Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 450 Infiltrate

Chapter 450 Infiltrate
"Cunning junior, you actually teased me, Patriarch, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" No matter who wants to go to Wushan with a woman, he will not be in a good mood if he is interrupted, let alone Xu Miao. Even worse, he directly rescued all the nuns.

Xu Miao has no idea of ​​fighting with the other party. According to the news of the real person Feiqi, this ancestor Lieyang is very powerful, and Xu Miao doesn't want to spend time with him here. It is Xu Miao's best choice to escape in the fastest time. choose.

Patriarch Lieyang realized that Xu Miao had no intention of fighting him at all, and became even more angry.The expression on Xu Miao's face was too calm, and there was a hint of disdain faintly leaking from it, which made Patriarch Lie Yang's attack even more ruthless.

Xu Miao frowned, looked at Patriarch Lieyang, who was dissatisfied with desire, and said: "I'm not dead, you can't finish it. If you don't have a woman, you can just deal with it with your hands and it's over. Stalking, it's really annoying. sick!"

Patriarch Lie Yang was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he heard Xu Miao's words.Obviously it was Xu Miao who suddenly rushed out and interrupted his good deed, and suddenly led someone to rescue the furnace he was looking for. As a result, Xu Miao said that it was entirely his own fault.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Patriarch Lie Yang struck fiercely, and his moves were fatal.Xu Miao was under a lot of pressure. Patriarch Lie Yang was very powerful. If he didn't go all out, it would be very difficult for him to take any advantage in the opponent's hands.

"People have been taken to a safe place!" Shui San's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, which was what Xu Miao ordered Shui San to do.As long as he gets this message, he will withdraw as soon as possible.

Now that the purpose of this trip has been achieved, Xu Miao will naturally not continue to deal with this Patriarch Lie Yang.Xu Miao raised her eyes, without any emotion in her eyes, but Patriarch Lie Yang couldn't help feeling cold and shuddered.

Qing Jiao's spiritual power surged into the Wu Condensing Sword, and Xu Miao forced Patriarch Lieyang back with a single strike, and quickly left with teleportation.Although Patriarch Lie Yang's strength is stronger than Xu Miao's, his spiritual consciousness is not as vast and majestic as Xu Miao's.

In addition, when Xu Miao was fighting at home, he had the bonus of the law of space, which made it even more difficult for him to find Xu Miao's trace.Xu Miao continued to use teleportation without looking back, not daring to stop for a moment.

Patriarch Lie Yang's angry roar resounded through the night, causing black crows to howl.The remaining ten late-stage great monks here appeared in the sky at the same time, asking Patriarch Lie Yang what happened.

Patriarch Lie Yang put on a dark face and briefly introduced the matter, only to see a few of them holding back their laughter.Patriarch Lie Yang's complexion became darker and darker. He remembered Xu Miao's appearance firmly in his heart, and vowed to find Xu Miao and tear his body into pieces.

Eleven late-stage monks released their spiritual consciousness at the same time, looking for traces of Xu Miao and others.Even though Xu Miao has an excellent means to hide the aura, others cannot do it.

But who is Xu Miao, he has already arranged everything before the action.In order to hide after the action and avoid being searched by the monks of the lower plane, Xu Miao purposely found a temporary foothold next to the monks' residence of the lower plane.

This place is very close to the garrison point of the remote monks, and it is the most dangerous place.But at the same time, the most dangerous place is also the safest place.

According to the thinking of the monks in the lower plane, they will flee to the distance immediately.Xu Miao did the opposite and hid inside, perfectly avoiding the search of monks from remote planes.

After Xu Miao distracted the attention of the later big monks, Fei Qi also seized the opportunity to rescue the remaining two An family monks.When the sun rose in the sky, the monks on the remote plane knew that they had been tricked by Xu Miao all night.

All the monks on the remote plane felt very angry.From the bottom of their hearts, they look down on the monks of the earth-space plane, but now they are played and applauded by the ground-space monks, especially the late-stage monks sitting in the cave of Lie Yang's ancestor.

Everyone's face is not very good-looking. Their original plan was to find a way to break through the An family through the monks of the An family.It's just that neither the arrested monks of the An family nor the monks in the An family have any soft opinions.

Therefore, when Patriarch Lie Yang proposed to enjoy it first, maybe he could take the opportunity to break through the defense of Nvxiu Anjia, he got the consent of other monks.Now, a cultivator from the earth-space plane broke out halfway, and they almost slapped them hard in the face.

"Are you sure the person here is a monk in the early stage of Yuanying?" One of the late stage monks asked again, he really couldn't believe that Patriarch Lie Yang couldn't catch him in his breath.

Patriarch Lie Yang became angry when he heard the doubt: "Can I still not see the true strength of a monk!"


Xu Miao didn't know the monks in the remote plane, and had a debate about his real cultivation level.He was sitting in the formation now, waiting for An Xitong to come back to his senses.He was sure that An Xitong must have a way to get back to An's house, as long as he could enter An's house, he could continue with the next steps.

