Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 456 Angry

Chapter 456 Angry

Xu Miao noticed the trembling of An Chaoran's body, which was so tiny that it could even be ignored.But it was this tiny trembling that explained the shake of the other party's mind.

Only at this time is the time for him to launch the final attack.All the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body rushed to his hands. He held the Ningwu Sword with both hands, slowly raised his hand, and lifted the Ningwu Sword above his head.

Xu Miao's speed was very slow, very slow. If An Chaoran wanted to, he could throw out the chain at any time and cause damage to Xu Miao.But no matter how much An Chaoran wanted to shake off the chain, his hands remained still.

All the onlookers didn't know why An Chaoran missed such an excellent opportunity to attack: "What is the Great Elder doing? Why don't you do anything?"

"Xu Miao obviously has no strength to resist now, as long as an iron chain is thrown over, Xu Miao will definitely die!"

"If you don't do anything, Xu Miao will do it!"


An Yushun looked at An Chaoran who seemed to be still, and was also puzzled.He felt the trace of fear in An Yushun's heart, but it was normal for monks to have fear in the battle.

If you stop because of fear, then many monks will die in the battle.An Yushun once fought side by side with An Chaoran, and he knew very well that An Chaoran was not someone who gave up fighting because of fear.

However, he couldn't say anything to remind him that An Chaoran was at fault for this battle. If he continued to favor An Chaoran, the An family's reputation would be completely ruined.

The spiritual power in An Chaoran's body seemed to be on strike, showing no signs of functioning at all.He just opened his eyes, watching Xu Miao's sword slowly rise and fall again.

Xu Miao held the sword in both hands. Since most of the bones were broken, he could feel heart-piercing pain every time he moved the Wu Ningjian sword.But there was no expression on his face. In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Miao seemed not to be affected at all.

Under the control of his hands, the speed of the Ningwu Sword is getting slower and slower, but the momentum displayed by the Ningwu Sword is getting stronger and stronger.The golden Dharma image behind it burst out with strong brilliance and coercion.

All the people couldn't help closing their eyes because of the golden radiance displayed by the Dharma image.At this moment, Xu Miao suddenly accelerated the falling speed of the Wu Ningjian sword, regardless of the pain, slashed down fiercely with both hands, and rushed directly towards An Chaoran.

Xu Miao even heard the sound of bones breaking again, but he didn't pay attention to the situation of the bones at all. The violent spiritual power poured out, and a large amount of spiritual power left the body and hit the barrier next to it.

An Chaoran watched the attack of this sword approaching, finally reacted and dodged to the side.But his speed was still slow, Xu Miao's attack had already taken shape, and he couldn't dodge it no matter how hard he tried.

An Chaoran was knocked down to the ground by the sword like a puppet that was off its strings, making a dull sound, followed by the sound of bones breaking.Seeing the painful expression on An Chaoran's face, Xu Miao circulated her spiritual power and slowly landed on the ground.

"An Chaoran, you've lost." Xu Miao opened her lips, and said words that were extremely cruel to An Chaoran, "Hand over 300 million high-grade spirit stones."

After experiencing An Chaoran's trickery and strong attack, Xu Miao was able to seize the opportunity and turn defeat into victory in a life-and-death situation, completely creating an impossible miracle.

An Chaoran's whole body exuded a decadent atmosphere, but he just opened his eyes and looked ahead without focus.Compared with An Chaoran, Xu Miao was even more embarrassed.

The clothes all over his body were in tatters, and there was not a piece of intact cloth from being beaten by the iron chain.The condition of his body was getting worse, flesh and blood were ripped apart, broken bones protruded from the wound, and white and red were intertwined.

However, Xu Miao didn't seem to see it, the expression on his face didn't change at all, he didn't seem to feel any pain or anything else.He glanced at the loveless An Chaoran, ignored him, took out the pill and took it.

"Patriarch An, can you give me the 300 million high-grade spirit stones?" Since An Chaoran wanted to pretend to be dead, he didn't want to continue entanglement with the other party.Xu Miao's injuries are too serious now, and it is impossible to continue fighting. I only hope that An Yushun will give him the spirit stone as soon as possible.

An Yushun took a deep look at Xu Miao, and handed Xu Miao a storage ring.After Xu Miao checked everything was correct, she prepared to leave the battle field.But he didn't expect that An Chaoran behind him would suddenly get violent, and the iron chain would be thrown towards Xu Miao again.

Xu Miao was completely angry, and there was no end to it.Xu Miao's own strength is insufficient, so she directly uses the power of Qingjiao.With the help of Qingjiao's strength, Xu Miao nimbly avoided the attack of the iron chain, raised her sword and slashed at An Chaoran's arm.

