Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 449 Heroes Save America

Chapter 449 Heroes Save America
"These monks will patrol every once in a while, and the late master monks will use their spiritual sense to scan and patrol without interruption. It is almost impossible for us to enter the Anjia under such strict defense."

Real person Feiqi observed all the surrounding situations, summed up the rules, and informed Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't rush to break through the line of defense, but asked other monks who had teleported over.

"There are so many monks in Anyang City, why are there no traces of them after being teleported here?"

"Before the teleportation, I told them that I only wanted to survive, and I didn't ask for anything else. As for the disciples of Fufeng Valley and other sects and families, I let them try to go back directly."

The monks of each sect and family naturally have different means and secrets to return to the sect and family.If Master Feiqi was a monk from the An family, he would definitely be able to return to the family under the uninterrupted inspection of the monks from the remote lower plane.

"I heard that all the monks in Anyang City have left?" Where Xu Miao was hiding, several monks from the lower plane were approaching, and at the same time they were still talking about the affairs of Anyang City.

"Yeah, they left completely, and no one stayed. The strangest thing is that the people brought by Lu Yiyao also disappeared in Anyang City. So far, no news has come."

"Lu Yiyao, after receiving so much credit, didn't come back to receive the reward at the first time. Could it be that he died in Anyang City?"

"Impossible, there are more than 30 people in Lu Yiyao's party, plus the attack power of the mummy group, how could he die. Besides, no one said that Lu Yiyao's natal magic lamp went out!"

These monks didn't realize the existence of Xu Miao and Fei Qi at all, and they discussed loudly what happened in Anyang City recently.Lu Yiyao's topic did not attract much attention, and these people quickly changed the topic.

One of the monks said mysteriously: "Today, Patriarch Lie Yang captured several monks from the plane below the ground and space."

"What's wrong with the monks in the plane below the ground and space? A large group is right in front of us, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. You can catch them as you want."

The monk who caused the topic before had an inscrutable expression on his face, and said in a low voice: "I heard that the monks arrested are the monks in the An family that we are besieging."

"Among the monks who were captured, there were several female cultivators, and even one female cultivator. She was the most promising female cultivator in the An family. She had a special physique. Any monk who double cultivated with her would get great benefits. Lie Yang The ancestor is going to have a big fight with them, and then use them to threaten Anjia."

Xu Miao quietly listened to the discussion of the monks next to her, without any expression on her face, but she kept thinking about what they said in her heart.The monks in Anjia were captured, imprisoned, and forced to practice double cultivation.

If he can rescue the monks of the An family, he should be able to enter the An family through the monks of the An family.Xu Miao carefully told the real person Feiqi about her thoughts, but was opposed by the real person Feiqi.

"Ancestor Lieyang, I'm afraid you don't know his strength. His skills are superb. There was news before that it was a late-stage monk from the An family who was killed by him, and he didn't even escape the Nascent Soul."

Hearing this, Xu Miao frowned. Among the monks of the same level, unless there was such a monstrous existence like Xu Miao, it would be impossible to kill the Nascent Soul of the other party directly, let alone the later stage monks with more advanced strength.

Since this Patriarch Lie Yang was able to do this, his strength must not be underestimated.In addition to Patriarch Lieyang, there are also ten late stage monks here.In Feiqi's opinion, no matter how strong Xu Miao was, he couldn't compete with them.

"We don't confront them head-on, we just save people. As long as we can rescue them without anyone noticing, we can use them to enter Anjia and get help from Anjia."

Immortal Feiqi looked into Xu Miao's eyes, and suddenly felt that this monk whose cultivation base was only in the early Yuanying stage could always bring people a sense of trust.This sense of trust and security has nothing to do with cultivation, but with strength.

Several monks had gone away, Xu Miao quickly made a plan with Master Feiqi.Xu Miao randomly found a monk who was alone next to him, knocked him out and searched his soul, from which he could learn where the An family monk was imprisoned.

Because Patriarch Lie Yang took a fancy to some of the An family monks, there were a total of five An family monks, three of whom were personally guarded by Patriarch Lie Yang's subordinates, and the other two were imprisoned in other places.

Xu Miao and Feiqi Daoist acted separately, and their figures did not attract the attention of the monks in the secluded lower plane at all in the night.Xu Miao hid her breath, minimized the fluctuation of her spiritual power, and quickly approached the place where the three An family nuns were.

However, when Xu Miao arrived at the destination, she was in vain.There was no one in the specially made cell, except for a monk from a secluded lower plane, standing and yawning boredly.

Xu Miao stunned Sou Hun with quick hands and eyes. This move has been used continuously by him in the past few days, and it has almost become his subconscious action.Through the soul of this monk, Xu Miao knew that Patriarch Lie Yang, who was immortal, had already become lustful.

Before burning incense, he ordered his subordinates to take away the three nuns from the An family.According to the memory of this monk, one of the three nuns was clearly An Xitong.

