Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 444 The Mummy's Ally

Chapter 444 The Mummy's Ally

Xu Miao put her index and middle fingers together, and quickly described the design and arrangement of the entire formation in front of her.Whether it's details or operation, everything can be seen at a glance.

Looking at Xu Miao's description, Master Feiqi couldn't help admiring Xu Miao's accomplishments in formation.He had already discovered Xu Miao's talent in formation during the monk ranking competition.

But he never thought that Xu Miao's progress could be so fast that it could even be described as a thousand miles a day.At least among all the formation masters Feiqi has seen in his life, none of them can grow as fast as Xu Miao in battle.

Master Feiqi raised some questions of his own, and Xu Miao listened to them and explained them calmly.This formation is indeed as he said, it is not a sudden whim, but a long-term conception.

The monks in Anyang City were already exhausted after fighting against the mummy for a long time.As they themselves said, whether it was pills, spirit stones, or things that could supplement combat power, the number was rapidly decreasing.

In the current Anyang City, every monk needs to carefully calculate the distributed materials.Get the most income with the least effort.

Therefore, the method of concentrating attacks and dealing with the mummy is no longer suitable for today's Anyang City.Due to the intervention of monks from the remote lower plane, the reinforcements they were waiting for were not the monks in the rear of Zhonglu, but the monsters that Sword Master Xuanzhen and others were looking for cooperation.

The monsters have not been affected for the time being, and they are the most powerful in the Cultivation Realm of the Central Continent.As long as they can cooperate with their alliance, it will not be a big problem to repel this wave of mummy.

However, Xu Miao did not make this matter public. He knew very well that if all the monks hoped for reinforcements, their own attacks would become ineffective.

With the approval of Master Feiqi, Xu Miao started to arrange the formation.This is a way to set up another formation outside the formation. It is simple to say, but it is not so simple to do.

The attributes of each formation are different, and the other formations that can be accommodated are also different.If there is an impact on the original formation when superimposing the formation, the entire large formation will be completely scrapped.

Although Xu Miao said it swearingly, when she actually did it, she was still a little uneasy.But when his mind was completely integrated with the formation, there was no extra thoughts in his mind to think about other things.

Under Xu Miao's improvement, the formation gradually showed the power of Xu Miao's conception.When some corpses approached the formation, they were affected by the prohibition on the formation and could not move at all.

Xu Miao's mood did not fluctuate at all when the good news came from the city wall.Together with Master Feiqi, he worked together to improve the formation.When the entire formation was completed, many mummy had already been imprisoned outside the city, unable to move, and could no longer pose a threat to Anyang City.

When Xu Miao walked to the city wall, what he saw was a group of mummified corpses standing motionless like wooden stakes.Xu Miao half-closed her eyes and looked at the mummies that kept rushing behind the group of mummies. These mummies were being directed by other mummies to clean up the immobile mummies.

The majestic spiritual consciousness was instantly aroused, looking for the mummy who commanded the battle.Xu Miao needs to find the mummy and kill him as much as possible.

Xu Miao's eyes suddenly lit up, she found it!He raised his head abruptly, his sharp eyes directed at the place where the mummy was.This mummy was not the high-intelligence mummy that Xu Miao knew before, but another one.

Regardless of the opponent's strength, Xu Miao needs to try to kill the opponent.Only in this way can he buy Anyang City as much time as possible, waiting for the arrival of the monster rescue.

The formation of Anyang City was specially improved by Xu Miao for the convenience of entering and exiting.Now there is no need for the city gate, only a special gap needs to be opened above the formation, and Xu Miao can leave Anyang City through the formation.

However, only Xu Miao and Master Feiqi knew how to open the rift in the formation. Even if the others knew that there was a way to get in and out, they didn't know how to open it.

This time, it was just to test the commander mummy. It would be best if he could kill it. Even if he couldn't, he would disrupt the command rhythm of that mummy.The defense and attack of Anyang City was handed over to Master Feiqi, and Xu Miao opened the gap in the formation.

The rift opened silently, except for a few core monks in Anyang City, no one else knew about it.As soon as he left Anyang City, Xu Miao turned into a silver light and approached the command mummy as quickly as possible.

Although the mummy can give birth to consciousness, it cannot give birth to the corresponding consciousness.Whether it is communicating or giving orders, mummy has their unique method.

Therefore, they cannot observe the external situation through their spiritual consciousness.As long as Xu Miao is fast enough, he can attack the mummy before it is found.

Commanding the mummy was unaware of Xu Miao's approach, and still sat calmly on the spot, directing the attack of the mummy.The mummy raised its hand, just as it was about to give an order.

Xu Miao's Wu Ning Jian made a sudden move at this moment, interrupting the opponent's order.The sword intent and sword energy carried by Ningwujian also made the commander mummy react quickly, and quickly turned around to support Ningwujian with both hands.