Xu Miao, who possessed the power of Qingjiao, completely suppressed An Chaoran in his aura, and did not allow the opponent to resist at all.An Chaoran's eyes widened, seeing that Xu Miao was able to fight back so swiftly, and even erupted with such a powerful spiritual coercion.

Xu Miao's speed increased again, crossed the iron chain, raised her hand and directly crippled An Chaoran's arm.Xu Miao's left hand merged into the demon power of the Huoyan spirit demon, and the majestic demon power suppressed An Chaoran at all.

"You are so fucking shameless! A late-stage cultivator can be so shameless! I'll fuck you!" Xu Miao shot like lightning, crushing the bones of An Chaoran's two arms, even resisting. An Chaoran was never given a chance.

Xu Miao still didn't think it was enough, so he snatched the iron chain and beat An Chaoran.Xu Miao had the upper hand. Before everyone could react, the iron chains fell on An Chaoran like a torrential rain.

The bones of An Chaoran's whole body were almost broken by Xu Miao, and the tyranny and murderous intent emanating from Xu Miao's whole body burst out without any concealment.

Whether it was An Yushun or real Feiqi, all the onlookers froze on the spot.Xu Miao struck hard, and An Chaoran felt severe pain with every blow.

"Admit it or not?" Just as An Yushun was about to rescue him, he heard Xu Miao's question.An Chaoran was completely terrified by Xu Miao's appearance just now, and nodded hurriedly: "I lost, I lost, don't fight anymore!"

An Chaoran lay softly on the ground like a puddle of mud.All the bones in his body were broken, so he could only lie on the ground and answer Xu Miao's question.

Xu Miao threw the iron chain in front of An Chaoran, and An Chaoran's body trembled unconsciously, not daring to open his eyes to look at Xu Miao again.Xu Miao stood there like a demon.

Although An Yushun was the head of the An family, he didn't dare to say anything to Xu Miao at this moment.The strength that Xu Miao erupted just now is obviously comparable to the strength of Huashen.With such strength, even An Jia, one of the four major families, would not dare to offend at will.

What's more, from the beginning to the end, the An family was at a loss.An Chaoran played tricks one after another, and the An family has already been humiliated.An Yushun worked out a formula to heal An Chaoran's injury, and ordered the servants to arrange a new room for Xu Miao.

Until then, the farce was over.Xu Miao sat on the bed to rest and recover from her injuries, while Fei Qi stood aside with a worried face.Although it was not their original intention, there was still an irreversible rift with Anjia, which would greatly affect the future situation of the Earth-space plane.

Xu Miao closed her eyes to heal her wounds, and slowly circulated her spiritual power to restore broken bones and various injuries.When everything was recovered, Xu Miao told the real person Feiqi the news he got from An Chaoran.

Daoist Feiqi was astonished, he had never known that the Earth-Space Plane had reached the limit of its lifespan and was about to collapse.When Xu Miao and Master Feiqi hadn't negotiated a Zichou Yinmao, An Yushun called someone to invite them to discuss it.

This time, the place where they discussed was still the secret room from before.There was only An Yushun in the secret room, An Chaoran was not there.Xu Miao sneered when she thought of An Chaoran's injury.

With his injury at that time, even if An Chaoran remembered it, he couldn't get up.In a rage, although Xu Miao didn't kill An Chaoran, she still beat An Chaoran to death.If you offend him, you have to be mentally prepared.

When An Yushun saw Xu Miao, his expression was calm, as if he had never fought with An Chaoran before.He talked about the remote plane, and Xu Miao also told An Yushun what he knew.

"The ground-space plane will collapse in a few hundred years, and I know about it, but I haven't heard An Chaoran mention the secret of the ground-space plane you mentioned."

"If there is a secret, we should indeed mobilize the power of all the monks to find the location of the secret. But the problem is that we don't even know what the secret is now." An Yushun mentioned the crux of the problem, which is also Xu Miao is worried.

They now know too little information. Is the secret of the "immortal world" a elixir for becoming immortal, a technique for becoming immortal, or a way to enter the immortal world?None of them knew.

"Since you have worked so hard to come to my house, you must have figured out a way." What An Yushun said was not a question, but a statement.

Xu Miao nodded directly: "That's right, we did come up with a solution, but this solution requires the help of Anjia, as well as other sects and families."

"This method is to join hands with monks from the remote plane to find the so-called secrets of the fairy world. Finally, the monks from the remote plane will move to the remote plane and practice together with the monks from the remote plane."

The method in Xu Miao's mind didn't come up suddenly, but he has been thinking about it ever since he learned that the Earth Void Plane would collapse soon.

No one knows exactly when the Earth-space plane will collapse, whether it will be 100 years later, 200 years later, or 300 years later.If you want to survive, you must leave the Earth-space plane as soon as possible.

The best choice is the remote plane not far from them. Since the monks from the remote plane can come, they naturally have a way to go there.

(End of this chapter)

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