Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 451 Training Servants

Chapter 451 Training Servants
However, Patriarch Lie Yang is a late-stage monk in the remote plane after all, after experiencing the initial panic, he calmed down.He looked at Xu Miao very calmly: "Junior from the low-altitude plane, what is the purpose of your coming here again?"

Patriarch Lie Yang put his hands on his knees naturally, but Xu Miao knew very well that the other party's spiritual power was constantly concentrated on his hands, the color of his hands was getting redder and higher, and the temperature was getting higher and higher, driving the surrounding temperature is also rising rapidly.

However, Xu Miao just casually glanced at Patriarch Lie Yang's hands, then looked away indifferently, not paying attention to them at all.

"It's very simple, I want to negotiate a deal with you." Xu Miao took a few steps back, pretending to appreciate the decoration of Lieyang Patriarch's cave, "The person you want to double cultivate is with me. If you want to get her, you need You pay something."

Patriarch Lieyang never thought that Xu Miao would use An Xitong to negotiate a deal with him after saving An Xitong and others after all the painstaking efforts. He suddenly felt that he didn't understand the monk in front of him .

"What do you want in return?"

"It's easy to talk to smart people." Xu Miao grinned, sat down on the stone bench opposite the stone bed, and began to make terms with Patriarch Lie Yang.

Of course, Xu Miao didn't want to really negotiate a deal with Patriarch Lie Yang, all of this was just Xu Miao's evasion. He needed an opportunity to make Patriarch Lie Yang curious and interested.

As long as Patriarch Lie Yang's mind is attracted to him as much as possible, Qing Jiao and Huo Yan Lingyao can trap Patriarch Lie Yang and control him in one move.

Otherwise, if he can't be restrained within one move, Xu Miao's plan will fail completely if other late stage monks are attracted, and it will be even more difficult to get close to this cave next time.

Xu Miao talked eloquently, and very cryptically pointed out that the level of cultivation in the Earth-space plane is not high, and she has admired the remote plane for a long time.And from the words, from time to time, monk Zhonglu repelled and ridiculed him.

Although Patriarch Lie Yang didn't understand why Xu Miao changed his attitude like this, there was nothing wrong with having one more monk with outstanding strength to rely on.In addition, he also carefully checked the inside and outside of the cave, and there was indeed no trace of the second person.

Although he still had a skeptical attitude towards Xu Miao, he had already put all his attention on Xu Miao.What Xu Miao wants is this state, he doesn't need Patriarch Lie Yang to believe his rhetoric, as long as he doesn't pay attention to other things.

Under Xu Miao's order, Qing Jiao and Huo Yan Ling Yao quietly appeared behind Patriarch Lie Yang.The two shot together, without giving Patriarch Lie Yang a chance to resist, they captured him alive.

Patriarch Lie Yang saw a ninth-level monster, a half-step monster, and was so surprised that he didn't close his mouth for a long time.Xu Miao immediately came to Patriarch Lie Yang, took out the array plate, and quickly planted the flag, completely cutting off Patriarch Lie Yang's chance of resistance.

At this moment, Patriarch Lie Yang knew Xu Miao's true purpose.What joined the secluded plane, what sent the Anjia monks, are all deceitful, they are just excuses!

He was actually deceived one after another by this monk in the early Yuanying period. Patriarch Lieyang was so angry that he wished to eat Xu Miao alive, and kept firing eye knives at Xu Miao.

Patriarch Lie Yang's whole body's spiritual power was running wildly, just wanting to break through this layer of restriction.Xu Miao glanced at Patriarch Lieyang, who was still unwilling to give up: "Give up, you are in your prime, and you can't beat the two behind you, let alone now."

Xu Miao was talking, but her subordinates didn't stop at all, completely imprisoning the opponent's spiritual power.Xu Miao looked at Patriarch Lie Yang, still worried: "Xiaotian, I need a contract, a contract that can control Patriarch Lie Yang."

Xiaotian has countless types of similar contracts, so he quickly picked out a suitable one and told Xu Miao.Xu Miao raised her eyebrows, and signed the contract under the angry and terrified eyes of Patriarch Lieyang.

Patriarch Lie Yang spit out a pile of old blood in his heart, not to mention being cheated by this earth-empty plane monk, he was even signed a contract.This contract, Patriarch Lie Yang knew it without looking, it was a master-servant contract.

Xu Miao is the master, and he is the servant. No matter how high the servant's cultivation level is, he must obey the master's orders, and he must not have the intention of killing the master, otherwise he will be tortured like death.

As soon as the contract was concluded, Patriarch Lie Yang's facial muscles twisted.Xu Miao knew that this was the reason why the master-servant contract worked.Because Patriarch Lie Yang had a murderous intention towards Xu Miao just now, the contract immediately took effect.

Patriarch Lie Yang didn't expect that the restraint of this master-servant contract would be so strong, he quickly suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and didn't dare to show any killing intent anymore.

