Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 459 Advanced Combat

Chapter 459 Advanced Combat
Xu Miao's words changed the colors of a group of middle-term monks next to him. They looked at Xu Miao cautiously, thinking about how to kill Xu Miao.

"You all step back." A voice with full tenor sounded, and a group of monks around saw the person coming, and hurriedly stepped aside respectfully.

Xu Miao raised her eyes and looked at the person who came. This person was not a great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, but the same monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.Just from his temperament, Xu Miao knew that this person was different from the monk who besieged him just now.

"My name is Qin Qian, remember who killed you." Before Qin Qian finished speaking, a powerful spiritual force rushed towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao's complexion changed suddenly. The strength of this spiritual power was comparable to that of An Chaoran in the late Nascent Soul, and even surpassed An Chaoran.

Xu Miao reacted very quickly. He raised his hand and drew a sword to split the spiritual power released by Qin Qian. At the same time, his body flexibly turned backwards, trying to avoid the attack of the remaining spiritual power.

However, this spiritual power was not an ordinary spiritual power attack at all. The spiritual power separated by the fog-condensing sword energy did not dissipate in the air, but re-fused together, chasing Xu Miao.

Qin Qian saw that Xu Miao was dodging constantly after being chased by this spiritual power, and raised his eyebrows: "As expected of Xu Miao, he was able to persist for such a long time under my chasing wind."

"However——" Qin Qian changed the subject, "Your persistence is over." Qin Qian grabbed the air with his right hand, and Xu Miao felt that the attack power around her body was strengthened again, completely surpassing An Chaoran's strongest attack.

Is this the monk with outstanding strength in the secluded plane?Xu Miao took the opportunity to glance at Qin Qian while evading. The other party's brows and eyes were arrogant, and Xu Miao was never taken seriously from the beginning to the end.

For Qin Qian, no matter how strong Xu Miao is, he is only rampant in the small area of ​​the earth-space plane.Once it is taken to other planes, it is just a joke.

Ever since Qin Qian made a move, he has never changed his position, and has always stood in the same position.Xu Miao was chased by Qin Qian's attack and kept running away, completely unable to fight against him.

"Is this the monk with the most outstanding talents in your earth-space plane? It's ridiculous, such a person can be praised by you. If you go to the remote plane, I'm afraid there are not enough words to praise." Qin Qian made no secret of his dissatisfaction with the earth. The contempt of the empty plane.

In Qin Qian's view, Xu Miao could not be his opponent at all, and someone who would only run away when encountering his Chasing the Wind Killer was just an insignificant ant.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense has been observing Qin Qian, and he is looking for Qin Qian's flaws.Xu Miao had to admit that Qin Qian's attack had indeed had a great impact on him, but this impact was definitely not impossible to resolve.

Qin Qian gasped in surprise. He found that although Xu Miao couldn't fight his Chasing Wind Kill head-on, he was able to dodge it with dexterous movements.

He is not interested in playing this kind of cat and mouse game with Xu Miao. What Qin Qian wants is to kill with one blow.Qin Qian snorted coldly, and kept waving his hands in front of his chest, forming a very complicated light mark with his hands as the center.

The moment the light seal appeared, the entire sky darkened, with black clouds covering the city, only the light seal in Qin Qian's hand exuded a dazzling light: "A mole ant, you are not qualified to accept the brilliance of the sun and the moon."

Qin Qian pushed forward with both hands, and the light seal suddenly became bigger, Xu Miao was completely covered by the light seal, and it was impossible to avoid it.In an instant, Xu Miao felt a strong sense of oppression, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him, and the next moment he would be crushed into a pulp.

Immediately, there was a problem with the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body. This is a method similar to the space field, but it is more difficult to deal with than the space field.His bones cracked because they couldn't bear it.

"Xu Miao, this Gao Qian is powerful, you must quickly use Qing Jiao's power!" Xiaotian immediately reminded Xu Miao, but Xu Miao turned a deaf ear.

Since the existence of Qingjiao and Huoyan Spirit Monster, Xu Miao has often used their power, but neglected to strengthen her own power.No matter how powerful Qing Jiao and Huo Yan Ling Yao are, those are always external forces, not his own Li Lang.

Xu Miao clenched her teeth, letting the veins all over her body bulge, clenched her hands into fists, and her sharp nails dug into the flesh.The cultivation power of the monks in the remote plane is so powerful.

This powerful force also made Xu Miao suddenly realize that only her own strength can go further.Using too much external force will only make oneself addicted to external force, thus ignoring the improvement of one's own strength.

"Xu Miao! If you resist now, you won't gain any advantage at all!" Xiaotian persuaded Xu Miao anxiously.

Xu Miao shook her head with difficulty: "He constantly oppresses my body, bones, and meridians, but he can also squeeze the limit of my spiritual power from the side. I want to use this opportunity to break through to the middle stage!"

