Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 462 Want to steal someone?

Chapter 462 Want to steal someone?
The Huyu faction where Wu Chi belongs has a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, which is Wu Chi himself, and two monks in the early stage of Yuanying. The injury has not recovered, so it is impossible to compete with the Huyu faction in terms of combat power.

Wu Chi also grasped this point and forced Shui Mei to agree to form a Taoist couple with him.Before seven days, Wu Chi had brought word that if Shui Mei refused to agree after seven days, some special means would be used.

Today happened to be the eighth day, so it was not surprising that Wu Chi came to the door.In order to increase the momentum, Wu Chi brought along two monks in the early Yuanying stage and a group of Jindan monks in the sect, and prepared to forcibly take Shui Mei away.

The disciples outside the door were sweating anxiously, but Xu Miao just raised her eyebrows.To actually want to snatch Xu Miao's woman from him is really daring.Xu Miao told his disciples calmly: "Since the other party is here, let him wait."

The disciple was at a loss and didn't know the real intention of Xu Miao's order, so he could only pass on the matter.He Qinggu's hospitality monk heard this and knew that he had touched Xu Miao's scales, so he directly rejected Wu Chi from He Qinggu's protective formation.

Xu Miao took out a jade bottle, which contained the healing elixir that Xu Miao worked so hard to search for materials and refine.

"Wu Chi's matter, I'll take care of it, you just take the elixir and adjust your breath." Xu Miao's words also reassured Shui Mei.He knew Xu Miao's strength, and fighting over the next level was as easy as drinking water.

Xu Miao can easily deal with the monks in the remote plane, let alone the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks in Xilu.After Shui Mei obediently took the pill, she closed her eyes and meditated.

The Huoyan spirit demon was summoned by Xu Miao to protect Shuimei.The Huoyan spirit demon also knew the position of Shuimei in Xu Miao's heart, so she didn't dare to have the slightest opinion, so she squatted aside obediently, protecting Shuimei's dharma.

Xu Miao observed Shui Mei's physical condition, and confirmed that the elixir was exerting its effect, and Shui Mei's old wounds and ailments were slowly recovering, so she really felt relieved and stepped outside.

Wu Chi was left on the sidelines by He Qinggu's people for a long time, already impatient, wishing to rush in immediately and snatch Shui Mei away.But he was also worried about the impact on He Qinggu, after all He Qinggu was protected by several large sects.

If you make a rash move, the unlucky one may be the Huyu faction.While Wu Chi was hesitating, his younger brother Lu Ren, one of the Huyu Sect's early Yuanying monks, said in a low voice: "We will not move He Qinggu, only take away Shuimei Zhenjun, and there will not be many late stage monks. say what."

"After all, this True Lord Shui Mei is just a guest. When the time comes, senior brother, you have trained the True Lord Shui Mei. How can she blame you? I'm afraid it's almost as good as pestering you." Lu Ren's eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth showed A very ambiguous smile.

When Wu Chi heard it, he felt it was very reasonable, and nodded repeatedly: "That's right, that woman, Shui Mei, has never been nourished by a man, if—"

When Xu Miao appeared here, she happened to hear what Lu Ren said to Wu Chi.Xu Miao's sense of hearing is so powerful, even if the other party has lowered his voice, he can't hide it from Xu Miao's ears.

Xu Miao looked at Lu Ren and Wu Chi as if she was looking at a dead person. Before Wu Chi finished speaking, Xu Miao had already unleashed a wave of spiritual power, hitting Wu Chi heavily to the ground.

The monks of the Huyu faction obviously didn't notice Xu Miao's sudden appearance, nor did they expect Xu Miao to act directly without saying a word.Seeing that Xu Miao's cultivation was at the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Lu Ren hesitated for a while.

He has inquired about He Qinggu's news very clearly, and there is absolutely no monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.This mid-Yuanying cultivator who suddenly appeared was probably invited by Zhenjun Shuimei at a high price.

Since True Monarch Shuimei can spend money to invite him to come, of course he can also spend money to invite him to come.The more Lu Ren thought about it, the more he felt that he was very witty. He cleared his throat and said, "The matter between the Huyu faction and Heqinggu is very complicated. I advise you not to go into this troubled water."

"I don't know how much spirit stones Zhenjun Shuimei invited you to come here. My Huyu Sect is willing to offer double the spirit stones. I hope you will not interfere with this matter." Lu Ren's tone was full of confidence, and he was sure that Xu Miao would agree. his proposal.

However, Xu Miao didn't even give him a straight look, and also slapped Lu Ren to the ground.The last monk of the early Yuanying stage of the Huyu Sect saw Xu Miao slap him twice, and the fear in his heart continued to increase.

Ordinary early-stage monks are mostly afraid when they see mid-stage monks.Not every monk is like Xu Miao. When he sees a high-ranking monk, he beats him up first.

Wu Chi was caught off guard by Xu Miao, feeling ashamed in front of everyone, quickly stood up, flew back into the air, and glared at him: "What are you! How dare you attack me! Do you know who I am!"

