Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 446 Space Domain

Chapter 446 Space Domain
Lu Yiyao got ready to fight, but Xu Miao didn't intend to confront Lu Yiyao head-on at all.Xu Miao spared Lu Yiyao and fought with the others.

This is a procrastinating battle, Xu Miao wants to ensure that these people in front of them will not attack Anyang City suddenly.A large number of monks in Anyang City have been withdrawn through the teleportation formation, and the current magic formation is not as good as before in terms of attack power or defense.

Although Xu Miao has improved the formation, all of them are for the mummy.It can restrain the attack of the mummy, but it cannot affect the monk.

If more than [-] people left Xu Miao and directly attacked the formation in Anyang City, then Xu Miao's plan would fail completely if it was not implemented.Xu Miao will not allow his plan to fail, it is the same as his failure to fight someone, it is something he cannot tolerate to happen.

Lu Yiyao watched Xu Miao avoid him and fight with other people, and a burst of anger suddenly arose in his heart.To actually underestimate him, could it be that his strength is worse than his subordinates!
Under Xu Miao's provocation and intentional neglect, Lu Yiyao didn't even notice Xu Miao's real purpose.He turned around quickly and raised his sword to attack Xu Miao.

What Xu Miao was waiting for was Lu Yiyao's active attack. When the others saw Lu Yiyao's attack, they also participated in the battle.With the advantage of teleportation, Xu Miao flexibly shuttled among the thirty or so people.

At this time, Xu Miao was like a ghost to them. They didn't know when Xu Miao would appear or who he would attack.They had to put up 12 points of energy to guard against Xu Miao's unexpected attack.

If Xu Miao's strength is not good, they will naturally not be so close to the enemy.However, there are various indications that Xu Miao's strength is so strong that he may fall here if he is not careful.

As monks in the lower plane of the earth, if they died in the lower plane of the earth and space, they would not even be able to reincarnate normally due to the influence of the laws of heaven and earth.

Therefore, everyone stood cautiously in place, waiting for Xu Miao's attack.Lu Yiyao realized now, and also noticed Xu Miao's purpose.

However, Xu Miao had dragged all thirty of them into the water. If they rashly attacked Anyang City, they might not be able to retreat under Xu Miao's attack.

He couldn't explain to his family the death of any of the people here.Lu Yiyao almost gritted his silver teeth, and could only stand there, his whole body was agitated with spiritual energy.

Xu Miao looked at the group of people with a sneer, and the Mist Sword would attack from time to time, making it impossible for them to dodge in time.It didn't take long for the group to start yelling.

"It's too insidious, this monk in the plane below the ground and space is too insidious!"

"It's nothing to hide, come out if you have the ability, we will face each other one-on-one!"

...All kinds of swearing voices appeared, but Xu Miao had long been invulnerable to this kind of swearing, and it would not affect his state of mind in the slightest.

He just attacked the group of monks in the order in which they cursed.Instead of mortally wounding them, each attack makes them panic.

When facing death directly, they might completely let go of their burdens and fight Xu Miao.But Xu Miao used this method to hang them up and down, which prevented them from displaying their true strength.

This is a battle of strength, but also a game of psychology.Whoever is better at calculation will win this battle.

"Xu Miao, most of the monks have already evacuated, and now we have to start evacuating the remaining monks on the city wall. Once they withdraw, no one will be able to guard the protective formation of Anyang City." Real person Feiqi told Xu Miao Announce the latest evacuation situation.

Xu Miao noticed that the number of monks on the city wall was gradually decreasing, but the light of the city defense formation did not dim for the time being due to the effect of the spirit stone.This defensive formation is too huge, and after a while, once the energy of the spirit stone is exhausted, it will completely lose its effect.

At that moment, when Anyang City was completely abandoned, what Xu Miao had to do now was to wait for all the monks in the city to evacuate.

"I see, I will try my best to stop them. But your speed must continue to increase, the mummy attacks outside the city have not stopped, you must all retreat before the formation is completely damaged!" Xu Miao voice transmission is not a real person, But no one can notice.

If ordinary monks of the same rank stand together, anyone who makes a sound transmission will attract the attention of other monks.But Xu Miao couldn't, because his spiritual consciousness was so powerful that monks of the same rank couldn't detect it at all.

None of the monks in the remote lower plane knew that Xu Miao was constantly communicating with the monks in the city under their noses.

If it weren't for this connection, Xu Miao would not be able to know the situation in Anyang City in the first place.He also can't make corresponding countermeasure changes according to the situation.

Lu Yiyao is worthy of being an excellent monk in the remote lower plane. He is keenly aware that the power of the formation in Anyang City is decreasing.In addition, although the monks in the city are trying to cover up, the number of monks who cannot hide on the city wall is getting smaller and smaller.

