Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 448 The Secret of the Earth-Space Plane

Chapter 448 The Secret of the Earth-Space Plane

One after another, the storage treasures were taken out, the restrictions on the magic treasures were released, and they were placed on the ground, waiting for Xu Miao, the new owner, to take them away.Xu Miao was not polite, and waved her hand very boldly, and put away all the magic weapons stored by more than thirty people.

Of course, this does not include Lu Yiyao who was severely injured by Xu Miao's fist.When Lu Yiyao saw Xu Miao, he wished he could eat it alive, how could he give Xu Miao the magic weapon of storage.

The shaking of Anyang City became more and more obvious. Some monks moved in a small area from time to time to avoid the falling bricks and rocks from Anyang City.One of the bricks hit Lu Yiyao so hard that he couldn't die.

Lu Yiyao was tightly bound by the rope made by Xu Miao's mana, and there was no way to avoid it. He watched the bricks and stones fall on him.In addition to bleeding from his body, Lu Yiyao also spit out mouthfuls of old blood in his heart.

Xu Miao didn't seem to be worried that Anyang City would fall, and walked to Lu Yiyao's side unsteadily.Xu Miao herself knows the array that Xu Miao arranged.

When can't hold on, and when it will be completely scrapped, it is estimated.Since Xu Miao is not worried now, it means that the formation can last for a while, and there is no problem.

It's a pity that these monks in the remote and lower planes don't know. Apart from worrying that Xu Miao will attack them at any time, they also worry about the Anyang City that may collapse at any time. For many monks, the psychological torture is extremely painful.

Master Feiqi knew that Xu Miao knew what was in his mind, so he would not rush him, but just stood aside, waiting for Xu Miao to get rid of this thorn and get more things from their spiritual consciousness.

Xu Miao always feels that there is no sense of accomplishment to search for his soul directly with his own consciousness.His spiritual consciousness was something that even Daoist Feiqi couldn't match, so it was really insignificant to deal with Lu Yiyao.

Xu Miao enjoys being in this dangerous environment even more, torturing Lu Yiyao, completely destroying Lu Yiyao's psychological defenses, and letting him tell all the plans of the lower plane.

Lu Yiyao watched Xu Miao walk in step by step, and the sound of Xu Miao's footsteps landing on the ground also fell on his heart.Originally, there was supposed to be overwhelming anger in my heart, but at this moment, there was a trace of fear for no reason in my heart.

This fear came too strangely, Lu Yiyao quickly suppressed it.He thought it was well hidden, but he didn't think that Xu Miao hadn't been hidden from it at all.

Xu Miao knelt down and patted Lu Yiyao's face: "The magic weapon for storing things, or the real conspiracy of the remote lower plane, there are two choices, choose one at will, and you will be free from pain."

Instead of urging Lu Yiyao directly with violence, he gave Lu Yiyao a chance to choose.As long as Lu Yiyao is not a fool, he will choose the latter among the two.

Storage magic weapon is related to the entire net worth of a monk.Asking him to take it out is tantamount to cutting flesh, which is why Xu Miao asked those monks to take out the storage magic weapon before, and they glared at Xu Miao.

Being caught by Xu Miao's routine, Lu Yiyao had no way to get out of Xu Miao's routine.Xu Miao calculated Lu Yiyao to the death, let Lu Yiyao know that this is a trap, and he will jump out of it on his own initiative.

After a long silence, Lu Yiyao hoarsely said, "I won't say anything, and I won't give you the magic weapon of storage!"

"Hey!" Xu Miao laughed back angrily, "Lu Yiyao, figure out who is the aggressor and who is the victim. Don't act like a victim. It's disgusting."

Before finishing speaking, Xu Miao raised her hand and punched Lu Yiyao on the nose.Lu Yiyao's nose had already been broken by Xu Miao.The monk's recovery speed is fast, but it can't stop Xu Miao from using magic to confine his spiritual power.

Now he managed to stop the bleeding, and was punched by Xu Miao, and warm blood flowed out again.After Xu Miao punched him, she suddenly called one of them over: "Hit him. If you hit him well, I may consider giving you back your treasure."

It was simply an illusory promise, which made the monk's eyes open.He completely forgot that he and Lu Yiyao were monks from the same plane, and they came here with the same purpose, so they beat Lu Yiyao hard.

Both of them had their spiritual power imprisoned, and only such a physical shock could have a spiritual shock.Xu Miao saw the hesitation flashing in Lu Yiyao's eyes, and he walked to Lu Yiyao's side again: "Storing magic weapon, invading the truth, I will give you one last chance to choose."

"You should know that I have a bad temper and a bad temper. If you still make a wrong choice in this choice, then your choice is likely to be the last chance to choose in your life."

