Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 443 Brand New Formation

Chapter 443 Brand New Formation

Xu Miao did what no one dared to do, and what no one could do, he made the impossible possible.After all, creating miracles and making history is nothing to Xu Miao.

With the support of Xu Miao's formation, Zhang Ya's attack on the city wall gradually began to go smoothly.From the very beginning, Xu Miao's defensive policy did not reflect the courage of the common man.

Xu Miao never thought about letting some monks go out of the city to fight the mummy.Not to mention whether the monks in the city have the same strength as Xu Miao, and whether the monks really have the courage to fight with the mummy at close quarters.

Not only the appearance of the mummy makes many monks terrified, but also the strong dead air emitted by the mummy will also have a partial impact on the operation of the monks' spiritual power.

Therefore, the defensive method set by Xu Miao directly chose to gather the strength of all the monks through the formation.Let all the monks not need to have short-distance direct contact with the mummy to exert their maximum strength.

It was also the defensive method chosen by Xu Miao, which gave Zhang Ya the greatest space to play.The strength of each monk is uneven, and it is impossible to know the characteristics of each monk proficiently, and arrange them in a suitable position for defense.

Only using Xu Miao's formation, with the help of the formation, to gather the power of the monks and attack the mummy is the most convenient and efficient defensive method.

Although the number of monks in Anyang City is more than before, but there are no high-level monks like the late great monks sitting in the town, the monks always feel uneasy in their hearts.

They will be worried, afraid, and afraid that the great monks in the later period will never return.Because Xu Miao has been staying in the formation and repairing the formation, he did not notice the monk's emotions in time.

When he found out, this emotion had spread to the entire Anyang City, and seriously affected the effect of the attack.Xu Miao has temporarily repaired the formation, and then handed over the observation and operation of the formation to other monks in Fufeng Valley.

Xu Miao walked to the city wall and found that the monks in charge of defense all had a listless look on their faces.They lost their fighting spirit and lost their hope.

All of them saw it the day the late master monk left.At first, he thought he would return within a month, but now three months have passed, and there is still no sign of the late master cultivator returning.

Not only that, there is not even a sound transmission.It was normal for these monks to be worried, but Xu Miao did not allow them to give up their fighting spirit because of worry.

Originally, it was a situation where the enemy was strong and we were weak. If the monks themselves gave up resisting, then there was really no need to persevere.When Xu Miao passed by a monk, the monk suddenly grabbed Xu Miao's hand.

The voice was trembling, but full of helplessness: "Xu Miao, can we not wait for the reinforcements to arrive? We persisted for three months, but no one came from the beginning to the end."

The monk's words were like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.The other monks also asked Xu Miao about it.

"Yeah, our pills, spirit stones, magic weapons, and talismans are almost exhausted. Have we been abandoned?"

"There are so many mummies, their strength is getting stronger and faster, and their evolution rate is getting faster and faster. We have no hope of defeating them at all. We are going to lose!" A monk crouched down with his head in his hands, desperate.

Xu Miao looked at the monks in front of her, and also saw Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu not far away. Everyone's spirits had almost reached their limits, and they had no energy to comfort others.

Even Zhang Ya, Xie Xiu, disciples from famous schools, would occasionally feel powerless and hopeless when they were free.It's just that they are the most outstanding monks, no matter how many emotions they have in their hearts, they will not show them.

What outsiders see is only their burning fighting spirit and boundless energy.Xu Miao lowered her voice, and while the mummy paused its attack, she asked a question to the cultivator in front of her: "In your mind, is the cultivator Xilu stronger or weaker than you?"

If anyone had asked this question before they met Xu Miao, they would have answered without hesitation, and of course it was cultivator Zhonglu.Zhonglu is the strongest, and there is no continent that can rival Zhonglu.

But the one who asked them this question now was none other than Xu Miao, who was born in Westland.Not only did this person severely suppress all the monks in Zhonglu, but no one could surpass them.

Seeing the hesitation on their faces, Xu Miao smiled: "Don't be so embarrassing, the answer is what you think, Zhonglu's level of cultivation is the strongest in the entire lower plane, and nothing can surpass Zhonglu. "

"Let me tell you a story..." Xu Miao described the changes he had experienced in the West Land, the aura of the world was exhausted, until he encountered the appearance of a black soul, and then a monster appeared.

At that time, Xilu was really at the end of its rope.In order to keep the Westland Cultivation Realm alive, Xu Miao offered to "lend" half of the Westland realm to monsters.