Xu Miao saw through the other party's intentions in an instant. With a flick of her wrist, the Ningwu Sword twirled in her hand, avoiding the mummy's hands, and stabbing straight at the mummy's eyes.

Apart from having a lower IQ than that of the high-IQ mummy, the command mummy had a significantly higher IQ than the other mummy.The mummy's neck suddenly twisted to the side, avoiding the attack of the fog sword.

The attack of the Ningwu Sword has never been just a single strike.The wind blades, ice blades, and chaotic gas on the Ningwujian sword frantically inserted into the eyes of the mummy.Clear panic flashed in the mummy's eyes, and then he closed his eyes.

Xu Miao sneered, thinking that if you close your eyes, you'll be fine?How naive and ridiculous!The Nirvana Sword suddenly appeared, and before the mummy could react at all, it slashed at the mummy's arm.

Gu Tou couldn't care less about the mummy, and he was able to save his eyes under Xu Miao's fierce attack, but his arm was directly cut off by the Nirvana Sword.At the same time as the arm was cut off, the mummy suddenly opened its eyes.

Xu Miao seized this opportunity, the chaotic gas did not stay in the slightest, piercing the mummy's eyes.However, after a few moves, the mummy completely lost its fighting power under Xu Miao's violent storm.

A mummy with sanity will have the same feeling accordingly.The mummy fell to the ground and kept rolling to relieve the pain caused by the blindness and severed hand.

Seeing the mummy struggling continuously, Xu Miao's face didn't show any fluctuations.With a finger of his right hand, the Ningwu sword slashed at the mummy, completely chopping the mummy into several parts, and it was so dead that it could not die anymore.

The mummy, which was attacking smoothly in front, lost the command of the mummy, and the formation was disrupted. There was no way to continue to stop the effective attack.

After Xu Miao kicked the mummy under her feet away, she flew into the chaotic mummy.Without systematic command, they could only attack Anyang City by instinct.

Such an attack cannot pose much threat to Anyang City.These mummy only know how to rush forward, but they don't know how to retreat.Xu Miao simply approached the mummy from behind, and together with the formation, attacked the mummy by making dumplings.

Xu Miao floated in mid-air, controlling the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword, and continuously attacked the mummy under her feet in a large area.His strategy is very simple, just kill.

When the spiritual power is exhausted, use spiritual source water to replenish the spiritual power.Anyway, there is such a heaven-defying existence of Lingyuan Stone in his Hunting Stone, so he is not worried that the Lingyuan Water will be consumed by him at all.

Xu Miao's attack momentum was very smooth, and Anyang City's side was also well controlled.Suddenly, Xu Miao noticed several breaths approaching him continuously behind him.

These auras are completely unfamiliar to Xu Miao, and they are very powerful.Xu Miao frowned and turned around, holding the Wu Ningjian sword and waiting.There are three breaths in total, getting closer and closer to Xu Miao, and the Wu Ning Sword in Xu Miao's hand is getting tighter and tighter.

The three breaths finally stopped in front of Xu Miao. Xu Miao looked at the three of them coldly, making sure that she had never seen them before, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The person among the three looked at Xu Miao contemptuously: "Facing the mummy, you actually came out of the city to kill it. I really don't know if you are stupid or not?"

When Xu Miao heard this, she didn't even move her eyebrows, and her figure suddenly disappeared in front of the three of them.With a jump in their foreheads, the three of them took out their magic weapons one after another, and when they were about to defend, a loud applause appeared.

A red slap print immediately appeared on the face of the person who was speaking in the middle, Xu Miao succeeded in one blow, without any entanglement, she retreated decisively to the original place.

These three people are real people, but they are not monks from the lower plane of Earth and Space. If he guessed correctly, they should be monks from the lower plane of Earth and Space.

Their battlefield finally moved here from the depths of the Central Continent.I don't know if it's because the mummy's attack is not smooth, or because their attack is not smooth, and they plan to join forces to solve one of the obstacles first.

After all, in their eyes, Anyang City is obviously easier to deal with than those other sects and families.After these three people, more and more auras quickly approached this place.

Xu Miao's expression flickered, making it impossible for the other party to see Xu Miao's true thoughts at this moment.When Xu Miao left Anyang City, she kept the jade pendant and Feiqi's live voice transmission for use.

Now he is using the jade pendant to discuss countermeasures with Fei Qi.Originally, the mummy's attack was enough to cause them headaches, but now there are more monks from the lower plane.They simply don't have the extra power to deal with monks from the lower planes.

The conversation between Xu Miao and real person Feiqi was very fast and concise, and they made a plan in a few words.They are not the opponents of the low-level monks and the mummy. They must give up the defense immediately to prevent all the monks from passing through the teleportation array and retreating.

(End of this chapter)

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