Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 442 Repairing the Array

Chapter 442 Repairing the Array
"What's worse is that they seem to have reached a cooperation with the mummy. The monks in the lower planes pass by the mummy in an open manner, and the mummy will not attack them at all." Sword Master Xuanzhen held the latest news in his hand. , said.

Xu Miao didn't expect that the current situation would become so difficult. Just a group of mummies was enough to make them burn out, not to mention the fact that there were more forces from the lower plane.

The mummy king should be the key. The people in the lower planes of the secluded world did not know what method they used to reach a unified agreement with the mummy king so that the mummy would no longer attack them.

People who are so secluded from the lower plane only need to focus on dealing with monks from the lower plane.However, due to the attack of the mummy, the monks on the lower plane of Earth and Space were at their wits' end, and had no extra energy to deal with the people on the lower plane of Earth and Space.

The atmosphere in the conference hall was extremely solemn and dull, but within a few months, something unexpected happened in the plane below the ground and sky.

A few months ago, the world of comprehension was peaceful and sound, and all orders were normal.But a few months later, everything changed dramatically.

Now no one can think of personal grievances, and everyone's thoughts are focused on the huge crisis that the plane below the ground and space encountered this time.If they can't survive, the monks in their entire plane will become vassals of the lower plane, and they will no longer have the right to dominate.

This situation is not what they want to see, nor is it what they want to see.Gao Jian broke the silence in the hall: "I don't want to hide it from you, there is no way for the cultivators who transform the gods to come forward now, and the survival of the entire plane rests on the shoulders of our group of people."

With Gao Jian speaking first, the other monks participated in the discussion with each other.However, the discussion went on and on, but no useful plan was reached.

Calm was restored in the meeting hall, and the faces of the late monks were also full of helplessness and despair.From their point of view, the world of comprehension seems impossible to survive.

Xu Miao looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "Everyone seems to have forgotten that we have an ally." Everyone raised their heads when they heard Xu Miao's words, waiting for Xu Miao's next words.

Xu Miao said calmly: "We human monks live in the plane below the earth and space, but this plane below the earth and space is not only our human monks, but also monsters."

"If a human monk can't hold on, relying on the power of monsters, it's also hard to hold on alone, and can't survive the joint attack of the secluded lower plane and the mummy."

Several late master monks quickly understood Xu Miao's words: "Your intention is, let us join hands with monsters?"

"Yes." Xu Miao nodded solemnly, "With our strength alone, we are no longer able to compete with the opponent. Only by finding more allies can we continue to persevere until the cultivator of Huashen returns."

"When we were in Westland, the Westland Cultivation World also suffered a catastrophe. Even half of the land in the Westland Cultivation World was ceded to monsters."

"As long as the Central Continent Cultivation Realm can survive, it doesn't matter what method to use, who to form an alliance with. There are no permanent friends, but there are permanent benefits. The higher-ups of the monster beasts must also understand this truth."

Xu Miao tried her best to persuade these people to cooperate with the monsters. After all, the Cultivation Realm in Central China really does not have the strength to compete with the mummy and the secluded lower plane.

Xuan Zhen Jianzun looked at Xu Miao solemnly: "In the previous beast tide, the monks and the monsters fought in the dark, wishing to dig out the graves of the eighteen generations of each other's ancestors, and now they suddenly shook hands and made peace. For many monks, they I’m afraid I can’t accept it in my heart.”

"Whether you want to live, or want that ridiculous monk's dignity, this answer should be easy to choose. Whether it is dignity, personality, ideals, or morality, it is all based on the premise of being able to survive."

"Otherwise, you won't even be able to survive, and talking about these things will only make people laugh." Several sects, the late master monks of the family have already leaned towards the idea that Xu Miao and the monster formed an alliance in their hearts.

What Sword Master Xuanzhen said just now was just to reduce the reluctance in the hearts of some monks.The late monks moved quickly, and within half a stick of incense, they discussed who would be responsible for going to the monster's territory and negotiating with the monster.

Originally, Xu Miao participated in the negotiation and cooperation, and it was the best way for Xu Miao to participate in it.However, the formation of Anyang City cannot be separated from Xu Miao. Once Xu Miao leaves, the formation of Anyang City will definitely not be able to withstand the fierce attack of the mummy.

Therefore, it was finally decided that Xu Miao would stay in Anyang City and wait for the negotiating team to return.In order to reflect the sincerity of the human monks to the greatest extent, almost all the great monks in the later stage went to negotiate, except for Feiqi real people.

The only ones staying in Anyang City with Xu Miao were monks of the same rank from various sects and families.Now they will first face a huge test, which is to open the city gate and magic circle and send this negotiating team out.

