Chapter 461
All the powerful monks are using their own methods to move all the mountain barriers, mountain gates and towns into special space magic weapons.Like some sects, the entire building is a magic weapon, which can be directly reduced and taken away.

The monks in the entire Earth-space plane are busy, and there are many small conflicts.Xu Miao borrowed a Continental Teleportation Token from Master Feiqi and returned to the Westland.

When Zhonglu encountered the mummy change and the monks from the remote plane attacked, Xilu also experienced the same.Xu Miao flew all the way and saw many mummified corpses and broken towns, devastated everywhere.

Xu Miao's appearance has long been forgotten in the minds of Xilu monks. They only remember Xu Miao's various glorious deeds and various miracles he created.

When passing through the teleportation array, Xu Miao could still hear the discussions of some monks, and occasionally mentioned his name.According to the route in memory, Xu Miao quickly shuttled towards the gate of Heqing Valley.

But when Xu Miao appeared at the place where He Qinggu used to be the mountain gate, no trace of He Qinggu had disappeared.In the original position, it became a smaller sect.Most of the monks are at the Qi refining stage, only a very small number are at the foundation building stage, which is not as good as He Qinggu in the past.

When the disciple in charge saw Xu Miao, he was so frightened that he couldn't stop shaking.Although Xu Miao restrained her aura, she didn't completely hide it, so in the eyes of these low-level monks, she was a colossus.

A foundation-building monk saluted Xu Miao respectfully: "I wonder if this junior can help senior?"

"Where did He Qinggu go here?" In order to let the monk think clearly and tell him the answer he wanted, Xu Miao simply suppressed his cultivation to the foundation building stage.

The monk immediately replied and told Xu Miao that He Qinggu is now a medium-sized sect, and there are still monks in the Nascent Soul stage in the sect, so the sect has also moved to another place.

The monk was so thoughtful that he handed the jade slip of the map to Xu Miao, indicating the location.Xu Miao casually threw a high-grade spirit stone to the other party, and turned into a light to leave.

After seeing Xu Miao leave completely, the cultivator on the side looked at a high-grade spirit stone in his hand in a daze.None of their entire sect had a single high-grade spirit stone, and now they got a high-grade spirit stone just by answering a question.

"Uncle, who is that person just now? He shot so generously!" A look of doubt flashed in the eyes of the cultivator who established the foundation, but he couldn't believe it, and waved his hands repeatedly to let the disciple continue to work.

Xu Miao didn't pay attention to this little episode at all, he followed the map given to him by the cultivator who established the foundation, and quickly flew towards He Qinggu.The mountain gate of He Qinggu is much more magnificent than before.

Xu Miao did not suppress her cultivation, and walked directly to the mountain gate.The disciple guarding the mountain gate saw Xu Miao, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and after a moment of surprise, he walked over calmly and asked Xu Miao why he came.

Although He Qinggu has now advanced to become a medium-sized sect, compared with those old-school sects, its strength is slightly weaker, and there are generally no Nascent Soul cultivators visiting.

At this time, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul came alone, which was a very strange thing for them, He Qinggu.One of the disciples had sent out the sound transmission jade pendant, waiting for the Nascent Soul cultivator from the sect to come.

Xu Miao has been quietly watching her disciples receive her politely, very satisfied.He took out the token of He Qinggu's disciple back then, and handed it to the guarding disciple.

When the guard disciple saw the token Xu Miao handed over, he didn't react for a long time as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning.The tokens of He Qinggu's disciples have not changed. On the front is the word He Qinggu, and on the back are the names of the disciples.

The token that Xu Miao handed over was unique to core disciples, and the word "Xu Miao" was clearly engraved on the back.As He Qinggu's disciple, how could someone not know who Xu Miao was.

That is He Qinggu's disciple with the most outstanding talent since he founded the sect, overwhelming those big sects and monk disciples from aristocratic families in the Western Continent.If it wasn't for Xu Miao's actions to save He Qinggu from danger several times, He Qinggu might have been destroyed long ago.

In addition, it was rumored that He Qinggu's Nascent Soul Stage Elder joined He Qinggu and became the Keqing Elder because of Xu Miao's relationship.In just a short breath, the thoughts in the minds of the guarding disciples ordered.

After finally calming down, he returned the token to Xu Miao.After all, Xu Miao is at the Nascent Soul stage, even if this token is real, he cannot be invited to join the sect at will.

Xu Miao didn't make things difficult for him, but just waited quietly.Coming and going, He Qinggu's disciples who came in and out all looked at him curiously, and not long after, quite a few disciples gathered at the gate of the mountain.

Due to Xu Miao's advanced cultivation, these disciples only dared to watch and dare not discuss.Until a ray of light quickly approached the mountain gate, Xu Miao's calm expression finally showed a crack.

The person in this ray of light is none other than Shui Mei.Xu Miao always thought that Shui Mei had already returned to the Eastern Continent, but she didn't expect that the other party would come to He Qinggu and become He Qinggu's guest elder.

The corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled up, revealing a very bright smile, and her eyes were filled with love as she watched the light get closer and closer.Before the light escaped, Xu Miao flew up and hugged Shui Mei in her arms.