Xu Miao's figure disappeared again like a ghost, and approached the cave where Patriarch Lie Yang lived temporarily.I don't know if Lie Yang's ancestor is a bold person with high skills, or he doesn't want others to hear something that shouldn't be heard outside.

Outside his temporary cave, there was not a single guarding monk.Xu Miao cautiously approached quickly, and heard Patriarch Lie Yang's voice as soon as he moved his ears.

"As long as you follow my ancestor, I guarantee that you can follow me back to the lower plane. If you perform well, you will be loved by the ancestor, and you will have the opportunity to advance to the transformation of the gods, and share with the ancestor. Longevity!"

Xu Miao curled her lips in disdain when Lie Yang Patriarch said "I, Patriarch".He didn't rush in. At this time, Patriarch Lie Yang was still on high alert.

He needs to wait until Patriarch Lie Yang intends to do something wrong with Nvxiu An's, before making a move.Only at that time is the time when Patriarch Lie Yang's vigilance against the external environment has dropped to the minimum.

An Xitong's angry voice sounded: "Bah! You ugly old monk!" Patriarch Lie Yang was originally ugly, but after he practiced a skill, his appearance became even more ugly.

In the realm of comprehension among all the handsome men and beautiful women, she is really a different kind.Ugly appearance is a taboo in Lie Yang's ancestors' hearts, and it is also the most intolerable outsider to mention it.

This time, An Xitong hit the muzzle of the gun, which directly angered Patriarch Lie Yang.Patriarch Lie Yang grabbed An Xitong roughly and tore off the clothes covering her body.

From Xu Miao's angle, he could just see An Xitong's beautiful and flawless carcass. When Patriarch Lieyang saw An Xitong's body, his eyes straightened, and his breathing immediately became heavy.

An Xitong was originally a monk in the early Yuanying period, unable to compete with Patriarch Lieyang.Now he is imprisoned by Lie Yang Patriarch again, with no power to resist.

Patriarch Lie Yang's rough hands fell on An Xitong's smooth and white shoulders, and as soon as he lowered his head, he opened his mouth and was about to touch An Xitong's upturned graceful neck.

An Xitong's eyes were full of despair and humiliation. She was loved by An's family, and no monk would treat her like this before.Even those male cultivators who have a crush on her are respectful.

A tear dripped down the corner of An Xitong's eye, and soon disappeared without a trace when it fell on the ground.Seeing An Xitong's appearance, the other two nuns of the An family were also terrified.

They knew very well that An Xitong would be their turn later, and they didn't want to go through such a desperate thing at all.Patriarch Lieyang has been completely fascinated by An Xitong's body, all his mind is on An Xitong, and he didn't notice the existence of Xu Miao.

At this time, Xu Miao silently performed teleportation and suddenly appeared behind Patriarch Lie Yang.In order not to attract the attention of Patriarch Lie Yang, Xu Miao didn't even release her killing intent.

Whether it's the expression or the fluctuation of spiritual power, there is no slight change or ups and downs.Patriarch Lie Yang didn't realize it, and just when his lips were about to touch An Xitong's body, Xu Miao quickly struck out the hand knife.

Xu Miao has done this knife too many times in recent days, and he knows best which position to hit to make people unconscious.Patriarch Lie Yang was so intoxicated with the upcoming double cultivation with An Xitong that he didn't respond at all.

However, Patriarch Lieyang was always a late-stage monk. Xu Miao could use this method to deal with other early-stage monks, but he couldn't use the same method to deal with late-stage monks.

When the hand knife touched the back of Lie Yang Patriarch's neck, Lie Yang Patriarch reacted immediately, without raising his head, he just slapped his backhand.With one palm strike, Patriarch Lie Yang quickly got up and chased Xu Miao without any pause.

Xu Miao retreated quickly, and the Wu Ningjian came out of its sheath instantly, blocking the attack with both hands of Patriarch Lie Yang.Patriarch Lie Yang's hands are his magic weapon, under the urging of spiritual power, his hands become red and emit a white gas.

The water condensed fog sword collided with Lie Yang's hands, and Xu Miao could even feel the temperature of the fog condensed sword gradually rising.If Patriarch Lie Yang continues to control the Wu Ning Sword, it will definitely cause irreversible damage to the Wu Ning Sword.

Xu Miao flipped her wrist and quickly moved the Ningwu Sword. Under the awe-inspiring sword, even the Patriarch Lieyang in the late Yuanying period had no choice but to let go to avoid the sharp edge of Xu Miao's attack.

When Xu Miao entered Lieyang Patriarch's cave and launched a sneak attack on him, Shui San also appeared together.Shui San took away An Xitong and the other two female nuns from the An family, and left Patriarch Lie Yang's cave without stopping.

Only then did Patriarch Lie Yang realize that he had fallen into the opponent's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.A sneak attack caught his attention.He must have no time to take care of other things, but created opportunities for this person's companions.

(End of this chapter)

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