Lu Yiyao finally chose to tell Xu Miao the truth about the invasion of the lower planes.Tortured by Xu Miao's cruel methods, no one can persevere.

"My status is not high, and I only heard from a few words from the higher-ups that there is an important secret hidden in the plane below the ground and sky. The content of this secret design seems to be related to the fairy world."

"If the secret of the secluded lower plane can be grasped, the secluded lower plane will also replace the current upper plane of the sky, and become a powerful upper plane."

While Lu Yiyao was speaking, Xu Miao observed his expression carefully, and there was really no possibility of lying.After Lu Yiyao finished speaking, the real person Feiqi finally reached out to search for Lu Yiyao's spiritual sense.

The final conclusion reached was exactly the same as what Lu Yiyao said.The secret of changing the level of the plane is hidden in the plane below the earth and space. The monks on the plane below the ground and space don't know about this secret, but it is known by the monks on the plane below the earth and space. crisis.

Xu Miao learned what he wanted to know from Lu Yiyao, and did not stay any longer. She took the remaining monks and left Anyang City through the teleportation array.

The location where the teleportation array of Anyang City arrived was Qilian City, a town north of Anyang City.Qilian City is still far away from several large sects, but at least here, like Anyang City, it has not faced the danger of mummified corpses.

Xu Miao and Feiqi Daoist, a late Nascent Soul cultivator and a Nascent Soul early stage monk, this combination would not have attracted the attention of others, but the thirty or so monks tied behind the two of them attracted all the passing by. The monk stopped to watch.

"This place is the closest to An's house. We need to go to An's house as soon as possible to know the specific situation." After leaving Anyang City, it is natural for the native Feiqi real person to decide the next arrangement.

Xu Miao is an outsider. After arriving in Zhonglu, she has been so busy running around that she doesn't even have time to visit Zhonglu.If you don't have a map with you, your eyes will be blinded.

Considering the current situation, the two of them kept walking towards An's house without stopping.To be on the safe side, Xu Miao knocked out all the monks behind him and threw them into the Hunting Stone.

Along the way, they saw many monks from the lower planes.Unlike the mummy, these monks will not kill all the monks in the lower plane, but give them a place to live.

It is equivalent to occupying this land, and then let the people on this land become their slaves. These monks also know the current situation of the plane below the sky. There was no result.

Rather than confronting the lower plane of the earth with strong soldiers, it is better to submit to the lower plane of the earth.In some towns, without any resistance at all, they took the initiative to open the gates and let monks from the lower planes enter, acknowledging that the city had changed hands.

This made Xu Miao and Fei Qi very angry, and losing without a fight was even more difficult for them to accept than defeat.The two hurried and came to the vicinity of An's house.

Unlike the towns next to Anjia, Anjia has not yet chosen to surrender to the lower plane.The monks in the remote lower plane have surrounded Anjia's sphere of influence.Some of the monks who surrounded An's house were native monks from the lower plane of Earth and Space.

Xu Miao's expression didn't fluctuate at all. Compared with Feiqi's anger, it was too calm.Real person Feiqi saw Xu Miao's reaction and compared it with his own, and immediately realized that his state of mind was not at home.

Cultivators are born to seek good fortune and avoid harm. For some benefit, they can give up many things.Especially now that life and death are at stake, they will naturally choose the most suitable thing.

Whether or not the last master of the plane below Earth and Space changes him, they don't think it has anything to do with them.They can still practice, hunt for treasure, advance, and finally ascend.

In addition, the conditions offered by the secluded lower plane are very attractive, and they have no reason not to agree.This is also the reason why when Anyang City was facing the change of mummified corpses, except for the first batch of reinforcement monks, the next few batches of monks could not arrive.

They have already been too busy to take care of themselves, so how can they have extra energy to travel thousands of miles to Anyang City to help Anyang City defend.Since An's family was imprisoned by the secluded lower plane, not even a fly could fly in, so Xu Miao and Fei Qi could only hide aside and try to find a way.

Xu Miao had observed the situation here for the first time. There were at least ten late-stage great monks. No matter how strong Xu Miao was, it was impossible for him to face ten late-stage big monks at the same time.

If Huo Yan Ling Yao and Qing Jiao were released, they could indeed be dealt with, but at the same time it would also cause trouble for Xu Miao herself.The monks in the lower planes of the earth will immediately notice him and send higher-ranking monks to kill him.

Xu Miao would not do such extremely stupid things impulsively. He needed to wait for the opportunity, look for gaps in defense, find a way to enter An's house, and inform An's house of the news he got from Lu Yiyao.

This matter involves the entire lower plane of earth and space, and it is impossible to resolve this matter only with Xu Miao and Fei Qi.They must first unite the power of Zhonglu now, and then try to find out the secret of the fairy world that the secluded lower plane covets.

(End of this chapter)

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