Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 437 Transfer of Command

Chapter 437 Transfer of Command

He didn't know where the power hidden in Zhang Ya's body and the half-step attack that was released last time came from.But Xu Miao can at least be sure that this power does not belong to Zhang Ya.

It is also a force that does not belong to her. Xu Miao has more and stronger help.Whether it is the existence of Huoyan Spirit Demon or Qingjiao, they can crush Zhang Ya to death.

Zhang Ya's life or death depends entirely on Xu Miao's mood. If he is so rampant in front of Xu Miao, he will always pay the corresponding price.The sights of Xu Miao and Zhang Ya collided in the air. If the sights can be materialized, it must be a terrible war.

The three of Xie Xiu clearly felt that the atmosphere was changing rapidly, and the killing intent surrounded the five of them.Just when Xie Xiu was about to speak to persuade him, the terrifying killing intent just now disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Xu Miao is very aware of the situation that human monks are facing now, and Zhang Ya is also aware of it, so they forcibly restrained their killing intent towards each other.

"We need to bypass these mummies now, and find a way to get closer to the location of the high-IQ mummies that Xu Miao said." When Zhang Ya does not fight against Xu Miao, no matter whether it is arrangement or strategy, he will not lose to Xu Miao.

"The most important thing is the dead air. I don't care what method you use. You must let the dead air linger around your body. It must not attract the attention of the mummy, otherwise all of us will die here."

Zhang Ya was the first to release his death energy, and the others followed suit one after another, sending out his death energy.Among the five, only Xu Miao's death was the strongest and the most real.

The more real the dead air, the safer the monk. It can be said that the safest person among the five is Xu Miao.After all, Xu Miao once pretended to be under the nose of a high-intelligence mummy, and she has not been discovered by the other party.

Song Tianxiang thought about it for a while, then asked via voice transmission: "Fellow Taoist Xu Miao, how did you release this kind of dead energy?" Song Tianxiang was the one with the least dead energy among the five of them.

If he walked into the group of mummies, Xu Miao couldn't guarantee that Song Tianxiang would not be discovered by other mummies.Xu Miao rolled her eyes. If she doesn't make money at this time, when will she make money?

"A kung fu method, a wind attribute kung fu method, as long as you practice this kung fu method, you will be able to release death energy." Xu Miao paid attention to Song Tianxiang, and found that the other party happened to be a monk with a single wind root, which was just in line with the practice of West Wind Wither Bi. condition of the tree.

Song Tianxiang also knew that Xu Miao was not profitable, so he took the initiative and said, "I don't know how many spirit stones are needed. Would fellow Taoist Xu Miao give me the exercises?"

"How much do you think your own life is worth, that's how much this exercise is worth." Xu Miao asked Song Tianxiang for a price without knowing it, but told him clearly that this exercise could completely save your life.

Would you be ashamed if you only took out tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones?Song Tianxiang was always communicating with Xu Miao through sound transmission, so other people didn't know about it.

"One million high-grade spirit stones." Song Tianxiang gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and simply reported a considerable amount.For him, although this amount is not his entire net worth, it is definitely not easy to take out.

Song Tianxiang also had plans in his heart. From Xu Miao's repeated actions of "blackmailing" high-ranking monks, it can be seen that Xu Miao is a monk who likes spirit stones.

As long as the Lingshi is in place, Xu Miao will definitely not embarrass him.And Xu Miao had already made it clear in advance that the death energy in his body was generated by practicing exercises.

Xu Miao raised his eyebrows. He thought that Song Tianxiang would give a big price, but he didn't expect Song Tianxiang to give such a big price.West Wind Withered Green Tree is just a top-grade mysterious-level kung fu method, and 100 million high-grade spirit stones is enough to buy hundreds of high-grade high-grade kung fu books.

Seeing Xu Miao raise his eyebrows, Song Tianxiang thought that Xu Miao was dissatisfied with the price, and when he was about to increase the price, Xu Miao stopped him in time: "Enough is enough, 100 million yuan is enough to buy this exercise book .”

The two paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other. When Song Tianxiang saw the Xuan-level high-grade exercises, he almost couldn't breathe and was about to pass out.His eyes were about to turn red, he bought a skill of this level for 100 million high-grade spirit stones!
Xu Miao's comforting voice came at the right time: "Don't underestimate this exercise, it can save your life at a critical moment." Song Tianxiang held his temper, and after reading the entire exercise, he was sure what Xu Miao said was wrong. imaginary.

As a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, it only took a short time to practice a high-grade Xuan-level kung fu, unlike Xu Miao who had to practice for several days before he could successfully cultivate this kung fu.

This is the gap in level, which cannot be made up by talent.When the rest of the people were walking, they were surprised to find that Song Tianxiang's death aura was getting stronger and more realistic, almost like Xu Miao.

