Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 452 Assassination

Chapter 452 Assassination
Xu Miao was very satisfied with their cooperation, and returned to his temporary cave with Patriarch Lieyang.Everyone stood in Patriarch Lie Yang's cave, but the owner of the cave was no longer as arrogant as before. He bent slightly obediently and stood one step behind Xu Miao.

Neither Daoist Feiqi nor An Xitong knew how Xu Miao used the strength of the early Yuanying stage to make Patriarch Lieyang his servant.

Obviously, when Xu Miao came to rescue them before, An Xitong saw with his own eyes that Xu Miao was suppressed by Lie Yang Patriarch, but now the scene was completely changed, Lie Yang Patriarch was suppressed by Xu Miao.

Xu Miao didn't care about the changes in the expressions of the people present, but just asked An Xitong to open the secret passage. They now have to enter Anjia as soon as possible, and there is no extra time to waste.

An Xitong had no objection to this. She took out a magic weapon similar to a brush, made strange handprints with both hands, held the brush in her hands, and quickly wrote mysterious symbols in the air.

A golden light flashed, and an entrance appeared on the ground.The appearance of the golden light attracted the attention of monks from the remote plane patrolling outside: "Old Ancestor, did something happen?"

An Xitong also realized at this time that he was too careless just now, if other monks wanted to enter the cave to find out, they would be in trouble.After this channel is opened, once it is closed, it cannot be opened again in a short time.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, except for Xu Miao.Xu Miao explained to Patriarch Lieyang very calmly: "What I said, what you said, repeat it."

According to Xu Miao's instructions, Patriarch Lieyang told the patrolling monks outside that he was only practicing exercises and would be in seclusion for a period of time, so they should not disturb him.Of course, this non-disturbance is to prepare for Xu Miao and the others after they enter An's house.

Due to Patriarch Lie Yang's fierce tone, the patrolling monks outside hurriedly nodded and left, for fear of offending the moody Patriarch Lie Yang.Xu Miao was very satisfied, and ordered Patriarch Lieyang to stay in the cave and not to leave before they returned.

"You have personally experienced the effect of this master-servant contract. If I find out, you have other thoughts that you shouldn't have, and you know the consequences best." Xu Miao's voice was not high, but it frightened Lie Yang Patriarch.

Patriarch Lie Yang didn't want to endure the torture he suffered because of his resistance to Xu Miao before.Therefore, in An Xitong's eyes, Patriarch Lie Yang nodded and agreed as if smashing garlic.

"Let's go." Everyone has already regarded Xu Miao as the leader, and Xu Miao will naturally not shirk, and take this responsibility.The secret passage leading to Anjia, only the people of Anjia know how to get there.

There are all kinds of dangerous magic circles, organs, and ferocious monsters all over the inside. If there is no Anjia person as a guide, if outsiders enter rashly, they will definitely die in the passage.

An Xitong was the first to walk, and Xu Miao was the last to follow. She didn't catch up with the monks in front until the entrance to the passage was closed.As everyone walked in, the ever-burning lamps embedded in the walls lit up one by one, illuminating the path under their feet.

"Hold your breath from now on. Although the eternal lamp can provide light, it will also paralyze the monk's body through breathing, so that the foreign monk will die here." An Xitong informed everyone through voice transmission.

Xu Miao followed suit immediately. There were so many ever-burning lights on the wall. If he entered by himself, he would never pay attention to the situation of the ever-burning lights. This Anjia is indeed one of the four major families in Central China, and there are so many potential organs in one passage.

With An Xitong leading the way, they successfully avoided various traps and traps. When they were about to reach the exit, they heard voices coming from above the ground.

"We have been besieged by monks from the remote plane like this, there is no way at all!"

"I've already told you how to do it, did you listen?"

"What kind of method are you talking about, telling us to settle down in the lower plane? Don't even think about it! As long as I, An Yushun, are the head of the An family, I will never agree to this matter!"


Everyone was below the exit, and everyone's expressions were flickering, and they couldn't see their real thoughts.A moment of embarrassment flashed across Brother An's face, but it was quickly covered up.

Although Xu Miao couldn't see fluctuations on her face, she thought a lot in her heart.Now that they have found Anjia, they need Anjia's help to tell the other party the secret of the "immortal world" in the earth-space plane, and then use Anjia's power to join forces with other sects and families, and finally expel the monks from the remote plane.

As a result, there are now two attitudes inside the An family, one is to stick to it, and the other is to seek refuge in a remote plane.An Xitong looked at Xu Miao for help, wanting to know the decision from him.

She knew that Xu Miao would not submit to the remote plane, so she might simply give up the family and look for other families and sects.Xu Miao looked at An Xitong encouragingly: "Let's go up, at least the patriarch of your An family has no plans to surrender to the remote plane."