When Xiaotian heard this, he was so surprised that he covered his mouth with his hand.With Qin Qian's powerful attacks, it is already very difficult to barely escape from these attacks and ascend to heaven, but Xu Miao still has to rely on Qin Qian's power to complete the advancement.

Xu Miao opened her eyes wide, looked at the radiant seal in front of her, and frantically circulated the spiritual power in her body.Due to the suppression of the French seal, every time Xu Miao circulates a little spiritual power, the meridians will feel tortured like being cut by a knife.

However, Xu Miao didn't care about these pains at all. He had already suffered too much torture and pain all the way from the Qi refining stage, and now he just added a little "small torture", it's not a big deal.

Qin Qian looked at Xu Miao's aura, which had not weakened under his suppression, and even continued to increase, and frowned slightly.Just when Qin Qian was thinking about Xu Miao's real intention, Xu Miao released several objects around him.

The red sun, the bright moon, the stars, the blue sea, the blue sky, the green trees, the storm, all the images were brought out by Xu Miao.Under the entire seal, Xu Miao has built a domain that belongs to him alone.

It's just building a domain. Since Qin Qian can do it, Xu Miao can do it too.Xu Miao's face returned to calm. If it weren't for the sweat dripping from his forehead, no one would be able to see the pressure Xu Miao was under now.

The more you suppress, the more you resist, like a spring, the harder you are suppressed, the stronger the rebound will be.With the help of objects, Xu Miao's spiritual power was fully activated and reached the limit directly.

Xu Miao could even hear the sound of spiritual power rushing and roaring in her body. If she wanted to advance, she needed the injection of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.But under Qin Qian's seal, Xu Miao couldn't absorb enough aura at all.

Since she couldn't absorb the spiritual energy, Xu Miao simply did the opposite.He wants to break through the realm first, and finally use the power of the realm to break through the French seal mask arranged by Qin Qian in one fell swoop.

The two kinds of spiritual power in the body circulated in an orderly manner along their respective pathways, but at an extremely fast speed.Xu Miao's eyes became brighter, and the aura of her whole body was constantly approaching the Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

Qin Qian finally set his sights on Xu Miao. It was really not easy for this cultivator in the Earth-Space Plane to think of a way to break through the battle under the pressure of his tough methods.

"Breakthrough? I will let you break through so easily? It's wishful thinking!" Qin Qian opened his palm, raised his right hand high, and then suddenly dropped it.

Xu Miao felt the huge pressure he had already adapted to increase again, and his kneecap instantly shattered because he couldn't bear the pressure.Xu Miao snorted, gritted her teeth to hold back the blood that was about to spill out of her mouth.

He used the water vapor in the air to form an ice surface, and then inserted the fog condensing sword into the ice surface to support his body.Xu Miao raised her eyes to look at Qin Qian, and saw the banter in the other's eyes without any surprise.

"The kneecap is cracked, so what's the point of holding on? If you kneel down and volunteer to be my servant, I can consider letting your life go!" Qin Qian lifted his chin high, almost looking at people with his nostrils.

All the monks from the remote plane looked at Xu Miao as if they were a loser.With this look, Xu Miao wouldn't even frown.He looked back at Qin Qian: "You want me to be your servant? Never think about it!"

The sword intent of the Ningwu Sword was suddenly aroused, and with a fierce sword force, it rushed to the palm of the upward seal.Qin Qian saw Xu Miao's strength to resist in such a situation. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admire it.

Qin Qian's suppression, under Xu Miao's powerful impact, had an instant relaxation. Xu Miao seized the opportunity to use his spiritual power crazily, and directly made his realm level rush to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Once the mid-term realm was reached, Qin Qian's suppression could no longer pose a threat to Xu Miao.Xu Miao broke through the pressure of the French seal with her mighty power.A look of obvious surprise flashed across Qin Qian's face. He never expected that Xu Miao would be able to break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Xu Miao noticed Qin Qian's expression, and said coldly: "Are you surprised that I was able to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul under your suppression. You were surprised too early, and there will be even more surprising things next!"

Qin Qian frowned when he heard this.Even if Xu Miao advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, she had just changed from a small ant to a big ant.After all, it is still an ant.

Seeing Qin Qian's aloof expression, Xu Miao sneered again and again. The sword intent of the Mist Condensing Sword in his hand had surged out, and the surrounding mid-term monks couldn't even resist Xu Miao's berserk sword intent.

Qin Qian raised his right hand and once again formed a French seal to suppress Xu Miao's side to protect other middle-stage monks in the remote plane.Xu Miao glanced at the seal beside her with disdain: "The same trick, do you think you can suppress me again?"

Xu Miao swept upwards, and the previously indestructible seal, like a thin piece of paper, was directly cut by the fog sword.Xu Miao's sword kept going, swiping several times, completely destroying the seal, and could no longer trap Xu Miao.

Qin Qian saw that the seal he had arranged was destroyed by Xu Miao, and his face sank like water: "Did I treat you too kindly, giving you the illusion that you can defeat me?"

(End of this chapter)

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