"Boy, what on earth do you want!" Patriarch Lie Yang didn't dare to show his killing intent, so he could only ask Xu Miao angrily.It is an insult to his dignity to be accepted as a servant by a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul as a late stage monk!
Xu Miao stretched out a finger and shook it: "Pay attention to your address, I am your master, you need to call me master, understand?" Before the words fell, Patriarch Lie Yang felt a sharp colic in his heart, Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of pain from being eaten all over the body.

The killing intent that Patriarch Lie Yang had suppressed just now erupted again, but now Xu Miao didn't need to make a move at all. Can't die.

If Xu Miao doesn't stop, the pain on Patriarch Lie Yang's body won't disappear.Patriarch Lie Yang couldn't hold on to his cross-legged posture any longer, and fell from the stone bed to the ground, rolling and struggling continuously.

Patriarch Lie Yang also reacted at this time, knowing that killing intent cannot be revealed at will, otherwise he will be continuously punished by the master-servant contract.Although Patriarch Lie Yang had 1 thoughts in his mind, wanting to kill Xu Miao, he didn't dare to show it at all, so that the master-servant contract could feel it.

Xu Miao looked at Patriarch Lie Yang's killing intent gradually dissipating, showing a smug smile.Patriarch Lie Yang raised his head, and it happened to be this smile again, and the killing intent that had been suppressed just now rose again, but he was tossed again by the master-servant contract.

"Xiaotian, this contract is very good, where did you get it?"

Hearing Xu Miao's praise, Xiaotian also said triumphantly: "The former master specially recruited him to teach an enemy a lesson. With this contract, he can almost kill the other party, and the other party dare not have any thoughts about you."

Patriarch Lie Yang panted heavily, and stood obediently by Xu Miao's side.Xu Miao sat on the stone bench and said coldly: "I will pretend to be captured by you, and I will need you to bring my companion over later."

"If you meet other people, you should know what to say and what not to say. But if you say something wrong, you will suffer ten times more than before!"

Xu Miao doesn't know if there is really ten times more severe pain, as long as it can threaten Patriarch Lieyang.Patriarch Lie Yang trembled involuntarily when he heard Xu Miao's threat.

The pain and torture just now had too much impact on him.If Xu Miao hadn't stopped in time, he might have been hurt to death.He never wanted to experience this kind of pain again in his life.

Patriarch Lie Yang was able to reach his current position precisely because he knew how to advance and retreat.Now that he knew that Xu Miao was stronger than him, he would naturally not continue to foolishly challenge Xu Miao's authority.

Xu Miao stood behind Patriarch Lie Yang, following every step, perfectly showing the posture of a captured monk.When they flew out, they just ran into a late stage monk.

"Ancestor Lieyang's revenge is really fast, and the culprit was caught so quickly!" Ancestor Lieyang naturally heard the ridicule from it, and Xu Miao told him to answer according to his previous temperament, without any flaws.

After being choked by Lie Yang Patriarch, the cultivator turned and left in a self-defeating way.Without any delay, Xu Miao brought Patriarch Lie Yang to their hiding place.

Patriarch Lie Yang originally thought that they would be hiding in the distance, but he never expected that they were hiding right under his nose.The so-called darkness under the lights, no one would have thought that Xu Miao and the others would do this.

Real person Feiqi was surprised to see Patriarch Lieyang respectful to Xu Miao.When An Xitong saw Patriarch Lie Yang, he even wanted to rush over and kill Patriarch Lie Yang.

Xu Miao stopped him in time, the Patriarch Lie Yang was still useful, so he couldn't just die here.An Xitong's raging anger slowly extinguished when he heard Xu Miao's words, and he was so obedient that he didn't do anything again.

On the contrary, the remaining four members of the An family gave An Xitong a strange and inquisitive look. According to An Xitong's past personality, it would not be considered a relief if he didn't peel off the skin of the Lieyang ancestor, but today they stopped so simply. hands.

Xu Miao didn't pay attention to the eye contact between An's family, but ordered everyone to clean up and prepare to go to the cave of Lie Yang Patriarch.Before they leave, this place needs to be restored to its original state, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Xu Miao originally planned to let An Xitong and others pretend to be captured, but then thought that it might attract the attention of other late monks, so they temporarily moved them into the spirit beast bag.

The spirit beast bag can accommodate huge spirit beasts, and naturally it can also accommodate human monks, but as Anjia monks, they are not willing to enter the spirit beast bag on their own initiative like spirit beasts.

Xu Miao frowned, and when she was about to speak, An Xitong took the initiative to step forward: "Then I'll go in first, you guys should move faster." An Xitong handed the spirit beast bag to Xu Miao, motioning for him Open the spirit beast bag.

The other monks of the An family finally realized something was wrong. If An Xitong had listened to Xu Miao before, it would be fine if he didn't attack Patriarch Lieyang.Now he is willing to surrender his status and take the initiative to enter the spirit beast bag.

To the proud An Xitong, this was completely a fantasy.The four An family monks looked at each other in dismay, slandering in their hearts - they probably knew a fake An Xitong.

However, An Xitong took the initiative to enter, and they had no reason to continue to shirk, so they could only follow into the spirit beast bag.

(End of this chapter)

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