Xu Miao's words made An Xitong's heart, which was still pounding just now, fall back to its original place.She made up her mind and opened the exit.The An family monk above the exit was obviously frightened, and someone immediately shouted: "Who is it!"

An Xitong was the first to react, and after revealing her identity, she walked out of the secret passage one by one and stood in An's room.Xu Miao looked at An's room calmly, it was connected to a secret passage, it should be a secret room.

There are two people in this secret room, one is An Yushun, the patriarch of the An family, and the other is An Chaoran, the elder of the An family.When An Chaoran saw Xu Miao and others appear, his face sank obviously.

Xu Miao felt a fleeting killing intent, but this killing intent was too subtle, even Xu Miao couldn't be sure if it was from An Chaoran in front of him.

An Yushun was visibly relieved when he saw An Xitong, and told her and the four An family monks to go back to the room to rest first, leaving Xu Miao and Master Feiqi behind to discuss matters.

Xu Miao and Feiqi real person looked at each other, they did not mention the secret of "immortal world" very tacitly, and only briefly explained the current situation of the earth-space plane.

Compared with Anjia who has been under siege recently and doesn't know the news from the outside world, Xu Miao and Zhenren Feiqi have been outside all the time, knowing the specific situation of the outside world accurately.

Judging from the attitude of the conversation, An Yushun's posture was clear, and he would never compromise if he wanted to fight the monks from the remote plane to the end.An Chaoran on the side had an ambiguous attitude and did not make a clear statement.

Reminiscent of the quarrel heard in the secret passage, Xu Miao didn't say much. Together with Master Feiqi, he followed An's servants to the guest room and took a short rest.

Seeing the servant leaving, Feiqi took the initiative to talk about An Chaoran's attitude.Since An Chaoran was able to blatantly explain his attitude to An Yushun, the head of the An family, he might have already connected with a monk from a remote plane.

They should have reached some kind of agreement, and even the arrest of An Xitong and the others was a gift from An Chaoran to the monks in the remote plane.It's just that this gift fell through because of Xu Miao's sudden appearance.

"An Chaoran's attitude is not what I'm worried about, what he will do next is what I'm most worried about." In other people's territory, Xu Miao didn't say it clearly, and real person Feiqi can naturally understand the depth of Xu Miao's words mean.

They are definitely not the only ones who know that the words in the secret room can be heard under the secret passage, An Yushun and An Chaoran must also know about it.

For An Chaoran, Xu Miao and Fei Qi are outsiders, and it is very likely that the matter will be leaked, so what he is most likely to do is to kill people to silence them.

Both Xu Miao and Fei Qi knew about this matter, but they still pretended not to know anything, closed the door, closed their eyes and rested.Of course Xu Miao wouldn't really take a break. The An family is a large family, and there are magic circles arranged everywhere. If the consciousness is scattered rashly, it will only arouse the hostility of the An family.

He just controlled his consciousness in the entire room, and waited for An Chaoran to come to the door.The fleeting killing intent was definitely not Xu Miao's illusion, An Chaoran must have murderous intent towards them.

In the middle of the night, Xu Miao noticed a very faint breath approaching his room.Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, but her body remained motionless.

In order to make it easier for An Chaoran to come and go, Xu Miao deliberately opened the window of the room wide.Although there is a defensive formation in the room, An Chaoran, the elder of An's family, will naturally have a way to make the effect of the formation disappear.

An Chaoran observed the situation in the room vigilantly. Xu Miao's breathing was steady, as if she had already fallen asleep.An Chaoran was disdainful in his heart. As a monk, he came to a strange place and would sleep in a rough state. He really couldn't associate it with Zhonglu No. [-].

His previous conversation with the patriarch An Yushun was so exciting that it must have caught the attention of Xu Miao and Fei Qi.As the great monk of Fufenggu, An Chaoran had no intention of dealing with Master Feiqi. His only target on this trip was Xu Miao.

An Chaoran had seen Xu Miao's strength and methods in fighting, and heard about his record with the Zhu family's later great monks, and he also admitted that Xu Miao was indeed strong.But that was when he didn't meet An Chaoran. An Chaoran was confident that he had a hundred ways to kill Xu Miao.

He didn't care at all. Xu Miao's cultivation level was two small realms lower than his. It was a shame for a late-stage monk to kill an early-stage monk and to be sneaky.

An Chaoran raised his hand in front of the formation, and the formation opened a small opening for people to enter and exit.An Chaoran stepped in and closed the formation with his backhand. He wanted to kill Xu Miao without anyone knowing.

Xu Miao was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, breathing slowly, as if she hadn't noticed An Chaoran's approach at all.In order not to wake Xu Miao up, An Chaoran did not choose to attack with spiritual power, but took out a dagger and stabbed towards Xu Miao.

An Chaoran's goal is Xu Miao's dantian, where the Nascent Soul is. As long as the Nascent Soul dies in an instant, no matter how many means Xu Miao has, it won't help.

(End of this chapter)

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