Chapter 438
Although Xu Miao didn't know how the mummy put on clothes in just a dozen days, it was obviously not the focus of his attention.

The few of them are imitating the appearance of the mummy, and gradually approaching the mummy with high IQ.In order not to attract the other party's attention, Xu Miao gave up using her divine sense, but conveyed information to the four of them through gestures.

Before falling, they had negotiated the relevant gestures.The gesture Xu Miao is making now is to mummify the high IQ, and wait for the signal to launch an attack.

The five people did not approach the high-IQ mummy from the same direction, but approached inadvertently from different directions.Try not to attract the attention of the high-intelligence mummy. The direction of each person is carefully calculated by Xu Miao. Once besieged, the other party must not be allowed to escape.

Xu Miao slowly raised her right hand, not conspicuous among the group of mummies.The remaining four people looked at Xu Miao without blinking, waiting for the final order.

The high-IQ mummy also seemed to feel the crisis, and opened his eyes suddenly.At this moment, Xu Miao clenched her fists violently, and the five of them attacked the high-IQ mummy at the same time.

The violent spiritual power rushed towards the high-IQ mummy from five directions. Xu Miao happened to be in front of the high-IQ mummy. He saw the flash of surprise in the mummy's eyes.

This surprise shows that their concealment was very successful, and the other party did not realize that they were not real mummy at all.The five spiritual forces and the air produced a strong neighing sound, and the five quickly approached the mummy.

The response speed of the high-intelligence mummy was also not slow. While the five were attacking, he directed the other mummy to attack Xu Miao and the other five.

Once the monks are surrounded by mummies on the ground, they will not be able to escape.Therefore, Xu Miao notified the four of them immediately that they were not allowed to fight on the ground.

With the advantage of the air, the five of Xu Miao had the upper hand, and none of the mummies could harm the five of them.But the good times didn't last long, and sudden changes occurred.

The high-intelligence mummy suddenly took off its robe, and also flew into the air, confronting Xu Miao and the other five.Xu Miao's brows were suddenly frowned, and a deadly attack came towards him, and the Mist Sword swung instantly to block the mummy's deadly attack.

The mummy can actually fly, which is something no one expected.If the mummy evolves to a certain level and can fly, then the monk will lose another advantage.

As if to reflect what Xu Miao was worried about, many mummies rose into the sky.Although their flying heights are not as high as those of high-IQ mummy, they can still fly in the air.

"Increase the fighting height!" Xu Miao ordered quickly, they couldn't let other mummies join the battle.Once the opponent forms a siege, there is absolutely no possibility for them to escape.

This high-intelligence mummy stared at Xu Miao, suddenly opened his mouth, and said a very ugly word: "It's you. At that time, I felt that someone was watching me, and that person was you!"

The successive actions of the high-intelligence mummy surprised the five people present.The mummy they had seen could only make babbling, meaningless sounds.

But this mummy was able to speak such fluent and logical words.What surprised Xu Miao even more was that the other party was able to recognize that he was probing with his divine sense.

Every monk's spiritual consciousness will be very slightly different, but this difference, even the monk himself cannot distinguish it.However, this mummy was easily distinguished.

Xu Miao's expression is serious. This is the biggest crisis he has encountered since he advanced to Yuanying.From the death aura emitted by the other party just now, Xu Miao couldn't perceive the real strength of the other party at all.

"Do it!" The purpose of their trip was to find out the real strength of the high-IQ mummy.Now that you have come here, there is no reason to give up halfway and retreat.

Xu Miao looked at the unfathomable mummy, and her fighting spirit continued to grow.He clenched the fog-condensing sword in his hand, and used a teleport to attack the mummy.Anyang City captured the living mummy before, and conducted research on them, and also discovered the weakness of the mummy.

Unlike monks' neck, dantian, and heart weaknesses, the weaknesses of mummy are their limbs and eyes.As long as the limbs are lost, no matter how powerful the mummy is, it will not be able to exert effective combat power.

If the eyes are lost, the mummy will lose its sense of direction and can only spin around in place.Although they knew the weakness of the mummy, it was the same as if they hadn't discovered it.

The weak point is called a weak point because it is a place that can kill with one blow.But none of these can completely kill the mummy, it can only reduce the combat effectiveness of the mummy to the greatest extent.

The five people worked together, Xu Miao and Xie Xiu were in charge of the eyes of the high-IQ mummy, and the other three were in charge of the limbs.The level of the five people is already the top level of monks in the early Yuanying stage among the monks in Zhonglu.

The five people used their killing moves at the same time, and almost no one was able to retreat completely under the attack of the five people.But this high-intelligence mummy managed to do just that.

Under Xu Miao's teleportation attack, he was able to escape from the Ningwu sword intact, and quickly launched a counterattack.Five people's attacks, none of them worked.

