Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 441 Anyang is in Danger

Chapter 441 Anyang is in Danger
When Xie Xiu was talking with the later master monks, Xu Miao stood quietly at the side all the time.He clearly felt different divine senses falling on him, and one of them had a faint killing intent.

Xu Miao suddenly raised her head and looked at the source of that divine consciousness.Because Gao Jian was standing on the steps, he could look down at Xu Miao.Gao Jian looked at Xu Miao with that superior expression.

Xu Miao just glanced at him lightly, turned her head away, and didn't pay Gao Jian any more attention.Gao Jian suddenly felt powerless as if he had punched the cotton with his fist. He really wanted to frighten Xu Miao with his eyes, but Xu Miao didn't accept this at all.

At this time, Xie Xiu had finished all the explanations, and Sword Master Xuanzhen asked Xu Miao in due course: "How far has your strongest attack reached?"

Sword Master Xuanzhen knew that this question was inappropriate, because according to what Xie Xiu said, the attack power of Xu Miao completely surpassed Xuanzhen's own strongest attack.

Asking Xu Miao bluntly like this is equivalent to letting Xu Miao reveal her cards.But he had to ask, because he needed to know exactly the true strength of the high-IQ mummy.

Xu Miao didn't care about this. Many people knew the strength of his ultimate hole cards, but they didn't know how many such hole cards he had.Without hesitation, Xu Miao replied directly: "Being shoulder to shoulder to become a god, but I didn't seriously hurt him."

"It just caused him some minor injuries, and it didn't even affect his actions." After Xu Miao's own attack, he also estimated the strength of the high-intelligence mummy.

Judging from his fighting with countless monks, this high-IQ mummy is at least the strength of the transformation stage.Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to be only slightly injured under the double attack of Qingjiao and Huoyan Spirit Demon.

Xu Miao also informed Sword Master Xuanzhen of his guess. Compared with what Xie Xiu saw nearby, Xu Miao fought against the mummy himself, and the information he got was the most reliable.

Sword Master Xuan Zhen nodded, agreeing with Xu Miao's guess.With Xu Miao's control over this kind of power, if he only had the strength of the late Nascent Soul, he would definitely not be able to escape Xu Miao's attack.

But the high-intelligence mummy not only escaped, but also continued to attack them.After exchanging glances with several late Nascent Soul monks, they decided to inform their sects, the family's Huashen Patriarch.

This high-intelligence mummy is no longer something their group can handle.A high-level mummy naturally needs a high-level monk.

Just as the late-stage great monks were transmitting voice notifications to the cultivator of Huashen, there was a sudden knock on the door of the meeting hall: "Urgent report at the city gate!" Sword Master Xuan Zhen raised his hand and opened the door.

A disheartened monk rushed to the meeting hall and hurriedly said: "A large number of mummies are approaching Anyang City, more than ten times the number before, and even stronger!"

"The formation of Anyang City is almost overwhelmed, and even the city gate is in danger!" The monk's words made everyone present look dignified.

Why did the number of mummies increase suddenly, and there was also a huge jump in strength.Even if a mummy can evolve, it is impossible for such a large evolution to occur in such a short period of time.

All the people quickly left the conference hall and rushed to the city wall. They saw the fragmented formation, exhausted monks, and the dilapidated city wall.

Looking up, there are endless mummies surrounding the outside of Anyang City, densely packed, with no end in sight.Seeing the scene in front of her, Xu Miao immediately turned around and walked down the wall.

"Xu Miao, what are you doing?" Xie Xiu asked quickly when he saw Xu Miao leave without saying a word.

Xu Miao didn't turn her head, but kept walking: "Repair the formation!" The voice of this sentence was not loud, because Xu Miao had already moved away from here in a short while.

Formation is the key to protecting Anyang City, and there must be no mistakes.Once the formation is completely destroyed, Anyang City will no longer have a barrier to resist.The mummy will rush directly into the city as if entering no one's land.

The speed at which the formation was damaged was too fast, and the monks in Fufeng Valley were in no hurry to repair it.All the formation masters were all overwhelmed, looking at the formations under their hands, frowning.

Some of them even had the idea of ​​giving up. This is Anyang City, after all, it is not their sect, their home.Even if this town is abandoned, there are other towns that can withstand the mummies.

In their hearts, it is already a miracle that Anyang City can last for such a long time.Since it is already a miracle, there is no need to continue to guard it.

Of course not everyone has given up on repairing the formation, there are still many formation masters who are working hard to repair the formation.Although the speed of their repairs could not keep up with the speed of the destruction of the formation, they still did not give up.

Xu Miao walked to a formation node, and the monk in charge of this node was the one who wanted to give up.He is in a state of passive sabotage, and his subordinates are slow, and there is no trace of anxiety on his face.

