Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 457 An Xitong's Heart

Chapter 457 An Xitong's Heart
"You want us to cooperate with monks from remote planes?" An Yushun looked directly at Xu Miao with sharp eyes. As the head of a powerful clan, ordinary monks would be terrified for a long time when they were looked at like this, and would reflect on where they were. make a mistake.

However, Xu Miao didn't react at all to this look. She shrugged and said indifferently: "This is our best choice. Of course, the prerequisite for cooperation is that Xuan Zhen Jianzun and other seniors have the support of demon cultivators."

"Otherwise, relying on our own strength alone, it will be very difficult to get what we want in negotiations." Xu Miao analyzed each item with clear logic and rigorous thinking.

An Yushun reminded: "Don't forget, we have only been invaded by monks from a remote plane. To be precise, we are being invaded by them. Some monks cannot accept it from the bottom of their hearts."

"They couldn't accept it, so we forced them to accept it. The ground-space plane is about to collapse, and it won't take long to hide it. It's better for us to notify all the monks on the ground-space plane."

"As the so-called two evils are lesser, Patriarch An should be very clear that the best way right now is to cooperate with remote planes." An Yushun looked at Xu Miao, who was talking eloquently in front of him, and his mind froze for a moment. Trance.

It's just that the cultivation base of Yuanying's early stage is more decisive and clear than him, a monk of Yuanying's late stage.To be able to choose the wisest and most reasonable idea in the worst situation, and to let go of unnecessary things, this kind of decision has indeed far surpassed his peers.

"You should know that the monks on the remote plane will not agree with your suggestion. They can take us as slaves to the remote plane without cooperation."

Xu Miao shook her head and directly refuted An Yushun's words: "There are two reasons. One is that our strength is temporarily not recognized by them. This problem will be solved as long as we can get the Demon Cultivator Alliance."

"Second, the secret of the fairy world. We don't know what the real secret of the fairy world is, but the monks in the remote plane must know it? I don't think so. If they have already accurately found the secret of the fairy world, why should they bother so much. "

"All the evidence shows that they haven't found the secret of the fairy world yet. We can use this as a bargaining chip in the negotiation. As monks of the earth-space plane, no one knows this plane better than ourselves."

Xu Miao's dark eyes seemed to be shining brightly at this moment, making Anyushun involuntarily listen carefully to Xu Miao's plan.Cooperate with the monks of the remote plane to find the secrets of the fairy world.In the end, everyone evacuated from the Earth-empty plane and settled in the remote plane.

An Yushun recalled Xu Miao's overall plan, which can be said to be the most suitable plan at present. Even he could not think of this unreasonable method.But unusual times call for unusual methods.

"Yes, the An family can support your plan, but the premise of everything is that you can get the consent of the monks in the remote plane." No matter how confident Xu Miao is now, he said everything by himself.

Whether the monks on the remote plane will agree is still unknown.After all, if they agreed to Xu Miao's proposal, they would split a part of the secluded earth plane and give it to monks on the earth-space plane for cultivation.

According to their previous thinking, they only need to occupy the Earth-Empty Plane and drive the monks on the Earth-Empty Plane to bring them back to the Earth-Empty Plane as servants when needed.

Of course Xu Miao knew that this was the most difficult part of the whole plan, but since he proposed this method, he naturally had a way to get the monks in the remote plane to agree to his plan.

The three of them had a detailed discussion on the implementation stage of the plan, and after confirming that there were no omissions, An Yushun, on behalf of the An family, issued a plan announcement to other sects and families, waiting for replies from other sects and families.

What happened next was beyond Xu Miao's control. What he had to do was also to wait.An Yushun had already ordered the servants to prepare a new room for Xu Miao. Xu Miao sat on the bed and started practicing without wasting any time.

The An family is worthy of being one of the four major families in Central China, with a unique geographical location, and the world's aura is very rich, especially in the room where he lives, the concentration of aura is so strong that it can almost form water.

Even in the most prosperous Zhonglu cultivation world, not every place has such a strong aura.Xu Miao sat cross-legged and closed her eyes to absorb the spiritual energy.He opened all the pores and meridians in his body, frantically absorbing the aura around him.

With Xu Miao as the center, a spiritual vortex gradually formed around him.Only the spiritual power of wind and water can enter this vortex, and all spiritual powers of other attributes are excluded.

For Xu Miao, practicing meditation is the best time to rest.The injuries suffered by An Chaoran's attack before had not fully recovered. This time, he took this opportunity to heal all the hidden injuries by the way.

