Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 453 The Assassination Failed

Chapter 453 The Assassination Failed
Tonight, the moon is cold and the stars are sparse, and the moonlight is blocked by a cloud, unable to shine on An Chaoran through the open window.The daggers seem to have merged into the dark night, regardless of each other.

Just when An Chaoran thought he was about to succeed, his wrist sank suddenly.He looked up subconsciously, and it turned out that Xu Miao opened his eyes, holding his wrist tightly with his hands.

Xu Miao's eyes were calm and without any emotion, but An Chaoran suddenly saw killing intent in these calm eyes.An Chaoran's reaction was not unpleasant. He twisted his wrist forcefully and escaped from Xu Miao's restraint.

"Where do you want to go?" The moonlight was still blocked by the clouds, but the monk's eyes could see clearly even in the dark because of his cultivation. means."

"An Chaoran, you really surprised me today." Before Xu Miao finished speaking, her whole body, like the wind, suddenly approached An Chaoran, and the chaotic gas in her hand immediately stabbed An Chaoran.

Xu Miao is powerful, and An Chaoran is also experienced in many battles.As a late-stage great monk, the transcendence of realm is his greatest asset.An Chaoran's dagger shone with a cold silver light in the dark night, shining in Xu Miao's eyes.

"You, Xu Miao, are so powerful that you can defeat even the great cultivators in the later stage. Naturally, I have to be careful." An Chaoran said compliments, but his subordinates were not slow at all, and every move was a fatal move. .

Xu Miao didn't seem to be An Chaoran's opponent. She was completely unable to confront An Chaoran head-on, and kept fighting and retreating.An Chaoran saw Xu Miao's defeat: "Why, you have used up all the attacks that cultivator Huashen left for you, so you can't use them to threaten me anymore?"

An Chaoran saw the expression in Xu Miao's eyes, it was unwillingness and anger, it was the expression of countless monks who died under his hands.At this moment, An Chaoran suddenly wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, a future star was about to fall into his hands.

However, before An Chaoran's smile reached his face, he suddenly froze.He found that his body was paralyzed and stiff, unable to move at all.Xu Miao, who was less than three steps away from him, turned on the lights in the room calmly.

If An Chaoran didn't react at this time, he would have lived all these years in vain.From the time he entered this room, he was stepped into the trap set by Xu Miao for him.

Whether it was Xu Miao who was sleeping soundly before or who was at a disadvantage later, it was Xu Miao who pretended to make him fall for it!

An Chaoran looked angrily at the smiling Xu Miao, but he couldn't mobilize the spiritual power in his body to kill Xu Miao.He simply closed his eyes, worked hard to use his spiritual power, trying to break the current situation.

If what An Chaoran encountered was the formation set up by other monks, it would still be possible to crack it, but what he encountered now was the formation set up by Xu Miao himself, specially tailored for him, how could it be possible? Let him break it at will.

"Thank you An's family for your warm hospitality. As a thank you, I don't know if Senior An Chaoran is satisfied with the reward?" Xu Miao's words were full of ridicule and sarcasm. It would be absurd to dream of assassinating him.

An Chaoran looked ugly: "Xu Miao, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Xu Miao laughed angrily when she heard this.A person came over to assassinate you in the middle of the night, and in the end he asked you what you wanted to do, "It's very simple, I can pretend that this incident never happened."

An Chaoran looked into Xu Miao's eyes closely, waiting for his next words: "I need to know what agreement you have reached with the monks of the remote plane, so that you will not hesitate to betray An's family and the Earth-empty plane!"

Hearing Xu Miao's question, An Chaoran suddenly didn't know how to answer. He was silent for a long time, and when Xu Miao planned to search his soul, he finally explained the reason.

"Everything in this world has a lifespan, whether it's humans, monsters, creatures, or planes..." Xu Miao's pupils shrank suddenly, and An Chaoran seemed to be telling him a certain truth.

"Earth-space plane, the plane we are in is about to reach its limit. In a few hundred years, the entire plane will collapse completely. At that time, we will completely lose our home."

Listening to An Chaoran's words, Xu Miao's expression flickered.Since the Earth-space plane is about to reach its limit, why does the remote plane have to take advantage of this time to launch an aggressive war against the Earth-space plane.

Even for the so-called "immortal world" secret, you can wait until the ground-space plane is destroyed, and then search the ground-space plane, and the difficulty of searching will be greatly reduced.

"At that time, we will become bereaved dogs. Why don't we take the initiative to take refuge in the remote plane at this time, let them pay attention to me, and then give me enough training resources for me to advance to the gods, and finally ascend to the plane."

An Chaoran's words were full of expectations for the future, and his eyes were also full of excitement.What An Chaoran told him should be part of the truth, but definitely not the whole truth.