"There is indeed a secret entrance to An's house." An Xitong regained his composure and began to introduce to Xu Miao, "But the location of that entrance happens to be where Patriarch Lieyang's temporary cave is located."

Xu Miao was surprised, but it just explained why An Xitong and the others were captured by Patriarch Lie Yang.After all, if they wanted to return to their family, they had to go through the place where monks from the remote plane were stationed.

Their highest level of cultivation is only in the early stage of Yuanying, and they are not like Xu Miao, a heaven-defying monk, so how could they be the opponent of Lie Yang Patriarch.

Xu Miao frowned after listening to An Xitong's introduction. According to what she said, it was almost impossible to avoid Patriarch Lieyang and return to An's house through a secret passage without anyone noticing.

Just based on the simple fight in Lieyang Patriarch's cave, Xu Miao can be sure that the opponent's strength is extraordinary.In addition, now that they have alarmed the monks of the remote plane, it will only attract more frequent inspections.

Xu Miao leaned against the stone wall, frowning and thinking about countermeasures.After An Xitong finished talking about the secret passage, he kept watching Xu Miao from the corner of his eye.When she was brought to Lie Yang Patriarch's cave, she was really full of despair.

Especially when Patriarch Lie Yang's body was close to her, she opened her eyes wide, thinking that the pain was about to happen, and Xu Miao suddenly appeared.Like a god, he stopped Patriarch Lie Yang's actions.

An Xitong looked at Xu Miao's side profile, which was like a blade.At first, I just thought that Xu Miao's appearance was good, but now I look at it again, it is completely handsome.She felt the heart in her chest beating faster.

Xu Miao was unaware of this, thinking that An Xitong's changes were only due to her previous experience.Xu Miao turned her head to discuss with real person Feiqi, studying how to approach Lieyang Patriarch's cave.

"If Patriarch Lie Yang is forcibly controlled, is it possible?" Xu Miao first proposed a method, which is not whimsical. Xu Miao has Qingjiao, Huo Yanling waist, and divine consciousness comparable to that of a cultivator of Huashen. Able to face Patriarch Lieyang alone.

Master Feiqi looked serious: "It's a bit difficult, but it's not impossible." At the critical moment, Master Feiqi didn't hide his secrets, and took out a formation board and several formation flags, "As long as we cooperate properly, it is possible to control it of."

Both of them have profound attainments in formation, and it is very convenient and simple to communicate with each other.Any one person expresses a point of view, and the other person can quickly follow up.

When Brother An Jia didn't react at all, Xu Miao had already discussed with Master Fei Qi.Xu Miao got up very simply and walked out without giving anyone a look.An Xitong watched Xu Miao get up, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.But she quickly lowered her eyes to cover up her emotions.

Taking advantage of the weather, Xu Miao hid outside Patriarch Lie Yang's temporary cave.Patriarch Lie Yang's cave was only occupied by Patriarch Lie Yang, even if he killed Patriarch Lie Yang, he would not be able to figure it out, Xu Miao actually had the guts to go there and come back.

Not only Patriarch Lie Yang, but almost all monks from remote planes think so.Since Xu Miao and the others were able to run out, they must have been running to the distance without stopping, instead of staying here or even turning around.

Xu Miao watched Patriarch Lieyang non-stop. Patriarch Lieyang sat cross-legged on the stone bed, showing nothing unusual.While observing Patriarch Lieyang, Xu Miao also carefully reached out his consciousness to observe the surrounding situation.

Xu Miao is not clear about the strength of the monks in the remote plane.But he was sure that the average strength of monks from the earth-space plane should be higher than that of monks from the earth-space plane with such an arrogant expression.

Among the eleven late-stage monks here, Patriarch Lie Yang's spiritual consciousness is not as strong as him, but it doesn't mean that other late-stage big monks are not as strong as him.In case of an existence that is also against the sky, Xu Miao will really die.

Xu Miao waited from night to day, and from day to night, and after making sure no one found out, she quietly sneaked into Patriarch Lie Yang's cave.The breath-holding method Xu Miao is using now was told to him by real person Feiqi.

Fufenggu's breath-holding method is definitely the strongest in the Earth-Space Plane, Xu Miao used it at this time and had to obey.After experiencing Xu Miao's sneak attack, Lie Yang Patriarch also learned how to behave, and set up a lot of formations outside the cave.

However, these formations are warning formations, as long as someone steps close to them, they will make a piercing sound to remind Patriarch Lie Yang.However, Patriarch Lie Yang was overwhelmed after all. He naively thought that these formations could definitely stop Xu Miao.

Unexpectedly, in Xu Miao's eyes, these formations are like child's play, and they can be deciphered without any effort.Xu Miao's speed was very fast, using his divine sense, he quickly deciphered several layers of formations.

Xu Miao teleported to the side of Patriarch Lie Yang.Patriarch Lie Yang felt something, opened his eyes vigilantly, and saw Xu Miao standing in front of him with a smile.

Patriarch Lie Yang's eyes widened instantly, his face full of disbelief.He clearly set up a warning formation outside the cave, why is this person still able to enter the cave!
(End of this chapter)

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