Seeing this cultivator, Xu Miao only felt anger welling up, and there was a trace of anger in her voice: "Since you don't want to do it, get out of here immediately!"

Now is the critical autumn for the survival of Anyang City, Xu Miao looked at these monks who gave up voluntarily, and didn't even bother to talk to them.He squatted down in front of the formation node and quickly began to repair the node.

The monk who was yelled at by Xu Miao was full of grievances, but he didn't dare to refute Xu Miao.Xu Miao's strength is obvious to all.If he dared to open his mouth to refute Xu Miao, he might be directly suppressed by force by Xu Miao.

Immortal Feiqi also arrived at this time, seeing the monks beside Xu Miao, he was also very angry.These passive and sabotage monks thought that this was Anyang City, which was still far away from Fufeng Valley.

But he didn't think about the geographical location of Anyang City. Once Anyang City is breached and occupied, a large area will fall into the hands of mummy.At that time, it will be very difficult for monks to counterattack.

Xu Miao was also concerned that some of the monks were disciples of Fufeng Valley. With the presence of Master Feiqi, it was not suitable for him to take the place of Master Feiqi and teach the disciples of Fufeng Valley.

If he directly speaks a lesson, it will embarrass Fei Qi.Real person Feiqi treated Xu Miao pretty well, so Xu Miao naturally wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Master Feiqi suppressed his anger and taught his disciples, then walked to Xu Miao's side and asked Xu Miao's countermeasures.Xu Miao didn't stop with his subordinates, but he answered the words of Master Feiqi: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to defend Anyang City."

Even though Master Feiqi was prepared, he didn't expect Xu Miao to say it so directly.After all, Xu Miao worked so hard to repair the formation, it was really difficult for him to see what Xu Miao was thinking from Xu Miao's actions.

Xu Miao shook her head: "The mummy's strength is too strong, we can only retreat a little bit. If I'm not wrong, the crisis in the plane below the ground and space is not only that."

"The lower plane of the earth is staring at our plane. If the cultivator of the transformation of the gods is caught by the monks of the lower plane of the earth, we must seek self-help."

What Xu Miao said was exactly what Zhenren Feiqi was worried about.He had already contacted the cultivator of the God Transformation in the sect, but uncharacteristically, the cultivator of the Transformation God did not reply him at all.

This situation happened not only in Fufeng Valley, but also in other sects and families.The cultivator behind them also did not reply to them.The fact that so many cultivators were unable to reply to them also showed from the side that they were trapped by the same thing.

This is not the first time Xu Miao has encountered such a situation where the cultivator of Huashen cannot show up to solve the problem.A similar thing happened to him when he was still in the foundation building period and was still in the West Continent.

At that time, the world was changing, and the black soul threatened the monks. At the same time, there were also monsters from the Demon Realm.Xu Miao has always believed that all the masterminds are Taoist Li Huan who died under his scheme later.

Now that Xu Miao thinks about it again, maybe Taoist Li Huan is not the mastermind behind the scenes at all, but monks from other planes intervened, and it is very likely that they are monks from the lower plane.

"If the formation is not repaired, the other monks will have no time to escape." Xu Miao repaired the formation under him, switched to another node, and said to the real person Feiqi, "set up the formation layer by layer, and give the monks time , retreat in unison.”

This was the best way Xu Miao could think of when he saw the scene outside Anyang City.The monks on the city wall kept attacking, but they were no match for so many mummies.

There were cracks in several city walls, and the speed of repairing the city walls could not keep up with the speed of the city wall damage.In order to block as many corpses as possible, some monks have come to ask Xu Miao to go to the city wall.

Xu Miao's combat power is strong, and he can stop many monks by himself.However, Xu Miao needs to repair the city wall, and there is no way to escape.

Shui San was sent out by Xu Miao to support the city wall a long time ago, but it was still a drop in the bucket.Among Xu Miao's sky-hunting stones are Qingjiao, a half-step god of transformation, and Huoyan, a level-nine monster.

If they were released, they might be able to temporarily withstand the attack of the mummy, but it was not a long-term solution.Only when Zhonglu's cultivator of Huashen completely frees up his hands, can the crisis that Zhonglu is facing now be resolved.

Xu Miao's consciousness was running to the limit and quickly repaired the formation.With the efforts of Xu Miao, Master Feiqi, and a group of monks from Fufeng Valley, the formation was finally repaired and able to continue to function.

In the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone sat at the table with serious expressions.The attack of the mummy stopped temporarily, but no one knew when the next attack would be.

To make matters worse, they received news from the sect and family that many strange faces appeared in Zhonglu recently.Xu Miao's guess has become a reality, and the monks from the lower plane of the secluded earth have come to the lower plane of the earth and space.

"The secluded lower plane is now taking advantage of people's danger, and we don't have the energy to fight them!" A late-stage monk angrily patted the table.

(End of this chapter)

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