Chapter 455
Under An Chaoran's violent bombardment, he didn't even touch a piece of Xu Miao's sleeve, and he was so angry: "Xu Miao, why are you hiding!"

"You hit me, am I going to stand like a wooden stake for you to hit? Are you stupid?" Xu Miao retorted, but kept dodging.When the onlookers An family monk heard Xu Miao's words, he couldn't help laughing out loud, which aggravated An Chaoran's anger.

A person who is two small realms lower than his cultivation level publicly ridicules whether he is stupid, which late-stage monk can bear it.In a fit of anger, An Chaoran directly attacked Xu Miao, or to be precise, the entire venue.

This is a large-scale move that spreads all over the inside of the barrier. From An Chaoran's point of view, Xu Miao cannot avoid it.But when the aftermath of spiritual power dissipated, Xu Miao was still standing opposite An Chaoran unharmed.

Of course, An Chaoran didn't know that when Xu Miao released this attack, he used the power of Qingjiao to prop up Fu Yu's helmet and block the attack from outside.

Seeing that Xu Miao's clothes were not even torn, An Chaoran's face was ashen, but all the monks watching looked at Xu Miao in disbelief.

"Is Xu Miao human? This attack is impossible for the patriarch to easily follow!"

"I once saw the Great Elder perform this move on several Nascent Soul mid-stage monks. The result at that time was that all the mid-stage monks on the opposite side fell to the ground, and none of them could stand up. All of them were exhaling too much. .”

The truth is only when there is a comparison. Xu Miao directly blocked the attack that could cause damage to the late Nascent Soul with his cultivation in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.What's even more frightening is that Xu Miao's breathing was steady, without the slightest sign of injury.

Looking at Xu Miao's calm face, An Chaoran felt that the anger in his heart was about to break through the sky.At the same time, amidst the anger, there was also a trace of heart palpitations that he hadn't noticed.

Xu Miao was keenly aware of An Chaoran's current state, and it was a good time to fight back. Xu Miao held the Fog Condensing Sword, teleported, and appeared beside An Chaoran.

The Ningwu Sword slashed downward with an invincible momentum, An Chaoran was not a vegetarian, and immediately raised his hand to block the attack of the Ningwu Sword.Xu Miao didn't stop, with the help of An Chaoran's resistance, she jumped up, spinning and rolling in the air.

The momentum of the sword is getting higher and higher, and the intent of the sword is also fierce and unparalleled. At this time, Xu Miao and Ningwu Sword have even merged into one body. The sword is no longer just a sword, and people are no longer just people.

An Chaoran looked up at Xu Miao who was falling rapidly, as if he was looking at a sharp spiritual sword.Xu Miao held the Wu Ning Sword with both hands, poured all her spiritual power into the Wu Ning Sword, and rushed towards An Chaoran.

This sword was the strongest sword, even An Chaoran couldn't take it hard.An Chaoran involuntarily stepped back a few steps to defuse Xu Miao's move.

Xu Miao slashed across with a sword, and An Chao then dodged on his back.Although An Chaoran dodged the Wu Ning Sword, he did not escape the sword intent produced by the Wu Ning Sword.The bursting sword intent ravaged An Chaoran, leaving sword marks on his body.

An Chaoran felt a pain, he frowned, and when he was about to use his spiritual sense to check, he felt dizzy.Xu Miao's consciousness played a role at this moment, and plunged into An Chaoran's sea of ​​consciousness recklessly.

The monk's spiritual consciousness controls the monk's behavior. Once there is a problem with the sea of ​​consciousness, their actions and behavior will also have problems.Xu Miao's consciousness is too strong, An Chaoran has to resist with all his strength, so that he can barely block the attack of Xu Miao's consciousness.

However, all of this was just Xu Miao's preparations to attack An Chaoran.All of An Chaoran's consciousness was devoted to resisting Xu Miao's consciousness, but Xu Miao did not say that all his consciousness was devoted to attacking An Chaoran's consciousness.

Xu Miao's remaining consciousness was enough for him to attack An Chaoran.With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, the Ningwu Sword left his hand and stabbed directly at An Chaoran who was facing him.Xu Miao's hands quickly formed seals in front of her body, and the sword Qi of the Ningwu Sword grew wildly.

By the time An Chaoran's monk instinctively sensed the danger and wanted to make defenses to avoid it, it was already too late.The Ningwu sword had already pierced through his chest. Of course, Xu Miao did not penetrate the chest according to the position of the heart, but chose the position next to the heart.

If the heart was pierced, An Chaoran might have no choice but to let the Nascent Soul escape and start training again.Xu Miao withdrew his consciousness in a timely manner, and An Chaoran felt a sharp pain at this moment. His eyes moved down in disbelief, and he saw the wound on the chest cavity.

An Chaoran was afraid for a while. If Xu Miao hadn't killed him, he might have died under the sword of Wu Ningjian with that move just now.Xu Miao's holding back was just to avoid arousing An's resentment.

After all, An Chaoran was the great elder of the An family. If he died under his sword, it would be very difficult for him to get help from the An family, and it might be difficult for him to stay in the An family.

