Chapter 458
These monks look at me and I look at you, and for a moment they dare not look directly at Xu Miao.An Xitong didn't know what to think, and sighed: "Forget it, let's go."

An Xitong spoke, but the monks still didn't dare to move. They looked up at Xu Miao, and found that Xu Miao just folded his arms and didn't have any intention of stopping them from leaving, so they were preparing to leave one by one.

One of the monks named An Lu was the most unwilling.He once proposed to An Xitong to marry him, but at that time, An Xitong's lineage was very powerful, and An Xitong never paid him much attention.

Now that An Xitong's lineage has fallen, An Xitong still treats him coldly, but he is so enthusiastic about Xu Miao that he even took out ten thousand years of red ginseng to treat Xu Miao's wounds.

An Lu's eyes were burning red with jealousy, and when he turned to leave, he still murmured in a low voice: "A woman who is easy going, a woman who climbs a high branch and is about to climb up!"

As monks, they are all people with sharp eyes and ears.Although An Lu's words were very small, everyone present heard them.An Xitong's face instantly turned pale, but Xu Miao's face sank like water.

For An Xitong's sake, he had let this group of people go once, but this person obviously didn't know what to do, and he was still cursing there, which was not something Xu Miao could bear.

Xu Miao's figure flashed, and suddenly appeared behind An Lu.Seeing Xu Miao's sudden appearance, other monks even forgot to remind An Lu.Brother An Lu's instinct made him feel that he should hide aside, but how could Xu Miao make him avoid it.

"Where do you want to hide?" Xu Miao's voice was cold, and when she heard An Lu's ears, her body trembled involuntarily.An Lu really wanted to use his spiritual power to resist Xu Miao, but he found that his body's spiritual power could not be used at all.

Even if Xu Miao faced the late stage monks, he could defeat them, let alone the early Yuanying monks of the same level.Xu Miao grabbed An Lu's back collar with her right hand, raised her hand and threw him towards the courtyard wall next to her.

With this flick, An Luzhang hit the courtyard wall and then fell to the ground, spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.Xu Miao's face was frosty, she walked to the side of An Lu, and kicked An Lu's face.

"Say it? Why don't you continue talking? Don't you have a lot to say about what you were muttering just now?" Everyone present could feel Xu Miao's murderous intent, but no one dared to Advise Xu Miao not to kill him.

An Lu complained in his heart, he really regretted it now.If he had known that Xu Miao was protecting An Xitong so much, why would he take the risk.Although An Xitong was beautiful, she was not willing to risk her life for her.

"Since you don't say it, then I will." Xu Miao retracted her foot and looked at the people in front of her coldly, "A group of trash who can only humiliate others with words, seeing An Xitong's current situation, one by one I can’t wait to go to heaven.”

"Does this make you look particularly proud and vent your bad breath? Using trash to describe you is an insult to the word trash."

Xu Miao finally kicked An Lu: "Let me hear today's words again, you'd better pray for a good pregnancy in the next life, and don't get out!"

An Lu and the other monks didn't dare to stay here any longer, and left the courtyard where Xu Miao was in a mess.When An Lu got up, he thought that he was too scared, and fell down again.

But he didn't even dare to take a buffer on the ground, so he quickly got up and ran out of the courtyard, for fear that Xu Miao would regret it later and kill them.

Xu Miao looked at the panicked backs of this group of people, with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, turned around and saw An Xitong's expression, and thought in her heart that it was terrible—it's over, she must have thought that I took a fancy to her and was venting my anger for her.

When An Xitong was about to say something, Xu Miao quickly stopped her words: "I still have to meditate and practice, so I won't waste your time, go back quickly."

These words were very disrespectful for a male cultivator, but now Xu Miao was on the verge of riding a tiger, so he could only use these words to reject An Xitong.An Xitong lowered his head and didn't know what to think, so he put the jade box in Xu Miao's hand.

"If you don't want it, just throw it away." After speaking, An Xitong turned and left without delay.Xu Miao glanced at An Xitong's back, then looked down at the jade box, and could only shake her head and smile wryly.

Ten thousand years of red ginseng, with a price of millions, how can I throw it away at will, and return it to An Xitong when I have a chance in the future.Xu Miao put the jade box into the Huntian Stone and continued to meditate.

This time, Xu Miao did not encounter any other messy and strange things, and waited for An Yushun's sound transmission jade pendant.Several other sects were mentioned in the jade pendant, and the family held a neutral attitude.

They are the same as the An family, if Xu Miao can persuade the monks in the secluded plane to allow them to settle in the secluded plane, they can put aside their previous grievances and cooperate with the monks in the secluded plane to find the secrets of the fairy world.

If the monks of the secluded plane disagree, then there is no need to join forces, just fight back and occupy the secluded plane.Seeing this answer, Xu Miao couldn't laugh or cry.