The monks in the remote plane did not tell the truth to An Chaoran, but Xu Miao could roughly guess it.After the lifespan of the Earth-space plane expires, the Earth-space plane should be rebuilt by the immortals of the fairy world.

As for all the creatures on the plane, they can only live and die in peace.And the monks in the remote plane must know that the secret of the "immortal world" will disappear with the plane after the plane collapses.

Therefore, in order to be able to find the secret of the "immortal world", they must first occupy the space plane and mobilize all monks to find that secret. The secret of the "immortal world" has been kept in the earth-space plane for so many years, but they have not been found. The monks in the remote plane are also prepared.

Hundreds of years in advance, a lot of manpower and material resources were spent to find a secret of the "immortal world", which can also explain this secret from the side, which is related to a huge benefit.

"I've told you the whole truth, do you want to consider joining me in the remote plane?" Seeing Xu Miao's uncertain expression, An Chaoran simply lobbied.

Xu Miao didn't respond to this sentence: "The late monks of the An family should be rich and powerful. With 100 million top-grade spirit stones, I can pretend that nothing happened."

When An Chaoran heard Xu Miao's lion's mouth, his face immediately became very ugly, and he didn't want to refuse directly: "I can't give you so many spirit stones, even if you tell others what happened today, no one will do it for you." Get ahead."

"Who told you that I'm going to tell others about this?" Xu Miao looked at the surprised An Chaoran with a half-smile, "I don't have the problem of complaining when I can't beat others."

"One million fast top-grade spirit stones, I don't need to take revenge on your actions tonight. If you don't agree, I don't mind letting you taste my tricks now."

An Chaoran frowned, observing Xu Miao's expression, the more he looked at it, the more he felt palpitations.Even though he was only an early-stage monk, and he was still on the site where he settled down, he still didn't have the initiative.

"I... refuse." When An Chaoran said these three words, he regretted a little.But he didn't have much time to regret it, because Xu Miao's consciousness had been suppressed.

Xu Miao has too many ways to deal with the late master monks.The ancestor Lie Yang was one before, and An Chaoran is another one now.The strength of Xu Miao's consciousness completely crushed the existence of An Chaoran.

An Chaoran's sea of ​​consciousness completely lost its autonomy, allowing Xu Miao to wander in it.Xu Miao took this opportunity to directly search for his soul.The spiritual consciousness of the great monks in the later stage is so powerful that it cannot be solved by ordinary soul searching.

But An Chaoran was unprepared, and Xu Miao took advantage of him in surprise.After reading all of them, Xu Miao also affirmed that what An Chaoran said before was indeed true.

Xu Miao withdrew her consciousness decisively and withdrew from An Chaoran's sea of ​​consciousness.At this time, An Chaoran looked as if he had been roasted on the fire, his whole body was dripping with sweat, and the pain of being hit with a hammer was constantly coming from his head.

This kind of pain is already unbearable for ordinary people.Xu Miao didn't intend to stop there, he cracked An Chaoran's arm bone twice, and punched the opponent's dantian Yuanying.

The surrounding area was surrounded by barriers set up by Xu Miao, no matter how much An Chaoran screamed, no one would notice the situation here.Xu Miao picked up the dagger that An Chaoran had thrown on the ground, and gestured to the position of An Chaoran's dantian.

Xu Miao took a look at An Chaoran, then casually approached the dantian Yuanying bit by bit with the dagger in hand.An Chaoran finally had a complete mental breakdown. He couldn't accept that his Nascent Soul was abolished, so he said in a hoarse voice, "I'll give you 100 million top-grade spirit stones."

"It's too late, it has already risen to 200 million yuan." Xu Miao sat on the ground and raised the price, not worried that An Chaoran would not give it at all.An Chaoran looked at the dagger in Xu Miao's hand, getting closer and closer to the dantian, and quickly nodded and agreed: "I will give it to me!"

Xu Miao sneered, put away the dagger, and healed An Chaoran's right hand.An Chaoran could only use his good right hand to hand over 200 million high-grade spirit stones to Xu Miao with great heartache.

Two million high-grade spirit stones is not a small number even for a person like him.Xu Miao weighed the storage bag in her hand and nodded with satisfaction: "Go away."

Xu Miao has withdrawn the formation, and An Chaoran has regained his freedom.At this moment, An Chaoran, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly made a fuss, and a sharp spiritual force roared towards him.

"Humph—" Xu Miao knew that An Chaoran would not let him go easily, and that this person would take revenge, how could he swallow his anger under such a big bullying from Xu Miao.

Xu Miao had been on guard for a long time, and raised her hand to support Fu Yu's helmet, blocking this spiritual power.This spiritual power contained all the power in An Chaoran's body. Xu Miao had to take several steps back and even leave the room to dissolve this spiritual power.

At this time, the room where Xu Miao lived was completely shattered by An Chaoran's spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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