Xu Miao had this idea, but An Chaoran would not thank Xu Miao for his mercy.An Chaoran swallowed a bunch of pills, and the hideous wound on his chest healed completely under the urging of spiritual power and medicinal power.

An Chaoran clawed at Xu Miao with his hands.A frightening attack fell, and Xu Miao quickly dodged it.He frowned, he didn't expect that An Chaoran would still attack him under such circumstances.

"Patriarch An, the contest just now should have come to a result." Xu Miao simply gave up communicating with An Chaoran and chose to talk to An Yushun directly.

An Yushun frowned as he watched An Chaoran's attack.The result of the battle just now was already very obvious. If Xu Miao hadn't avoided An Chaoran's heart, I'm afraid that the sword just now would have made An Chaoran practice again.

But An Chaoran not only didn't stop there, but even intensified his attacks, becoming more and more vicious.When An Yushun was about to intercept, An Chaoran stopped him: "If you still treat me as a brother, don't do it!"

An Chaoran's words instantly dissipated the spiritual power in An Yushun's hands.In An Yushun's heart, Xu Miao was not as important as An Chaoran.Xu Miao's eyes moved back and forth between An Chaoran and An Yushun.

He suddenly raised the corner of his mouth: "In that case, I'm not going to be polite." Before he finished speaking, the spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body suddenly increased, and with him as the center, a spiritual power vortex was formed out of thin air.

No matter how powerful An Chaoran's attack was, it could not harm or affect Xu Miao.An Chaoran spread his hands in front of his chest, and an iron chain appeared in his hands.

An Chaoran swung his right hand suddenly, and the iron chain instantly tore through the vortex of spiritual power around Xu Miao, and landed on Xu Miao's body.The opponent's speed was too fast, and blocked his moving direction, Xu Miao couldn't avoid it, and was hit by the chain.

In this blow, An Chaoran used all his spiritual power, and the bone in Xu Miao's right hand was directly shattered by the iron chain.The entire right hand hangs weakly by the side, and the Mist Sword lost control of its master and also fell to the ground.

Xu Miao didn't care about Ningwu Sword, nor her broken right hand. Taking advantage of the gap between An Chaoran putting away the iron chain and throwing it out again, she teleported and left the place.

He quickly threw the elixir into his mouth, and began to use his spiritual power to repair the broken bone in his right hand.The chain was so strong that his bones were shattered so that they could not be broken any more.

Even with the double restoration of spiritual power and medical power, it was impossible to completely repair the broken bone in the right hand in a short period of time.If the right hand is not good enough, use the left hand. Both hands of Xu Miao can use swordsmanship.

He opened his left hand, and with a thought, the Mist Condensing Sword immediately returned to his left hand.At this time, the iron chain fell again, and Xu Miao raised the fog-condensing sword, and the chaotic gas completely surrounded the fog-condensing sword to resist the attack of the iron chain.

The fog-condensing sword collided with the iron chain in the air, Xu Miao's left hand was instantly shaken, and blood flowed out.Under the influence of the low temperature of the Ningwu Sword, the wound quickly stopped the injury.

Although Xu Miao's figure was flexible, she couldn't avoid An Chaoran's iron chain attack intact every time.After half a cup of tea, Xu Miao's body was already covered with scars, and several bones were completely broken.

He straightened his back with difficulty, and proudly looked at An Chaoran across from him.There was a look of contempt on An Chaoran's face. In his opinion, Xu Miao was already at the end of his strength and was not worth mentioning at all: "Xu Miao, if you kill yourself now, I don't need to continue attacking you."

When Xu Miao heard this, she sneered, "Kill yourself? If I lost, of course I would kill myself on the spot. But now that I haven't lost, how can I kill myself?"

"I'm not like Your Excellency. If I lose, I will continue to fight as if I didn't lose. I don't have this kind of shame. Your Excellency can rest assured that when I lose completely, I will definitely kill myself immediately!"

Xu Miao held the fog-condensing sword, and cast out the wheel-turning Nirvana Jue. His current state is most suitable for the wheel-turning Nirvana Jue.A golden Dharma image appeared behind Xu Miao, and Sanskrit sounds resounded in the sky.

An Chaoran looked at the golden face behind Xu Miao, feeling ominous.But he quickly suppressed this feeling, he told himself that Xu Miao was bound to lose and had no chance of standing up.

With a twist of his wrist, he slammed out the iron chain again.This time, Xu Miao caught the chain's attack without dodging or evading.Xu Miao herself paid a huge price, breaking four ribs at once.

A fishy sweetness gushed out of Xu Miao's throat, he swallowed the blood forcefully, and looked up at An Chaoran again.Xu Miao's eyes were calm, but it made An Chaoran feel a chill.

An Chaoran subconsciously threw out the iron chain again, and the iron chain full of the powerful spiritual power of the great monks in the late stage fell heavily on Xu Miao.Every time it falls, Xu Miao's breath will weaken, but his eyes are unusually bright.

The golden Dharma face behind Xu Miao also became brighter and brighter, and its power became stronger and stronger.Suddenly, the golden Faxiang opened his eyes and looked straight at An Chaoran.

An Chaoran's eyes met the golden law, and his heart suddenly shook.Fear, overwhelming fear swept through his whole body, obviously it was just looking at each other, but it made him feel so frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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