The onlookers, Brother He Qinggu, also changed the way they looked at Wu Chi. They had seen someone courting death, but they had never seen someone courting death like this.Talking nonsense in front of Xu Miao, I really think my life is too long.

Hearing this, Xu Miao raised her eyebrows, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said slowly: "Who are you, I'm not interested in knowing, I know your life, I want it."

Before the words were finished, Xu Miao suddenly disappeared in front of Wu Chi's eyes, and suddenly appeared behind Wu Chi again. When Wu Chi didn't react at all, she clenched her right hand and punched Wu Chi in the back of the heart.

Wu Chi was beaten and rushed to the front, but Xu Miao didn't stop there. He continued to teleport, appeared in front of Wu Chi again, and raised his foot towards Wu Chi's kneecap.

With a "click", Wu Chi's kneecap was immediately broken by Xu Miao's kick.Before Wu Chi could even make a scream, Xu Miao punched him in the head again and fell to the ground again.

Lu Ren and another early-stage Nascent Soul cultivator were completely frightened when they saw Xu Miao's fierce and quick attack, and they dared not move again.They have seen the monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and they have also seen the genius disciples of those large sects.

But there is no mid-level monk who can beat a monk of the same level like a dog like this person in front of him. Wu Chi has no backhand power at all.

Wu Chi was lying face down on the ground, in a dazed state.He was completely stunned by Xu Miao's thunderous attack just now, and almost didn't know who he was and where he was.

It took him a long time to recover, and he encountered a hard stubble.He really wanted to leave here, but at that time, in order to increase his face, he also posted a post, inviting many friends and friends, telling them that today is a good day for him and Shui Mei to form a Taoist couple.

Xu Miao noticed that there were monks in the Nascent Soul stage approaching He Qinggu's location, and the monks in He Qinggu immediately became vigilant.Xu Miao just squinted her eyes halfway, looking at the person coming.

"Yo--Wu Chi, didn't you say that you are going to form a Taoist couple with the stunning beauty Zhenjun Shuimei today, why did you become such a mess!" The monk who spoke was full of gloating, and other monks also made comments one after another. It's all in the tone of adding insult to injury.

Wu Chi felt his face was hot, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in.But this is He Qinggu's territory, there is no crack in the ground, and there is no other place for him to hide. The only way is to defeat the monk in front of him.

After Wu Chi dropped a few pills into his mouth, he stood up and looked at Xu Miao: "I don't want to care about your identity and origin now, as long as you get out of the way, I can give you three times as many spirit stones as Shuimei gave you." you!"

"Besides, your Excellency can occupy the position of the guest elder of the Huyu Sect at any time." Hearing what he said, the monks invited by Wu Chi scolded Wu Chi inwardly. A powerful middle-term monk.

In this way, it can not only solve the current embarrassment, but also enhance the strength of the Huyu faction itself.Wu Chi waited for Xu Miao's answer. He thought the condition was generous enough and would definitely make the person in front of him tempted.

"Who gave you the face and asked you to call Shui Mei by name?" Xu Miao's voice concealed anger, followed by a clearer and louder slap. For this slap, Xu Miao used all her strength to slap her. Several of Wu Chi's teeth were knocked out.

Wu Chi was slapped in the face again and again in public, and he couldn't bear it anymore.Since this person cannot be recruited, then find a way to kill him!Wu Chi jumped up, and the diamond hammer in his hand appeared instantly, and thunder flashed on the diamond hammer, giving people endless coercion.

Xu Miao didn't even frown, and said with disdain: "It's not that I'm targeting you, even if ten of you fight together, they are not my opponent."

"Everyone, as long as you can help me kill this fellow, each person will receive 5 yuan of high-grade spirit stones!" Wu Chi was furious, and directly offered a heavy gift to several Nascent Soul monks, intending to besiege Xu Miao.

5 yuan per person, there are at least seven or eight people here, and it is hard to tell that Wu Chi is still a rich man.Including the monks of the Huyu Sect, there are only a dozen or so people in total. As long as Xu Miao is willing, he can kill them all.

Several monks who were invited to come here did not expect to see such a wonderful scene when they came to watch the ceremony, so they were naturally willing to earn the 5 yuan of high-grade spirit stones. After all, who would think there are too many spirit stones.

But one of the monks, seeing Xu Miao's appearance, obviously hesitated, and asked aloud, "Who is your Excellency?" Is it really Xu Miao?

Xu Miao smiled softly: "When they are dead, you will naturally know who I am." When Xu Miao said this, she raised her finger and pointed to Wu Chi and Lu Ren who were not far away.

One intends to get involved in Shuimei, and the other has a random idea. In Xu Miao's case, both of them have been on Xu Miao's must-kill list.Wu Chi also stopped talking to Xu Miao, roared, raised his diamond hammer and slammed it at Xu Miao.

The power of the diamond hammer was so strong that even the surrounding air became distorted, making harsh sounds.

(End of this chapter)

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