Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 440 The Danger of Entering the City

Chapter 440 The Danger of Entering the City
Some people sat and watched the show, some were worried, but Xu Miao, who was at a disadvantage, was the calmest.His situation may seem dangerous, but in fact it is not at all desperate.

He still has too many hole cards, any one of the hole cards is enough for him to withdraw from the attack of the three mummies intact.But Xu Miao didn't choose any hole cards.

Since he is so interested in his dantian, he naturally wants to repay this mummy.To come and not to reciprocate is indecent, but to reciprocate is his character of Xu Miao.

The blue sea in the dantian instantly melted away, and layers of water curtains blocked the sharp attack of the mummy in front of him.The mummy attacks on both sides of the body continued, Xu Miao did not stop, and forcibly twisted her body in the air.

The whole body rotated, with both hands resting on the arms, the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword completely became the blades for grinding meat at this moment, and the sharp sword energy mercilessly cut at the mummy on both sides.

Even if it is a solid mummified corpse, it is impossible to retreat completely under the combination of the star breaking sword technique and the chaotic gas.Countless sword marks immediately appeared on the bodies of the two mummies.

They lowered their heads to look at the scars on their bodies, and after standing still, they rushed towards Xu Miao again.Xu Miao didn't give them a chance to get close at all, and waved his hands around his side like light and shadow. With only the sword energy, an airtight protective shield was formed outside Xu Miao's body.

No matter how the two mummies attacked, they couldn't break through the shield of sword energy outside Xu Miao's body.While Xu Miao was entangled with the mummy on both sides, the mummy in front had already broken through the layers of water curtain Xu Miao had built.

The mummy's two-handed strike appeared again, and Xu Miao's mouth curled up into an unusually cruel smile.He raised his hand and directly threw out the magic weapon of defense and magic weapon of attack that Gao Jian gave him before.

However, the targets of these two magic weapons are not the mummy directly in front of them, but the two mummy beside them.Between lightning and flint, Xu Miao infused the two magic weapons with the power of Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao.

The aura of the two magic weapons increased rapidly, Gao Jian blinked his eyes in disbelief when he saw the power displayed by the magic weapons at this moment.The magic weapon he sent out, he is the most aware of the power of the magic weapon.

But these two items have never shown such terrifying power in his hands.Why in the hands of Xu Miao, the power can reach such a terrifying level.

But Xu Miao will never answer this question.The two magic weapons appeared at the most appropriate time, blocking the attacks of the two mummies.Xu Miao suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight. When he reappeared, he was already face to face with the mummy in the middle.

The mummy in the middle is not as good as the high-IQ mummy Xu Miao faced before. He can't break Xu Miao's teleportation, nor can he avoid the attack after Xu Miao's teleportation.

The chaotic gas was shaped into a sharp blade by Xu Miao, and it was directly inserted into the eyes of the mummy.The mummy did not expect Xu Miao's speed to be so fast, nor did he expect Xu Miao to escape the attacks of the mummy on both sides so easily.

The mummy's eyes widened suddenly: "This is impossible!"

"With me, there has never been anything impossible." Xu Miao's voice sounded faintly, and two streams of chaotic gas pierced the mummy's eyes.

Xu Miao's speed had reached the limit, and the mummy was unavoidable, and was caught in the middle by two jets of chaotic gas.There was a shrill scream, and the hands of the mummy suddenly lifted up, crazily grabbing at Xu Miao.

The mummy, which has lost its eyesight, is completely in a state of madness, and even its attack power has increased by half of what it was before.Xu Miao was not afraid at all, taking this opportunity, he raised his legs and kicked the mummy's shoulders hard.

This kick contained the spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body, and it directly kicked the mummy's two shoulders to pieces.This mummy was blinded by Xu Miao one after another, and its shoulders were kicked to pieces. It could no longer form combat power and pose a threat to Xu Miao.

With the help of the power of that kick just now, Xu Miao retreated quickly.At this time, the power of the two magic weapons had been exhausted, and the two mummified corpses were tossed by these two magic weapons, and they were also scarred.

Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth, can she not be scarred?He just borrowed the power of monsters and monsters that are equivalent to transforming gods and half-step transforming gods.If even they can't harm these mummy, Xu Miao doesn't need to beat them, just wait for death.

Before the two mummies recovered from the attacks of the two magic weapons just now, Xu Miao's attack had already arrived.Xu Miao pointed at the sword together, and the Mist Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword stabbed at the mummy from left and right at the same time.

With lightning speed, all the hands of the two mummies were chopped off.The mummy without both hands has no attack power anymore.Xu Miao kindly stabbed the eyes of the two mummies again.

It seems that Xu Miao and the mummy matched many tricks, but in fact they all happened in a very short period of time.At least Xu Miao has already dealt with three mummies, while the others have not dealt with all the mummies yet.

The monk on the city wall exhaled the turbid air stuck in his chest at this time, and sighed: "No wonder Xu Miao is the most powerful monk in Zhonglu. He can suppress Zhang Ya. Xie Xiu is not without reason."

