Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 445 The Siege of the Remote Monks

Chapter 445 The Siege of the Remote Monks

After the plan was made, Master Feiqi began to prevent the monks from passing through the teleportation array, and retreated to the deepest part of the Central Continent.There are two teleportation arrays in Anyang City, one for short-distance and one for long-distance.

However, this long-distance is only a longer transmission distance than short-distance.Due to the geographical location and the game of various forces, the teleportation array in Anyang City is not connected to the sect or family.

Two teleportation arrays, one to the south and one to the north.Today, most of the area south of Anyang City is occupied by mummy corpses. Only the area north of Anyang City still belongs to human monks.

Although there are no mummified corpses in the north of Anyang City, there are monks from the lower plane that make them even more troublesome.Where they will appear, when they will appear, and how many people will appear, all are unknown.

But Xu Miao and Master Feiqi still decided to send all the monks to leave and stay in Anyang City. What they faced would no longer be an unknown, but a known ending - death for sure.

Leaving through the teleportation array, they still have a chance to escape.If you are lucky, you can find a certain hidden place, hide and practice for hundreds of years, and you can completely escape the chaos of war here.

Or if you are lucky enough to enter the sphere of influence of those large sects and aristocratic families, you can also get blessings.The teleportation array is already opening, all Xu Miao needs to do is delay the time.

There are already more than 30 monks in front of Xu Miao.He knew very well that there were definitely more than 30 monks who came here in the end.These thirty or so people only belonged to the vanguard and were used as outposts.

Through more than [-] people, the monks in the remote lower plane can know the specific situation of Anyang City, so that they can formulate the next strategic plan.

When Xu Miao saw these monks from the lower plane with malicious intentions, she stood proudly in front of them, her eyes glanced at these people coldly, and she didn't say a word.

The monk who was slapped by Xu Miao before was still in a state of shock.Now that I see all my companions around me, I became more courageous, and shouted loudly: "You low planes are too weak, and the only way to make the right choice is to submit to our low plane!"

"The same lower plane, what right do you have to talk nonsense in front of us, or do you not have a long memory for that slap just now?" Xu Miao just treated this person's words like a dog barking, and didn't take it seriously at all. superior.

There are more than thirty people, and one of them must be their leader.Xu Miao's gaze wandered over more than thirty people, and she noticed one of them.

The position where this person stood was neither the front nor the rear. He stood in the middle.Xu Miao was able to detect the other party's identity not because of the other party's standing position, but because of the person next to him.

The monks beside this person obviously took the initiative to stay half a step away, not daring to lean close to this person.In addition, there was an indistinct respect on the faces of the monks.That is the respect of the inferior to the superior, and it cannot be deceived.

"You—" The yelling monk was stabbed in the sore spot by Xu Miao, and he was speechless for a long time.He never expected that Xu Miao's movements were so treacherous that he could slap him hard before he could react.

Xu Miao squinted at the other party: "What am I? Did I say something wrong? A monk in a remote lower plane, but that's all. After being slapped, he didn't even dare to fart."

Facing more than [-] people who hadn't figured out the opponent's strength, Xu Miao didn't plan to fight with the opponent, head-to-head.The reason why he is still standing here has never been to fight each other to death.

Real person Feiqi has sent a message that the monk is entering the teleportation array at the fastest speed.According to the current speed, as long as he can persist for another hour, all the monks in the city will be able to teleport away.

For Xu Miao, an hour is just a flick of a finger.But at this time, it became extremely long.Xu Miao didn't know what these people wanted to do, and Xu Miao didn't know the strength of this gratifying person.

Unknown things are always the scariest, and Xu Miao never denies this.Since the other party is not going to fight now, Xu Miao is not interested in fighting the other party.

"You are here to confront us, and let those shrinking turtles in the city escape. The monks in the plane below you are really ridiculous." The monk who Xu Miao thought was the leader of the thirty or so people finally spoke.

As soon as the monk opened his mouth, including the previous monk who was still rampant, he immediately became as quiet as a chicken and stopped talking.The monks next to him also moved to the side to make way for this monk.

Xu Miao kept slandering her in her heart, does this way of appearing on the stage seem to be a force for you?Are you afraid that others will not know that you are the boss here?With him, no matter how old the boss is, he has to bow his head!

"You think it's funny? What kind of thing are you? What right do you have to say it's ridiculous in front of me? In my opinion, your coming here is the biggest joke in itself!"

Xu Miao did not directly face the other party's topic, but cleverly shifted the topic to the other party.Xu Miao's ridicule was unbearable for ordinary monks.