This is not nonsense!If the other party disagrees, he will only choose the plan of calling back.After Xu Miao complained, she focused on it again. In other words, these sects, families, and some casual cultivators agreed to this matter.

Suddenly, the area where An's family was located was shaken violently, and Xu Miao immediately used her spiritual power to levitate into the air, so she didn't fall directly to the ground.This shaking seems to be artificially caused.

Xu Miao met up with Fei Qi immediately and flew towards the place where An's family gathered.Xu Miao noticed all the monks in An's family and dispatched almost all of them.On top of the defensive circle outside Anjia, many monks from remote planes stood.

They are using their own means to launch a fierce bombardment on the defensive circle.Xu Miao glanced and saw Patriarch Lie Yang.Patriarch Lie Yang was mixed among a group of late-stage great monks, and he hadn't made a move yet.

An Yushun came out of the crowd, flew into the air, and negotiated with the monks on the remote plane: "Why did you attack my An family for no reason? It seems to be different from what you promised before."

"Hmph! The plan has changed. Today is the time when your An family will be destroyed!" The late-stage monk who spoke was Xingyang Daojun from the secluded plane.

Daoist Xingyang waved his hand, and a dozen monks from remote planes pushed a huge magic weapon and flew above the defensive circle.Following Daoist Xingyang's order, this huge magic weapon launched an attack on the defensive circle.

This attack directly created a crack in the defensive magic circle, and the expressions of all the monks in Anjia changed drastically in an instant.The monks who were in charge of defending the formation in the An family immediately began to repair the formation, but the speed of the magic weapon's attack was too fast for them to repair it in time.

Facing the panicked An family monk, An Yushun calmly ordered dozens of monks to go out with him to meet the enemy, and the most important thing was to attack the magic weapon of the bombardment formation.

As for the monks who are responsible for repairing the formation, they only need to do their best to repair the formation, and they don't need to worry about the sky falling.When Xu Miao was hesitating whether to go to see the formation or go out to meet the enemy with An Yushun, An Yushun took the initiative to invite Xu Miao to go out to fight.

Now that the head of the other An's family has spoken, Xu Miao has no reason to stay in the circle.The defensive circle was slowly opened under the control of the An family members.

An Yushun was the first to rush out, like an arrow leaving the string, instantly reaping the life of a monk who was manipulating a huge 丨 magic weapon.The other An family monks rushed to the other monks without hesitation, trying to kill all the monks who manipulated the huge magic weapon immediately.

However, the monks in the remote plane also quickly realized that they would not let the monks of the An family succeed.They faced each other one by one and blocked the An family monk.

Among them was a monk in the mid-Yuanying period who blocked Xu Miao.Seeing Xu Miao's cultivation, the mid-term cultivator said contemptuously: "Boy, if you retreat now, I can consider not killing you."

"Will you not kill me when you go back?" Xu Miao pretended to be terrified, but the monk in charge of defense in the formation knew that this middle-term monk was doomed.Xu Miao is capable even of a late-stage monk, let alone a mere mid-stage monk.

Mid-term shook his head and said triumphantly: "Of course—" Before the monk finished speaking, Xu Miao's fog-condensing sword was already on the man's neck.

With a force on her wrist, Xu Miao cut off the head of this mid-stage cultivator.Xu Miao's movements were too fast, and all the monks on the remote plane did not expect it.The mid-stage cultivator quickly escaped with the Nascent Soul, holding a storage ring, and ran to the distance.

"Where do you want to run?" Xu Miao teleported and appeared behind Yuanying.When the monk's Nascent Soul heard Xu Miao's voice, his complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to speed up, but he was only in the Nascent Soul state, and couldn't move faster than Xu Miao's teleportation.

At this time, several other monks from the remote plane also reacted, and they stepped forward one after another and stopped Xu Miao.Xu Miao nimbly passed through the defenses of the crowd, and pierced through the monk's Nascent Soul with a single sword.

Nascent Soul died, so naturally he couldn't continue to hold the storage ring.As soon as Xu Miao stretched out her hand, the storage ring fell into Xu Miao's palm.The Nascent Soul is still strung on the sword of the Ningwu Sword, and in the eyes of everyone, there is a creepy sense of terror.

Xu Miao didn't seem to realize it, and didn't tell Nascent Soul to take it off, and directly used the Ningwu sword to attack one of the female cultivators.The female cultivator paused for a moment when she saw the Nascent Soul on the Mist Sword.

Xu Miao had been waiting for this opportunity, and the Mist Sword directly pierced the female cultivator's abdomen.Spiritual power poured into the Mist Sword and exploded the female cultivator's body, leaving only the female cultivator's Nascent Soul still on the Mist Sword.

Now Xu Miao's Ningwu Sword is like a candied gourd, except that he is strung with Nascent Soul.Xu Miao pretended to sigh regretfully: "Hey, it's just that my sword is too short, otherwise I can make a long string, and I invite you to appreciate it."

(End of this chapter)

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