Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 439 The Conspiracy of the Mummy

Chapter 439 The Conspiracy of the Mummy

With a slash of the knife in his hand, Master Jinghui reacted very quickly, and raised his hand to strike out a string of Buddhist beads.However, this string of beads containing Buddha's power, under the mummy's hand knife, has no resistance at all, and it shattered into scattered beads as soon as it touched it.

Seeing this, Master Jinghui quickly formed a seal with both hands, and a crouching tiger Vajra seal appeared in front of him, trying to resist the mummy's knife attack.However, the once indestructible crouching tiger vajra seal is still invincible.

The mummy's hand knife was less than an inch away from Master Jinghui. Master Jinghui seemed to feel that the end was approaching. He closed his eyes and waited for the moment of death to come.

At the moment of life and death, Master Jinghui's waiting sword attack never fell.At the critical moment, Xu Miao blocked the mummy's knife with the fog-condensing sword in his hand.

The mummy's sword was so powerful, Xu Miao caught it hastily, her right hand was almost shaken by the opponent's sword.Xu Miao pushed Master Jinghui to the side, keeping him out of the range of the mummy's attack.

When the mummy saw that it was Xu Miao again who blocked him from killing, his black and white eyes immediately turned pale.The figure of the mummy flashed and rushed towards Xu Miao.The two hands of the mummy pressed down heavily like Mount Tai was pressing down on the top.

Xu Miao frowned, half-closed her eyes to observe the mummy's attack.With five fingers tightened, he firmly grasped the Ningwu sword.When the mummy's attack fell completely, Xu Miao stabbed away with the sword in both hands.

The hands of the Ningwu Sword and the mummy were instantly separated, and Xu Miao had no intention of fighting at all.He is no match for the mummy, but now he can only withdraw as quickly as possible.

Xu Miao wanted to leave, but the mummy would not let him escape easily.For mummy, in this area, he is the king here.Being provoked again and again by Xu Miao is not something he can tolerate.

"Since you've come to my place, as the master, how can I let you leave so quickly!" The mummy's voice was hoarse, but it was chilling in everyone's ears.

Xu Miao hovered proudly in the air: "I want to leave, but no one can keep me!" Before she finished speaking, Xu Miao used teleportation and flew directly towards Anyang City.

The remaining four also used their own means to stay away from the mummy.After chasing for a while, the mummy stopped on its own initiative.His eyes returned to black and white, and when they rolled, no one knew what he was thinking.

Xu Miao has been observing the situation of this mummy with her spiritual sense. The other party obviously has spare energy, so why did she give up tracking so easily.Xu Miao was puzzled, but quickly flew to Anyang City with the four of them.

However, when they were about to arrive in Anyang City, they found that the original access to Anyang City was blocked.Xu Miao's pupils shrank. This passage was blocked by the mummy.

No wonder the mummy didn't continue chasing them, the passage was blocked by the mummy, and there was no way for them to clear the passage in a short time.

Xu Miao tried to release the dead air, imitating the mummies walking towards the several mummies guarding the passage.Unexpectedly, these guarded corpses all became sane, and no one could approach the passage without the order of the highly intelligent corpse.

"The passage is closed, and the mummy is now besieging the city. We have no way to return to the city." Song Tianxiang looked at the mummy not far away, scratching his head irritably.

Xu Miao and the others didn't speak. Now they can't even enter Anyang City, and they are completely dead.That high-intelligence mummy didn't kill them on the spot, but wanted them to die unwillingly in despair. It was a good plan.

However, there are as many people in the cultivation world who want Xu Miao to die, but Xu Miao is still standing here alive.The person who can make him die has not yet appeared in this world!
"That channel was completely destroyed by the mummified corpses. Even if we get rid of the guarded mummified corpses, we will not be able to use the channel to return to the city. We should simply enter the city and cooperate with the inside and outside of the city. As long as we can get close to the city gate, we will have a chance to enter the city. "

Xu Miao squinted at the mummified corpses surrounded by the gate of the city, three floors inside and three floors outside, and a sternness flashed in her eyes.

Master Jinghui clasped his palms together and recited the Buddha's name: "There are too many mummified corpses. With just five of us, it may be difficult to pose a threat to the mummified corpses."

"Of course it's impossible with the five of us alone. Our greatest advantage is the monks in Anyang City. As the most talented monks in your respective sects and families, your master will not let you die easily."

"As long as you cooperate properly, you will be able to successfully enter Anyang City before the mummy reacts." Xu Miao said this, but looked up into the distance.

The direction he looked up was the direction where the high IQ mummy was.Through his divine sense, he saw the smile on the corner of the mummy's mouth.It was a mocking and disdainful smile, and the mummy was sure that they would die outside the city gate.

Because the group of mummy outside Anyang City, under his control, has already started to attack.Not only Anyang City was attacked, but also five monks outside Anyang City.

