Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 454 The Gambling of Late Stage Monks

Chapter 454 The Gambling of Late Stage Monks

The spiritual power of the two sides collided violently in the air, piercing the dark night.The movements of Xu Miao and An Chaoran here immediately aroused high tension in An's family.

They had raised their vigilance to the highest level in order to defend against the remote monks who were outside. Now in the middle of the night, there was a sudden fluctuation in the spiritual power of the late-stage monks. How can they not panic.

An Yushun, the head of the An family, rushed to the place where the spiritual power fluctuated immediately, and saw Xu Miao and An Chaoran fighting quickly in mid-air.Although Xu Miao was only at the initial stage of Nascent Soul, she was not at a disadvantage when confronting An Chaoran.

The spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body was running wildly, and the sword power of the Ningwu Sword increased wildly, and every strike of the sword could block An Chaoran's spiritual power attack.As the head of the family, An Yushun naturally wouldn't allow such a serious conflict to occur within the An family.

He appeared in front of the two in a flash, and a mountain-shaped magic weapon kept growing, absorbing and defusing all their attacks.Seeing that An Yushun made a move, Xu Miao followed suit and put away the Mist Condensation Sword.

Although Xu Miao stopped, An Chaoran was unwilling to stop.An Chaoran, a great cultivator in the late stage, was calculated by a Nascent Soul early stage. When he was about to attack and kill the opponent, the opponent was able to resist it easily, without even hurting a single hair.

An Chaoran's killing intent was not concealed at all, and he rushed straight to Xu Miao.If An Yushun hadn't stood between the two of them, Xu Miao was sure that An Chaoran would have rushed to him immediately and attacked him.

However, Xu Miao and An Chaoran were not the only ones now. Apart from An Yushun who arrived first, other elders and family members of the An family also arrived here one after another.Real person Feiqi knew about Xu Miao's plan, so he also stood by Xu Miao's side when he saw this.

If Xu Miao was imprisoned by them, then Patriarch Lie Yang would no longer be willing to be controlled, which would have a major impact on their departure.An Chaoran saw that Master Feiqi didn't even ask a question, and stood directly behind Xu Miao, and made a strong memory of Fufenggu in his heart.

"Chao Ran, what happened?" In front of everyone, An Yushun had to explain to Xu Miao and Fei Qi.Especially the real person Feiqi, who is different from Xu Miao in that there is Fufeng Valley behind him.

An Chaoran glanced at Xu Miao emotionally, and said, "I just came to see how the guests are doing and whether they are adapting to the environment of Anjia. Maybe Xu Miao is too vigilant and treats me as an enemy. Don't send me a shot directly."

When Xu Miao heard An Chaoran's words, she was about to applaud An Chaoran's ability to speak the vernacular.An Yushun turned to look at Xu Miao, asking him with his eyes.

"Patriarch An, you saw the battle just now. An Chaoran was so murderous towards me that he could almost kill people with every move. Is it like what he said just now?"

An Yushun is not blind, as the head of the An family, he knows An Chaoran's personality very well.An Chaoran's state just now was definitely in a rage, and he had murderous intentions towards Xu Miao.If he hadn't acted in time, the rooms in this area would have been bombarded to pieces by An Chaoran's spiritual power.

Xu Miao felt the killing intent again. Unlike in the secret room before, An Chaoran didn't hide the killing intent, but kept growing.An Chaoran's right hand hanging by his side condensed spiritual power, forming a vortex of spiritual power centered on himself.

"Xu Miao spoke rudely to me. As the elder of An's family, I am qualified to execute a foreign monk." An Chaoran no longer concealed it, and wanted to kill Xu Miao for any reason.

Immortal Feiqi frowned, and said in a loud voice: "Patriarch An, what is right and wrong, how can you listen to one side and believe it?" take away.

When he saw An Chaoran appearing here, he already had a rough guess in his heart.It's just that the true thoughts are exposed, and they want to kill people to silence them.In any case, An Chaoran, as a member of the An family, has no reason for outsiders to criticize him.

"Today was just a misunderstanding, Chao Ran, don't follow me back!" An Yushun didn't want to explain who was right in front of everyone, but just wanted to turn this matter over as soon as possible.

However, An Yushun wanted to suppress this matter, but An Chaoran was unwilling.He wanted to take this opportunity to kill Xu Miao.He will never show mercy to those who challenge his authority, or even humiliate him.

Xu Miao looked at An Chaoran and An Yushun's actions with cold eyes and dismissed them.He waited until An Chaoran couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. At that time, it was time for him and An Chaoran to completely resolve the conflict.

Sure enough, An Chaoran passed An Yushun and stood opposite Xu Miao: "The problem between us, we will solve it. You have nothing to say, and I will definitely teach you a lesson today, otherwise, where will the An family lose face!"

An Yushun knew many things from Master Feiqi's mouth, and would never agree with An Chaoran and Xu Miao's senseless fight.However, to his surprise, Xu Miao agreed to An Chaoran's proposal.

