crying, and took out three magic weapons.With so many people present and so many pairs of eyes, there was no way for him to fool them with low-level magic weapons.

The three magic weapons are all top-grade innate spiritual weapons, which can be used for attack, defense, and escape.Seeing the three magic weapons in front of her, Xu Miao was very satisfied, completely ignoring the pained expression on Gao Jian's face, and pocketed the three magic weapons.

"Senior Gao Jian's righteousness, the younger generation will definitely remember it!" Xu Miao showed a grateful expression on his face, and Gao Jian had to act like he didn't care, but he felt bleeding in his heart.

Although Xu Miao told Gao Jian to borrow a few magic weapons from him before, now that he has the magic weapons in his hands, he never mentioned the matter of returning them.As a later-stage great monk, it was even more impossible for Gao Jian to ask Xu Miao to repay him.

Until Xu Miao left, Gao Jian still felt sorry for the three magic weapons he gave away.There are five monks who went to investigate this time. Besides Xu Miao, there are also Zhang Ya, Xie Xiu, Song Tianxiang, and Master Jinghui.

It is only a preliminary investigation of the real strength of the mummy, so many monks are not needed.The more people there are, the more vulnerable they are to the siege.The smaller the number, the more flexible it is.

A group of five people did not go out from the city gate, but left Anyang City along the previous underground passage.This passage has been closed since the last time a group of sane corpses were captured alive.

This was also the first time it was opened. After Xu Miao and others left the passage, the passage was closed again until the five of them returned.When they left, Gao Jian made it clear that with Zhang Ya as the leader, everyone else must follow Zhang Ya's instructions.

When Xu Miao heard this at the time, she knew that Zhang Ya would not let him go easily. As soon as she left Anyang City, Zhang Ya said, "Xu Miao, go and observe the surrounding situation first."

"There's nothing going on around." Before Zhang Ya finished speaking, Xu Miao continued, directly blocking what Zhang Ya wanted to say next.

Holding his breath in his chest, Zhang Ya glared at Xu Miao fiercely, "You didn't even observe, how do you know there is nothing around you!"

"You're not me, how do you know that I didn't observe?" Xu Miao crossed her arms and said leisurely, completely ignoring the ferocious look on Zhang Ya's face.

Zhang Ya snorted coldly, and threatened in a low voice: "Xu Miao, you better know what you're doing. We need to investigate the situation of the mummy. We must not attract its attention before then!"

Seeing Xu Miao's expression, Xu Miao nodded. Zhang Ya felt angry from his heart. He just wanted to put all the tasks behind him and beat Xu Miao up.

Zhang Ya thought that Xu Miao was able to defeat him last time only because of an attack left by an avatar monk.If they meet again, he doesn't think Xu Miao can defeat him.

Xu Miao noticed the contempt in Zhang Ya's eyes, and sneered in her heart, it was ridiculously arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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