There was also a smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, it was a smile that she was determined to win.One person, one corpse, engaged in invisible battles in different places across a long distance.

"Kill!" At the same time as Xu Miao gave the order, the Condensing Fog Sword and the Nirvana Sword flew out together, slashing at the mummy beside him with an unstoppable attack.Under Xu Miao's control, the two swords became butcher knives for strangling the mummified corpses. Wherever they went, not a single mummified corpse was left intact.

The arms of countless mummies were flying and falling in the air. Xu Miao separated his consciousness, controlled two swords to attack the mummies, and at the same time condensed a lightsaber in his hand to shuttle and fight among the mummies.

With five against ten thousand, five people guarded different positions, and handed over their backs to the remaining four people.At this moment, the five people who were Zhonglu's most hopeful to advance to the gods and ascended to the upper plane put aside all their grievances at the same time and went to the outside world together.

The spiritual power in their bodies was constantly surging, and their aura soared, even these mummies who were not afraid of death could not restrain their pace.The sanity of these mummies is gradually being formed. Compared with the previous ignorance, now they know that their limbs may be cut off.

With sanity comes emotion, and with emotion comes fear.Once this feeling of fear is generated, it will start to spread among the mummy crowd.

Xu Miao looked at these mummies coldly. Except for the mummies who were still insane, the other mummies had gradually moved back.The attack strength of the five people was too strong, almost hitting at a crushing level.

No mummy could take the attack of any one of the five people alone.The five of Xu Miao are constantly approaching the gate of Anyang City, victory is close at hand.

Suddenly, several powerful forces suddenly appeared.Xu Miao's expression suddenly became solemn. According to the fluctuation of breath, ten more powerful mummy should have appeared.

The ten mummies quickly approached the five people, and the mummies in front of the five receded like a tide, making room for the ten mummies.Xu Miao recalled the Nirvana Sword, held the Ningwu Sword in her hand, and waited with vigilance.

"Where did these ten mummies come from? How could they be so terrifying!" Song Tianxiang stretched out his long arms, and thick wings began to grow on his back and arms.

Judging from the power fluctuations of the other party, these ten mummy corpses are not weaker than the level of late Nascent Soul monks.In addition, the opponent is a mummy, invulnerable, which further enhances the strength of the opponent.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and one person has to face two mummy at the same time, which is even more difficult than five people facing a high IQ mummy before.

"Quick battle, we need to kill them, we just need to force them back, try to allow enough time for the opening and closing of the city gate!" After judging the situation, Xu Miao decisively issued an order.

If they confront each other head-on now, they will definitely not get any benefits, and it may cause one of the five people to be seriously injured.Xu Miao jumped up first, and confronted two of the mummies.

Not to be outdone, the remaining four met the mummy immediately afterwards.The radiance of the magic weapon and the shock of spiritual power showed great strength outside Anyang City.The monks on the walls of Anyang City watched the fighting of the five people almost in a daze.

"It's only now that I understand why these people's plane cultivator rankings are so high, even surpassing most of the cultivators in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and only below the cultivators in the late stage."

"If I face two mummies alone, I will definitely be killed by the mummies in an instant."

"Oh my God, Xu Miao faced three mummified corpses alone!" A monk who saw it immediately noticed the change in the situation on the field.Xu Miao and Song Tianxiang were closest to each other, and Song Tianxiang's attack rhythm was disrupted by the sudden rush of the mummies.

If Song Tianxiang was allowed to continue, he would definitely be seriously injured by one of the mummified corpses.Xu Miao could only strike out the Nirvana Sword, block the mummy that was about to strike, and lead the mummy to her.

Facing the attack of three mummies at the same time, Xu Miao's pressure rose rapidly.These mummies are extremely powerful, every attack will cause a huge shock and impact on Xu Miao's arm.

In order to allow the city gate to open smoothly, Xu Miao couldn't leave this position at all, and used teleportation to deal with the opponent, which greatly affected Xu Miao's attack.

Two of the mummies suddenly appeared on both sides of Xu Miao, and Xu Miao raised his hands left and right to block the attack of the two mummies.At this time, there was no resistance in front of Xu Miao's chest, and she was completely open.

The mummy in the middle smiled at Xu Miao, and Xu Miao's pupils shrank when she saw this unusually dazzling smile.The mummy in the middle clasped his hands together and slashed at Xu Miao's dantian.

Seeing that Xu Miao was on the verge of life and death, the monks on the city wall almost stopped breathing.Immortal Feiqi was very anxious, very worried that Xu Miao would be hurt.

Looking back at Gao Jian from Qianyangmen, a look of color flashed in his eyes.If Xu Miao died here, God would really look down on Xu Miao, and let Xu Miao be killed by a mummy when he was about to enter the city.

(End of this chapter)

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