"The method of resolving conflicts between monks has always been the simplest. It's just a battle." Xu Miao looked at An Chaoran, who was ten steps away, who was bursting with the coercion of the monks in the later stage. impossible."

"How about, let's find a lottery, and the bet is 300 million high-grade spirit stones." An Chaoran half-closed his eyes and looked at Xu Miao.How dare he brazenly mention the bet in front of him, and still think about those millions of high-grade spirit stones.

The An family monks who were standing not far away widened their eyes when they heard Xu Miao's words, as if they suspected that they had auditory hallucinations just now.The early stage monks and the late stage monks fought, and they even offered to bet. Isn't this clearly giving money to the other party?
"Is Xu Miao crazy?"

"300 million high-grade spirit stones! Where did he get so much money? Once he loses the battle, he has no money to pay back!"

"Does he really think of himself as someone? So many spirit stones, how can he, a monk from the Westland, get them out?"

An Xitong also stood among the An family crowd, watching the situation on the field nervously and worriedly.But her worry and nervousness were not directed at An Chaoran, but at Xu Miao.

She also didn't think that Xu Miao had so many spirit stones. Even if Xu Miao won the championship in the monk ranking competition, he didn't have so many spirit stones for him to squander.

An Chaoran's mocking laughter resounded through the sky, and he looked at Xu Miao with disdain: "300 million high-grade spirit stones, you are a monk from the west land, where did you get so many spirit stones!"

Xu Miao didn't care about the taunting and snickering.These people laugh happily now, and cry ugly later.Xu Miao's tone was light: "If I can't get it out, you can kill me directly."

"I think your Excellency is very willing to kill me, and with your strength, you are completely sure that the late stage will be against the early stage. As a late stage monk, you can't even take this bet."

An Chaoran knew very well that Xu Miao was aggressive, but he still had to agree to the bet.As Xu Miao said, he is a late monk of the An family, not Zhu Changpan of the Zhu family.

Xu Miao can defeat Zhu Changpan, but not necessarily be able to defeat him.In addition, from the battle just now, it can be seen that Xu Miao has used up all the attacks of the cultivator who transforms the spirit, and he has no means to win, and there is no chance of winning at all.

"Okay! I promise you. Let's play a game. If you win, I will give you 300 million top-grade spirit stones. If you lose, you will immediately kill yourself to thank the world." An Chaoran's tone was gloomy, but Full of confidence, he was sure that Xu Miao would die in this battle.

Real Feiqi took a step forward, wanting to reject the bet on Xu Miao's behalf.If only 300 million high-grade spirit stones were used, Xu Miao could still get them together in case Xu Miao was defeated.

But now the bet has become Xu Miao's life. Xu Miao's life and death are related to too many things, and Xu Miao can't just die.In Feiqi's heart, he also didn't think Xu Miao could defeat An Chaoran.

Xu Miao raised her hand to stop Fei Qi, and shook her head.Feiqi real person said seriously: "Xu Miao! An Chaoran's strength is comparable to that of An Yushun. Even I may not be his opponent. It is too dangerous for you to fight against him rashly!"

"Don't worry, since I made a bet, I won't lose." Xu Miao said indifferently, and walked over to Fei Qi to stand opposite An Chaoran, "Since we agreed to the bet, let's make an oath of heaven."

When An Chaoran heard this, his face changed: "You don't trust me?"

"Hehe——Of course I don't trust you." Xu Miao shrugged and smiled, "I don't trust you guys. If you lose and renege on your debts, who should I talk to?"

An Chaoran's face sank like water: "Okay, very good, I will make the oath of heaven." The two moved quickly, and the oath of heaven took effect immediately.Every one of the nearby Anjia monks looked at Xu Miao with the eyes of a madman, thinking that he was really looking for death.

If Xu Miao does not make the oath of heaven, if Xu Miao is defeated, there is still room for change.Now that the oath of heaven is made, if Xu Miao loses the battle, he will undoubtedly die.No one thought that Xu Miao could win. In their hearts, An Chaoran already belonged to the top three monks in the An family.

This level of strength, even if it is placed in Zhonglu, can still be named.What Xu Miao did was no different from courting death.All the monks here, except An Xitong and Fei Qi, seemed to be watching a joke.

An Xitong especially wanted to rush to the patriarch and ask the patriarch to stop the gambling.But she didn't step forward after all, it was related to the dignity of a monk, she couldn't do that.

All the monks retreated to the distance, and An Yushun arranged the barrier.This enchantment is a special formation of Anjia, which is specially used for high-level monks to compete, and at the same time, it will not harm the environment of the competition venue.

Xu Miao and An Chaoran stood on both sides, and after hearing An Yushun's "competition begins", they moved at the same time.An Chaoran is a late stage monk, Xu Miao will not be stupid enough to compete with him in spiritual power.

He used teleportation to dodge the spiritual power attack in An Chaoran's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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