Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 460 Inexplicable Reconciliation

Chapter 460 Inexplicable Reconciliation

When Xu Miao heard this, she laughed angrily: "Benevolence? Illusion? Qin Qian, did you grow up dreaming? What are you, you dare to speak nonsense in front of me!"

"There is indeed a gap between the monks in the earth-space plane and the remote plane, but it doesn't mean that there is a gap between you and me!" Before Xu Miao finished speaking, he raised his right hand horizontally, and the broken star swordsmanship burst forth.

Qin Qian saw Xu Miao's growing aura, and even made him have to back away in order to resist the killing move issued by Ningwu Sword.Qin Qian's face was gloomy, and his face was no longer relaxed and disdainful as before.

He looked at Xu Miao in front of him, and suddenly realized that the Xu Miao he looked down on just now was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul.As a mid-term monk himself, he looked down on an early-stage monk, so he had nothing to be proud of.

It's just that Xu Miao's strength shown before was too dazzling, sweeping several middle-term monks one after another, so he planned to suppress them.Qin Qian's face was very ugly, and his whole body exuded an evil spirit that could almost materialize.

Xu Miao smiled disdainfully: "What? Got it figured out? Now that I realize it, you just suppressed me in the early stage. A mid-stage cultivator suppressing an early-stage cultivator deserves your happiness and pride?"

Xu Miao's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Qin Qian's heart one after another.Qin Qian clenched his fist with his right hand: "Since you and I are both mid-term monks now, then use the methods of mid-term monks and fight to the death!"

Qin Qian stretched out his hand and summoned his talisman, a bow and arrow that was as tall as a human.At the same time as this bow appeared, Qin Qian carried a quiver on his back.

The cultivator from the remote plane next to him immediately exclaimed: "The Fire Bow! It's the Fire Bow!"

"Qin Qian took out his real name magic weapon!"

"No one has ever been able to survive the attack of the fire bow without any damage!"

Xu Miao listened to the monk's discussion, and looked at the huge bow and arrow in Qin Qian's hand.This bow and arrow looked very ordinary, as if the bow body was made of just a piece of broken wood.

However, this broken piece of wood exuded an ancient and heavy atmosphere. Xu Miao had no doubt that if the bow and arrow hit her, she would be seriously injured.

Qin Qian's expression was solemn, he had already regarded Xu Miao as an opponent like him.He held the firebow in his hand, and slowly pulled the bowstring.When ordinary people encounter this situation, they will only prepare a defensive posture and wait for the moment when the bow and arrow leave the string.

However, Xu Miao didn't follow the routine at all, and he appeared behind Qin Qian with a teleportation.He raised his sword and stabbed at Qin Qian, which happened to hit Qin Qian's right shoulder.

This kind of powerful bow and arrow also requires a strong arm to pull it out.As long as he can destroy the opponent's arm, Qin Qian will naturally not be able to pull the bow and arrow successfully.

Qin Qian's bowstring has not yet been fully drawn, but Xu Miao's Mist Condensing Sword has already arrived.In order not to hurt his arm, Qin Qian could only withdraw his hand and avoid the attack of Ningwu Sword.

With Xu Miao's interruption, Qin Qian's plan to attack with the fire bow was also interrupted.Seeing Xu Miao's actions, the monks next to him all sarcastically said: "How can there be such a fight? Before anyone attacks, interrupt the opponent's attack on their own initiative!"

The person who spoke was an early-stage cultivator from a remote plane, who was stared at by Xu Miao with murderous eyes, and immediately closed his mouth, as quiet as a chicken, and did not dare to speak nonsense.

Qin Qian's expression at this moment also expressed his dissatisfaction.Xu Miao looked at Qin Qian and said mockingly, "You also think they are right?"

"Is the brain of your remote plane's monks trapped by the door, or has it entered the water? I'll wait for you to attack before defending. You're stupid and I'm not stupid!" Xu Miao once again used the Broken Star Sword Technique, and did not give Qin Qian an answer at all. Chance to step back.

No matter how powerful the bow and arrow are, it takes time to shoot the bow and arrow.Without this time, no matter how powerful a bow and arrow is, it is just a waste.

Xu Miao is exactly like this now, he doesn't give Qin Qian time to shoot the bow and arrow, and uses the method of close combat to fight Qin Qian, so that he can only fight in embarrassment.

Qin Qian was interrupted by Xu Miao's big move, so he put away the fire bow in a rage, and also summoned a top-grade innate spiritual weapon to fight Xu Miao.The two fought together again, and the Ningwu Sword was only a top-grade innate spirit weapon, and it couldn't compare with Qin Qian's spirit sword in terms of grade.

But the Ningwu Sword is Xu Miao's natal magic weapon, and he can use it to enhance his own power.Qin Qian is no match for Xu Miao in terms of understanding the way of swordsmanship.

There was no difference within the first hundred moves, but after the first hundred moves, Qin Qian became more and more frightened.Xu Miao seems to have a steady stream of power, able to continuously increase the power of her sword moves.

Qin Qian, as a leader among the monks in the remote plane, naturally has his own strong strength.Xu Miao happened to come to practice the mid-term sword moves through Qin Qian.