The expressions of the five people became extremely ugly, which was an insult to the strength of the five people.The mummy looked at the five people with obvious contempt and mockery in their eyes.

"What should we do?" It was the first time Song Tianxiang had encountered such a tricky opponent, an opponent who could not figure out the depth of it, it was really frightening.

Xu Miao's eyes were serious, and she said in a deep voice: "Continue to attack until the real strength of the opponent can be accurately determined." They must try out the strength of the mummy, which is related to the estimation of the strength of the mummy in the comprehension world and the future battle situation.

Before the words fell, Xu Miao performed teleportation again.Of all the enemies Xu Miao faced, none of them could escape Xu Miao's teleportation attack.

But this mummy dodged Xu Miao's attacks one after another. Not only that, he could also dodge the attacks of the other four.Zhang Ya even released the aura of 梼杌, but he still couldn't do any harm to the mummy.

"Huoyan Lingyao, Qingjiao, I need your help." Since single-target attacks can't work, then use group-wide attacks directly.

Xu Miao and five people surrounded the mummy in the middle according to the original position.The spiritual power in everyone's hands is constantly increasing, and everyone's means of suppressing the bottom of the box are being displayed at this moment.

The 梼杌 aura on Zhang Ya's body is getting stronger and stronger, and the aura around him is constantly approaching the half-step Huashen.The power of the sword in Xie Xiu's hand increased rapidly, reaching the realm of one body with sword.

Song Tianxiang's hands gradually grew fluffy feathers, and his whole body was like a golden roc, making a clear and loud cry.Master Jinghui sat cross-legged in the air with his knees closed, his eyes closed, but the Dharma figure behind him opened his eyes.

Xu Miao held the Condensing Fog Sword in one hand and the Nirvana Sword in the other. The spiritual power of Huo Yan Ling Yao and Qing Jiao poured into the two swords from both hands. Powerful, but also the most terrifying.

The mummy noticed the change in the demeanor of the five people, and a trace of solemnity appeared on their faces.All five of them are accumulating their momentum to deliver the most powerful and perfect blow.

"At this moment, do it!" Xu Miao ordered again, and the attacks of the five rushed out instantly.Five vast spiritual powers all rushed towards the high-IQ mummy, and the large-scale, high-intensity attacks did not hold back the slightest, all rushing towards the mummy.

Xu Miao's whole body was occupied by two strands of spiritual power, and the meridians seemed to be bursting.Everyone's face is very ugly, but everyone is gritting their teeth.

Song Tianxiang's animal transformation disappeared first, followed by Master Jinghui. The dharma behind him dissipated, Xie Xiu's sword power was weakening, and Zhang Ya's aura was also decreasing sharply. Only Xu Miao's attack remained. persist in.

Xu Miao noticed a black mark from the corner of the mummy's mouth.If compared with human monks, this should be the blood of mummy.Their such a powerful attack only caused the opponent to bleed a little bit of blood.

This shows that the opponent's strength has reached a terrifying level.Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao made the last blow, which was the last blow Xu Miao could sustain.

If this blow still cannot cause damage to the mummy, then they can only choose to retreat.A nine-level monster, a half-step monster that turned into a god, struck with all its strength, and Xu Miao even felt that his body was about to be torn apart by two forces.

He tightly held the two swords in his hands, and the revolving Nirvana Jue was running in his body. One hand was the Broken Star Sword Art, the other hand was the Wallless Stance. Xu Miao used almost all his means.

With this move, the sun and the moon changed color, and the environment around Xu Miao and the mummy even changed.Xu Miao pushed forward vigorously with both hands, and shouted: "Ha——"

Even the mummy took a few steps back under this move.Xu Miao didn't even have time to observe the physical condition of the mummy, so she immediately took out the spiritual source water and the Cangmu fruit and swallowed it to replenish the body's spiritual power consumption.

It wasn't until half of the spiritual power in her body recovered that Xu Miao slowly raised her head and looked at the mummy.One of the mummy's hands was cut with a bone-deep scar from the attack of the Mist Condensing Sword.

Other parts of the mummy's body were also scarred.It was not in vain that Xu Miao had to pay a huge price to force the mummy to such a state.The mummy's eyes were full of dark tides, and suddenly he showed a strange smile: "Human monk, well, you are fine, since you are here, don't leave!"

Seeing this, Xu Miao quickly ordered: "Retreat!" The five people, including Xu Miao, ran towards Anyang City at the fastest speed.Five silver rays of light flashed high in the sky, and after the five rays of light, there was a yellow streak of light.

The speed of the five silver gleams had reached a limit, but the speed of the yellow ray was even faster, catching up to one of the silver gleams in an instant.

Master Jinghui became the target of the mummy, and the stiff and ugly hand of the mummy turned into a sharp machete at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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