"That's right! Three mummies, he was able to counter-kill them without any damage in such a short period of time under the siege of mummies, and solved the three mummies in one go."

Listening to the discussion of the monk next to him, Gao Jian gritted his teeth angrily.He never expected that Xu Miao would be able to escape in this situation, and even kill the mummy.

Xu Miao dealt with the three mummies in front of her, then looked up at the situation of the others.Both Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu had taken care of one mummy, and there was one mummy left that could no longer cause them any harm.

Because Song Tianxiang was taken over by Xu Miao, there was only one mummy left. Song Tianxiang beat the mummy until he couldn't lift his head in a crushing posture.

Master Jinghui is only dealing with the mummy, the mummy can't hurt him, and he can't hurt the mummy either.But if it continues, it will affect the opening of the city gate.

Seeing this, Xu Miao quickly reached an agreement with the monks in the city: "Open the city gate!" It takes time to open the city gate, and he needs to kill the mummy dealt with by Master Jinghui within this time.

Use the fastest speed to send everyone to the city.Xu Miao jumped up, and the Wu Ningjian came down from top to bottom, and slashed at the mummy in front of Master Jinghui.

The mummy was stopped by Mage Jinghui, but at the critical moment, it turned around to block the attack of Ningwu Sword.However, Xu Miao didn't intend to use the Mist Sword to harm the mummy at all. The attack of the Mist Sword was just a cover-up.

Xu Miao's eyes flickered, the mummy suddenly realized something, but it was too late.Two streams of chaotic gas roared out, not allowing the mummy to dodge, and hit each other's eyes.

The Ningwu sword was raised in good time, and the mummy naturally put its hand on its eyes, but directly sent it to Xu Miao's sword.Xu Miao unceremoniously swung his sword and chopped it off, and the two hands of the mummy were completely separated from the body.

The other mummy knew that he was in trouble, and when he was about to escape, Xu Miao stopped him.Xu Miao stood behind the mummy with one sword and one person, and said leisurely, "Where do you want to escape?"

Xu Miao knew that these mummies had developed spiritual intelligence, and they were able to speak like normal monks.When the mummy heard Xu Miao's words, his expression changed drastically.Xu Miao didn't give him a chance to change his face again, and cut the mess quickly.

The chaotic gas and the fog sword attacked at the same time, completely eliminating the mummy.At this time, the gate of the city was opened, and countless corpses rushed towards the gate.Xu Miao teleported back to defense quickly, and said via voice transmission: "Close to the gate of the city quickly!"

These mummy have no sanity, don't know pain, don't know death.Xu Miao would rather fight sane mummy than these mummy.

The other four heard Xu Miao's voice transmission and quickly approached the city gate.The gate of Anyang City has a shortcoming. It must be fully opened before it can be closed.

Therefore, they cannot enter the city in a hurry, and must enter the city one by one when the gates are closed.The five of Xu Miao stood in a row in front of the city gate, continuously hitting spiritual power to push back the approaching mummy.

During countless attacks, the five of them gradually developed a tacit understanding.They know exactly when to attack and when to support others.With the perfect cooperation of the five people, the city gate began to slowly close.

"Song Tianxiang, Master Jinghui, you two enter the city first!" Xu Miao issued an order calmly. Of the five people present, the strongest were Xu Miao, Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu.It is safest only if they stay behind.

The gap left by the city gate is getting smaller and smaller, and the mummy is getting closer and closer to them due to the lack of attacks from the two of them.Xu Miao observed the situation calmly, and continued to order: "Xie Xiu, you go first, followed by Zhang Ya, and I'm last."

"Hurry up, we have to enter before the city gate is completely closed!" As soon as the words fell, Xie Xiu had already stepped into the city gate.Zhang Ya glanced at Xu Miao, didn't say much, and entered the city.

There was only the last width to allow people to enter and exit. Xu Miao did not attack with the fog-condensing sword, but took out a stack of talismans from the Huntian Stone, and threw it out with a raised hand.

The talisman detonated instantly, and Xu Miao quickly backed away with the help of the shock wave detonated by the talisman.Enter the city safely at the last moment when the gates close.

With a sound of "boom", the city gate was closed again, and all the formations were activated again and quickly.Countless golden lights aimed at the mummy near the city gate, and they bombarded their heads and faces, leaving a lot of mummy corpses under the city gate.

Under the admiring eyes of a group of monks, Xu Miao and five entered the City Lord's Mansion.After seeing the five people entering the city safely, all the big monks waited here for the five people to come.They need to know the true strength of the high-IQ mummy, so as to formulate the next battle strategy.

When they arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, Xu Miao stood aside resolutely, showing no sign of making an introduction.Zhang Ya also kept silent strangely, without saying a word.

A group of big monks were puzzled, so they could only focus on Xie Xiu, waiting for him to introduce him.Xie Xiu was also baffled, but still told all the situation one by one for the great monk's reference.

(End of this chapter)

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