Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 447 The real arrogance

Chapter 447 The real arrogance

Xu Miao raised her head slowly, looked at Lu Yiyao who was in doubt, and grinned a big corner of her mouth: "Aren't you very capable! Close it! Why don't you continue to close it?"

When Lu Yiyao heard Xu Miao's words, he wished he could rush directly into the space domain and kill Xu Miao directly.However, his rationality suppressed his impulse.

He knew very well that if he didn't rely on that power, he would never be Xu Miao's opponent.The strength of this seemingly ordinary cultivator in the plane below the ground and air far exceeded all of their expectations.

If it wasn't for seeing that Xu Miao was the only one dealing with them from the beginning to the end, I'm afraid Lu Yiyao would just turn around and leave without any nostalgia.

Ambition is something that can only be possessed under the condition of possessing corresponding strength.If there is no strength to match the ambition, then it is not called ambition, but wishful thinking.

The eyes of more than thirty people brought by Lu Yiyao all fell on Xu Miao and Lu Yiyao.The surprise and disbelief on their faces was no less than that in Lu Yiyao's heart.

"Friar Earth and Space, don't be arrogant—" At this moment, Lu Yiyao still did not forget to threaten Xu Miao with words.However, Xu Miao didn't like it at all, and didn't even give him a straight look.

Xu Miao smiled instead of anger: "Arrogance? I don't call it arrogant, and I will tell you soon, what is real arrogance!" Before he finished speaking, the golden dragon surrounding Xu Miaozhou suddenly burst into dazzling light. .

The invisible walls in the space domain were instantly distorted and deformed by the golden dragon's squeeze.Lu Yiyao folded his hands in the middle, and retreated to both sides uncontrollably.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the space field that Lu Yiyao painstakingly built fell apart and was completely exploded by Xu Miao.Once Xu Miao was out of trouble, how could she let go of the culprit, Lu Yiyao.

Without the restraint of the space domain, the connection between Xu Miao and heaven and earth was restored again.Xu Miao operates the law of heaven and earth, and teleports directly.

When Lu Yiyao didn't react at all, Xu Miao raised her fist and punched Lu Yiyao in the face.With this punch, Xu Miao condensed all the spiritual power in her body, and Lu Yiyao was immediately beaten until his entire face was swollen.

Good things come in pairs, Xu Miao will not just let Lu Yiyao go like this: "Don't you want to see my arrogance? I will show you right now, my Xu Miao's arrogance!"

Lu Yiyao was under the influence of the first punch, and Xu Miao's second punch came suddenly before he recovered.With this punch, Xu Miao hit Lu Yiyao right on the nose.

"Ahhhh——" A familiar scream came, and the bridge of Lu Yiyao's nose was completely broken by Xu Miao, bleeding profusely.Due to the pain in his head, Lu Yiyao shed physiological tears uncontrollably, which is definitely not an exaggeration to describe it as running down tears.

Lu Yiyao couldn't suppress Xu Miao at all, and the others couldn't suppress Xu Miao.They were frightened by Xu Miao's performance. They had never seen a monk who would choose to slap his face in a battle.

As the saying goes, beating people doesn't slap people in the face, slapping people in the face sucks!Most people would not greet each other in the face of fighting skills, unless there was a deep hatred between the two parties.

In fact, the secluded lower plane wanted to occupy the lower earth-space plane, which was already considered a deep hatred in Xu Miao's heart.The mummy transformation that caused him a lot of headaches was caused by people from the lower planes of the earth. Xu Miao let go of old and new grudges today.

"Aren't you guys from the lower planes awesome?" Xu Miao punched Lu Yiyao backhanded again, directly hitting Lu Yiyao until he lost control of his body's spiritual power and fell heavily to the ground.

Xu Miao obviously didn't want to let the other party go, each move was more ruthless, and each move was more vicious. Lu Yiyao's face was completely changed under Xu Miao's old punch.

The other [-] monks in the remote lower plane could no longer see Lu Yiyao's previous appearance from his current appearance.One of the monks saw that the situation was not good, so he wanted to leave secretly.

As soon as the cultivator thought about it, Xu Miao's divine sense locked it accurately.The overwhelming terrifying coercion suppressed him so much that he didn't dare to move.

Thinking of what Xu Miao did to Lu Yiyao just now, the monk's mind was torn apart, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.Xu Miao sneered, "You want to leave?"

Hearing Xu Miao's question, the monk secretly thought that my life was over, and the heart in the chest was beating continuously.Under the commentary of Xu Miao's eyes, he heard his own dry voice: "No, no, I just stood, I stood for a long time, I want to move freely, move a bit."

"Want to move casually? Exercise your muscles and bones?" Xu Miao raised her eyebrows, seeing that the monk had no idea who he was, where he came from, and where he was going.