When the monk heard Xu Miao's words, his expression changed.Seeing such a change, Xu Miao showed an even more arrogant smile in front of the other party: "You become angry from embarrassment? Don't rush to get angry, because you will find that you will be even more angry later."

The person who was still standing on the city wall, always paying attention to the confrontation between Xu Miao and the monks in the lower plane, couldn't help but support his forehead when he heard this.They have all seen Xu Miao's ability to speak.

That opening can revive the anger of the dead, and it can kill the anger of the living, and it can completely block you so that you can't open your mouth.This group of monks from the lower plane couldn't figure it out and wanted to fight Xu Miaoyan.

"The lower plane of Earth and Space has come to an end. There is no need to store it in this world." Before the man finished speaking, he rushed directly to Xu Miao.The powerful spiritual power mixed with killing intent came suddenly, and Xu Miao's expression did not change at all.

He raised his right hand forward, propped up Fu Yu's helmet very calmly, and blocked the opponent's attack from the outside of Fu Yu's helmet.Xu Miao's voice could not hear any emotion: "Your identity, name, my subordinates, never kill unknown people."

This sentence was of course Xu Miao's random nonsense. He had killed many people, and remembering the names one by one would have annoyed him to death long ago.This time Xu Miao asked the other party's identity uncharacteristically, because she wanted to know the other party's true origin.

"Hehe—remember my name, it was Lu Yiyao who killed you!" The spiritual power in Lu Yiyao's hand suddenly increased, and he violently hit Fu Yu's helmet.

Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, and there was obvious disdain in her eyes: "Really? I don't think you can kill me." Fu Yuzhi was taken away by Xu Miao in an instant, and Lu Yiyao didn't even react. The Mist Sword has appeared.

The fierce sword intent slashed at the opponent without the slightest hold back. Xu Miao's sword move was not something ordinary monks could resist, not even the self-proclaimed powerful monk Lu Yiyao from the lower plane.

Lu Yiyao did not expect that under his attack, Xu Miao would take the initiative to remove the defensive mask, and even immediately turn the defense into an offense, and he had to admit that Xu Miao's attack posed a threat to him.

He let go of the backward momentum of his body, and after standing still, he looked at the person opposite him again.This cultivator is indeed only a cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul, why did he show such unfathomable strength.

As an excellent monk in the remote lower plane, although he is not the top group of monks, he still belongs to the outstanding ones.Otherwise, he would not be able to enter the plane below the ground and space, and he would be able to bring people here to attack Anyang City first.

In Lu Yiyao's perception, the fact that this Anyang city can persist for so long is not because the monks in the plane below the ground and space are powerful, but because these mummy corpses are too useless.

Therefore, when he came here this time, he pretended to take Anyang City into his pocket with only thirty or so people.However, what actually happened was far beyond his expectations.

When he came here, he saw a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul fighting with the mummy.At that time, he was sure that there were no high-ranking monks in this city, and he could only rely on a monk at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

But this cultivator was able to slap his people suddenly and even mocked them.This was completely different from the monks he saw deep in the hinterland of Zhonglu.

Therefore, he decided to do it himself to test the monk in front of him.After just a few random tricks, Lu Yiyao discovered that this person's strength would definitely not be inferior to his, which overturned his understanding of monks in the plane below the ground and space.

Lu Yiyao is also at the level of the early Nascent Soul, but he has always confidently believed that even the middle-stage Nascent Soul monks in the plane below the ground and space will not be his opponent.

Xu Miao looked at the cultivator in front of her, her face constantly changing, her eyes flickering, she didn't know what she was thinking.But Xu Miao can be sure that the other party's thoughts must be related to his own move just now.

"Aren't you surprised, aren't you surprised that I wasn't killed by you with one move, instead you were knocked back?" Xu Miao glanced at everyone and said calmly, "Don't worry, there are more to come!" Accidents and surprises are waiting for your discovery."

Xu Miao drew his sword and stood up, and the momentum of the Wu Ningjian rose wildly.Because of the appearance of the sword intent, there was an obvious vortex of spiritual power around him, which was the most obvious manifestation of the realization of the sword intent.

The expression on Lu Yiyao's face was wonderful, but he quickly controlled it.He also held a long sword in his hand, pointing at Xu Miao: "I am also looking forward to it, what surprise can you give me?"

"At least it's a surprise you won't like to see." Before Xu Miao finished speaking, she teleported and disappeared from the spot.Mastering the space laws of the plane below the ground and air is Xu Miao's greatest magic weapon for defeating the enemy.

The laws of heaven and earth in each space are different, even if Lu Yiyao also refined the laws of space in the lower plane of the secluded earth, it cannot be used in the lower plane of earth and space.

(End of this chapter)

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