This shows that all the monks in Anyang City are about to evacuate.At that time, even if he occupied Anyang City, what he got would be nothing more than an empty city, meaningless!
"Combining from the inside to the outside, it seems that the monks in the lower planes of your land are not so useless." Lu Yiyao clasped his hands in front of his chest continuously, and a heavy breath flashed from his body.

This is the monk's spatial domain, as long as he is in the opponent's monk's spatial domain, no one can gain an advantage in it, on the contrary, he will be pressed by the opponent, unable to break free.

Lu Yiyao's space domain was finally formed, and Xu Miao's teleportation was interrupted by the domain at the same time.The place where he is now is no longer the plane below Earth and Space, but in Lu Yiyao's space.

In this space, Lu Yiyao is the absolute master.Lu Yiyao saw Xu Miao who finally showed his trace, and said in a deep voice: "Even in the remote lower plane, once I use the space domain, no one can defeat me."

"You are proud enough to die in my spatial domain." Lu Yiyao quickly swiped his hands in front of him, and the entire spatial domain continuously compressed towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao felt that the aura of heaven and earth around her was completely emptied, unable to use any laws of heaven and earth, and it was even difficult to breathe.The invisible walls trapped Xu Miao inside firmly.

Xu Miao opened her arms decisively and propped up two Fu Yu's helmets.Two Fu Yu helmets of the same size perfectly protected Xu Miao under the mask.

With the armor of Fu Yu, Xu Miao can accurately find out the location of Lu Yiyao's space domain.Lu Yiyao's space domain collided with Fu Yu's helmet, producing an unusually ear-piercing sound.

The suppression in the space domain was so strong that Xu Miao's raised hands even began to tremble uncontrollably.This was due to the excessive pressure from the outside world. Xu Miao did not expect that Lu Yiyao had such a skill.

The complicated lines of Fu Yu's helmet gradually became unsupportable, and several obvious cracks appeared.At this moment, Xu Miao's back was almost drenched with sweat, and the bones all over her body made dislocation sounds.

"Xu Miao, this space domain is too powerful for you to fight against!" Xu Miao has never seen the space domain with his own eyes, but Xiaotian has seen countless space domains following his former master.

This space domain was obviously built by Lu Yiyao with the help of an unknown third-party force to suppress Xu Miao, not Lu Yiyao's real strength.

However, Xu Miao didn't listen to these explanations, all his mind was on defending the space domain.The most frightening thing about the space domain is that if the attack of a monk trapped in the space domain cannot exceed the strength of the space domain, the attack will be rebounded.

The first time Xu Miao was trapped, she tried to use the power of Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao.However, according to Xu Miao's calculations, even with the help of the power of these two, it is impossible to directly destroy this space domain, but it will be rebounded by the power he sends out.

"Cultivators of the lower plane of earth and space, I have already told you that you will never be our opponents for the monks of the lower plane of the earth. Now is your time of death!"

Lu Yiyao's hands were placed on both sides, and they were constantly squeezing towards the middle.The space domain that traps Xu Miao is also squeezing inward.This is the first time that Xu Miao feels powerless when facing monks of the same level.

Xu Miao's eyes were red, and the spiritual power of her whole body was running to the limit.Xiaotian said that Lu Yiyao's power to build the space domain came from a mysterious third party, which is why Lu Yiyao didn't choose the space domain to deal with him at first.

Since it is not your own, it must be with the help of other people.Xu Miao didn't believe that anyone's strength could surpass that of the giant dragon.The dragon's blood that had been dormant in the heart instantly appeared in the dantian, Yuan Ying touched the center of his eyebrows with one hand, and held the dragon's blood with the other.

The dragon's blood at the center of Yuanying's eyebrows slowly left Yuanying, and the two drops of dragon's blood refused for the first time since Xu Miao separated from the infant.Yuanying slapped the dragon's blood with both hands, and the dragon's blood burst out with strong power instantly, even stopping the constantly locked space field.

Lu Yiyao's complexion changed greatly: "How, what, can, can!"

"How is it impossible?" Xu Miao raised her head and looked at Lu Yiyao coldly.At this time, Xu Miao's whole body was soaked in sweat, but the murderous intent in his eyes and the power of the eruption in his whole body would not be affected.

The Nascent Soul in the dantian kept urging the dragon's blood, and the two golden dragons whizzed out.Since it is a space domain, there must be laws of heaven and earth.He will use the law against the law to see whose law is stronger!

The law golden dragon violently shook its long body, propping the space domain backwards.Lu Yiyao closed his hands tightly again, but found that he couldn't close them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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