Xu Miao came to this monk very kindly: "Since you want to exercise your muscles and bones, I will do it for you. In case you people from the remote lower plane come to our place and say that we can't entertain you well. "

The monk didn't know what to think, and suddenly a magic weapon appeared in his hand, beckoning Xu Miao to come.Xu Miao's original expression was just expressionless, but when she saw this magic weapon, she smiled instead.

It was this smile that made the other monks standing aside even more afraid to move, for fear that Xu Miao would focus on them and attack them.

Xu Miaoning unsheathed the Wu sword, and aimed at the monk's hand holding the magic weapon with a sword, directly chopping off the opponent's hand.At this time, Xu Miao turned around and looked at the other monks in a leisurely manner: "In front of me, don't try to use magic weapons."

"If you hold the magic weapon in your left hand, I will cut off your left hand. If you take out the magic weapon in your right hand, I will cut off your right hand. If you use your mind to control the magic weapon to appear, I will directly chop off your heads!"

Under Xu Miao's strong coercion, no monk dared to stand up and resist, and no monk dared to unite and attack Xu Miao.This is the suppression of strength, as long as you are strong enough, even if there are hundreds of people in front of you, they are nothing but ants.

"Everyone has already evacuated, Xu Miao, enter the city quickly!" Real person Feiqi sent a final voice transmission to Xu Miao, Xu Miao knew that he was waiting for him to enter the city.

As a late-stage monk with the highest status in Anyang City, he has the responsibility and the obligation to wait until the end.Xu Miao raised her hand to break out the restraint, covering all the thirty or so people, and led them into the city with a rope made of magic power.

Xu Miao took the lead, followed by more than [-] people.Among the thirty or so people, there were still two half-dead, and the rest all looked hopeless and humiliated.

Looking at this spectacular scene, Master Feiqi was still wondering, what exactly did Xu Miao do to frighten the extremely rampant monks from the lower plane to such an extent.

The entrance of the magic circle opened at the right time, and Xu Miao stepped into the city.For the group of monks behind him, Xu Miao led them into Anyang City like a dog.

The formation was closed again, but the mummy's attack did not stop.Now in the entire Anyang City, only Xu Miao and Fei Qi are left in the Earth and Space Plane.

"Do you want to take them away too?" Seeing this group of waste-like monks, Master Feiqi really wanted to execute them on the spot.

Xu Miao nodded: "Of course, but they need to pay their own travel expenses." The operation of the teleportation array requires the support of Lingshi.More than [-] monks, using the teleportation array at the same time, is not a small expense.

Although it was just a drop in the bucket for Xu Miao's worth, Xu Miao didn't want to waste any money on these people.He turned around and looked at the thirty or so monks, and said, "Hand over all the treasures stored."

All the answers to Xu Miao were monks' angry eyes.Seeing this look, Xu Miao just tightened the light rope in her hand: "So strong, so proud. Very good, I just like to chew hard bones."

A group of people who invaded Xu Miao's homeland, Xu Miao would not have any good looks, and they would use all means to attack.Xu Miao found the one who looked at him most fiercely, and raised her hand to fold the other's arm.

In the strong vibration of Anyang City, the monk's screams were not covered by the vibration at all, penetrating the eardrums of everyone present.

"Who was the first to invade Biren, who was the first to be caught when he saw something bad, and now dare to express your ridiculous and cheap dignity in front of me?"

"Hehehehe, I have seen thick-skinned people, but I have never seen one as thick-skinned as you. Don't be a whore while setting up an archway. This kind of behavior is really disgusting."

Every time Xu Miao said a word, he would punch a monk.Every punch contained [-]% of Xu Miao's spiritual power.An attack of this strength can make them feel miserable, but it will not let them die instantly.

A monk was beaten so unsteadily that he fell directly to the ground.Xu Miao walked up to the monk in a posture of looking down.The monk raised his neck with difficulty and looked at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao just stretched out her foot, put her foot gently on the monk's face, slowly crushed it bit by bit, and gradually exerted force bit by bit: "Are you still arrogant? Still want to invade other people's face?" Plane?"

"Let me ask again for the last time, where is the magic weapon of storage?" Xu Miao's voice became very soft, but the killing intent revealed in the words could not be concealed.

In other words, Xu Miao didn't intend to hide it at all, he just wanted to let these monks in the lower planes know that people in the lower planes are not easy to mess with.The cultivator's psychological defense finally collapsed, and he called out the magic weapon of storage with shaking hands.

The strength under Xu Miao's feet did not relax in the slightest: "Unlock the restraint, do I still need to teach you?" The monk hurriedly followed his advice, for fear that Xu Miao would actually kill him if he was a step too late.

At this time, Xu Miao, like a terrifying Shura, controlled their lives at any time, and they did not dare to resist in the slightest.If they want to survive, they must obey Xu Miao's words.

(End of this chapter)

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