Shui Mei also put her arms around Xu Miao's back, buried her head in Xu Miao's chest, and listened to Xu Miao's heartbeat quietly.Xu Miao gently moved her head, and left a kiss on Shui Mei's temple.

The monks following Shui Mei were all stunned—what's going on!Why was Elder Yuan Ying hugged by someone who came here, and even kissed him!Why hasn't the elder resisted yet, with the shy attitude of a little daughter!
Everyone stared dumbfounded at Shui Mei and Xu Miao in the air, feeling that their three views had collapsed.Elder Shuimei was obviously cold and ruthless before, and a Nascent Soul cultivator wanted to marry her, but was directly beaten out by Elder Shuimei.

The state of Elder Shuimei is completely different from that at that time. Could it be that what they saw before was a fake Elder Shuimei, or is it true that the current Elder Shuimei is fake?
Xu Miao let go of Shui Mei, and walked in front of Ye Qiguang and the others: "Disciple Xu Miao pays homage to Master, all elders." Although they are Xu Miao's elders, Xu Miao's cultivation level has already surpassed them, and they are respected by Yuanying monk. Salute, really a little flustered.

Seeing this scene, the nearby monks couldn't close their mouths in surprise.However, Ye Qiguang showed a gratified expression. There is nothing happier than the return of his apprentice Yi Jinrong.

Holding Shui Mei's hand, Xu Miao attended the welcome banquet that He Qinggu temporarily prepared for him.Starting today, He Qinggu not only has one Nascent Soul cultivator, but has become a sect with two Nascent Soul cultivators.

And one of the Nascent Soul cultivators was not Elder Ke Qing, but a true disciple of He Qinggu.The whole Heqing Valley was in a carnival, and even the busy work of packing things was temporarily put on hold.

Numerous spiritual wines and spiritual fruits were taken out from the storeroom, and Xu Miao would not refuse anyone who came, and drank all the spiritual wine toasted.After traveling outside for so long, only He Qinggu is his real home.

This carnival banquet lasted for three days and three nights before it ended, and many monks fell directly under the spirit wine.As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Xu Miao was naturally not affected.

Taking advantage of the end of the banquet, Xu Miao took Shuimei to Ye Qiguang's cave, told him about her experiences in recent years, and decided to form a Taoist couple with Shuimei.

With a smile on his face, Ye Qiguang took out a storage bag as a gift for the two to become Taoist couples, and asked them to step back and talk on their own.After Xu Miao and Shui Mei saluted again, they left.

The two returned to Shui Mei's residence in Heqing Valley, and began to talk about what happened afterwards.After Shui Mei sent Song Siyu back, she didn't want to return to Donglu for a while.She thought of what Xu Miao had told her about her background in He Qinggu, and her worries about the sect.

Therefore, Shui Mei simply came to He Qinggu to protect He Qinggu for Xu Miao.When he came to Heqinggu that day, he didn't explain his relationship with Xu Miao, only that he came to be an elder guest.

At that time, He Qinggu didn't have a Nascent Soul cultivator in command, and felt that there was nothing in the sect worthy of the other party's covetousness, so he agreed.During the period when Shui Mei became the elder of Ke Qing, she really helped He Qinggu solve many problems.

With the help of Shui Mei, He Qinggu's status has steadily improved, and before Xu Miao left Xilu, he also said that several sects would take care of He Qinggu, so no one dared to openly deal with He Qinggu.

Xu Miao looked at the gentle and lovely Shui Mei under the Ye Mingzhu, her heart moved, and she hugged Shui Mei in her arms.Shui Mei leaned softly on Xu Miao's chest, feeling the breath of Xu Miao's man.

Under the illumination of Ye Mingzhu, Xu Miao looked at Shui Mei quietly.He lowered his head slowly, took Shui Mei's red lips in his mouth, and sucked it very gently.Shui Mei didn't resist at all, and stretched out her hand to wrap Xu Miao's neck.

Xu Miao's hand moved to Shui Mei's waist, and when she retracted it forcefully, Shui Mei leaned against Xu Miao's body weakly and bonelessly as if she had lost her strength.Xu Miao's breathing gradually became heavy, and her eyes were burning with desire.

He raised his hand to cover the light of the night pearl, leaving only the moonlight shining in the room, Xu Miao pressed the water charm under her body, and the long and short night began.


When Xu Miao woke up, what she saw was Shui Mei's sleeping peaceful face, and Xu Miao put a soft feather-like kiss on Shui Mei's face.Shui Mei just unconsciously rubbed Xu Miao's hand, without opening her eyes.

Xu Miao held Shui Mei warm for a while, then got up and prepared to pack up the things in the sect with He Qinggu, and prepared to move to the secluded plane.

"Elder Shuimei, Wu Chi from Huyu Sect is here again!" A disciple announced outside the room, Xu Miao frowned, remembering what Shuimei told him last night.

This Wu Chi fell in love with Shui Mei, and asked for marriage many times, and Shui Mei refused many times, but the other party had no intention of giving up at all.

(End of this chapter)

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