At that time, all the monks in Xilu were truly desperate.At that time, Xu Miao was just a small foundation cultivator, and any powerful existence could crush him to death.

"Compared to me at that time, you are several times stronger than me at that time, and Zhonglu is also several times stronger than Xilu at that time. The Xilu cultivation world did not give up back then, and the current Zhonglu cultivation world is about to give up. ?"

Xu Miao's question fell on every monk's heart like a thunderbolt: "Hope, don't put your hope on others. As monks, our greatest hope has always been ourselves, not others!"

"Whether reinforcements arrive or not, we must do our best. Now tell me, have you done your best? Have you really tried your best?"

"Famous sects, monks from aristocratic families, they are all working hard and have not given up. Are you planning to give up before they give up?"

When the monks heard Xu Miao's words, a look of determination gradually appeared on their faces.They have no reason to give up, they have to persevere.What they guard is not just an ordinary town, but their cultivation world in China.

If they give up, it means giving up their homeland.The vibration of the city wall came again, and the mummy attacked again.Xu Miao looked up at the mummy at her feet: "Behind is our home, we—we have no way to retreat!"

When all the monks heard Xu Miao's words, their eyes immediately burst into a strong fighting spirit.They aimed at the corresponding positions of the array and launched their full attack.

"If it weren't for what you said, I'm afraid we would have been unable to withstand this mummy's attack." Xie Xiu smiled wryly and shook his head. In fact, not only these ordinary monks, but he was born in Jingyang Sect and had a firm will, so he also had doubts.

This is not to say that the monk's will is not firm, but because of the overall environment.Xu Miao's ability to maintain a calm state in the face of danger is due to the change in the West Land that he experienced when his cultivation base was low.

The war concerning the survival of the Western Continent's cultivation world was deeply engraved on his heart, and it made him develop his current calm temperament.All results have a reason.

Feeling the situation of the formation, Xu Miao made sure that the formation was fine for the time being, and also joined the ranks of the attack.His attack power far exceeds that of others, as long as he is in the position, the mummy can't get close to the city wall at all.

The mummy's attack was blocked, but they didn't have the slightest thought of giving up, but kept charging towards the city wall.While attacking, Xu Miao was still thinking about how to modify the formation.

If the hand-restriction of the lower-plane monks can be applied to the formation, it may be able to alleviate the attack of the mummy.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness began to calculate quickly, and the huge amount of calculation made him temporarily have no time to care about others, and his subordinates just launched attacks mechanically.

Xu Miao didn't notice at all that there was almost no mummy standing on the city wall under his feet.Xu Miao's attack was too powerful, and when he was calculating, his subordinates used force involuntarily and did not control the output of spiritual power.

A group of monks stared at Xu Miao dumbfounded, sighing deeply in their hearts - this man is really too strong, if we all had half of Xu Miao's strength, we would have beaten the mummy back to our hometown long ago!

Xu Miao's eyes lit up, and she said directly: "I'll modify the formation!" After that, she turned around and went down the city wall.With the reduction of Xu Miao's powerful support, the mummy's attack pressed up again.

The monks in charge of defense on the city wall complained, but they also knew that Xu Miao was going to modify the formation.They did not have Xu Miao's attainments in formations, so they could only contribute their spiritual power honestly.

Seeing Xu Miao leaving, Master Feiqi suddenly appeared again, a little confused: "There is no problem with the formation, why did you come back?" Xu Miao told Master Feiqi all his ideas and thoughts.

I have to say that Xu Miao's idea is simply a genius idea.Xu Miao planned to place an automatically generated restraining formation at the outermost edge of the formation, so that as long as a mummy approached the formation, it would be restrained and unable to move.

As long as the number of this formation is large enough, the number of imprisoned mummy can also reach a sufficient number.At that time, this group of imprisoned mummy will be able to block the mummy behind.

However, the setting of this formation requires extensive changes.If there is a mistake in a certain change, the existing attack power may not be guaranteed.

"Xu Miao, you have to think clearly, if the changes are incomplete, it will cause more troubles." Daoist Feiqi was worried. Now that Anyang City has been defended to the limit, any mistake will lead to the complete collapse of the morale of all the monks.

Xu Miao looked serious: "Don't worry, Daoist, since I can say it, I can do it. I have been thinking about this formation."

(End of this chapter)

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