The group of people are all people with extraordinary minds, and they know very well where Song Tianxiang's changes came from.But what surprised them was that Song Tianxiang was able to release such a real and strong death energy.

Even Master Jinghui couldn't help asking Xu Miao, what method was used to generate the dead energy.No one doesn't want to have an extra security guarantee, but this guarantee is not available to just anyone.

"The exercise I sold to Song Tianxiang is a wind attribute exercise. Unless you have a wind spirit root, you can't practice it." Xu Miao's words also dispelled other people's thoughts.

The five people focused their attention on the mummy. These mummy who kept attacking the city gate had no IQ.As long as they can continuously release death energy, they can escape their detection.

Xu Miao carefully controlled her consciousness to find the high-intelligence mummy.I don't know if this mummy is too confident, or if this mummy doesn't know that Xu Miao has discovered him, this high IQ mummy still stays in the original place.

Surrounded by a group of mummy, Xu Miao carefully observed the actions and behaviors of the mummy. It should be that they have developed a simple mind, but they have not yet reached the IQ level of a normal human monk.

Xu Miao informed the four of them of the detected information, and also informed them of her own analysis.Zhang Ya first questioned the location where Xu Miao found the mummy: "The distance you told me is not at all within the reach of the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the early stage of Yuanying."

"Even if it took us a long time to fly there, how did you find it, or did you say you didn't find the location of the mummy at all, and just mentioned a random place!" At the end, Zhang Ya's voice was stern.

Although the others did not speak, their silence also meant that they agreed with what Zhang Ya said.Not only Zhang Ya, but Xie Xiu and the others also did not find any trace of the mummy.

Xu Miao glanced at Zhang Ya coldly: "The place that your spiritual sense can't touch doesn't mean that I can't touch it either. My own strength is not enough, but I come to doubt the strength of others. The monks of Qianyangmen are indeed Extraordinary."

His spiritual strength, I am afraid that even if Gao Jian came here in person, he would not be able to resist, let alone Zhang Ya.When Zhang Ya heard Xu Miao's words, he clenched his fists tightly, and then loosened them slowly.

"If it's true as you said, then we need to stay away from Anyang City and go deep into the mummy's hinterland. If any abnormality occurs, we will have no support and no way out. Do you know the danger involved?"

Xu Miao snorted coldly: "I know the danger better than you. Zhang Ya, if you're not brave enough, you can retreat now. We haven't left Anyang City for a few steps. If you turn around and go back, I won't have any objections. "

"I'll say it again for the last time. If you don't believe me, you can look for it yourself. Since you have asked for my opinion, you must follow my command, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

With just one sentence, Xu Miao took Zhang Ya's command back into her own hands.There is no other reason, just because among the five, he is the strongest.

Zhang Ya glanced at Xu Miao, and remembered what Gao Jian had told him - no matter what, don't conflict with Xu Miao for the time being.After you find the target mummy, you will know what to do.

Zhang Ya understands the deep meaning of Gao Jian.It was just killing people with a knife, taking advantage of the chaos to push Xu Miao to the side of the mummy, so that everyone would think that the mummy killed Xu Miao, and no one would doubt him.

Zhang Ya's eyes were uncertain, and he finally took a step back, which also meant that he handed over the command.Xu Miao looked at Zhang Ya's expression, he did not expect that Zhang Ya would hand over the command so happily.

But he was not a roundworm in Zhang Ya's stomach, he didn't know what Zhang Ya was thinking.It is not good news for anyone to have a sharp knife that is about to be unsheathed around him all the time.

Xu Miao could only put a portion of her consciousness on Zhang Ya, and pay attention to Zhang Ya's movements at any time.At the same time, he began to issue orders: "We are too far away from that mummy, so we will fly for the distance ahead, and we must not leak any breath during the flight."

"When we get close to the mummy with high IQ, we'll just walk and approach the mummy slowly." No one doubted Xu Miao's order, even Zhang Ya didn't say much.

Xu Miao watched the four of them flying in front of him, but her doubts became more and more obvious.He followed behind the four of them, holding his breath, and quickly approached the position of the mummy.

"This is the place, whereabouts!" Xu Miao's order was concise and clear, never saying a word.The five people landed in a blind spot in the sight of a mummy, and immediately released their dead air, changing the appearance of their whole body.

In addition to the appearance, it is also necessary to change the walking posture.None of the five were idiots, so they quickly changed their walking postures.Xu Miao spread out his consciousness very carefully to determine the location of the mummy.

This mummy seemed very leisurely, leaning lazily on a stone chair, still wearing clothes.Mummy likes to wear clothes, which is just convenient for them to identify.

If the mummy closed its eyes and got mixed up with the mummy, it would be hard for Xu Miao to find it out.Now that the opponent is actively exposed, it is easier to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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