As long as they open the city gate, the mummy outside the city will launch the most violent attack.After the negotiating team left, they had to withstand the attacking pressure of the mummy and close the city gate and magic circle.

At the critical moment, Xu Miao proposed a plan to go out of the city: "The same as our process, when you go out of the city, don't rush out of the city as soon as the city gate is opened."

"But wait until the city gates start to close before you leave the city one after another. Of course, in order to ensure that you leave smoothly, I will always control the formation."

Once the plan was drawn up, everyone came to the gate of the city non-stop.Xu Miao nodded to the monk guarding the city gate, and the ancient city gate was slowly opened.

The mummy outside the city noticed that the city gate was open, and frantically poured in and attacked the city gate.Xu Miao and all the late stage monks stood inside the city gate and also attacked the mummy.

These mindless mummy, speed is their biggest shortcoming.As long as they can block their attacks, they can slow down their progress.

When the city gate began to close, Xu Miao and Xuanzhen Jianzun exchanged glances, and several late-stage monks filed out and left Anyang City.The last great monk of the late stage also left Anyang City, leaving only Xu Miao and the early stage monks of the Nascent Soul at the gate of the city.

At this moment, the life and death of Anyang City are on the shoulders of Xu Miao and the others.The mummy was constantly approaching the gate of the city, and the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body had been activated to the extreme, and he crazily hit the mummy.

At this time, Xu Miao had no intention of finding the mummies to attack one by one, but directly used the largest range of group attack moves to slow down their progress.

The city gate closed at the same speed as before, but in Xu Miao's heart, it felt that this period of time had become extremely long.Standing beside Xu Miao was none other than Zhang Ya.

In the later stage, the big monk left, not counting the real person Feiqi who maintained the formation. Apart from Xu Miao, the strongest fighting force in the city was Zhang Ya.With the cooperation of the two, if they can't resist the attack of the mummy, no one will be able to resist it.

Due to the cooperation of the investigation team, the two already had a good understanding.At this time, cooperation against the enemy is even more seamless.No one would have imagined that they would be able to let go of their previous discord and face the enemy in such a tacit understanding.

The city gate finally closed in front of Xu Miao's eyes, and the last mummy was cut off by Xu Miao's sword, and the arm stretching forward was cut off, and it was shut outside the city gate.Although the city gate has been temporarily closed, the mummy's attack will not stop.

The mummy with a high IQ already knew that almost all the late-stage monks in Anyang City had left. Now is the time when the defense in Anyang City is the weakest. How could he miss such an excellent opportunity.

After the mummy's attack was closed from the city gate, it never stopped.Countless mummies rushed out of the city wall, and continued to hit the city gate, city wall, and formation forcefully.

Only Daoist Feiqi can't maintain the operation of the formation, so Xu Miao must go to help him.When Xu Miao was about to leave, she looked at Zhang Ya and said solemnly, "On the city wall, I'll leave it to you."

This is also the first time Xu Miao spoke to Zhang Ya in a friendly voice, Zhang Ya nodded solemnly: "I will defend Anyang City, but not for anyone, just to live up to my reputation as the chief disciple of Qianyangmen number."

"Wait for this matter, there is still a battle between you and me!" Seeing Zhang Ya's sudden fighting intent, Xu Miao's heart was also full of enthusiasm, and said loudly: "Okay, I will wait for you and me to fight!"

After speaking, Xu Miao rushed into the formation without looking back.It's just that the exercises he spoke just now caused the entire Anyang city to shake violently.The formation covering the sky above Anyang City also shook, and cracks visible to the naked eye appeared in some places.

This formation can no longer withstand the second violent impact, Xu Miao must repair the formation before the second impact.All the monks in Fufeng Valley and the existing formation masters in Anyang City have all been put into the restoration process.

But the speed is still not enough, the number of mummy outside the city is too much.Xu Miao's joining at this time greatly eased their urgent need.The strength of Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness far surpassed any of them, including the late master Feiqi Daoist.

As long as Xu Miao starts to repair, the formation will start to recover at a fast speed.It's just a simple repair, and it can't completely restore the effectiveness of the formation.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was fully opened, her eyes turned red instantly, and she used her spiritual consciousness to cover the entire formation, and began to repair frantically.He was racing against time, and he was also buying time for the monks in Anyang City.

The monks in Fufeng Valley watched Xu Miao repair the formation almost in a dumbfounded state. They had never seen such a frightening speed of repairing the formation.

Xu Miao's method of repairing the formation is different from theirs. They repair one node and one node, while Xu Miao starts with the entire formation and repairs several nodes at the same time.

Although this repair method is fast, it is a huge test against the mage's spiritual consciousness. No formation mage dares to use this method when facing such a huge defensive formation.

(End of this chapter)

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