It can be said that Qin Qian was regarded by Xu Miao as his test stone.Xu Miao is still in the process of adapting to the first hundred moves.After one hundred moves, Xu Miao fully adapted to the attack in the middle stage, and the sword moves were executed with ease.

Every move contains Xu Miao's deep understanding of the sword. Thanks to the assistance of the sword, Xu Miao can exert the power of the sword move to the limit without even needing too much spiritual power.

When fighting monks of the same strength, the reserve of spiritual power has a crucial impact on the outcome of the battle.Xu Miao absorbs the spiritual energy of the outside world faster and consumes less spiritual energy. Of course, the more he fights, the more advantage he has.

Qin Qian's spiritual power has been unable to supply his moves since one hundred moves.He could only seize the opportunity of Xu Miao's change of move, take the elixir, and hold the spirit stone in his hand to continuously absorb the spirit energy.

At first, Xu Miao would give Qin Qian a chance to recover when he changed his tactics.After three hundred moves, Qin Qian didn't even have a chance to recover.He was completely at a disadvantage and was beaten by Xu Miao.

Qin Qian was miserable, and he really wanted to quit, but Xu Miao was excited, and he wanted to take advantage of Qin Qian's opportunity to completely consolidate his mid-term cultivation base.

Consolidating one's cultivation through fighting is simply a fantasy.But Xu Miao did it, and did it convincingly.

Xu Miao swung his sword for the last time, and Qin Qian jumped back with a pale face, unable to mobilize his spiritual power to fight Xu Miao.The battle between Xu Miao and Qin Qian just now was watched by everyone.

Qin Qian already belonged to the group of monks in the secluded plane with extreme talent and outstanding strength. Even he was not Xu Miao's opponent. I am afraid that even if Xu Miao came to the secluded plane, it would be difficult for anyone to suppress him.

The excessive consumption of spiritual power caused Qin Qian to pant continuously, his chest heaved violently, and he looked at Xu Miao viciously.Xu Miao turned a blind eye to Qin Qian's eyes: "You lost, and a monk from a remote plane is nothing more than that."

If this sentence is spoken from anyone on the Earth-space plane, countless people will refute it.But these words came from Xu Miao's mouth. They had no position and no reason to refute, so they could only acquiesce.

A late stage monk suddenly appeared in front of Xu Miao, and without saying a word, he attacked Xu Miao.Xu Miao was always paying attention to the situation of the monks around her. Now that the big monk appeared, Xu Miao immediately turned back to avoid a series of attacks.

This big monk made a very fierce attack, Xu Miao directly used teleportation when he saw this, and mixed into the group of monks in the remote plane.This group of monks is only at the early and mid-level, and they will not be Xu Miao's opponents.

Since the other party didn't care about face at all, Xu Miao naturally didn't need to care about anything else.He also relentlessly attacked the nearby mid-stage and early-stage monks. How could these monks be Xu Miao's opponents, but in a short while, Xu Miao killed several of them, and even Nascent Soul did not escape.

Since Xu Miao mixed into the group of monks in the secluded plane, the big monks in the later period could no longer use attacks with a huge range of power, so as not to hurt innocent people.Just as Xu Miao continued to wrestle with this late-stage monk, several powerful auras quickly approached this place.

Xu Miao's consciousness spread out, and it was not the enemy who came, but people from the earth-space plane.A group of late-stage great monks headed by Xuan Zhen Jianzun, behind them there are many eighth-level monsters.

I don't know where Xuanzhen Sword Master and the others found so many eighth-level monsters. When the two sides confronted each other, the number of high-level monks in the secluded plane was no match for the number of monks and monsters in the earth-space plane.

Along with the high-ranking monks on the earth-space plane, there are also other high-ranking monks from the secluded plane.Not only that, but even the cultivators of Transformation God appeared in the air one after another.

The late-stage monks who were chasing and killing Xu Miao also stopped at this moment, and Xu Miao naturally stood aside, waiting for the big brothers to negotiate.In the late period, the big monks set up a barrier, and in the middle period, all the monks in the early stage retreated to the periphery of the barrier.Real person Feiqi brought Xu Miao into the barrier.

"We can help you find the so-called secrets of the fairy world, but you need to give up half of the secluded plane to allow monks from the vacant plane to live." Sword Master Xuanzhen opened his mouth directly, asking for half of the secluded plane.

Asking prices all over the sky, bargaining on the spot, the monks in the remote plane also know that the current situation is different, and the remote plane will naturally give up part of the territory.If the secluded plane is unwilling, the final result may become that his old den is taken over by monks from the earth-empty plane.

The two sides engaged in a long tug-of-war over the division of regions.It was finally decided that the ground-space plane occupies two-fifths of the position, as the inheritance of the mountain gate, and the other positions can be shared by monks from both sides.

Xu Miao watched their argument and negotiation calmly, knowing that it was just a superficial effort.Given the situation of the two planes, it is impossible for a group of high-ranking monks to come to the scene and start negotiations directly. It must have reached a certain agreement in private.

And that agreement must be related to the secret of "Immortal World".It's just that Xu Miao can't know the specific content.A crisis that swept across the entire earth-space plane was resolved in this way.

All the monks were notified to prepare to migrate and enter the secluded plane.Everything that can be taken away must be taken away, and what cannot be taken away must also be taken away.

(End of this chapter)

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