"Xu Miao, someone is looking for you." Xiaotian's voice suddenly sounded in his mind. In order to be able to practice with all his heart, Xu Miao asked Xiaotian to be responsible for observing the surrounding situation. Once an outsider approaches, he needs to be informed quickly.

Xu Miao opened her eyes, let out a breath of foul air in her chest, and noticed that it was An Xitong who came.Xu Miao was a little confused, wondering what An Xitong was looking for now.

But An Xitong was already standing at the door, it was impossible for him to turn a blind eye.In desperation, Xu Miao could only stand up and open the door.When An Xitong saw Xu Miao open the door, a happy expression was evident on his face.

"An Xitong, what can I do for you?" Xu Miao went straight in and asked the other party why he came.

An Xitong was stunned for a moment, then raised the jade box in his hand: "This is the ten thousand year old red ginseng collected by our An family. It can just heal your injury, so I brought it here for you."

Xu Miao glanced at the jade box in An Xitong's hand. Even though it was sealed by the jade box, he could still feel the strong effect of the medicine.The price of red ginseng has reached an incredible height in the market.

Thousand-year red ginseng alone can be sold for hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones, not to mention the price of ten thousand-year-old red ginseng will always be above a million top-grade spirit stones, and there is still no market for it.

After all, the ten-thousand-year red ginseng has a miraculous effect on the injuries of monks. No matter how serious the injury is, it can be rescued by the ten-thousand-year red ginseng.It has the reputation of life and death, flesh and bones.

This kind of expensive ten-thousand-year red ginseng should be precious and preserved even in a rich and powerful family like the An family.

Xu Miao raised her hand and pushed it: "My injury is almost healed. It's a waste if I eat this ten-thousand-year red ginseng. You should take it back."

When An Xitong heard Xu Miao's words, a look of grievance appeared in his eyes.Seeing this look, Xu Miao immediately felt a headache.Qing Jiao even gloated and said, "Xu Miao, this female cultivator may have taken a fancy to you!"

It's all about what, he thought he didn't have much contact with An Xitong, so how could he be attracted by the other party.Xu Miao looked at An Xitong's expression and was thinking about how to word it so that the other party could take back the Wannian red ginseng when several people appeared from behind.

"Sister Xitong, this Xu Miao obviously doesn't like you, so don't be too sentimental here, go back quickly." A monk's tone was full of sarcasm.

"If you don't want to take it back, you can give it to me!"

"Hahahaha, you might as well give it to me!" Several monks mocked An Xitong unabashedly.What Xu Miao didn't know was that An Xitong's branch was originally the strongest in An's family.

But then there was an invasion by monks from the secluded plane. Because of the trap of the secluded monks, the later great monks of that line died and never came back.

In the realm of comprehension, those who have late stage great monks have the right to speak, and the same is true in the An family.The strength of An Xitong's line also gradually weakened with the death of the late monk.

Some monks who had been jealous of their lineage eagerly jumped out to mock them, including An Xitong.An Xitong once tried to teach the other party a lesson, but was severely reprimanded by the elders, who even reduced their training resources in this branch.

Since then, not only the other members of the An family have dealt with An Xitong, but even some monks from An Xitong's line will also target An Xitong.Over time, An Xitong couldn't stay in An's house, which was why An Xitong was willing to go to Anyang City on his own initiative.

When An Xitong heard the words of these tribesmen, murderous intent flashed in her eyes, but she quickly endured it.Because she knew that if she couldn't bear it at this time, the cultivation resources of her lineage would be reduced again.

Seeing An Xitong's expression, Xu Miao frowned, passed An Xitong, and stood in front of An Xitong as a protector: "A few people bully a monk of the same clan, you are ashamed to do it." Xu Miao Miao's voice was not loud, but it caused a lot of coercion to these monks.

"You two are working hand in hand!" A monk pointed at Xu Miao and An Xitong and said, "An Xitong, you cheated with Xu Miao without the permission of An's elders, you should be severely punished by the family rules—"

Before the monk finished speaking, the spiritual power in Xu Miao's hand flew out, and he sent the speaker flying into the courtyard wall: "You can eat food, but you can't talk nonsense."

In the realm of comprehension, although there is not such a clear distinction between men and women as in the world of mortals, there are also scruples.Especially female cultivators from big families like An Xitong will be restricted by various rules.

Although Xu Miao himself didn't like these ridiculous rules, he couldn't damage An Xitong's reputation because of himself.Xu Miao's blow directly changed the expressions of these monks.

Xu Miao beat the Great Elder An Chaoran like that in front of all of them.An Yushun was present at the time and didn't say anything. If Xu Miao got angry, she would beat them like that.

(End of this chapter)

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